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Government of Inia 20™ LIVESTOCK CENSUS -2019 ALL INDIA REPORT MINISTRY OF FISHERIES, ANIMAL HUSBANDRY & DAIRYING DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY & DAIRYING ANIMAL HUSBANDRY STATISTICS DIVISION KRISHI BHAWAN, NEW DELHI : aera, Tema ye Sal fers fie AIA WROTE GIRIRAJ SINGH MINISTER FOR FISHERIES, ANIMAL HUSBANDRY & DAIRYING GOVERNMENT OF INDIA weer sesreet anda after arfcaaea ft fe 81 ga cide A AT 4.1% BT Altar Teer aa gant fear set & ste ag areor wart Fr ara ys A Herta ae Bl TeYoTeTHT aeurey & fore fase fattest atone araiferct wet er 21 se fase At sede atstar a dak axel ar Ae ster ta veer Sere 8) Vee Beer fates vast Fr srarél & ster ar er ate Aecayeh let Bl ATTA wat Usat a Ge enfta eat & ae 8 waa a arise AT or er 81 Adana Ree 20k Teer Hao wT GB) se Bava AT fata ag & fH ae ax A tade seg ar saat ae AY oer at ue vech darren 81 4, wat coat sit da enisar ast & uysiest si sat fears at ag ages ar soar act SN Haar A ant att crags getieat ar awcagdés aren eer & far weg gar (1 gee oer & A ga arate ar waaay varet afta at a fae at fasnar & aftartet aa at aeaare tar a ae aren 3 FH oer aa H slat lant oq ae Pate asi Raurat & few seda soit anfea ein t (Piast Rie) ‘Office : 234, Krishi Bhawan, New Dei-110001 Tel: 011-23380780, 781, 782, Fax 011-23380783 ree aay Sto Wolta Qa afer ARITA, TET Ys Sa Hares DR. SANJEEV KUMAR BALYAN ata a ae, fe AIT AOE ‘pf sae, ag Ree—110001 MINISTER OF STATE FOR FISHERIES, ow {ANAL HUSBANDRY & DAIRYING DDEPARTHENT OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY & DARYING GOVERNMENT OF INDIA KRISH! BHAWAN, NEW DELH10001 MESSAGE Animal Husbandry Statistics is the backbone of policy formulation as well as implementation of various programmes in the Animal Husbandry sector. The major source of Animal Husbandry Statistics is Livestock Census. Livestock Census is a massive door to door field operation in which the data were collected from every household taking actual count of domesticate animals and birds to finally assess the total livestock wealth of our Nation. It is a matter of proud that in the current 20" Livestock Census we have collected data with the use of mobile technology through tablet computers and further transmitting the data online. This publication carries the results of 20" Livestock Census conducted in participation with all States and Union Territories, | congratulate the entire team including the officials of State Animal Husbandry Departments for their committed efforts in completing the Livestock Census operations. | hope that this publication would be highly useful for the policy makers and planners researchers for the development of livestock sector. (Dr. Sarijeev Kumar Balyan) Office: Krshi Bhawan, New Delhi-s10001 « Tel: 01-23988727, 011-23989710 Fax) vwrafera: wry, ag FEcc—t10001 + -qPeTE o1t~2aesare7, o11-20980710 (HFS) sea WOR age agdal, n.5.8. eee, EE el Bal area Atul Chaturvedi, 1As ‘erert ea 32 Rea ahs sph rer, aE feat-110001 SECRETARY Covenant tnd Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying Deparent of ina Husbandry &Dsiying Wea Bhawan, New Dl 1000 December 9, 2019 FOREWORD The livestock rearing is an indispensable part for the rural community, especially for the small and marginal farmers. For planning purposes, there is a need for up to date and reliable data, Livestock Census is a complete enumeration process whereby data on number of livestock along with their sex composition, age distribution, utility wise distribution etc. are generated. The present report provides detailed data of the 20% Livestock Census conducted across the country covering. States and Union Territories. | am happy that there has been a significant improvement in all aspects of Census work, viz. data collection, processing and tabulation. It is a matter of proud that for first time the Census was conducted with the use of tablet computers. Keeping in view the ongoing trend of the use of advanced IT technology especially the mobile technology, the initiatives done under the 20" Livestock Census is worth to be noted. We may have to accept the fact that despite having some administrative challenges regarding procurement of tablets, connectivity etc, the 20% Livestock Census successfully captured information of about 27 Crore of houscholds and non-households that helps assessing the exact count of domesticated animals and birds. Such a huge data will be of great use for all stakeholders and instill the interest of the researches in using various parameters in it for the developmental activities of animal husbandry sector. ‘Thanks are due to the officials and staff of the Animal Husbandry Departments of States and UTs without whose whole hearted cooperation this Census could not have been undertaken. I would also like to congratulate the team of officers and staff of Animal Husbandry Statistics Division in the Department under the able leadership of Shri P.K De, Adviser(Statistics)for their untiring efforts in bringing out this voluminous and useful publication. |, sincerely hope that the report will be useful to all stakeholders, for planning and policy making purposes and also for research and academic purpose. ! would also Invite critical comments and suggestions on their report in order that the same could be useful in helping us to bring out further improvement in the conduct of Livestock Consus. be Tatul Chaturvedi) ‘e-Mail : Tel: 91-11-23382608 Fax : 91-11-23988006 Website : aia were wdta gare & aeTUTERT, ETAT wa Saxe tartar sora sites gener ee Saxe ean Pradip Kumar De ovine ens Adviser (Statistics) Minietry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying ae ee Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying Delhi Milk Scheme Complex ‘Shadipur Depot, New Delhi-110003 i PREF, ‘The Livestock Sector pays a spnifcant roe forthe wellare of rural population of india. Livestock also important as apart of agricultural Rams a ap m 10 [ea ma 20 oar 20% Livestock Census Report 20 2.6 Poultry Table 5: Poultry Population 2012 and 2019 - Rural & Urban wae | meg ae ana a million) 2012, (an million) 2019 nant SS Se ee eee eee ee eal tees cs tan hin ate . 2 = = = — = vs 00.00 7.49 = = i ‘Total Poultry Population (Gseiion) 2012 2.6.1 Poultry Population - Rural and Urban 900.00 Backyard poultry Commercial Pouley Graph 6: Poultry population Rural & Urban - 2012 and 2019 220 oe ono 700.00 «600.00 500.00 400.00 00.00 200.00 100.00 0.00 rural ‘= Poultry Population aa {in milion) 2012 urban wa 1 Poultry Population (io million) 2019 sit | total 20% Livestock Census Report 21 ‘The total poultry has increased by 16.81% and the total poultry is 851.81 Million during 2019. Over 45.79% increase in backyard poultry and total backyard poultey is 317.07 Million in 2018. The commercial poultey has increased by 4.5% and the total commercial poultry is 534.74 Milton. ‘The total poultry population in urbaa arcas has increased by 26.5% dusing 2019. Commercial poultry in the urban areas has increased by 17.95% whereas in rural arcas the percentage increase is 3.95%. 