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TORAIHAN SUMANTRI, NPM. 14150048. “Agricultural utilization of video as a

media of socialization of the internal institutions and society in Indonesian Center For
Agricultural Technology Assessment and Development” (ICATAD).

Under the guidance of Ismail Taufik Rusfien, S.Sos., M.Si.

This research aims to know the agricultural utilization of video on ICATAD as

well as the obstacles that occur in the agricultural of video in particular on the
utilization of the results of the assessment.
Mass communication is the most important thing in an institution for doing
socialization between internal and community agencies, such as those in ICATAD,
the utilization of video media especially on the agricultural utilization of the results of
the assessment section running off, but still not optimal as well as have the barriers in
the creation and reception of information between internal institutions with
communities as well as with all employees. Therefore, the need for the utilization of
video delivery and acceptance in the socialization of information, by creating a video
that is more effective in the form of electronic mass media, so that it can minimize the
occurrence of resistance in ICATAD.
The methodology used in this study is qualitative data analysis method that is,
research that is directed to provide facts or events in a systematic and accurate that is
retrieved from various sources, by making use of the various data collection
techniques as well as conducted the analysis in descriptive, the end result of this
research in the form of video as a medium of socialization of the results of the farm
were uploaded through youtube website. Data Collection techniques by using
interview techniques with interviewing the four (4) speaker, as well as the
observations made in the corporate environement in particular on the results of the
assessment and utilization section study library by looking for books related to the
mass communication namely research titles.
This research is expected to be the solution in overcoming communication
barriers and provide optimal results in the delivery messages and information on
increasing the productivity of ICATAD.

Keywords : Socialization, Communication, ICATAD, Video

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