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FEED] Heat and Mass Transfer or tt Instn) mk xe (t, — &) inal) ‘This expression ii identical othe heat flow equation through a hollow cylinder of length Substituting the given data in the above expression, we have 9 = 29X04 x 0.06(330 — 685) 1n(0.45/0.09) Percentage change in heat flow rate 49.25 - 25.45 e495 2.7. HEAT CONDUCTION THROUGH HOLLOW AND COMPOSITE SPHERES 2.7.1, HEAT CONDUCTION THROUGH HOLLOW SPHERE Case I. Uniform conductivity : Refer Fig. 2.76. Consider a hollow sphere made of material having constant thermal conduc- tivity, Ai) 25.45W =04832 or 48.32% — (Ans.) Heat flows rail oCiaande | Hollow sphere (y-n) acs Let, rye fy = Inner and outer radii, {fy fy = Temperatures of inner and outer surfaces, and k = Constant thermal conductivity of the material with the given tempera tute range, ‘The general heat conduction equation in spherical coordinates is given as follows. 42(¢ *). (sine 2) iz (Eqn. 231) One Dimension at For steady state (= = } unidirectional hea flow in the radial direction (## (8, @)} and with no heat generation (q, = 0), the above equation reduces to 414i) 9 als) aw t(rA)-0 os or, r & = (constant) (2.72) Integrating the above oqunon, wo oan ’ < +G 2.73) (where C, = a constant of integration) Using the following boundary conditions, we have Aur li) “i and, Gent Ga Substituting the values ofthese constants in eqn, (2.73), we get po anny, oan =") n=") raln= Wn) (=) tay Oo) | 4 on ql walt (274) fey Urathy oF, h-4 In—-ln fees (ee or, hor [m= | Dimensionless form) (2.75) From the eqn. (2.75) itis evident thatthe temperature distribution associated with radial conduc tion through a sphere is represented by a hyperbola. Determination of conduction heat transfer rate, Q ‘The conduction heat transfer rate is determined by using the temperature distribution expression {Eqn (2.75)] in conjuction with Fourie’s equation as follows om! Spear tad Gna + dr FEED Heat and Mass Transfer Gist Ark =b)ne a=) nD (on) an /aRkR “ar Ry = —4nk ore atkn r 17)/4n ker, ris the thermal resistance (R,,) for heat conduction through a hollow (2.76) where the term (7, sphere Alternative method Refer Fig. 2.76. Consider a small element of thickness drat any radius r ‘Area through which the heat is transmitted, A = 4? 2 at O=-kane Rearranging and integrating the above equation, we obtain o [P= ane [ta = 4k? = -4mk (ty -4) D = ank(t,—t) in on oa tteintimh) ink (27) Gn) (=n) anki, Case HL Variable conductivity : A. Temperature variation in terms of surface temperatures, t, ty Ry adapting the similar procedure as was followed in ease of a hollow eylinder, we would obtain the following expressions for the rate of heat transfer (Q) and temperature variation in a hollow sphere in terms of surface temperatures (1,4) = ett Beem |a-m) a7) 1 ron) (% » 9]? raglan -(2)(2}e-t0-a+ poy] - (2.79) B. Temperature variation in terms of heat flux (Q): By using the same approach as was adopted in case of hollow cylinder, we would obtain the following expression 1y_ @ 11 1)” olfg 1) -@ ft (' 8) “Be ale ‘I ee) Logarithmic mean area for the hollow sphere ‘Adopting the same concept as wsed for hollow ender, we an write __h-h) “a ean) 4nkin =) pine vot 7a) (ia) ‘Aq 18 30 chosen tha the heat flow through cylinder amd plane wall willbe equal forthe sume thermal potential Qapnere = Qpiane wait (=m) anki h or, Gnkin kA, on Ay=4nrry of, AR = (4m)? = ren?) x (4) on Aa AXA or, A [A; Ag (2.81) Further, Ay = 4m 2 = 4907 Fy ‘A combined cycle power plant. In power plants heat and mass transfer plays important roe. FEED Heat and Mass Transfer or, re= Vi (where r,,= logarithmic mean radius of hollow sphere). 