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‘’2 Person Improvisation

1. A kid saw an old woman about to cross the street. The old woman is carrying 2 grocery bags and the
kid offered to help. Problem: The old woman has hearing problems.

2. You are riding a bus and studying for your exam. Suddenly, a teenager sat beside you with a stereo in
hand blasting loud music. Problem: You want the teenager to lower the volume of the stereo music

3. You are a costumer in a busy restaurant. You noticed that in your soup, a wing of a cockroach is
floating. You are already half way to finishing your soup. You call the waitress to complain. Problem: The
waitress is making an alibi that the wing is the secret ingredient and not from a cockroach

4. You are a teacher teaching a 6-year old kid the multiplication table. Problem: the kid only wants to
talk about Dora the Explorer.

5. You and your friend won the lottery. Both of you contributed to bet on the winning number. Problem:
Your friend does not want to share the prize money.

6. A teacher tells a nerdy student that she is going to fail science class. The student tries to convince the
teacher not to fail her. Problem: The student is a scholar and must not fail the class for she will lose her

7. A 6 yr old child in a doctor’s office is scared to get the shot and convincing the mother to go home.
Mother refuses to go home because she already paid the bill.

8. A beggar called you ugly while walking. You are late for a job interview and the beggar won’t stop
unless you give him 100 pesos. Problem: The beggar keeps on touching your interview clothes with his
dirt stained hands

9. A young boy has to do a report on Jose Rizal, but does not want to research. He runs into the class top
1 and forces her to do his report. Problem: The girl refuses since it will get her in trouble.

10. You found 1000 pesos on the street while you are walking. A minute after, a scruffy looking man
comes up to you saying the money is his. You don’t believe him he owns the money. You need the
money since you left your wallet.

11. You went mountain climbing with your friend. You were already 60 ft above the ground when
suddenly, the rope broke and it can only hold one of you. Your friend has a family waiting at home. You
are single since birth.

12. You went to the beach with your boyfriend. He suddenly gets down on one knee and pops the
question. “Will you marry me?” You are flattered but not ready to get married.

13. You are an architect designing a condo unit for a rich socialite. You even invested your own money to
make the room beautiful. The socialite sees the room and doesn’t like your design and will not pay you.
14. You are a policeman and you saw a girl stealing a shampoo sachet in the store you are working for.
You catch the girl and she’s begging you not to turn her in.

15. You are a beautician doing a haircut to a customer. Suddenly, a cat came up to you and surprised
you while you are shaving the head of the customer.

16. You are a scientist in a laboratory. You are working with your assistant but your experiment failed.
Your assistant tries to do the same experiment and succeeded. The assistant wants to take the credit for
the work.

17. You are driving your car and saw a man hit by a trisikad and screamed in pain. The trisikad driver ran
away. You came to help but was accused by a passer by that you had hit the man.

18. You catch your classmate cheating on the exam. The teacher found out somebody cheated, but does
not know who. You decided to tell your teacher. But your classmate tried to bribe you with 1000 pesos.

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