Google Classroom PDF

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How to join Google classroom

and submit assignments

Downloading Google classroom and joining a
• Please have an account in Gmail (In the name of the student)before
• Download Google classroom from playstore if using phone. Visit if using laptop
• Install and open the app And login using the Gmail account on phone.
• Just login using Gmail account to the website if using laptop
The home page
looks like this once Click on join class Enter the class code Screen Looks like
you login using the provided by the this after joining
Gmail account. teacher. Press join. class
click the plus sign.
Recieving assignments
• The assignments can be homework or ST.
Click on the assignment.. View the assignment by
Clicking the attachment.
Submitting Assignment
• While submitting an assignment make sure it is submitted in the classwork
section and not the stream. If you press share with class, it will get uploaded
in the stream. Do not upload any file by clicking share with class.
Click on your work Click Add attachment. Select file if photo is already taken and
converted to pdf, press File. Or Take photo
to send photo of
. your work.
• Select the appropriate file or take a. Confirm again By pressing hand in/turn
clear photo of your written work. In /submit again
Press turn in/hand in/submit.
• The work is submitted

You can also submit the homework in a similar way.

If submitting daily homework(Exercise Problem
Solutions) , press unsubmit for that particular assignment
the next day and add new attachment of current day’s
homework and press submit/turn in/hand in again.

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