2.7.2. HEAT CONDUCTION THROUGH A COMPOSITE SPHERE Considering Fig. 2.77 as cross-section of a composite sphere, the heat flow equation can be written as follows a Athy h—b) _ Athy lbh) = hy ARE ty 4) ee a G-n) = hy ARE (= ty) By rearranging the above equation we have “ io) iit) Av) Fig. 2.77. Steady state conduction through a composite sphere. Adding (i), (i, (ii), and (iv), we get | + 6 AR igen ketin ken hyn (282) If there are n concentric spheres then the above equation can be written as follows Ec = —_*rlty tg) (2.83) [ Feb ] Ig ee Kehetnen | hy teeny If inside and outside heat transfer coefficients are not considered, then the above equation can si] Example 2.61.A spherical shaped vessel of 1.4 m diameter is 90 mm thick. Find the rate of heat leakage, if the temperature difference between the inner and outer surfaces is 220°C. Thermal conductivity of the material of the sphere is 0.083 W/m°C. Solution. Refer to Fig. 2.78, 1 Spherital shaped vessel 2.84) 14 Ta. =o. 07-2 =0sim i000 20°C; 0.083 Wine ‘Themtcofheattansercakageisiven — by Oo» , oor 2) ae Th (2.76) 220 07-06, [faxtotesreor| = 1088.67 W ig. 278 ie, Rateo heat leakage = 1088.67 W (ans) Example 2.62. spherical hin walled metallic container is used to store liquid N,, at ~ 196° C. The container has a diameter of 0.5 m and is covered with an evacuated reflective insulation composed of silica powder. The insulation is 25 mm thick and its outer layer is exposed to air at 27°C. The convective heat transfer coefficient on outer surface = 20 W/m? C. Latent heat of ‘evaporation of N, = 2 x 10° kg. Density of N, = 804 kg/m’. k (silica powder) = 0.0017 Wim°C. Find out the rote of heat transfor and rate of N, boil-off (N11, 1998) 25m; Solution. Given: t,=—196°C;1,= 27°C: 5 2 ry = r,+0.025=0.25 +0.025=0.275 m; EEZE Heat and Mass Transfer hy =20Wim®C; hg, Insulation 10° J/kg; Px, = 804 kg/m?; aR eew9 k =0.0017 Wine. : Rate ofheat transfer, 0 ‘The heat flow is given by (ti~ ta a (y=) Liquid 2 T RX U.OUITXU.29 X0219 "20x 4x x 0.275 epee ' a rj 25 mm = 23 siw 022 + 0.0526 ‘The - ve sign indicates that the heat flows in my, X lig = 131 1B en Fig. 279. or x 3600 kg/h = 0.2358kg/h (Ans.) 2x10 Example 2.63. Determine the rate of heat flow through a spherical boiler wall which is 2 m in diameter and 2m thick steel (k = 58 Wim K). The outside surface of boiler wall is covered with asbestos (k = 0.116 Wim K) 5mm thick. The temperature of outer surface and that of fluid inside are 50°C and 300°C respectively. Take inner film resistance as 0.0023 K/W. _ (N.U.Summer, 2000) Sol n= Zim; n=14+ > =1.02m; k,=58 Win K; pe peim 7 k,=58 Wim K; 1.02 + 0.005 = 0.025m Spherical vessels. One Dimension Q = hy A, (i, 1) a heat flows from fluid to inner surface by convection only. nA where, —— isinner film resistance. Steel (&,= 58 Wim K) Insulation (Asbestos) (k= 0.116 Wim K) + in) WA ankyrin atkgrn 00073 + oF Hy Aq nx 58x 1.0X1.02 ” 4m x 0.116 x 1.02 x 1.025 = 44581 W = 4.581kW (Ans. © 0.0023 + 2.6902 x 10-* + 0.0032808 Example 2.64. A spherical container having outer diameter 500 mm is insulated by 100 mm thick layer of material with thermal conductivity k = 0.03 (1 + 0.006 1) Wim°C, where tis in °C. If the surface temperature of sphere is ~ 200°C and temperature of outer surface és 30°C, determine the heat flow in. Solution. Refer to Fig. 2.81 Given 17, = 250mm=0.25m, r,=250+ 100=350 mm=0:35m k = 0.03(1+0.0060) Heat flow, at Ce (n= hi) Sithy