Budget of Lesson in Creative Non-Fiction and 21ST Century

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII- Eastern Visayas


Performance Standard(PS) : At the end of the week period, the learner clearly and coherently uses a chosen elem

1. Analyze the theme and techniques used in a particular text.
2. Create samples of the different literary elements based on one’s experience (e.g. metaphor to describe an emotion)
Duration : 1 week (4 hours)
Weeks 1
August 24,2020 August 25,2020
⦁What is theme? ⦁ What is a technique in analyzing a text?

⦁ What are those different techniques in analyzing a

⦁What are the different types of theme?

⦁What are the techniques in uncovering the ⦁ How will be those literary techniques be used
theme of the story? accurately?

⦁What are the important points to remember in ⦁ How are those literary techniques important in
analyzing the theme? analyzing a text?

The teacher will give a short quiz. The teacher will give a short quiz.

Performance Standard(PS) : The learner clearly and coherently uses multiple elements conventionally identified with a genre


1. Analyze factual/nonfictional elements (Plot, Characters, Characterization, Point of View, Angle, Setting and Atmosphere,
elements and Devices) in the texts

2. Write a draft of a short piece (Fiction, Poetry, Drama, etc.) using any of the literary conventions of genre following these p
and developing ideas 4. Using any literary conventions of a genre 5. Ensuring that theme

3. Evaluate other’s draft based on: 1. clarity of idea 2. appropriate choice of literary element 3. appropriate use of the elem

4. Revise the draft of a short piece using any of the literary conventions of a genre (e.g. plot for narrative piece)
Duration ; 2 weeks (8 hours)
Week 2 and 3
September 7,2020 September 8,2020

⦁ What is nonfiction? ⦁How Character and Characterization differs?

⦁What are those other elements and devices you knew

⦁ What are those nonfictional elements? aside from those we've discussed?

⦁ How does each element play its functions? ⦁ Can you give its meaning and how it is being use?

⦁ Give examples that apply the functions of ⦁ Can you give an example on the use of the
each element. particular element?

The teacher will give a short quiz. The teacher will give a short quiz.
September 15,2020 September 16,2020
⦁What is analysis? What is peer critique? ⦁ Based from the activity last meeting, students need
What are the areas to be improved using peer to let his/her peer critique the work using the given
critique? How do you analyze and interpret criteria: 1. clarity of idea 2. appropriate choice of
using peer critique? literary element 3. appropriate use of the element 4.
effective combination of the idea and the chosen
literary element (to realize peer critiquing the student
have to find a pair from the class and they're going to
send its work through any available means ).

⦁ What are those important elements needed to

be ddistinguished between genres?

⦁What are those important questions that need

to be answered in doing analysis?

The teacher will give a short quiz. The teacher will give an activity.

Performance Standard(PS):The learner competently delivers an artistic presentation summarizing and analyzing the

1. Present a commentary/critique on a chosen creative nonfictional text representing a particular type or form (Biography/Auto
Reflection Essay, True Narratives, Blogs, Testimonies, Other Forms)
Duration : 2 weeks ( 8 hours)
Week 4 and 5
September 21,2020 September 22,2020
What is boigraphy? What is literary journalism?

How is it different with Autobiography? How is it different with the journalism itself?
Create an example of Biography Create an example of a literary report.
Create an example of Autobiography

The teacher will give an activity. The teacher will give an activity.
September 28,2020 September 29,2020
What is reflection essay? What is true narratives?

What makes it distinct with all other types of

essay? What makes it different from personal narrative?

Given a short piece, create your own sample of

a reflection essay. Create your own sample of reflection essay.

The teacher will give an activity. The teacher will give an activity.