2.6.2 Poultry Population - Major States Graph 7: Poulery Population, 2012 & 2019 of Major States 100 v0 we ee ms Ty, ~ | | I | | il il 1 if are pete sant Bett st atl? naa antl gerl® gust as pen cca cA Bt nes ° ‘Table 6; Poultry Population, 2012 & 2019 of Major States S.No. States Pena esc ar) % Change 1 | Tamil Nad 1173 120.8 2.92 2__| Andhra Pradesh 80.6 1079 33.85 3 | Telangana 808 80.0 093) 4 | West Bengal 528 773 46334 5 | Maharashtra 778 743) 4.49 6 | Karnataka 334 305 133 7 [Assam 272 467 71.68 8 _| Haryana 428 463 Si 9 | Kerala 243) 298 22.61 10 | Odisha 199 274 37.95 20% Livestock Census Report 22 2.7 Cattle Graph 8: Total Cattle, Male Cattle & Female Cattle 2012 & 2019 ‘Population = Population (nil 2012” (in milion) 2018 2.7.1 Cattle Population - Breed Group-wise Population Graph 9: Breed-Group wise Distribution of Catle Population 2012 & 2019 “Toa tdignoan/Non-Desep fs47 INN ee 99.17 DD TT Tol Eso Contest EAT 5,55 eote/C Male $97 (niin) 22” damilon) 2019 Table 7: Exotic/Crossbred & Indigenous /Non-Descript Cattle Population-Male, Female & Total Rural [ Urban | Total [ Rural [ Urban | Total [ Rural | Urban | Total ToulGawe | 374 7a7[ a9090] ssa [ aa9[ aaa] oma] sass Exotic/Crossbred_ Male of sor] s36] oas[ sal sa] san] 298 Female | Siar [3a | sa76[ aso aa0| ars | ais | seas aia ToralPsove/ | 64] 2a9] ao.73 sa] sis] 2902] 2002) 293 Indigenous/Non-Deseript Male] 6088] 107] 61.95 0.79 29.13] 2561] 29.1 Female | 8602[ sat] 89.22 379) om [1833] 100 Total Indigenous/Non | 14690] 427] 18147] 13752] 450) 142i] -639 736] -60 Desetipt 208 Livestock Census Report 23 2.7.2 Cattle Population - Milch Cattle Graph 10: Total Cattle- In-milk, Dry & Milch animals 2012 & 2019 ve TTT voc 7 on TT polation ‘Population (Gn milion) 2012 (Geilion) 2019 2.7.3 Population of Productive Female Cattle ‘Table 8: Population of Productive Female Cattle | Under t year 25.07 35.7 42.7 i) | 1102573 years 21.23 2874 354 jiy | Over25 (Exotig/3 years(Indigenous) 1 79 > | excluding oxhers a a ® i) | Others 154 2.00 207 ¥)_ | Towa female eatle @rivivin) 12298 14591 86 wp | Taal, of pony pode female aaa Tao (Ge > a About 36% of che total livestock is contributed by cattle ‘Total cate population has increased by 1.3% over previous Livestock Census (2012. ib Female cattle population increased by 18.6% whereas Male cattle decreased by 30.0% over previous “Total mulch cate inthe country is 74.59 Million increased by 10.4% over the previous census The no, of porentially productive female cattle has increased by 18.5 20 Livestock Census Report 2.1.4 Breed group-wise - In-Milk, Dry and Milch Cattle Graph 11; Cattle-Exotic/Crossbred & Indigenous/Non-Deseript 2012 & 2019 0.00 sn 4351 aps 33k so. 2608 a mast 192 i847 | i i I i OF i aa i xsde/CBInoth HaoHe/CB-Dy—Eame/CH-McH—nl/NDMk—g/ND-Dry nN. Mh ‘Population ‘Population ‘Gnilon) 202. (er mlion) 219 Table 9: In-milk, Dry and Milch Cattle for Exotic/Crossbred and Indigenous/Non-Deseript Rul ote) was] was, 14s0[ sao] usr| msi | avo] sao] azo crossbred] Day am] oaef saz] _sa9| ose] _sav| i279 | tiga) _a27 Mich | 175e[ 14[ ioaa[ 2019| 180 [ asos[ seme[ avs] 343 Todigen [inamak | _asar] ta | 295 | soe 137| sige | 749 | tese| 79 el Te | i90[ ost weet [ass] oar[ 165s [ios] oae| 10s ccserpt [asics | a6ae] ams aeiz[ aes] i9s[ west] om] mas] on ab Milch Cattle of Exotie- Crossbred has increased by 34.3% over previous census. st Mich Cate of Indigenous/Non-Deseript has increased marginaly by 0.8%. 20% Livestock Census Report 25 ‘Table 10: Cattle Population, 2012 & 2019 in Major States ee ee 2.1.5 Cattle Population - Major States Graph 12: Cattle Population, 2012 & 2019 of Major States gost BI sath ag gt pe nt ene at le Livestock Census 2012 = Livestock Census 2019 20% Livestock Census Report 26 2.8 Buffalo Graph 13: Buffalo Population 2012 and 2019 as me a — oe ES . ia na ES ES ES ES aces ‘Population Population {Gnmilion 2012” Gn milion) 2019 2.8.1 Buffalo population Male, Female and Milch Animals (Rural & Urban) Table 11: Total Buffalo, Male, Female and Milch Animals (Rural & Urban) Buffaloes “Total oto [ «61 | 108-70 | 1oaee | soz | ro9as| om | sas | 1.06 “Total Male isi | os | sto | aos | oe | 928 | a2a0 | aose | a2as “Total Female esas | coz | 2200 ee oe il sass [| 201 | sosr | aso | 208 | axis [ aas | ame | asa Dy wos [os [vee [aes [os [or [aoe [a2 [an Mich anisale in Mik+Dqy | 4852 | 254 | sios | ese | 250 | siar [on [ au | om ‘Table 12: Productive Female Buffalo 19 Census S.No. Category 2012 Gn million) i) | Under t year 20.16 24.48 21.5) | 1103 years 15.86 21.01 325 iil) | Over 3 years(excluding others) 55.59 53.99 29 ix)_| Others 0.99 1.08) 89 | Total female buffalo 92,60 10037 86 real no, of potentially productive female buffalo 160 9049 36 208 Livestock Census Report 27 sb ‘ral Buffalo Population in the country is 109.88 Million during 2019 ‘About 20.5% of the torllvestock is contributed by buffaloes “& Total Busfalo has increased by 1.1% over previous Livestock Census (2012). “d. Female Buffalo Population increased by 8.61% whereas Male Buffalo declined by 42.35% over previous consus sd. Milch buffalo population has increased marginally by 0.2% over previous census in which in- rill has increased by 4.3% whereas Dry category has declined by 10.2%, “4 ‘The buffalo population in ural area has increased by 0.7% whereas in urban ateas the incxease is about 8.9%. ‘Total potential of female buffalo has increased by 8.6% over previous census 2,8.2 Buffalo Population - Major States Graph 14; Buffalo Population, 2012 & 2019 of Major States 330 yp B | a ill it it it nr tA gate gett BI tm tt ‘Table 13: Buffalo Population 2012 & 2019 of Major States S.No. States an elton) 2022 coco) 2019 % Change 1 | Uitar Pradesh 30.6 33.0 781 2 | Rajasthan BO Bg 353 3 _| Gujarat 104 105 152 4_ | Madhya Pradesh 32 103 25.88 3__ | Biter 76 77 202 6_| Andhra Pradesh 65 62 376 7 | Mabarashera 56 36 oa7 [ie mn a4 2822 9 [Telnaes 42 2 159 70 | Panjab 32 40 “227 20% Livestock Census Report 28 2.9 Sheep 80.00 716 yoo or oe 0.00 5000 40.00 30.00 20.00 1000 ery 00 so — — Graph 15: Sheep Population 2012 and 2019 on st » 121 oss oe Population (Geli) 2012 wet (ermilion 2019 2.9.1 Exotic/Crossbred and Indigenous /Non-Descript-Rural and Urban Table 14: Sheep Population - Exotic/Crossbred and Indigenous/Non-Descript Sheep - Total 63.78| 1.29 | 65.07 | 72.23] 2.03] 74.26 | 13.25 | 57.28 | 14.13 sossbred | 363] 0.15] 378] 393] 16] 409] sar] ooo] a12 Exotic/Crossbred Male | 1.15] 0.06] 1.21] 0.78] 005] 0.88 | 31.99 | -1850 |-31.32 Exotic/Crossbred Female | 2.48] 0.09 