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Overview of Design for Safety (DfS)

and Recent Developments

Pg 1

1. Background
2. DfS Stakeholders & Process
3. DfS Coordinator Course
4. DfS Recognition Scheme
5. DfS: What’s Next?

Pg 2

Pg 3
Impact of Design on Safety

Conceptual Design Highest Impact

Detailed Engineering

Ability to Procurement
Safety Why wait
until here?

Project Schedule

Source: Szymberski, R., “Construction Project Safety Planning” Pg 4

Impact of designing for safety
around the world

Construction Design and

Regulations – HSE (UK)
Design through
Construction Safety –
Directive 92/57/EEC – EU-

1. Safe Design Action

Plan – Safe Work
2. Construction
Hazard Assessment
Implication Review
Pg 5
DfS Key Milestones and Targets

Nov 2008 Jun 2010 Nov 2011 2013 2015

Launch of Guidelines on DfS

for Building and Structures

Roll out of DfS

Coordinator Course
Introduction of DfS
Recognition Scheme

Achieve full adoption of “DfS recognition

scheme” by public developers

DfS concept to be integrated into

pre-employment professional

Pg 6
DfS Stakeholders & Process

Pg 7
DfS Project Team & Stakeholders


Main design DfS
Contractor Coordinator


Pg 8
DfS Project Team & Stakeholders


The client should:

GUIDEDfS Coordinator
• Appoint competent
(certified) and design
Designer to DfS
Contractor Coordinator
the project
• Participate in design review process
• Allocate sufficient time and resources
for the project Designer

Pg 9
DfS Project Team & Stakeholders

What do I do with all the

risks I identified before

The client should: The client should list the

residual risks (post concept
• Appoint competent DfS Coordinator
and detailed design stages)
(certified) and design
Designer toinundertake
the tender
DfS for contractors
review to Coordinator
address during the
the project construction phase.
• Participate in design reviewThe
client should evaluate
and select the competent
• Allocate sufficient time andcontractor
resources who can provide
viable solutions to the
for the project Designer identified risks

Pg 10
DfS Project Team & Stakeholders

The DfS Coordinator role is to:

• Facilitate the process to involve all
stakeholders to review the design and
mitigate the risks;
• Guide the review team;
• Maintain records
Main designissues
of WSH DfS
Contractor Coordinator
arising from the design reviewreview
process and actions taken; and
• Ensure the relevant safety and health
information is passed on to the
contractor for his tendering and work
Pg 11
DfS Project Team & Stakeholders

The DfS Coordinator role is to: Tip: Role of DfS Coordinator

Client can be undertaken by
• Facilitate the process to involve all• an independent individual
stakeholders to review the design andOR
mitigate the risks; • a suitable person within
the project team
• Guide the review team;
• Maintain records
Main designissues
of WSH DfS
arising from the design reviewreview Coordinator
Tip: There can be multiple
process and actions taken; and DfS Coordinators for a
complex project, as long as
• Ensure the relevant safety and healththe handover
information is passed on to the/communication is thorough
contractor for his tendering and workto eliminate loss of
Pg 12
DfS Project Team & Stakeholders

The designer should:

• Assess the design with the team so as to
review the foreseeable WSH risks arising
from the design;
• Design out the hazards as far as
GUIDE Where hazards
reasonably practicable.
Main design DfS
cannot be
Contractor eliminated, the resultant risks
should be reduced
process by proposing
alternative solutions with residual risks
being recorded.


Pg 13
DfS Project Team & Stakeholders

The main
Clientcontractor should:

• ensure that sub-contractors and other

designers are competent
• include the designers for temporary
works, specialist designers, etc. in
the design DfS
design reviewCoordinator
process prior to
commencement of works
• ensure that all sub-contractors are
provided with the required
information to enable them to carry
out the works safely

Pg 14
GUIDE Design Review Process

Pg 15
GUIDE Design Review Process

• GUIDE refers to the DfS design review process that

is carried out from concept design to construction of
a project

• GUIDE is performed iteratively throughout the


• There are 3 key project stages for GUIDE also known

as GUIDE 1, 2 and 3
Tip: Conduct GUIDE as part
of your regular design

Pg 16
To GUIDE is to…

G Group together a review team consisting of major stakeholders.

Understand the full design concept by looking at the drawings and

U calculations, or have the designers elaborate on the design.

Identify the risks that arise as a result of the design or construction

I method. The risks should be recorded and analysed to see if they
can be eliminated by changing the design.

Design around the risks identified to eliminate or to mitigate the

D risks.

Enter all the information including vital design change information

E affecting safety and health or remaining risks to be mitigated into the
Safety and Health Risk Register (SHRR).

Pg 17
GUIDE Design Review Process

Concept design reviews
should look at general location of
the project, traffic and vehicular
flow in the surroundings, type of
building, and other general

Detailed design,
maintenance and repair
reviews should look at the
GUIDE 3 detailed architectural and
structural design. The review
Pre-construction design
should also determine the
reviews should examine
risks involved in the
temporary works design and
construction methods, the
design by specialist
access and egress, whether
contractors not covered
the design will create confined
during the concept and
space or other hazards. The
detailed design phases.
risks related to maintenance
and repair of the building,
such as the cleaning
methods, should also be

Pg 18
Safety and Health Risk Register

• The SHRR should contain

– Records of all GUIDEs conducted and records of the
resultant changes or risks to be mitigated.
– Relevant safety and health information that the contractor
and the client should take note of.
– Construction method advisory notes by the designers as
guidance notes to the contractor for building and demolition
in the future.
– Maintenance method advisory notes by the designer and/or
contractor as guidance notes to the owner.
– Safe Operating Procedures for use and maintenance of
equipment / machinery of the completed building e.g.
gondolas, scissor lifts, etc.
Pg 19
Safety and Health Risk Register