Performance Standard(PS):The learner writes a clear and coherent critique and an interesting and engaging creative nonfictio

1. Write a mini critique of a peer’s work based on coherence and organization of paragraphs, development of literary elements

2. Write a draft of creative nonfiction piece based on memorable real-life experience

3. Revise the draft based on desirable qualities of well-written creative nonfiction

Duration : 2 weeks (8 hours)
Week 6 and 7
October 12,2020 October 13,2020
What is mini critique? Given a piece, students will write a mini critique of a
peer’s work based on coherence and organization of
paragraphs, development of literary elements, use of
factual information, and other qualities concerning
form and content.
peer’s work based on coherence and organization of
paragraphs, development of literary elements, use of
factual information, and other qualities concerning
form and content.

How do you write mini critique of a creative

nonfiction work?

The teacher will give a short quiz. The teacher will give an activity.
October 12,2020 October 13,2020
How will you describe a well-written creative What are creative devices?
What are those creative devices?
What are those desirable qualities that you
should look in a well written creative
nonfiction piece?
Explain each creative device and cite an example.
What are the kinds of elements that a creative
nonfiction is composed of?

Give examples of each kind of elements.

The teacher will give an activity. The teacher will give a short quiz.

Performance Standard(PS):The learners shall be able to produce short paragraphs or vignettes using imagery, diction, figures
1. Use imagery, diction, figures of speech, and specific experiences to evoke meaningful responses from readers
Duration : 2 weeks (8 hours)
Week 8 and 9
October 19, 2020 October 20, 2020
What is imagery? Write a peom with four stanzas and a free verse type
emphasizing the use of imagery.

What is the prime use of imagery?

Give at least five examples of sentences of


The teacher will give a short quiz. The teacher will give an activity.
October 26, 2020 October 27, 2020
What is figurative language/figure of speech? Write a short story using figurative language that
most catches the interest and attention of the
Write a short story using figurative language that
most catches the interest and attention of the
What are the common figurative languages
used? Cite some and explain.

Give examples for each figurative language.

The teacher will give a short quiz. The teacher will give an activity.

Prepared by:

MYLENE B. ALOPOOP Reviewed by:

Master Teacher II
he Philippines

t of Education
Eastern Visayas


ly and coherently uses a chosen element conventionally identified with a genre for a written output.

or to describe an emotion)

August 26,2020 August 27,2020

⦁ What is a literary element? ⦁ How will you analyze a text?

⦁ Can you give an examples of literary ⦁ Can you give me the theme of this particular text
elements? (teacher gives a certain text)?

⦁ What technique/s did you used while doing analysis

⦁ What are those literary elements?
and come up with the said theme of the given text?

⦁ Create a sample that based from you own experience

⦁ What are the use of those different literary
in life where you can apply any of those literary

The teacher will give a short quiz. The teacher gives a short review and an activity to do

onventionally identified with a genre for a written output.

w, Angle, Setting and Atmosphere, Symbols and Symbolisms, Irony, Figures of speech, Dialogue, Scene, Other
nts and Devices) in the texts

nventions of genre following these pointers: 1. Choosing a topic 2. Formulating a thesis statement 3. Organizing
s of a genre 5. Ensuring that theme and technique are effectively developed

lement 3. appropriate use of the element 4. effective combination of the idea and the chosen literary element

ot for narrative piece)

September 9,2020 September 10,2020

⦁ What is a genre? ⦁What is a Fiction? Can you give an example?

⦁ What are the literary conventions of the

different genres? ⦁What is Poetry? What did poetry made of?
⦁ What are the conventions of the most
common genres? ⦁What is a Drama? What make it different with Fiction?

⦁What are those point that readers should ⦁Write a draft of a short piece on any of those types of
remember when understanding genre? those literary convention of genres

The teacher will give a short quiz. The teacher will give an activity.
September 17,2020 September 18,2020
⦁ What is revise? ⦁ Revise the draft of a short piece any of the literary
conventions of a genre (e.g. plot for narrative piece)
using the output that was critqued by the peer last

⦁ What are the things to be considered when

doing revisions?

⦁ Is it necessary to make revision? Why?