315] or] 326] 26.79 2211 | 26.62 Indigenous/Non-Deseript | 60.15] 1.14] 61.29] 6830] 1.87] 70.17] 13.55 | 64.07 | 14.50 Indigenous/Non-Deseript Male | 13.58] 0.34] 1392] 1213 | 0.40] 12.53] -10.66 | 1899 | -9.93 Indigenous/Non-Deseript Female | 46.57] 0.80 | 47.37 | 56.17] 1.47 | 57.64] 20.61 | 83.07 | 21.67 “Total Sheep Population in the country is 74.26 Million ducing 2019, & About 13.8% of the total livestock contributed by Sheep sb Total Sheep has increased by 14.13% over previous Livestock Census 2012), “4 Total Sheep population in rural area has increased by 13.25% whereas in urban area the population of, Sheep has increased by 57.28% 20% Livestock Census Report 29 2.9.2 Sheep Population - Major States Graph 16: Sheep Population, 2012 & 2019 of Major States 20 wo so ij to nas we, 20 lt I 1613 1449 ° oe ol os oy I wget ge a? av rst or we © 8 “est ° “ os oe yn Livestock Census 012 #Lnec Gesu 208 “Table 15: Sheep Population 2012 & 2019 of Major States Population Population |v, cyan S.No. States/UTs (milion) 2012, | Gnmilliony 2019 | % Change 1 | Telangana 18 14 a851 2_| Andhra Pradesh 36 176 30.00 3 _| Kamataka 36 na 1531 4__[ Rajasthan 31 79 “1295 3__ | Tamil Nadu 48 45 398 6 [Jammu & Kash 34 32 419 7_| Maharastra 26 BF 387 @ | Gujarat 1 1s 466 9 [Odisha 16 13 “940 70 __ | Utar Pradesh i 10 2125 208 Livestock Census Report 30 2.10 Goat Graph 17: Goat Population 2012 and 2019 ow a nm SsPopulaion x Population vmilion 2012" En mlion) 2019 2.10.1 Goat Population - Male, Female and Milch ~ Rural and Urban ‘able 16: Goat Population - Male, Female and Milch Soar raa08| 609] 13517] 14244] 644] uses) 035] 578] 10.18 Mae | [im [ se, we) is] maw] as] ivan] tas Female | 9330) 426] o7so[ mies] aos] ti678[ 1oa9[ 1578[ 1971 Tomi | seas | 180] s625[ soo1[ 192] ais [ ism [caw 1538 Dy | zai os| 25a[ 2082] i00| 2m] 9m[ taeo| 995 Mice fea 3886] 270] 6156] 6673] 292] 6965] 1337] 8.24) 13:8 +Ds ‘& Total Goat Population in the country is 148.88 Million during 2019. ‘a ‘Total Goat has increased by 10.14% over previous Livestock Census (2012), & About 27.7% of the total livestock is contributed by goats. & Total Goat population in rural area has increased by 10.35% whereas in urban area the population of goat has increased by 5.78% 208 Livestock Census Report 31. 2.10.2 Goat Population-Major States Graph 18: Goat Population, 2012 & 2019 of Major States sLiventock Ceneus 2012 Livertck Census 2019 ‘Table 17: Goat Population 2012 & 2019 of Major States No. Staten amition) 2012 | Gamitiony2019 | _% ohne Rajasthan 217 208 3.81 2 | West Bengal its 163 a9 3__| Uitar Pradesh 156 145 709 4 Bihar 122 728 549 Madhya Pradesh 30 ta 3807 © _| Mabarashira aa 106 2572 7__ [Tamil Nade ai 99 214s & | Trarkhand 66 oA 3859 9 | Odi 65 oa 184 10 | Kamataka 48 62 28.63 20 Livestock Census Report 32 2.11 Pig Graph 19: Pig Population 2012 & 2019 906 a8 716 Sg shred Indegenous/Non-Deserip ‘Population ‘Population (Gn milion) 202 (Qn lion 2019 2.11.1 Pig Population-Rural and Urban Table 18: Pig Population 2012 and 2019-Rural and Urban, Pig-Total 923] 107[ 1029[ 817] 0.88] 9.06 | 11.40] -17.44| 12.03 Exotiey ar 7 221 catty] 213] 033] 246] 1.63] 027] 1.90] 23.39) -1880 | 22.78 Indigenows/ | 719] ara] 784] 655] oo] 716] 781] 1684] 8.66 Non-Deseripe ‘ ‘Total Pig population in the country is 9.06 Million during 2019, About 1.7% of the total livestock is contributed by pigs ‘Total Pig population has decreased by 12.0% over previous Livestock Census (2012) beee ‘Total Pig population in rural area has decreased by 11.4% and in urban area the population of pig has decreased by 17.4%. 20% Livestock Census Report 33 2.11.2 Pig Population - Major States Graph 20: Pig Population, 2012 & 2019 of Major States Hy li iliii it hii — ow tl tom te th oh ti 28 soy jer Population 2012 & 2019 of Major Stares SNe. States aamilion) 20% | damon) 2019 | % henge 1 [Assam 164 210 28.30 2 [Jharkhand 096 128 32.69 3__| Meghalaya 034 29.99 4 [West Bengal 0S 1665 5 [ Chhattisgarh om 20.01 Ustar Pradesh 133 37 Nagaland 050 19.65 8 [Bihar 08 =a 9 [ Karnataka 030 032 625 i0__ [Mizoram 025 029 19.26 208 Livestock Census Report 34 2.12 Camel Graph 21: Camel Population 2012 & 2019 lai a i (in million) 2012 (In million) 2019 ‘sCamehTotsl Male Female 2.12.1 Camel Population-Rural and Urban ‘Table 20: Camel Population 2012 and 2019 ‘Camel - Total 0.39| 0.01{ 0.40[ 0.25| 0.01] 0.25 | -36.78 | -48.03 |-37.05 Male _0as[ oor] 019] 008] 0.003] 0.08 | 56.31 | -58.02 [56.40 Female | 021 [ 0.003[ 021 | 017 [ 0.002 0.17 | -19.41 | -23.18 [-19.46 ‘Total Camel Population in the country is 0.25 Million during 2019. ‘& Total Camel Population has decreased by 37.1% over previous Livestock Census (2012). sd. Total Camel Population in rural area has decreased by 36.8% and in urban area the population has declined by 48.03%. 20% Livestock Census Report 35 2.12.2 Camel Population - Major States Graph 22: Camel Population, 2012 & 2019 of Major States 50 308 3 on 1 = = = ow == om “ Rejathan Guia Hama se Pradesh leLivestock Census 2012 a Livestock Census 2019 ‘Table 21: Camel Population 2012 & 2019 of Major States S.No. States anc ane ance ae) % Change* 1_| Rajasthan 3.26 213 “34.69 2 | Gujarat 0.30 0.28 9.19 3_| Haryana 049 0.05 “72.68 4 | Urear Pradesh 0.08 0.02 0.45 © Cala spon act amber 20% Livestock Census Report 36 2.13 Horses, Ponies, Mules & Donkeys Graph 23: Horses & Ponies, Mules & Donkey eee ee Hone Rosco 03 (Gain) 2002” lamilion) 2019 2.13.1 Horses, Ponies, Mules & Donkeys Population-Rural and Urban ‘Table 22: Horses, Ponies, Mules & Donkeys Population 2012 and 2019 tows® Tosa] aos] ase 0.04 ason] 3708 NulesToral [048] oor} oan] ome] oon | oe | —se09 | RF Donkey-Toud | oz7| 00s] —o32[oa0[ ona] —ox2 | 000 | a2. Teal ior [ais 1a [one [oor] oss] sae [aaa “Total Population of Horses, Ponies, Mules & Donkeys in the county is 0.55 Million during 2019. “& ‘Total Population of Horses, Ponies, Mules & Donkeys has decreased by 51.7% over previous Livestock Census (2012) 20% Livestock Census Report 37 2.13.2 Horse & Ponies Population - Major States Graph 24: Horses & Ponies Population, 2012 & 2019 of Major States ut ow = 040, li oor 033, oT re ose kk ly Sy ce fh eo a a in sot il BH ln gett pai gee gar att ate sve wre ‘Livestock Consus 212 a Livestock Census 2009 Table 23: Horses & Ponies Population 2012 & 2019 of Major States ae 20% Livestock Census Report 38 2.13.3 Mules Population - Major States Graph 25: Mules Population, 2012 & 2019 of Major States Foz on ” ‘Untarakhand ‘Himachal Pradesh JammuéeKashmir ‘Untat Pradesh ReneS - = oo ore Ga a (In Lakhs) 2012, (In Lakhs) 2019. |” Change 2.13.4 Donkey Population - Major States oo 020 ois Graph 26: Donkey Population, 2012 & 2019 of Major States i i Sos i n ob | i u te se in pit yo oor (005 roo Fr on as a 7 rm 08 20% Livestock Census Report 39 ‘Table 25: Donkey Population 2012 & 2019 of Major States S.No. States Gatun 202 | davauny 29 | % Change 1_| Rajasthan ost 023 7131 2__| Maharas 029) 0.8 39.69 3_| Usar Pradesh 037) 0.16 7172, Gajarae 039) ott Bihar 021 on 6 | Jammu & Kashmir 047) (0.10 A455) 7 | Karataka 016 0.09 46.11 8 __| Madhya Pradesh 045) 0.08 43.46 9.