fits where, oval + o.00o{=220*22)] - oors7 wimec EYE Heat and Mass Transfer |p Spherical container Insulation [0.03 (1 + 0.0061) 200) (0.35 - 0.25) [iexaoiirsoasx038 Example 2.65. The inside and outside surfaces of a hollow sphere of radii rand r, are main- tained at 1, and t, respectively. The thermal conductivity of sphere material varies with temperature «as given below : . k =k, (1+ar+ Be) Derive an expression for total heat flow rate through the sphere. @L,,2001) Solution, Considering steady state conduction through a hollow sphere r= r and of thickness ar ar weean write Q 37.17W_ (Ans.) ‘Substituting the given value of kin the above equa : tion, we get Q=-Ky(l + a+ Br?)x 4m Q yar 2 » Bx Fan ty 4 a8 + BP) Integrating the above equation in the given range, we get ‘ 2 fitea nny [Fara epe rial & Po Presper no aT allel = we -tots- nfl Sayre) Beenie | _4nin a , 2 Go o- xtoti- [+ S6¢2) + 8a + ht hy | Required expression (Ans.) Example 2.66. The inside and outside surfaces of@ hollow sphere, having inner and outer radii rand ry respectively, are maintained at uniform temperatures t, and ty Find the rate of heat transfer through the sphere ifthe conductivity of the material of which the sphere is made varies according to relation : RRA RH) t)) Solution. Fourier’s equation for unidirectional steady state heat conduction is given as: “ where A=4 nr? (area normal to radial direction). Now, by substituting the values of A and k in eqn. (i), we get, at = =k + (by ~ KC = 4) ty = NX Are ar or, oF 4h, + (ky ky) (CE = Mt ada dt (a- 4), Integrating both sides, we get ax fl [a (ek; Furnace, FREES. Heat and Mass Transfer aS es] ky = -4n(t, = 4) [a+ = -4n(t,- ath) AR (t of 2 cn tnin( YS) peed pio tm Nusselt number is equal to 2. (M.U., 2002) The leat flow by couduction duougl a spliere is ‘given by Sphere f-h hob Ra=R_ Ry cond 4RkRR, ‘The heat conducted at r= R, is further convected to the surrounding air and itis given by Q 4nRoh where Rycoog 20 Ryycopy, fe Conduction and convec- tion resistances respectively. Ry cont = eof aR Now the surrounding fluid will be considered a spherical shell of radius r and infinite outside radius. If we neglect the motion of the fluid, the only mechanism of heat transfer will be conduction through the small sphere and the resistance of this shell to heat flow [by substituting R, = rand Ry Jinega. (0), willbe Rey - cond = =) aa ‘The heat flow is also given by introducing has One Dimension “in 4nrk 4nrh or, 4nrh=4nrk oF nok ak aaa Md, F we ML smn Neo * Nu=2 (Ans) Example 2.68. A Cylindrical tank of 1.0 m diameter and 5 m total length has hemispherical ‘ends. It contains liquid oxygen which has boiling point and heat of vaporisation ~180°C and 210 -kifkg respectively. It is required to insulate the tank so as to reduce the boil-off rate of oxygen in steady state to 14 ke/h. Determine the thermal conductivity of the insulating material if its maximum thickness is limited 10 70 mm. Assume room temperature outside the insulation as 25°C. Solution. Refer to Fig. 2.84. [— Cylindrical tank -— Hemispherical end Insulation (A) Boil-off rate of liquid oxyger Heat of vaporisation of liquid oxygen, fy, = 210 kI/kg ‘Thermal conductivity of insulating material, k: For the eylindrical section of the tank, FEED Heat and Mass Transfer = =1) Qo REGIA) ORL eri) I (= 1) = SEP 0. @ For the hemispherical ends, on (- Equating expressions (and (ii), we have In(as Jn) ame * Ot Geen Om Inguin) , 4m rs DRRL (=n) 2 arin Mn) or, x Qoy- (n= WL Sat Also oy. Qty = Oss = 14 210= 2940 2mm!) + Minne!) 