The teacher will give a short quiz. The teacher will give an activity.

ation summarizing and analyzing the form, theme and techniques of a chosen creative nonfictional text.

cular type or form (Biography/Autobiography, Literary Journalism/Reportage, Personal Narratives, Travelogue,

September 23,2020 September 24,2020
What is personal narratives? What is travelogue?
What are common topics in writing a travelogue?

Are there similarities between personal

narratives and with autobiography? If yes,
point out and explain.
Create a personal narrative. Is there any restriction in writing a travelogue?
Create a sample composition of a travelogue.

The teacher will give an activity. The teacher will give an activity.
September 30,2020 October 1,2020
What is blogs? How about testimonies? Present a commentary/critique on a chosen creative
nonfictional text representing a particular type or form
(Biography/Autobiography, Literary
Journalism/Reportage, Personal Narratives,
How is blog distinct with the common and Travelogue, Reflection Essay, True Narratives, Blogs,
famous 'vlog'? Testimonies, Other Forms) through a video clip
presentation using the guide activity Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle. Your output will be evaluated using the
Who was credited for coining the term 'web rubric that can be found in
log' in 1997? https://theartofeducation.edu/2014/10/09/7-
What are the usual contents of a blog? critiques-you-can-use-in-your-classroom-today/
Give an example of a literary blog.

The teacher will give an activity.

sting and engaging creative nonfiction.

s, development of literary elements use of factual information, and other qualities concerning form and content

October 14,2020 October 15,2020

How do you write a draft of a creative Write a draft of creative nonfiction piece based on
nonfiction piece based on your real-life memorable real-life experience.
memorable real-life experience.

What must be remebered in writing creative

nonfiction piece?

The teacher will give a short quiz. The teacher will give an activity.
October 14,2020 October 15,2020
Revise the draft based on desirable qualities Write the final version of one's own creative
of well-written creative nonfiction based nonfiction in a composition of five paragraphs or
from one's memorable experience in life. more.

The teacher will give an activity. The teacher will give an activity.

nettes using imagery, diction, figures of speech, and specific experiences.

sponses from readers

October 21, 2020 October 22, 2020

What is diction? The teacher will provide a close test and let students
fill in the choice of word that they think fits in the
given piece.

What are those number of factors that

diction separates good writing from bad

The teacher will give a short quiz. The teacher will give an activity.
October 28, 2020 October 29, 2020
Out from the short story made by the Make a literary piece of your choice while using
students, they have to make a vedio clip imagery, diction, figures of speech, and specific
about it and submit it online. experiences to evoke meaningful responses from
Out from the short story made by the Make a literary piece of your choice while using
students, they have to make a vedio clip imagery, diction, figures of speech, and specific
about it and submit it online. experiences to evoke meaningful responses from

The teacher will give an activity. The teacher will give an activity.

REÑO, Ed. D.

Submitted to:

Principal I
Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII- Eastern Visayas


Performance Standard(PS) : At the end of the 2-week period the learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appre
the regions through: 1. a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form and theme, with a d
2. an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.

1. Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts and doing an adaptation of these require from the learner t
and ethnic dimensions of Philippine literary history from pre-colonial to the contemporary b. representative texts and authors fr
research with focus on key personalities from the students’ region/province/town)

2. Compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and the ones from the earlier genres/periods citing their elemen

3. Discuss how different contexts enhance the text’s meaning and enrich the reader’s understanding

4. Produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying multimedia and ICT skills

5. Do self- and/or peer-assessment of the creative adaptation of a literary text, based on rationalized criteria, prior to presentatio

Duration : 4 weeks (16 hours)

Week 1 to 4
August 24,2020 August 25,2020
What comes in your mind when you hear What do you mean by geographic?
"21st Century Literature"?
What is 21st Century Literature?
In interpreting a text, why is there a need to
consider its linguistic and ethnical
dimensions of Philippine literary history
from pre-colonial to the contemporary

What are the ways in analyzing literature?

In making close analysis why do we need to

research and understand the representative
texts and authors from each region (e.g.
engage in oral history research with focus
on key personalities from the students’

Teacher will give a short quiz. Teacher will give a short quiz.
August 31,2020 September 1,2020
How familiar are you with some of the 21st What is genre?
Century Literature of the Philippines and
the World?