__| Himachal Pradesh 007, 0.05) 34.73 10 _| Andhra Pradesh 013) 0.05) “65.16 “The percentage change is calculated upon absolute values. 20% Livestock Census Report 40 2.14 Mithun Graph 27: Mithun Population 2012 and 2019 Mele LS 17 Population "Population (Qn skh) 202” (nak) 208 Total Population of Mithun in the countrys 3.9 Lakhs during 2019. 4 Total Population of Mithun has increased by 29.5% over previous Livestock Census 2012) 14.1 Mithun Population-Rural and Urban Area ‘Table 26: Mithun Population 2012 and 2019 Mithun-Total 2] 007] 30] 377| 0.09] 3.9] 29.45] 3240 | 29.52 ‘Male i26f 003, 13] 109[ 03] 17 [ 3386] 2378 | 3305 Female oor [17] 208[ 006] 24 | 2607 | 38.44 | 2636 Mithun Population - Major States Graph 28: Mithun Population, 2012 & 2019 of Major States, sane70 asta 0000 00 S871 ayn ‘ =—_ Arunachal Pradesh ‘Nagaland ois sas9 ast 7 Manipur Mizoram ‘Table 27: Mithun Population 2012 & 2019 of Major States me || anumber) 20% | (nsumber) anny | % Ones 1__ | Anunachal Pradesh 249000 35054 40.82 2__ [Nagaland wiz 33.69 3_[ Manipur 3059 i038 4 [Mizoram 3957 2038 20% Livestock Census Report 41 2.15 Yak Graph 29: Yake Population 2012 and 2019 Yak 1686 Toul 5 ‘Population Population (300) 2012 "x 00) 2019 y ab Toul Population of Yak in the country is about 58 Thousands during 2019 4 by 24.90% over previous Liv 1 Population of Yak has decreased ck Table 28: Yak Population 2012 and 2019 Yak-Toral | 7624| _043| 7666 | 5746] ont 5757 | 24.00 -75:06 | -2490 Male das] 351 | 2598] 004] 2n02 | 25.46 28 | Fema [ase [ on ansef siae| oor] ass] 202] -ar05 | 2408 | 2.18.1 Yak Population - Major States Graph 30: Yak Population, 2012 & 2019 of Major tates soy 4 0 ean as 10004 i all 4036 S219 29211940 108961 : —_ == ‘able 29: Yak Population 2012 & 2019 of Major States Populate Population SNe soa (in Numbers) 2012 | (In Numbers) 2019 | Change 1 [Jammu & Kashmir 598 26221 “S188 2 [ Arunachal Pradesh TA061 20 Tha 3 [Sikkim 7036 2931 4 | Hlmachal Paes eat 2 5 [ Wes: Bengal 089 p80 20% Livestock Census Report 42 ANNEXURES Table 1: Total Number of Livestock and Poultry nn eae) Rorat Urban Total RuralsUrban) “Territory Livetock Poult Lestok Poalty Livestock Poult “Andaman And Nisha Wands Te) fe 7, ao Tso T0160 2 | Andhra Pade Tava | __to1sianee 686 eaawres | __s40cTe16 aT 2 [ Arunachal Peds 1126620 1489612 08 oy Tse 199575 = [Ream er “aos Toso nIpmaO1 a6Ti 6 | Coandigut 3221 6 1769 S77 26800 8 7_ | contin Tsn9ss | __1nOaT S007 oa55 Sera Tune 9 [Beas Ana Dia 2a 19 6 Da me 264 10_| Dati 329635 32 30762 7 3609 20 TT | Gon a8 360 10926 ia07 Ta806 Ts 15 | Bayan assess |__4asot0s Ey 190470 TOH6OHT saDI86S Te_| imactal Prades aaT6116 1536004 36050 So err 134195 16 | and maswaey | __ 22322 sa0056 sina | __23654 R206 17 | Ramat masta | __sTRaT6i3 Trio oases | __20013412 su 19 | Latahadvese 45697 Ey a @ oe Dasias 20_[ Madhya Pradesh Teme | __sSl07e RSIS Taawia |__somisis ey 2 | Nabari suses210 | __T2779500 0 isis | __sa0788iR Tastes 23_| Metal aoossr2 sim a 200280 BOLE Sma 24_[ Mizoram mans 15I04 135440 TH096 5708 Boao 26 _[ oie Trcises [__2684780 soins cour ara Tans 27 [ Padashery Ts 143 912 Tes 151368 Fy 25_| Pon ‘esseoie | __1ose27 wa 765557 7050855 T9888 29_| Raat seas | nese S992 ania | __Sen00oas a5 30_| siaim 268506 S76 806 68 TR SOR 31_[ Tami Nad maar 1570659 Ey woiosst | __ 2st aoret100 32_| Tetngann am66 serene 13278 asi | __ 2610509 799408 33 [ Pinu TasS410 SaRTSOH S282 2a IW Tas 34_[ UrarPrdos earns | __an40rst Tas rans | __ 2945 2515708 35_| Crakk aiesiss OST ai 307 HTH SoiReee 36_|[ West Benga 36514369 Tsaunis ry vase? | __raoa3e 322602 ‘Alinaia swe | sama | mason | —sveinin | sseraisea | __asinonoan 20 Livestock Census Report 45 ‘Table 2: State-wise Details of Bovine by Sex ae Fema Tae Fema ciel] exe surat | viian | tom | mort | vrtam | rom | Zest | gout n z a [aaa ae] w]e | am | we) ae | sme] am | ae 2 [Anti Pah naan | sos | iscsi | ews [| seven | sower | toner | cine [Hes «fami sea ssrmes | Tra | us | see | tasnn | ase | isons = [ar rrso7 [soe | sn9 | aosooss [ ram [ anenss [ zzssen | Trea [mire + [pan ina zo | ros] zs] 1293 sos] ow sas aa 97 | nae And a ims [ae [tan [a ai oe ven [tar ao os | ons rem | asa) as 2 [come 2251959 | nar | zene | sont | Trane | Tresor | oawsea | Tees | 007 ve | win Pads coon | 250 | 9900 | woe | 29 [ ieo | anne | ame | ores 15 [Doom ani Kannar [sso | Tae [| sisa6[ acm [ eras | aoe [ ausenio[ nse [ ssn 16 [td mx] osu | somm | meen | snes | rem | ison | suse | —_rasmses 15 [ei roar | oo [zor | nase | 09s | rasa | tees | ures | 1 19 [esate tafe spmefefme | om | | e 2 [Naat roa [ses] sea | namo ase | vanes | asres [on [se [Nip si | _et8| oe] seis | 204] m9 | 209] son | 2976 24 [Mian 208 [isms 2517 | tons | ss | —s06e] os | sie 25_ Neel soro| 27] ses | ses [sno | sone | tome [rs [ins [Pa Tse] Sea | neta | stent | asere | aos | anon | ever 29 Ran aaseay[ aise avons | Zsa | ovate | Gemeen | aor | Tam [aso 31 [Tata 771 | 95019] ase | ais [se | oma | tonre | Tes [Tose = [men Tea | aise [ oom [are | _aaar | expan [sea] sizes | ea 35_ | tewatha so7e|_ | ss | es | rose | zene | asvme[ ive [mies 20 Livestock Census Report 46 (Rural) ‘Table 3: State-wise Details of Exotie/Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex & Use Mae ‘ove Sea SiNo. eevee Vector | ,Ueedtor | Gaede Upwis | Usedor Agriculture | Bullckeart! | Gye Total Mae Yeare ‘Chbreeding | Farmn 2) aly perati n 3 + 5 € 7 7 7 1 5 2 u % 7 3 168 Arunachal Pade 26 2 u z a Assan Sune ry Bee 3576 ms Te T3863 | chandigat ue 1 o 2 3 2 7 [ennai 24895 1098 2a Ti 1026 7 + | Dan tive 2S 2B 7 1 7 2 0 0 | Dati a6 oe 36 2 ° 25 7 Go 108 157 w @ 7 153 8 3 | Bayan 37 20 sa 7] “878 586 088 14 | Himachal Pradesh 46682 1190 see 220 38 a 106159 5 [mm & Kase 12647 508 mass 1377 1 Eo Ta | band wns He 1H 8 7201 0 7 | Kamat 7a ay om 205 2st Ts) | Kens one 1603 1368 70 HS a6 100547 20_[ Mattya Prat 35608 701 2iv2 au a 26 a6 2 | Mahaasba woul Tio "ile Toss 0H 2 20085 23 | Meats 286 isl iS Ho 3 rn 35 2 _| Moran 160 510 333 a 4 ® 2 25_| Navalnd 0 1193 8 a r a 5 36 | Odie 3688 as T1520 5598 mat 2 Bas 2 _| Pudacheny GT 7 05 mn Bi a ay 2a | Penn 35990 186 a7 3620 9687 aaa ease 30_| suai aoe 706 10100 2 236 a0 2s S| tami eda Bae m9 suas Bus ae Tuo sree 32_[ Telmeana 31030 3159 T6888 S91 3695 2168 eee BM _| Uinae Pradesh Tee Bas Ey asta 0687 30179 35_| Uraaktand 25169 100 1a 1m 0 “a7 ‘Allieaia a7 Tas Tee 150590 Tans | a0 20 Livestock Census Report 47 (Rural) ‘Table 3: (Contd) State-wise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex & Use & Total