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1. In the context of the elephant story, what do you think is a “Holistic Perspective”? What is a
“Partial Point of View”? (10pts)
2. Did anyone among the blind men give the correct answer? Why or why not? (10pts)
3. What is the importance of a “holistic perspective” as pointed out by the poet John Godfrey
Saxe? (10pts)
4. In the last stanza, John Godfrey Saxe related the legend to the religious wars during his time.
What do you think is John Godfrey Saxe trying to say in this poem? (10pts)
5. What is holistic perspective of philosophy? (10pts)
6. What is partial perspective of philosophy? (10pts)
7. What is philosophy? (10pts)
8. The story of the elephant and the blind men can be an analogy of everyday experiences. Recall
an experience where you had disagreements with friends or family over something. Was the
disagreement resolved? If yes, how? If not, how can a more holistic perspective help in the
resolution? Share your story (30pts)
9. Based on what you learned on the holistic approach of philosophy, why is a panel of discussants
or presenters usually invited to share their views on an issue? Is it not enough to listen to just
one presenter? What is the wisdom behind panel discussions? (30pts)
10. Each of your subjects – biology, chemistry, psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics,
math – has concept of who a human person is. For example, in biology, a human person is a
living being composed of cells, tissues, organs and systems. In chemistry, a human person is 99%
oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. 0.85% potassium, sulfur, sodium,
chlorine, and magnesium and 0.15% are more than a dozen of trace elements. In anthropology,
a human person is a “member of the primate genus Homo Sapiens, distinguished from other
apes by a large brain and the capacity for speech. Given a holistic perspective of reality, which is
the correct definition of a human person? Justify your answer. (40 pts)
11. Doing philosophy is looking at reality from a holistic perspective and not from a partial point of
view. Distinguish holistic perspective from a partial point of view. Give a concrete example. (30
12. Write a journal entry about your experience of getting to a high point such as the peak of a
mountain, the top of a tower, or the view from an airplane above high seas. Try to recall how
you felt in that moment. Did the view below give you a sense of relief and freedom? Now shift
your focus to a personal conflict that is bothering you now. Imagine yourself looking at that
conflict from the high point that you described above. What do you see? Do you see things
differently? Do you understand better? How did this exercise make you feel? Does having
broader, more holistic perspective give you a sense of relief? Write this down in your journal.
(50pts Use a separate sheet or word documents in short size)

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