9 = 2940 oe Ooy + LET Oy 2n nin In) ] 1+ 21ein/n)| _ 2649 2940 oo o.= Fe nntaT 14 2 ING) Ge ‘The air fuel tanker as shown above while flying. The temperatures at which they operate plays an ‘important role in designing. Also, (057 -05)x4 = 2320.9 fm = 232081000 w _ 44.69 3600 From expression (9), we have _ inlA) * deta, 1)“ Oo" 100.5705) 644.69 = 0.0164 W/m°C (Ans.) © 2nx 4125 — 180)] Example 2.69. A cylindrical tank with hemispherical ends is used to store liquid oxygen at 183° C. The diameter ofthe tank is 1.5 m and the total length is 8 m. The tank i covered with a 10 em thick layer of insulation. Determine the thermal conductivity of the insulation, so that the boil-off rate does not exceed 10.8 kg/h. The latent heat of vapourisation of liquid oxygen is 214 ki/Kg. Assume that the outer surface temperature of the insulation is 27°C and that the thermal resistance of the wall of the tank is negligible. Solution. Heat generated during boiling of oxygen, yay = 108 x 214= 2311.2KIta Let 1, be the room temperature outside of insulation and 1, be the temperature of liquid oxygen inside the tank. For the cylindrical section of the tank, ky lo ~ 4) Got Tain) Instn) on (= 1) = FE x0 Ik Lay boy od) f= For he wo sphercalends, Qa ™ 5 —caege ay = Ark ot) (y- A) on, (= ~ Gaby oe «i 1m eqns. (7) and (i), we get I Ly am Infra een Now Oops + Qcus = Ope = 2311-2 2m mx Inn) 06, Og + MBM 9, = 2311.2 ec Cara (iii EYE Heat and Mass Transfer From the given geometry of the tank, LS 75m; r,=0.75+0.10=04 2 Substitting the values inegn (i), we get 2311.2 2311.2 Som ROE] 1+ 0.2455 (0.85 - 0.75) x 6.5 = 1855.6 kh Now, from eqn. (9, we have 15.44.05 In(r/n) 1n(0.85/0.75) (=a 8" BT C183) 2R OS = 71922% 10? Wim K Hence, the thermal conductivity of the insulation, k= 752 x 10° Wim K. (Ans) 2.8. CRITICAL THICKNESS OF INSULATION 2.8.1. INSULATION-GENERAL ASPECTS Definition. A material which retards the flow of heat with reasonable effectiveness is known as “Insulation”. Insulation serves the following two purposes = (It prevents the heat flow from the system to the surroundings; (i) Te prevents the heat flow from the surroundings to the system. Applications: ‘The fields of application of insulations are x 515.44 (Boilers and steam pipes; (i Airconditioning systems; (iii) Food preserving stores and refrigerators; Gv) Insulating bricks (employed in various types of furnaces): (9) Preservation of liquid gases etc. Factors affecting thermal conductivity : ‘Some of the important factors which affect thermal conductivity (k) ofthe insulators (the value of k should be always low to reduce the rate of heat flow) ate as follows 1. Temperature. For most of the insulating materials, the value of k increases with increase in temperature. 2 Density. There is no mathematical relationship between kand p (density). The common understanding that high density insulating materials will have higher values of k is not always true, 3. Direction of heat flow. For most of the insulating materials (except few like wood) the effect of direction of heat flow on the values of kis negligible. 4, Moisture. Ivis always considered necessary to prevent ingress of moisture in the insu- lating materials, during service. iti, however, difficult to find the effect of moisture on the values of & of different insulating materials. Air pressure. 1has been found that the value oF k decreases with decrease in pressure. Convection in insulators. The value of k increases due to the phenomenon of convection in insulators

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