Exotie/Crossbred Cattle ra a yer ‘Years, In mle Dry ‘Notealved 1 Others ‘Female Cattle | | io | | ae | crs | Co 20 Livestock Census Report 48 ‘Table 4: State-wise Details of Indigenous / Non- Descript Cattle by Age, Sex & Use (ural) Sd. Ted upto2 Years | Used for ee “Total Mate breeding tsk art! | others a operation 1 [ARN inde 2 a ai a5 15 7065 >| Andie Prades BI E08 “038 25 679 26 oy 2 [ Arunachal Pade Ty 16st 580 0 aie | __ 100s 16 = [iar sumis [| __ 10297 93S 99 stare | _ 36566 173206 | coandiga 3 2 5 o % Bh 16 7_[ eons Tome | _nseT Baa Ty ee | esas | a «| Dan Hvet Tivo “8 2H 2 169 58 25706 10 _| Baki rm is 2 106 ® 20 2 Himachal Prades S103 ES 2 15076 26 1054 ure 19 | taksadwesp 301 2 6 i i 1, 30 20 | Mada Pradesh wana | __20877 E9867 Bas mis _essaa |___seari60 2 | Mihara juan | _ni6t 396148 160256 aussi [sine] 407056 54 _[ Gaara 572596 Sv 780069 e584 ons | _a7035 aso 55 _| Uasakhand TS e S58 Tas aay | 25119 ‘ili Trases | ao eT mst | sens | sesne | anrern 20 Livestock Census Report 49 (Rural) = = s. | statetaion ‘Over 3 Years eno eee ee ro | ese, | tom cam year years: In milk Dry Others: ‘Female Cattle ra sre |r| oe Rs a eae ora eve 20 Livestock Census Report 50 {Urban} ‘Table 5: State-wise Details of Exotic / Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex & Use ae . StateUsion Upto ~ aa stew 1 usedtr | Used tor | getcutue | mateo Toa Male breeding | Agriuture | ‘cul omers ing | Farm only only oly ‘operation, 1 [Aeneas a 5 7 a D 3 7 “Adia Prada S54 a0 1502 26 3 | Arunachal Pade 12 100 2 H 5 9 | Danan & Die o ° ° 0 ° 7 7 io [be 102 5 mm 5 ° 2 1 14 [imac Pradesh rm 2 25 ° H # Be 15 | dana Kashi 156 i 9 i a 2 10 19 [talshadwep o 0 @ v 0 a o 2i_| Makara 2099 72. 106 m8 55 20 ei 2 | Paducony 39 0 a B = 7 0 34 [ tsar Pradesh 00 zi 2883 1305 1 1253 2383 35__| Daan’ sam m7 a 1 2 165 0 ‘iltnaia oy 2s en 10689 rams | _isees | ast 20 Livestock Census Report 51 {Urban} Table $: (Contd, State-wise Details of Exotic / Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex & Use & Total Exotic / Crossbred Cattle Female se Seo’ | tadeet [112s CaS Tn | Betcronteet ser |S [ame [pe [SSP] omen | Female rite 1 2 i 2 B 1 6 6 7 1 [Ress 1 wl ef me FA 2] 2 _| Andes Pads sof ase vas| twe| a [sm] mion = 3 | Arma Pads ze] sf ef 1 | 5 [Ass zse[ sr | aor [aw sn | ee | oe 928 3 [Biter me [ aoe ees | omer] ee [aie | atstae 251957 «| ani wp swam] oor Ea oe [se om 7 | eatisge vas [ ew we| ma | ao [| ws = [Daneel 2 é ss 2 in a 20 9 | Dinan Dia o ° a @ a a ° a | abi af sf at 7 5 is ae nt [Gm ze] | sf aoe 3 | _iste 2 [ae mm wer | sow] ows | mano | ao | orn 7a 3 [Henan emf nor[ seo] en] ass [sae | eae ss it | Hinata Prades sie[ aim ws | 20 so st |e 999 5 [ania Kast ome tos [aro | se | as [ww | me we | Pat sows [ psi res | eer | cies [a7 | isis a6 Karta mae sss over | ase | sas [ee | oem 208918 | ele 299 vise [sooo | toea | 9 ia | tates aie 9 [tatty Q ° a a a a ° a 20_| Maia Pade “a388 inf aaief saves | ten a a sy [ ime | aw | aor | seen [ais | tome a 22_| Manipur af wal aw | oe Bs ef 33 2 | Mestaaa wf fa % a [a 09 25_| Neatnd ml #i we] 2 2 a2) 3m 2708 26 | os 3si01 sest| we va] ime | _aaissn 2 | Patacry 296 am | ose[ 6 B | es 26_| Pan 2owes esse [207 36s | _ 570 29 | Rajstan| 6 soo [29 2361 | 20010 3 [ Tai Nato isa | ier | seer [wows [asi [we |r Bae 32 | Tetegana Sef wef tos | sss aime 3ia68| 33 [Tepes seo [we ee | 2a wi 29 |__ 29 259 35 wear sei [so [aston [aaa | Tex [908 3 ‘ioe anes | sssaew | isoras | sree | wor [az | sas 3ar90 20 Livestock Census Report 52 (Urban) ‘Table 6: State-wise Details of Indigenous / Non Deseript Cattle by Age, Sex & Use ae Over2 Year| Statenion ee Territory vpte2 | useator | vseator | U8 Or Years | treeding | Agriculture | ABrcuure Others ding | Aerieture |G reeing only [Daw tint 25 ny 250, é 2 0 cc 9 | Damn «Dis 2 2 @ e o a 2s 1 _| Himachal Pradesh 2 2 wt w v w 138 15 | Fame Kasbmir we w ra 6 5 4 5 20 _| Maya Prades S07 12 5012 3607 3320 va | __nas 2_| Matar 1a058 HoT as a0 om, 16 Tee ma_| Minin Ta i 18 29 7 e 3307 2 _| Merial 7 3 i we 20 3 2 26 _| Osiebe valle ima Tis 351 10 cy a _| Paskany 38 ma 2 ia u 6 25 _| Fans a7 1686 = a sa 9 2 29_| Rajankan a6 ons B57 a 162 76 Te 30_| Sikkim 2 i w w 3 2 159 32_| Tetmgana 78 ik os 174 161 3 755 33 [ripe a % 30 a 5 Ey 1506 34 _| User Pes 2608 250 7622 1051 3695 280 36 35 _| Uanand 28 2 3208 36 2 7 7 36 _| West engl aise Tee or} ue 1267 1 31978 or 6 suo | _ asi a0 9670 wae |__ 73858 20 Livestock Census Report 53 (Urban = a Pa Pee aie fe petsose| Se to milk Dry caved Others: Female Cattle 20 Livestock Census Report 54 [Rratstrban ‘Table 7: State-wise Details of Exotic / Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex & Use Mak Overs Yu Staton S00 ae or "ert pies | used tor | aed tor “ot Male ° Yeas | precing | Agrenture | Aeietkare otters oY caters | breeding ‘aly 1 [aN te 86 20 3s % 7 rr mm 6 | Candie soe 8 3 3 9 as rot 9 [Dama Die 2 2 3 2 4 0 2 14 _| Hinata Ph 86 re | 569 Ba 34 0s | _ ote 15 | ens Kase 15008 soo] area | _10si0 15 sae | __2009 20___| Matiya Pradesh rows | mir | sro 6 268 309 | _s9507 21 | mata oo ase orn | 759 as | 2091 22 | Menor Te 2 % 7 2 be 23 [ Meche 2536 75 18s im 5 7 3s 26 [Osha Tos we | _iossee se 796 sons | __0s28 27 race 99 i is o 256 3 2955 2s | Penh 35583 258 aioe vose | 0 me 70 29 | Raeban Tom ras [sts “502 59 ass | __ 151023, | Tenia asin [___sinn0 [51566 [acer [__ass07 nse [esis 32_| Teangina 280 a) 3513 380) nae | n2s 23 |e 7 7a = 357 * Taf m9 34_[ Utacrde pare] aso | ease] as| ms | tion | amie 35__| Urania 29057 a 1a 7 ne | a7 56__| Wes Pere msin| mon] —_ewoae | azise | _irar isms | _srsv02 Te nies] 2awe | ramee | iscor| tein | aswo | _s010769 20 Livestock Census Report 55 ‘Table 7: (Contd) (Rarat+Ueban} State-wise Details of Exotic / Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex & Use & Total Exotic / Crossbred Cattle Fem Ones rat SNe. leery toaet | upias emt | tse yer | “Bes” | tame | ory | Steet | ones | emale | Crore 1 2 w | | @ |» |» |= | 6 | © 1 an mm ap sale) ep) 2 [pnts Ps sores | steno | vase | 20a | reo | 35099 | ao | maze 3 [arc Pa mf wef mee] mae om + [asin rare | arm | aaa | swe | 200 |] 50m | ore | To = [ar iene | ream | tases] sree | _vien | veo | ons [oe [cnt ms] wef anv] ose] 12] 106] row [om 7 [cose war see [tems | ene |e | aos | ars = [panna af} | | of s| im [Bane aD es n es vo [oa te en] ef san) we] ta | oe] ar [oo sofas | ies | a fess | [as ats 1 cma | are] vem | ane | ane | ose | me | emi 5 vais [ aswor [ais | name [ane [we [sont [aia 1 ansara vee | ism | pass] ase] oss | a | oso | tos 15 [Sama Rash sas | rem ess | rma] ars | ase [zone | amar 16 asta vaane | ops | aie] sro] reste | eo | _sn0 | cas 7 [rnin wom [soso | iese7 | ame | rose| tenor [arose | soot 15 [ent saan [ave] sree | oma | sre | rar [ —amae | sin 19 [ae af aap swf ep one 2 wat Pa was | aus | Sones [ —aanso | arm | on [ss | tore 2 [wars seare [ rant | aussn [ ser | sues | aver [nin [aero 22 wana am] sa |_| os | rms] 1s | 1986] 10906 2 [Neha sm sea | oss | | ao fae | 2 [warn ve [ amr os[ 22 | one] se | mv | 20s 257 | Neal mie[ ae an | ise aes se) sas | en 2 [ota Toe | aaa | ss | new | am | ome | aa | mr 27 [rena im | pes[ ewe mp eas] re [aa] ease [pa sees | —svare | on | aes | ass | one | amvere | aos 3 [ens sso | _srsn6 [eon [avon | suse | aise [aria | so 37_[ skin 2see| ore | sae] ws aw] nore | nso 31 [Tonos Tessa | ar [sora] peso | tose | tow | Tan [To [Taman cars| sms] 200s | some] axe | | sane] oon aes ser ae | amas] ew | owes | ene [a 32 [oer Tapas | nome | cor] even | 10 | oan | Sra | ors 35 [oat ae [se | ane | sna] ee [ ara see | steno 36 [Wore 2509 | e109 | 10606 | ss | usta | _asrae | —s017650 | —ao102 “aaa Traran | uous | ares] —srease [ tesa | wary [arses | sass 20 Livestock Census Report 56 Table 8: State-wise Details of Indigenous / Non Deseript Cattle by Age, Sex & Use [Rorat+ Urban} Mae Over2 Years ce erie vp? | credtor | unedtr | titer | Unter “ot Male Meas | action | Used ior | agrcatre | asker | Gruers ae cure | Rbveeing | Farm only | operation 1 2 2 4 5 é 7 = 2 1 [ARN oss 20 a iT a5 50 1 7) 2 _| Andi Pes TS se | anny 5159 v9 mT rs 3 | Anshan out ry 5080 0 2iTe ono | __ 139508 «| Assam ais asm | _as0133 19392 Tiss | __1osio0 | _s107299 | Bie som | _toene | _soasto om 27 stax? | _isoo0s 6 | cunt a » 7 + « m9 7 | eee owas | sree | aims | asses | _iaaao re [Den Hove 199 eat 304 a nT 308 9 | Bama ie ir i 18 Ey ny 1 | bai 2016 32. 0 106 ° 0 28 1 [Gon me 15 7 6 20 Ta se 2 | caja 35196 mame | _aitses 0568 wns ows | __lsoKo Haya were oe S086 585 5000 “aos [__asiase 1 | imac Prada si zw |__ann6 iste 2016 Tm | Jama & Kashi 756 740 | _ O38 se 1 2a 6 | aia 961840 26 TH80 166 7 | Kamat 370030 0508 Tm) | Kea 00 28 2 39 308 a 19 | Latatadweep 30 2 36 zi H 17, 0 20 | Madhya Prades rata sour | __aastsa | _sio7a erm | sssieas Bi | Mebane 78260 30128 vei | __aNORES sano |__ar70 Masia 2611 1957 8H 3si4 om c 2 | Netalaya 186 ot Ts oe ie | __sa0Ks 2 _| Mizoram Ey 1 39 2 47 8 25 | Nagaland cas e368 2a, 2a 3 26 _| Oba eso aia | __ 246000 asst | __2RS6 vases [_ aoe a _| Pathan a 2 6 s oa #1 165 28 | Pan 20m eat 060 ae ae 76 oy 29__| Rajathan 7394 wea | oe a soca [iowa [2000 30_| Sikkim 3662 0 3525 a EE 29 9198 3 | Tait Nas Bim Baas 1690 Baer 5405 mas | __ sami | ar Pade ar3804 e206 NAS swoas | __ 1000 woes | _ 1667806 35__| Waka 75170 en | _ sai Tae 3081 aap | _as1ase ‘Alea Tawa | inscns | ase | awsar| amma | oma 20 Livestock Census Report 57 [Raral+Urban) ttle by Age, Sex & Use & Total Cattle ‘Table 8: (Contd,): State-wise Details of Indigenous / Non Descript Female ‘Over Year| ‘ol sno, | Statetnion Indigenous! | Tota ‘Teiory Undert | 103 Nat ‘Total [on Dest] Cate yer [years | tami | pry | caved | comers | Female | cutie ‘ABN ide sms 2eis [aso [ano [ao is | amo | am) sue 2_[ Aandi Pen aos | _2aesse| _aoasee | _iwosea | toon | _ sane | _vansee0 “008 | Chandigarh 35 2 oa 16 a 1 wef ane | raeo 7_[ cotati sori | _o7siow | waoresr | isiiase | wasaco [raze | siaaaar | ovine | ooasose 14_| Himachal Pradesh mast | _stass [ar suis | sae | _sv27| _aovero | rsp0e2 | _as0r7 20_[ Madhya Pdsh aerisas | _ssoes | saison | aaseoos | _savome | isons | roses | vvossess | ransom 25_[ Meats vaso | _toseai | vars | _ oes | este | ian | swoon | armies | _9mas70 27_[ Pasachery wi ml as a6 [aie we) ow | sus) soe 35 [ Tino eres | _uisois | iawar| rams ieos | somm| _eorae | stoner | 73908 54_[ UrarPres evar | _aasiaso | sostse7 | _vesieo7 | ames | 20557 | vrazsa07 | asovons | 901968 35_| Urethand aowsT | _immas | sarzee | iaeosi | ini | sa | _waseas | azvsion | sais ‘ila eanearT | aoiosaos | savToniw | vessiose | seuss? | 1555509 | owteszo9 | 1antoeae | i934e2aTi 20 Livestock Census Report 58 ate-wise Details of Buffaloes by Age, Sex & Use (Rural ake ‘Over2 Year Se. upto? | neater | vsedtor | Usedtor | Used fr ‘pou sae Years | breeding Batlsk eet | oes iv operat 1 2 a 4 5 é 7 = 7 1 [ARN oss 2 a 7a Ey 26 = 196 2 _| Andi Pes 306 my ss 2 152 mia | _ anaes 3 | Anshan ES} 316 4 Be 264 208 «| Assam “on 6706 808 79 7a | __ 1260 s_| aie aT 56667 es awn | aan | _asszas 6 | cunt 268 Ey ° o 286 7 | eee 104822 50) 1969 om) Ssa167 = [pant a 2 7 5 2 1 9 | Bums & ie 2 5 i 7 5 2 s | bai ro) 1 61 mn 1082 one 1 [Gea 2068 700 s Ey a 0 2 | caja BDH 15156 sa00 Test ao | ae [ size Haya MT Tae 15000) om 1917 exes | sa0819| 1 | imac Prada seas 26 @ 1090 | Jama & Kashi ass 28 6 aS a0 6 | aia THs sare 5509 35008 198 7 | Kamat T1628 oe 36 0S 30 | Kea 5 s a 2 =r 19 | Latatadweep a a e a v 7 v 20 | Madhya Prades on 9536 cise 2695 va | ieee | aS 2 | Nabari 1H 670 om aus | __sa7is Masia 624 1 668 107 5509 2 | Netalaya i841 268 3a 016 08 oS 2 _| Mizoram 16 @ 2 20 % 6 rm 25 | Nagaland 3a 105 2 se as 58 26 _| Oba 7760 ¥ Ba 8 1a Beis | __200468 a _| Pathan a a a a v a = 26 _| Pani Ts ae a8 7a 8 mo) aw 29__| Rajathan 71865 a Tes 2 Ts yon | _ ane 30_| Sikkim 7 8 % a 2 o 2 3 | Tait Nas poses 34 oo 2109 1s 36188 | ar Pade came | _1arT a) wus | ane | wom | _asasa0 35__| Waka os 76 en 85 68 1850 ‘Alea aus | ane | ime | sas | awe | ae 20 Livestock Census Report 59 Table 9: (Contd) State-wise Details of Buffaloes by Age, Sex & Use & Total Buffaloes iam sn) scene | . Femme’ | tte! Yastran| es | ay [ee | onus | Ste 20 Livestock Census Report 60 ‘Table 10: State-wise Details of Buffaloes by Age, Sex & Use [ue Mae ‘vert Yar ste Ute? | usedtor | vndior | etn sa omen | ™mlsale sera 1 2 3 “ 5 ‘ 7 s 3 1 | aa as w 5 o a a a 16 2 | Anis Pek 0 wes m2 958 6 7” 7 3 _| Aneta Pa 2 o ° o 2 5 & [Asse 37 156 20 wo 208 1 136 [aime 309 Tas a a 26 351 a ac 1s s ° © 2 = 7 [eats a B30 sin us Ey a a8) + | Dan ve » 2 1 a o a 2 9 | Ba ie a o o o a a a [pea a 16 ° ¢ 3 [oo 30 a o 1 5 ‘Gia ete 2 a row | ass 3 | Hasane ion o 299 255 a 207 8 «| nasa ran ssi 2 5 @ : 33 | ama Kast 25 2 a 1 “ a 3a | tans 3st om m6 Ea 7 a) 7 | Wart 690 5 4 30 1 aes | aeate ca ® 9 o 2» a 2m 9 | tata a o o a a a o 20_| Maa Pade 3230 sass 3058 m2 w]e | aaa a | aarti 0 9 25 6 8 Neha 2 a © a 2 5 36 Nagi ® 7 ai 9 “ 250 26_| oat Tass Ea 5 a 4 m 2696 2t_| roast = 2 5 . a x ci 26_| Pana wi om 1 3 1 6 29_| Rtn 205 0r 9 us ™ 1 | sitin o ° o o a ° 31_ | Tania I mo Ta 996 9 i 35_| Vesta He 150 26 vat 255 ur 80 "area nem] sn] won [ase | nee | are | _ ssa 20 Livestock Census Report 61 ‘Table 10: (Contd.): State-wise Details of Buffaloes by Age, S ex & Use & Total Buffaloes [Urban ra SS sm] sme | ena rau, || pian wy yar] 71 oan | oy | Ste | ome | remme | 20 Livestock Census Report 62 (Raral- Ur ‘Table 11: State-wise Details of Buffaloes by Age, Sex & Use wae nea Ver ste plo? | usedtor | usedtor | ureter | tie or ‘Tal Mate Yen | ee ek sart | Omners oer H 2 3 ‘ 5 ‘ 7 * > 1 | Aan 2 = 70 a 6 Ea a 2 | Ai Pi saws [ow | sear [200 iss | ms aera 3 | Anas c #01 316 a