• The SHRR should contain Do you throw away the

SHRR after the building is
– Records of all GUIDEs conductedcompleted?
and records of the
resultant changes or risks to be mitigated.
– Relevant safety and health information
No. that the contractor
and the client should take note of. • The client/occupier keeps
it for the lifetime of the
– Construction method advisory notes building
by the designers as
• When there
guidance notes to the contractor for building are A&A works
and demolition
in the future. / design changes /
deviation from intended
– Maintenance method advisory notes by theyou
use, designer
need toand/or
contractor as guidance notes to the owner.
DfS and update the SHRR
– Safe Operating Procedures for use and maintenance of
equipment / machinery of the completed building e.g.
gondolas, scissor lifts, etc.
Pg 20
DfS Coordinator Course

Pg 21
DfS Coordinator Course

• Targets building professionals, specifically architects,

engineers, project managers, quantity surveyors

• Criteria for entry:

1. A total of 10 years of both design-related activities and
construction experience in any combination;
2. Have academic qualifications recognised by PEB, BOA
relevant construction related academic degree acceptable by
recognised construction-related institutions, e.g. SISV; and
3. Have safety and health experience (especially risk
Pg 22
DfS Coordinator Course

• Accredited Training Providers include

Association of Consulting Engineers Singapore (ACES)
– BCA• Academy (BCAA)
Next DfS Coordinator class by
– Singapore from August
Contractor 30-31
Association 2012 (SCAL)
– Singapore Institutefrom September
of Architects (SIA) 14-15 2012
‒ SCAL from November 29-30 2012
– The Institution of Engineers Singapore (IES)

• New 1 day DfS Appreciation Workshop by

• Listing of on August
certified DfS 16 2012 (No restriction
Coordinators available on

Pg 23
DfS Recognition Scheme

Pg 24
What is DfS Recognition
• Scheme to recognise specific projects and their DfS
team (Developer, Designer, Contractor, DfS Coordinator, etc ) for
implementing a proper design review process, leading
to reasonable reduction of significant risk at the design

• Consist of:

Pg 25
What are we looking for?

Focus on
Building / structure design which
had addressed critical risk

Focus on
Building / structure design which
had utilised exemplary design
measures to address critical risk

Pg 26
DfS Recognition Summary
Developer applies
Developer appoints for DfS Mark during DfS Mark awarded
certified DfS WSH Awards period for score of 50%
Coordinator (Jan to Mar) and above

GUIDE 1, 2, 3 Evaluation of
completed (post submitted report
tender award with including GUIDE
contractors 1,2,3, based on DfS
providing solutions Mark assessment
to identified risks requirements

Developer applies awarded DfS Mark
for DfS Award and obtain score of
DfS Award during WSH 70% and above will
awarded based on Awards period (Jan qualify for DfS
panel evaluation to Mar) Award

Evaluation of report, Temporary

SHRR and other Occupation Permit
documents based on (TOP) obtained.
DfS Award assessment
requirements. SHRR handed over
to client.
Project presentation to
panel. Pg 27
DfS Recognition Summary
Developer applies
Developer appoints for DfS Mark during DfS Mark awarded
certified DfS WSH Awards period for score of 50%
Coordinator (Jan to Mar) and above

GUIDE 1, 2, 3 Evaluation of
completed (post submitted report
tender award with including GUIDE
Application details, self assessment and
providing solutions
1,2,3, based on DfS
Mark assessment
scoring are provided at
to identified risks requirements

Developer applies awarded DfS Mark
for DfS Award and obtain score of
DfS Award during WSH 70% and above will
awarded based on Awards period (Jan qualify for DfS
panel evaluation to Mar) Award

Evaluation of report, Temporary

SHRR and other Occupation Permit
documents based on (TOP) obtained.
DfS Award assessment
requirements. SHRR handed over
to client.
Project presentation to
panel. Pg 28
DfS: what’s next?

Pg 29
DfS Awareness Talk (2012)

18 Jan: WDA and consultants for CET campuses

15 Feb: Keppel Land
30 Mar: CapitaLand
20 Apr: JTC
15 Jun: Open to public
22 Jun: Ong & Ong
6 Jul: ACCH&S meeting for Keppel Land consultants &
11 Jul: City Development Ltd (5 Star Audit Seminar)

20 Jul: Frasers Centrepoint

27 Jul: NEA

Pg 30
2012 Industry Events with focus on DfS

10 May: REDAS Construction Safety Seminar

4 – 5 Jun: BCAA – iOSH International Conference in WSH

for the Construction Industry

12 Jul: SCAL Construction Safety Seminar

10 – 11 Sep: CIB W099 International Conference on

Construction Safety

Pg 31
2008 2010 2011 2012 2013 2015

DfS Survey (Mayon–DfS
of Guidelines for 2012)
Building and Structures
• Online survey targeted at DfS stakeholdrers
(clients, designers, consultants, contractors,
Roll out of DfS
etc) Coordinator Course
• To understand the state of DfS at present in
industry Introduction of DfS Recognition
• To collect feedback to pave the way forward
for DfS
Achieve full adoption of “DfS recognition scheme” by
public developers
DfS Focus Group (post survey)
• Dialogue with industry to validate the DfS concept to be integrated into pre-
employment professional courses
findings and provide further ideation from
stakeholders (e.g. preparation for

Pg 32

Pg 33

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