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N a m e : Sylvan Syaefatul Wildan

NIM : 201811092
Class : D3 Semester 4 STIKes Panti Rapih Class B
Date : May 22, 2020

Section 1 (Listening) Part 1 (score 88)

Instruction: Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) A, B, C, or D
Listen to case 1 (No. 1 – 3) 9.According to the patient, what is his mental condition like?
1. The casualty is sent to ……… A. very well
A. an emergency room B. very sick
B. an ambulance. C. good enough
C. an out-patient clinic. D. not very well
D. in patent clinic. Listen to case 4 (No. 10 & 11)
2. What is the doctor’s diagnosis? He has……… 10. From the explanation on procedure, we
A. a sprained ankle in his right leg. know that the patient has a problem
B. fractures in his right leg. with his….
C. fractures in his left leg. A. rectum
D. a sprained ankle in his left leg. B. thorax
3. What is his mental condition like? C. abdomen
A. anxious D. respiration
B. unconscious 11. The clinical investigation is held in the…
C. nervous A. radiological unit
D. conscious B. physiotherapy unit
Listen to case 2 (No. 4 – 6) C. operation unit
4. The nurse asks the patient to take off his…. D. examination unit
A. shoes Listen to case 5 (No. 12 & 13)
B. trousers 12. The nurse is checking…..

C. handkerchief A. the physical condition

D. top things B. the vital sign
5. The nurse orders the patient to stand C. the visual acuity
straight up and ………as far as he can. D. the range of motion
A. bend down 13. The nurse’s expression shows she is….
B. hands up A. doing the nursing intervention
C. slip his leg B. evaluating the intervention
D. limit the movement C. carrying out the nursing
6. The patient said that he….. implementation
A. could straighten up easily D. explaining thenursing
B. couldn’t stand up easily procedures
C. couldn’t straighten up easily Listen to case 6 (No. 14 & 15)
D. could stand up easily 14. From the conversation, we know that
Listen to case 3 (No. 7 – 9) nurse has just finished checking…….
7. The patient has to undergo a/an……. A. the blood pressure
A. mantoux test B. the pulse rate
B. complete blood count C. the respiratory rate
C. allergy test D. the temperature
D. bloody feces test 15. What is the patient’s temperature?
8. The nurse asks the patient to……. A. 35.8’C
A. Stand up B. 85.3’F
B. Sit down straight up C. 38.5’C
C. Lie down here D. 58.5’F
D. Lie down with face downwards
Listen to case 7 (No. 16 – 18) 21. The medication given is…..
16. What is the patient’s problem? A. antipyretic
A. nausea and vomit B. anticoaguolant
B. sprain C. analgesics
C. stomachache D. antidepressants
D. dizziness Listen to case 9 (No. 22)
17. The patient’s complaint is related to ……. 22. Which of the following illustrations
A. consumption matches the instructions?
B. avulsion A

C. elimination
D. digestion
18. The patient has to limit the consumption of…..
A. vegetable
B. calorie
C. protein
D. fat
Listen to case 8 (No. 19 – 21)
19. What is the nurse doing?
A. explaining the prescription
B. explaining the medication
C. writing the prescription
D. explaining the procedure
20. How often does the patient have to take the medicine?
A. twice a day
B. two after meal
C. two every night
D. two every six hours

Section 1(Listening) Part 2 (score 12)

1. Complain 8. Pressure
2. Clinch 9. Carbohydrate
3. Raesi 10. Intravenous
4. 11. Contraindication
5. Expetorate 12. Injection
6. Thermometer 13. Medicine
7. Centigrade

Section 2 Part 1 (Vocabulary)