a 2 aes 28 + [Asm ‘see [ vor | ssi | _s05 asr| ma | _ase 5 [tae aoe [sera [seus | ass | asean| see | ae «| cma oo 75 ° 2 1 2 70 7 [ens Tae ase |e [aoe on sane [pax 6 1 2% 2 5 2 7 9 [nan i 2 5 3 7 5 2 x [pea vias 9 7 of tw | aoe mc 20s i 708 is ne] 66 2 | eae vasa | wer | sof tes | vam] iar | so Hane sere [ear 996 [as [ais | somnen 1 | inact 570s 3 261 ws ain | aa Ka 08 4 356 oe cos | hat sa aonsee | aeane [| _as200 saazi9 7 karte wasois [anism 24 278 rem [eae 9) a oe ae 2 i a) 19 [tata q o ° a a a a 20_| Maa Pade sur [ tone | 1 sar rd a | aarti vmnse [366 [ore [sas sea |e Masia sis6 a 270 3600 1 50 2 | Neate 10 26 ED 35 ose | ais | 24 | siz 26 2 2 256 * a + 2s_| Nat wou Tm asia 27 oe s2[ oo 26 ovis soos om | _axon ‘se | __ 2s | _ ae 27 | Patho 2 2 2 ‘ a 2 5 26_| Pani warn | __1o0 soe | ons | sion] aves | _r 29 Rasa varia [seas cont [sue | _vesss | _neass 20_[ sim vet 3 «6 ny 2 a 2 3 | a 9 |___ om 7 Ey ed [Ur ah cama | vise | eso | ass | ism | mom | nai 35 | trot see [a6 ‘0 3 ae) wer [Tae “Aiea Zour | soca] ese | some | sass | am [ama 20 Livestock Census Report 63 ‘Table 11: (Contd,) tate-wise Details of Buffaloes by Age, Sex & Use & Total Buffaloes [Rrat+rban} = a weno? | tet Ywsran| ee | ay [seat | cam | oh 20 Livestock Census Report 64 ‘Table 12: State-wise Details of Mithun by Age & Sex (Rarat) Male Female SN cone Upwa Upwa Tota a ert ipo pw: otal oT Uptes | ayers ears | TotatMae | YP! | oversyears | fet 7 | cana D @ @ @ a a S| Tamme & Kashi 3 E 3 7 2 a 2 2_| arsine 0 ® @ @ v a 7 36 _| Oise ° o v @ 7 7 Padoshery ° ® ° 7 7 7 7 2a _| Pan 0 0 0 @ @ 7 25 _| Raison 0 ® e o 7 7 7 3 | tami Nad 0 8 @ a @ 7 7 32_| Telangana ° 0 0 a 7 a 7 [apa ° o ° 7 7 7 7 3_| tsar Pade ° 0 0 v @ 7 35 _[ tnartand ° ® ° 7 7 7 7 ‘linda 7s 169177 wo | am | _ santa 20 Livestock Census Report 65 ‘Table 13: State-wise Details of Mithun by Age & Sex [ue ‘et = weve] a a er aS TT 20 Livestock Census Report 66 ‘Table 14: State-wise Details of Mithun by Age & Sex [Raral+trban) Mae Female sxe “ewan oersveas | tants | 3083 [owrsveus | feat | sion Years Female 1 2 2 + 5 @ 7 ¥ ° 1 _[ ARN ss e o @ 7 7 7 7 2 _| Andis Pradech ° ° ° 7 7 7 7 3_ [Arocha Pradesh oo way sais wes [nia | toes 350054 = [Assn ° ° ° o 7 a 7 | candi ° ° © 7 7 7 7 7 | eit @ o ° 7 7 7 v #_| Dan tive ° ° ° 7 v 7 7 3 | aman & Die ° e e 7 7 7 7 | Dati ° ° ° 7 7 7 7 1 [Gon ° ® ° 7 7 7 7 12 _| Gojane ° ° ° o 7 7 7 1 | Hayane o e ° 7 7 7 7 14 | Himachal Prades ° ° ° 7 7 7 7 15 mw & Racin i e 3 7 2 5 2 16 | Tan ° ° ° 7 7 7 v 7 | Keema ° e ° 7 7 7 v Te | Ker ° ° ° o 7 7 7 | Laksbawsep @ ° ° 7 7 7 7 20 | May Pes ° 0 ° 7 7 7 7 21 _[ Martie a e ° 7 7 7 7 ma_| Minipor Tai 2805 a1 20) 28 759 B_[ Meaatae @ o ° 7 7 7 a 2 _| Mizoram Tos 14 1136 077 ms 3957 25 _| Noatand 740 bose 0 157 0065 Bis 26 _| Oise ° ° © o 7 7 7 2 _| Pasbeny @ ° ° 7 7 7 7 28 | Panjab ° ° ° 7 7 7 7 2_| Raison o o ° 7 7 7 7 30_| Sikkim 7 ° ° 0 7 7 7 a 7 ° ° a 7 7 7 2 ° ° ° 0 7 7 7 a o ° ° 7 7 a o o @ ° ° o 7 7 7 35 _| traritand o ° ° 7 7 7 7 36_| Wert engat @ ° ° ° 7 7 v ‘ilteaia Tae ois | __mew won| aves | ane | seaas 20% Livestock Census Report 67 ble 15: State-wise Details of Yaks by Age & Sex (Rural) wan Nae Female om Tersitary Upte3 | oversvears | Totamiae | UP3 | oversveare] Tesh ] TutYale i 2 3 4 = é 7 3 7 1 | aa ee oi a a a a a a 2 | Anais Pah ° ° @ @ a o 0 3 | Amc Prd saa | as mms | ses [an |e [a = [Asam @ ° o @ a a @ 3 [Bier @ @ @ a a a a «| cnt @ ° @ a a a o 7 | ata @ @ @ @ a a a 2 [patina 5 ° @ @ @ @ a 3 | Danan & Dia @ ® 0 a @ a a ofa @ ® 0 @ @ @ @ [eon @ ® 0 a @ a a 2 [aaa ° ° e @ @ @ @ 13 [Fane o ° @ q @ a a va | Himastal Pde oH 30 as ie 7 7 i S| em 8 Kan seo | seo7 |e ian | aes] aa [ae [itd @ ® 0 @ @ @ @ 7 | aaa @ ® 0 a @ a a | eal @ ® 0 a @ @ @ 9 | Latina @ ° @ a @ a a 20_| Made Pd ° ° @ a @ @ @ Mabaasis @ @ 0 a @ @ @ 22 | Maxipa Q ® 0 a @ a @ 2a | eta o ® o a @ @ a 2 | Misam Q ® 0 @ @ @ a 25 | Nand @ ® @ a @ @ a 26 [odie @ ® 0 a @ @ @ 21 [Paduka @ ° @ a @ @ a 26 | Pa ° ° 0 @ @ @ @ 29 | Ran @ ® 0 a @ @ a 30 Sikkim mI vara m7 ue) aw] a9 3 [fan Nos @ @ 0 q q a a 22_| Teanane ° ® ° a @ @ @ 33. [ian @ ° n a @ @ a [Gar ada ° 2 @ @ @ @ @ 25 | Uakind A 7 2 3 3 2 36 | Wo Beal 2 8 3 we 26 36 gi “lela w|i [am | awn [seme [ata | are 20 Livestock Census Report 68 ble 16: State-wise Details of Vaks by Age & Sex [Urban] Nae Teme axe Upte3 | overs years | Totatatae | UP!3 | overs venrs | Tet | Tem Yale 1 2 3 7 5 « 7 3 7 1 | aa ee a a a a a a a 2 | Anda Pd 5 0 ¢ a v o 0 3 | Amc Prd io i a a 2 @ = [Asam @ @ @ @ ° @ o 3 [Bier @ @ a a a a a «| cnt 0 0 @ a 0 ° 7 7 | ata a @ a @ @ a a 2 [pantine 2 0 @ @ 0 o ° 3 | Danan & Dia 5 @ @ a a a a ofa ° ° a @ 2 @ @ [eon @ o @ a a a a 2 | cane @ @ a @ a @ @ 13 [Fane o q a q a a a 14 [Himachal Pad ¢ @ a @ 0 a a S| em 8 Kan 3 is rn a a az 2 [itd ° ° a @ 2 @ @ 7 | aaa @ D a a a a a | Keates 0 ° a a @ @ @ 9 | Latina a q a a a a a aay rade 0 @ a a ° @ @ Mabaasis ° @ @ a a @ @ 22 | Maxipa ° 0 @ a a @ @ 2a | eta o v a a @ @ a 2 | Misam ° 0 a @ @ @ a 25 | Nand @ v a a a @ a 26 [odie @ ° a a @ @ @ 21 [Paduka @ v q a a @ a 29 | Ran @ @ @ a @ @ a 20 | skin ¢ 0 @ a @ @ @ 3 [fan Nos @ v a a @ a @ 22_| Teanane ° ° a a 2 @ @ 33. [ian @ q a a @ @ a [Gar ada ° 0 @ @ @ @ @ 25 | Uakind o @ @ a a a a “lela i 6 3» at 3 a ioe 20 Livestock Census Report 69 ble 17: State-wise Details of Vaks by Age & Sex [Raratstrban wan Nae Female om Tersitary Upte3 | oversvears | Totamiae | UP3 | oversveare] Tesh ] TutYale i 2 3 4 = é 7 3 7 1 | aa ee oi a a a a a a 2 | Anais Pah ° ° @ @ a o 0 3 | Amc Prd seo] aie mele [ oes ime | aes = [Asam Q ° @ a @ a o 3 [Bier @ @ @ a a a a «| cnt @ ° @ a a a o 7 | ata @ @ @ @ a a a 2 [patina 5 ° @ @ @ @ a 3 | Danan & Dia @ ® 0 a @ a a ofa @ ® 0 @ @ @ @ [eon @ ® 0 a @ a a 2 [aaa ° ° e @ @ @ @ 13 [Fane o ° @ q @ a a va | Himastal Pde oH 30 as ie 7 7 i S| em 8 Kan sen] van [se san | ww |e [ae [itd @ ® 0 @ @ @ @ 7 | aaa @ ® 0 a @ a a | eal @ ® 0 a @ @ @ 9 | Latina @ ° @ a @ a a 20_| Made Pd ° ° @ a @ @ @ Mabaasis @ @ 0 a @ @ @ 22 | Maxipa Q ® 0 a @ a @ 2a | eta o ® o a @ @ a 2 | Misam Q ® 0 @ @ @ a 25 | Nand @ ® @ a @ @ a 26 [odie @ ® 0 a @ @ @ 21 [Paduka @ ° @ a @ @ a 26 | Pa ° ° 0 @ @ @ @ 29 | Ran @ ® 0 a @ @ a 30 Sikkim mI vara m7 ue) aw] a9 3 [fan Nos @ @ 0 q q a a 22_| Teanane ° ® ° a @ @ @ 33. [ian @ ° n a @ @ a [Gar ada ° 2 @ @ @ @ @ 25 | Uakind A 7 2 3 3 2 36 | Wo Beal 2 8 3 we 26 36 gi “lela mam [aa | awe [ame ee [ao 20 Livestock Census Report 70 ‘Table 18: State-wise Details of Exotic / Crossbred Sheep by Age & Sex (oral) ae Fem Sittin eal one Terry | vptoryer | T32T& | rotatnie | uptoryear | Tere | Toad | Peggremret 1 2 3 q z < 7 : o 1 [aan o a o o o o o 2 [Ania Pah wae] ine [ ioe | _san | arse | one ane 3 [Asma Pde 7 o 5 wep aes 2a = [asm we |_|) 0 we | __356 oes 5 [aie 9 mane ane en |e a «| cos ° n ° o 2 2 c 7 cage A a H ae |e = = [pani a ° 7 o o 2 o 2 [bem @ a @ o