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Introduction of the Movie

A young boy is on trial for murder, accused of knifing his father to death. The twelve jurors retire
to the jury room, having been admonished that the defendant is innocent until proven guilty
beyond a reasonable doubt. Eleven of the jurors vote for conviction, each for reasons of their
own. The sole holdout is juror number 8 Henry Fonda, which plays the main role in the movie
and persuades other jury members to re-examine the facts involved in this case, and how it
takes twist. The main issues that jury re-examines and talks on are

1. He defendant has a weak piece of evidence.

2. A knife he claimed to have lost is found at the murder scene.
3. Several witnesses either heard screaming, saw the killing or the boy fleeing the scene.
4. They re-create the event and stabbing process.
5. The jurors' prejudices and preconceptions about the trial.

And how 11 to 1 scene changes into 12 to 0 just by talking and negoiating are the beauty of the
Describe different Ways to influence 12 angry men

 Seeds of doubt :
Sow seeds of doubt in the minds of his like Henry Fonda did by asking
critical and challenging questions, and let them come to their own
conclusion do not force your opinion
 Thorough preparation:
Like Henry Fonda did Going to the neighborhood and finding a similar
switch knife, which raised the doubt in their minds and also made them, re-
consider the facts and their assumptions

 Form Alliance:
It‟s not easy to talk and bargain with each every man alone, so with
moving talks you need to form alliance, people who will stand by your
point of view, like Henry Fonda did.
 Avoid Appearing Rigid:

Although the minority has to be consistent, at the same time, they have to avoid
appearing rigid and inflexible to the majority, like Mr. Fonda did he did not
forced anything on to anyone.
 Self Confidence:

Fonda was clearly self-confident. He had complete conviction in what he

was doing and saying which instilled confidence in other members of the
jury who were leaning in that direction.

 Repetitive Voting :

Repetitive voting can help in this case, because the people who are
getting at your side with ongoing discussions, can be known and it can also
influence others that majority at your side is increasing

What Leadership lessons are learned from 12 angry men?

 Consistency:
It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It's what we do
consistently.” Leaders are always consistent as we also learned from the
movie even if you are last man stand be consistent in what you have and
believe in.
 Compassion, kindness:

You cannot win people‟s hearts if you don‟t genuinely care about their
welfare and well-being. One sure way true leaders are revealed is by what they
inspire in others. It was also shown in move by Henry Fonda‟s attitude.
 Critical Thinker :

He was very sharp with his mind and hence used his intelligence as
power to influence, manipulate, negotiate and dominate others

 The initiator:

He can be considered as „the initiator‟ of the whole discussion otherwise

others have already (in very starting of the discussion)decided that the boy was
guilty which was highly influenced from their own personal prejudices,
stereotyping and emotions without any conscious and logical reason

• Distant vision and close focus :

The most vigilant lesson that Henry Fonda gives that leaders have distant
vision they can look beyond a normal man , and have focus on that , they know
how to turn their vision into reality.

 Helping people to reach their potential:

As Henry Fonda did, he re-created some scene, which were in discussion

and cleared the mind on the other jurors, and helped them clear their doubts he
supported them throughout the film

Briefly Explain 5 Lessons Behavioral change

 No aggression stay Calm :

We should stay calm, even if the other person we are talking to or we are
in negotiations with is aggressive, we can convert his/her anger and can
beat him on logical grounds by keeping calm and we can let his anger go
and then we can, deal things with more effectiveness and we will be able
to get a desirable result benefiting both the parties

 Looking up and out:

In the start of the negotiation Henry Fonda‟s separates himself from the
group. He moves at his own pace, walks over to the window and looks
out, and is the 2nd last Juror to seat himself at the table. It‟s pretty clear
that while he‟s sizing up the group and their mood, he‟s being careful to
separate himself from the group, and maintain a different perspective.

 Pointing out a better choice:

Henry Fonda point out the other option of “Not Guilty” he knows that the
he cannot force his opinion on the other jurors. They need to be pointed
out, so that the choice to vote “not guilty” seems the more attractive one.
Emotions are high in the room, and people are resistant to change

 To Have Empathy :

Fonda‟s character attempts to understand and “walk in the shoes” of the

kid accused of murdering his father. He talks about what it must have been like
for the teenager, constantly pushed around by his father, and living in rough and
slum-like conditions. He wasn‟t using these as excuses, but rather because
it provided context for much of the evidence that was being used against the
accused. Often this was effective at re-framing the issue, helping others to see
things from a different point of view

 Influence of the Group or peer pressure:

We can change the person behavior by a pressure group or we can say
that, like one character in the movie who is interested in watching film
gives away the vote because he thinks what all people thinks is right and
he likes to go with group, in the start he votes guilty and then not guilty.

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