Instruction: Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) A, B, C, or D
1. A patient suffers from painful water works. He may have a ………..problem.
A. stool C. digestion
B. kidney D. bowel
2. Dr. Jones is performing a surgery on a patient. He is in the operating………..
A. theater C. department
B. ward D. place
3. After the operation, the patient still has to stay in the hospital for further…….
A. information C. treatment
B. diagnosis D. admission
4. A patient had a severe attack of central chest pain which lasted for ten minutes. He was diagnosed with ….
A. angina C. diabetes
B. bradycardia D. dehydration
5. Before a patient is hospitalized, he has to fill out an ……….form.
A. assessment C. agreement
B. application D. admission
6. Mrs. Brown has been in a supine position for ten minutes. She is now lying ……….
A. face down C. side ways
B. on her back D. in a prone position
7. Mr. Ali is suffering from Parkinson’s disease. His condition is getting worse. Whenever he walks, he is likely
to fall over. He really lost his………
A. confidence C. balance
B. conscience D. impatience
8. His arms are so ….. that it is hard for him to do things. The physiotherapist is massaging his muscles now.
A. relaxed C. strong
B. stiff D. warm
9. Many patients need ……..repositioning because of injury or disease.
A. assistance with C. devices with
B. alignment D. procedures
10. Crutches can be the ……..devices used to help a patient walk until her legs are strong enough.
A. therapeutic C. preventive
B. healthy D. obtainable
11. Basically, changing position will provide ……..for the patient when lying in bed.
A. support C. comfort
B. effort D. discomfort
12. A nurse is giving a patient a bed bath. She wants the patient to lie on his back. This position is known as….
A. prone C. sideways
B. sins position D. supine
13. The patient is suffering from .... It’s a kind of wound on the skin as a result of unchanged position for long.
A. decubitus C. a fever
B. a wound D. measles
14. Mr. Stanford has to experience a complete blood count. For this purpose, the nurse will take the blood…..
A. thrombosis C. pressure
B. example D. sample
15. The patient should …….his top things because the doctor wanted to see him standing and examine spinal
A. call off C. slip off
B. turn off D. throw off
Section 2 Part 2 (Useful Expression)
Instruction: Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) A, B, C, or D
1. Nurse:” To provide comfort for your body, I need to change your position”.
Patient:” Ok”.
Nurse:” ………………….”.
A. Let me help you change your position. C. Let me do it myself.
B. Let’s change the patient’s position. D. Let’s do the correct position.
2. Patient:” I need help for bathing”.
All the following expressions are appropriate to help for bathing, EXCEPT
A. Ok, Now, let me help you bedside bathing. C. Let me provide everything you need for bathing.
B. It seems that you need help for bathing. D. Why don’t you go to the bathroom?
3. Nurse:” Excuse me Mr. Stanford. I need to take your blood sample for a lab test”.
Patient:” Ok”.
Nurse:”……………and give me your right hand, please”.
A. Please roll up your right sleeve. C. Roll over yourself, please!
B. Would you roll up your dress? D. Now, roll yourself into prone position.
4. All the following expressions are true about vital sign assessment, EXCEPT
Patient:” Ok”.
A. I need to check your blood sample. C. Let me count your pulse.
B. Let me take your blood sample. D. Put this thermometer under your tongue.
5. Nurse:”………………………….”
Patient:” I was born on September twenty first, nineteen seventy five”.
A. What year were you born? C. Tell me, were you born in September?
B. Your date of birth, please? D. Can you write when you were born?
6. Nurse:”…………………………..”.
Patient:”Dr. Mary Chapman refers me to this hospital”.
A. Who brings this referral letter? C. Who is your family doctor?
B. Who is your GP? D. Who sends you to this hospital?
7. Nurse:” I need to check how strong your fists are. Now ……………………….”.
Patient:” Like this?”
Nurse:” OK, that’s fine”.
A. I want to see you clenching your fists. C. Let me see your fists.
B. How strong are your fists? D. Can you show me your fists.
8. Nurse:” I want to see you ………….. as far as you can. Try to reach your toe with your finger tip”.
Patient:” Ouch, it’s painful on my back”.
A. bending down C. bending your arms
B. flexing your back D. flexing your finger
9. Patient:” Nurse, what is my blood pressure?”
Nurse: “…………………………………………………..”
A. It is one hundred and twenty per eighty. C. It is one hundred and twenty on eighty.
B. It is one hundred and twenty over eighty D. It is eighty under one hundred and twenty
10. Patient:” …………………………………………………”.
Nurse:” You weigh 67 kilograms.
A. How do you weigh yourself? C. How do I weigh?
B. What is the weight? D. How much do I weigh?
11. Nurse:”……………………………………………………”.
Patient:” I’m sorry, nurse. I think I am full and I feel nausea. I cannot eat it up”.
A. Why don’t you eat up your meal? C. I think you have enough portion for your meal.
B. Have a nice meal. D. Enjoy your meal.
12. Patient:” Nurse, why am I not allowed to consume salty foods?”
Nurse:” ………………………………………………….”.
The following responses are correct, EXCEPT
A. It will worsen your condition. C. It will increase the salt level in your body.
B. It increases your blood pressure. D. It may harm your body.
13. Nurse:” Now, it’s time for you to practice crutch walking. ……………………….”.
Patient: “ Ok, nurse”.
A. Let me give an example how to use them. C. Where are the crutches?.
B. Do you know what crutches are? D. Here are your crutches!
14. Patient:” Nurse, I have skin rashes after taking this pill”.
A. Just stop where you are. C. Just stop taking it.
B. Let’s stop it. D. I will stop taking it.
15. Nurse:” You are suffering from constipation.”.
Patient:” What should I do, nurse?”
A. You need to restrict vegetables in your diet. C. Avoid green leafy vegetables.
B. You’d better consume more vegetables. D. Vegetables are better than fried foods.