o @ @ vo [bat % | e 2 | _as = 1 [ee @ a @ o a a @ [ca = jp os se | a | rm 1a [apa % pe | sea aime 69 1 [Hinasha Po wie] ar] ees | a» | aon | 7 15 [am i Tee | maans | series [wise | ni Tia 16 [et ae a6 ws 35 m7 ae oma Ey a TC 21586 ve [eae a = 2 a i 7 19 [aia a n @ a a 2 a 20 [Maia Pa Ea tafe a | 3s a 2 [ak mma] nae Tamas [mss mas | ei 1 2 3 2 a 3 2 [eal a is z Fa 3 e = [Mir 5 ar] 2 3 7 0 257 | Nes 3 2 35 2 * 25 2 [oe ve] ep ee) en |e) a ar [ray @ 70 30 0 o 7 is | ah se] | ae we | tuo 12 2 [Race ar 0 nest [a =o [Skin 1 7 a n 31 [faa Bas Ses| aan | ines | aoe 7 [Tens a sm | wee | roe |v see 3 eu 2 5 % zi 30 8 Una Pah wue[ ase] ne] iain “oe os 35 | Ulin FE ET cau 7 36 | Wathen won| so] ten | se 3 “Aled sess [eves [ane [teen [aor | ieee sae 20 Livestock Census Report 71 ‘Table 19: State-wise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age & Sex & Total Sheep (Rural) Male Female san Staten ota | totat "Tertory uptot | tyear& | coerynte | Uetot | tycars | Tota sheep yer | above yer | above | Female T 2 a 4 5 é 7 + 7 0 1 | ARN tnd 7 T T 2 2 + Fi 2 _[ Anta Pradesh rasease | _tsisewo [| areieoe | _aizeie | _oasasaa | issamtan | vowaee | 25078 3 _ [Arunachal deh 137 1499 26 a 2s 6 7082 Ey 4 [Assam ssaor | ses | raze [rion | asso | _2asaos | saomes | saan 5 [Bir omer | 2aroo | aer | cimas | osson | isos | _aooasn | _200e77 | Chang © ° ° ° ° v v v 7_[ermatisarh zie | soor| soos] owe | vais] nies | esis | _rreos0 [pan tvet 0 © © 2 6 © s S 9 [Daman & Dia 7 @ 7 v o v 10_[ Dati © = u 3 6 78 1S a [Gon z 5 © v 7 v © = 2 [ Guane uasee| roo] iwsse[ aes _unososa | _isaiais | vari | rena 13 | Hanane vs | _tare| assis | _csaoo | esaon | aaomin | _asevas | aTeeuw 14 | Hinactal Prados vot | _wuaess | wasso | _taesos | setsen | sone | see | __rabase 1S [Jama & Kashmir ware | __asieia |__ S786 st | sean | _iamasos | vee | a17s856 16 | hahand roses | _vsists | asm | __vossos | _aszsse [somos coors | _earase 17_| Kamae Trower | __wee73e | _vosewoe | aseaseo | _cossrsi | eazazmi | vosraer7 | _osossrs 18 | Kerala ise a 28 aT 3 on ot 2 19 [ takatadwon o 7 v v v v v 7 20_| Madhya Prades somo | soma] ow [own | save | _aaores | _sosser | _soneee 2i_| Maarastice isa | aen| aes | ena) ie] oe | asus | oes 22_| Manipur Dy 1450 25 se 2st M2 sa7 se 23 | Mectalaya 96 1997 7} 1 ast ose? |_| 509 24_| Mizoram 7 0 o € 6 2 ‘4 a 2s_| Naga @ 2 150 6 a ® mH 30 2s [odie verre | 200529 | _sowon [_siesea| samen | _esesan | _casneas | 1256006 27_| Paducheny 16 ry 20 38 mo 88 i 26 28_| Pa som 2 05 Cr 2 Reese weiss | voon | tunivar | _ainaoeo | asezaze | ceassra | _rrvmson | reason 30_| sixim on 7 341 36 ae 1024 oes 2010 31 | TanitNaae auf savs| woos | _tieesen | ivan | son | seszoo | _aieno7 32 | Feangane rearioa | _taeesss | 2ooeras | _aseesan | _voswooes | ismzerai | _imisave [| _asoisoe 33 [Tipu a0 so 1586 166 Ey ey 54 34 _[ UnarPrades vias | visa | _assvea | asiser | _tariow | oizese | __o0aa00 35 | Urata west | sts | _ioa77 | _iseoue | amor |_atan 36_| West engl ww | mea | sses| owe | sors ‘Ailinaia seem | name | aan | seaems | saerme | anens7 20 Livestock Census Report 72 ‘Table 20: State-wise Details of Exotic / Crossbred Sheep by Age & Sex [Urban ‘aa || | || 20 Livestock Census Report 73 (Urban ‘Table 21: State-wise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age & Sex & Total Sheep Mae Female Totat Se, vpter | tyre uptot | tyare | rout | indigenous year | above | Ta Male | “sear | “above | Female | Sheer 1 [AN inde z @ @ 7 7 v o @ 2_| Ania Pade aosr| a | ae | aise aoses [| _sosvoe | _aa9095 3 | Araachal Pada @ ® @ 2 A i a «| Assn a a aw, 3a “07 S51 s_ [paar 2 0 16 2964 Heh 3780 «| Chanda D @ @ @ u v 0 0 Cais 66 wa m7 7 159 2 a0 a | Den Aava 0 0 @ @ v D 0 7 10 _[ pew 2 z ny 1 21 8 © 25 ra @ ® @ 7 a v © @ | Himachal Prades 2 2a 6 7 2s ast 1a 1889 15 [Jani & Kashi 24 399 1 ay) a0 aa | one | nieer 16 [Patan 0 1H 1982 7 1 7 34 wa 19 [takaiadwy ° @ a a o v © @ 20_| Madhya Pradesh 156s 1660 was 38 7 1190 01 2) Matias 37 ous | __tuose | _aaoo | _ ne 2 | Megha ° @ @ a a v ° @ 25 _| Nepaland ° fi 1 a a v 1 n 26 | Odie a7 aot oa si 79 seen | __ 28 | Pana 0 8 78 oH 2 ask 3576 3861 29_| Ranson 5 sua] iar | aoreo | asase | _ososa | rans | _oine 32 [Telangana won| us| ese] vse| aon | assis [| enon | _airs0 35 | Uaartand Bs 7 a m7 2 sa ) 6 ATT aonoes [sore | aves | aasnss | roonas | rarisao | awrans | 2onoso 20 Livestock Census Report T& ‘Table 22: State-wise Details of Exotic / Crossbred Sheep by Age & Sex (Rarat+Ueban} Nae Female Sh (i) a Foal | trtareteed “erry upteryear | 1288 | romintate | upto year Rees sheep 1 [Aa ahaa a a a a a a a 2 [antes Pde ws |__| nos | __sst00s | aeons | ora Times 2 anmeta ra 5 a a 2 6 205 20 a [ass m7 zi em Ti Bi a 809 = [ater Me 205 Bai om om 29 «| chet o @ ® 0 @ @ @ Chg 7 wo = no 29 2 3 [Dan taal o @ ° 0 1 1 vw [bat 2s wae a 6 B we [een @ @ @ @ a @ a Hinata Pa ai oav[ esse [| —veano | oer | _ sear a 16 [Pn Bs 300 32 26 12 8 1 19 | tata o @ @ @ @ @ a 20_ [Maia rade 7 wait 1688 es 7aie aon Bi [Miter 7a yes [aoe | nisee eat | Meta a 1 26 36 @ » 25 | Naan 2 2B 3 2 * 26 15 26 [oni a8 oe aan Tae ase 99 2s | a ‘i 70 | 140 3067 cso | 1057 as? ae esata et aon | stoo [asaa [asian | 9306 72 | etara aror[ eso | _sisis |] _tiaor | _2aas | _ ann 35 | twain 2097 asm[ reef aura | enon | ao 7399 ‘lng soen7 | sown] momen | awreans | amcor | sasenne aa 20 Livestock Census Report 75 ‘Table 23: State-wise Details of In ligenous Sheep by Age & Sex & Total Sheep [Rarattrbaa} Male Female ‘Total StateUsion ‘rota 80 Indigenous Tere uptet | tyre upor | tyeare | Teta ec & “me Sear | above | TOMEMNe | Sec | hose | Female | Sheep a 1 [ARN shade @ 7 z z a 5 A 2 | Anata Pade ims | nai | asso vise | owen | _nsene | aes | een 3 | Anmachal Pda 1 266 ae 26 a) BAS «| Assn 36 ia tives | arian | _200029 200 [ater 20060 55 as) ovo | 159607 2377 6 | Chanda y @ @ u v 0 0 0 ‘Chang mel si | ens) om ast | __ tia | _vneie |i 0 [pati % 9 16s « 6 18 En 2 TH [co i 5 . 7 v © ‘ © | Hiatal Pada van | usta | _iosore [raves | __sasaon ase [_ Jos 15 [emma & Kast wwe [aera | _ sas | aimoan | _aseeae essen | _s207508 16 | dasa wma | ase | aso | iecavo | __aas4se conse | oanies te _[ Keale ny © 2 39 369 708 ms | ake 19 [takstadwy @ a u u ° © @ Q 20 | Maya Pradesh 3S cover | _osaao | _isesss | _asinis [| sioma | _ sass 2) Mabastica com | _iaree| sass | easser | _ioizaea | sa0vens | assssia | _20non29 2 | Meghalaya 2386 i 93 158 cast) ser | _isswo | _ ise 26 | odie roi | _aiasis | stows | sansa | soso | _svzann | 272660 | 1279149 2 _| Paluhany 7 1 3 300 Ey Tie wee | 2s 26 | Panjab oa sor | __voras [| __2008 es | __ as Tiers | __ 65560 29_| Ranson wae | assis | tiene | aianow | asorave | _oraisay |__rassssn | _Tomsast 35 _| artand aces [avis [amin | ewan [sisi | veaav7 | 20mnse | 2eais 20 Livestock Census Report 76

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