Section 2 Part 3 (Reading Comprehension)

Instruction: Read the following passages and answer the questions based on the respective passage by crossing (X)
A, B, C, or D.

Mr. Jameson got a minor fracture in his right leg. He has got a treatment from an orthopedist and has been
hospitalized for two weeks. He needs to use crutches to walk. A nurse will help him practice using three-point gait
crutch walking for his case. After making sure to get the right length of the crutches, the nurse gives him an
example how to walk with three-point gait. She asks him to repeat the same procedure.
1. What is Mr. Jameson’s case?
A. He has got a fracture in his right arm. C. He has got a broken left leg.
B. He has got a broken right leg. D. He has got a minor fracture in his right hand.
2. In three-point gate crutch walking …………….
A. You move the two crutches forward together with the affected leg.
B. Both crutches are moved forward with the unaffected leg.
C. You move forward the right crutch, then left foot, and so on.
D. Swing both extremities, then the two crutches.
3. Mr. Jameson is under the treatment of …….
A. a specialist in bones. C. an orthopedic ward
B. an oncologist. D. a neurologist.
Mr. Rodney will have some investigations done to find out exactly what causes his problem. It is a complete blood
count. For this purpose, the nurse needs to take his blood specimen and tells him to lie down on the couch on his
back. After the procedures, he will have another test. The nurse will have him have a barium meal in the x-ray
department. The test is to help the doctor get a picture of the inside of his gullet and stomach so that the cause of
the pain there can be found. He will drink some liquid and the doctor will take a picture as the liquid goes down.
4. Mr. Rodney has a pain in his……..
A. bowel and intestines C. esophagus and stomach
B. chest and lungs D. throat and stomach
5. The patient will have a barium meal before……….
A. blood count test C. the x-ray test
B. the gullet test D. stomach test
6. What’s the purpose of the test?
A. To know the cause of the pain C. to get the picture of the stomach
B. To get the symptom of the pain D. to know the picture
7. The nurse explains the procedures ……..the intervention.
A. to let the doctor know C. to give the patient treatment
B. to give the doctor a knowledge of D. to let the patient understand
8. The disease that the patient is like to have is …….
A. tuberculosis C. asthma
B. bronchitis D. gastritis
9. The word specimen in line 2 is closest in meaning to…
A. example C. experiment
B. sample D. treatment
10. The word him in line 2 refers to….
A. the nurse C. Mr. Rodney
B. the doctor D. a patient
Section 3 (Writing)
Instruction: Translate the following sentences into English. Use the words provided.
1. Apa pekerjaan Anda? (occupation)
What you occupation?
2. Kapan Anda dilahirkan? (born)
When you where born?
3. Putar kepala Anda ke kiri, Ya begitu, lalu ke kanan. (turn)
Turn your head to the left, i see, then right.
4. Apakah Anda merasa sakit ketika melakukan gerakan tqdi? (painful)
Do you feel painful when doing these movements?
5. Saya akan mengubah posisi Anda dari terlentang ke posisi miring.(change)
I Will change your position from supine to sloping
6. Saya perlu menimbang berat badan Anda? (weigh)
I need to weigh your weight?
7. Berapa tekanan darah saya, suster? (What)
What is my blood pressure, nurse?
8. Sebaiknya Anda membatasi konsumsi makanan yang digoreng. (fried foods)
You should limit consumption of fried foods
9. Silakan minum antibiotic ini 3 kali per hari setelah makan (take)
Please take this antibiotic 3 Times per day after eating
10. Maaf Bpk. Setyo, Sekarang waktunya berlatih berjalan menggunakan kruk (practice)
Sorry Mr. Setyo, now it's time to practice walking using crutches

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