Compare and contrast the differences What are the 21st century literary genres?
between literature of pre-colonial vs.

What are those earlier types of genres?

Teacher will give a short quiz. Teacher will give a short assessment.

September 7,2020 September 8,2020

What do you mean by the word context? Dressed yourselves formally, set up a
camera and record a discussion on how
different contexts enhance the text’s
meaning and enrich the reader’s
Can you give an example of words having Send your output to your teacher for the
the same spelling but differ in meaning? evaluation

Can you give me a place/s here in the

Philippines that almost have the same
context? Can you site that similarities
between both?

Teacher will give a short quiz. Teacher will give an activity.

September 15,2020 September 16,2020
what is adaptation? Choose any literary piece (focused on
poetry) of your choice and create a creative
adaptation of it.

What do you mean by creative adaptation?

Search for an example of a literary text that
was creatively adapted and explained, tell
how you can say that it was adapted

Teacher will give students a task. Teacher will give students a task.
Performance Standard(PS): At the end of the 2-week period the learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and apprec
through: 1. a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form and theme, with a description of
that analyzes literary texts in relation to the context of the reader and the writer or a critical paper that interprets literary texts u
adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.

1. Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts, applying a reading approach, and doing an adaptation of t
identify: representative texts and authors from Asia, North America, Europe, Latin America, and Africa

2. Compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and their elements, structures, and traditions from across the g
3. Produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying multimedia and ICT skills
4. Do self- and/or peer-assessment of the creative adaptation of a literary text, based on rationalized criteria, prior to presentatio
Duration : 2 weeks ( 8 hours)
Week 5 to 6
September 21,2020 September 22,2020
What is a reading approach? Writing a close analysis and critical
interpretation of literary texts, applying a
reading approach, and doing an adaptation
with one of the representative texts and
authors from any of the continents.

What are the different reading approaches?

Can you give at least one representative

text from different continents?

Teacher will give students a task. Teacher will give students a task.
September 28,2020 September 29,2020
Let students search for a contemporary Produce a creative representation (focus
story, read and understand as you dig story) of a literary text by applying
deeper with to its own context and the multimedia and ICT skills
author itself to fully relate it to our own

Teacher will give students a task. Teacher will give an activity.

Prepared by:

Reviewed by:


Master Teacher II
c of the Philippines

ment of Education
VIII- Eastern Visayas


be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st Century Philippine literature from
literary text in terms of form and theme, with a description of its context derived from research; and

g an adaptation of these require from the learner the ability to identify: a. the geographic, linguistic,
ontemporary b. representative texts and authors from each region (e.g. engage in oral history

rom the earlier genres/periods citing their elements, structures and traditions

eader’s understanding

and ICT skills

based on rationalized criteria, prior to presentation

August 26,2020 August 27,2020

Writing a close analysis and critical Present the written analysis done last
interpretation of literary texts and doing an meeting through voice recording and submit
adaptation of these require from the it online to your respective subject teacher
learner the ability to identify: a. the
geographic, linguistic, and ethnic
dimensions of Philippine literary history
from pre-colonial to the contemporary b.
representative texts and authors from each
region (e.g. engage in oral history research
with focus on key personalities from the
students’ region/province/town)
Teacher gives a paper work Teacher gives an activity
September 2,2020 September 3,2020
What are the elements of genre? Using a Venn Diagram, compare and
contrast the various 21st century literary
genres and the ones from the earlier
genres/periods citing their elements,
structures and traditions.

What are the structures of a genre?

Are there any traditions applied in having

a genre? How can you say so?

Teacher will give a short assessment.

Teacher will give an activity.
September 9,2020 September 10,2020
What is Multimedia? Show or perform one of the Multimedia/ICT
skills by recording yourselves doing it. As
you are performing the skill try as much as
possible describing or explaining what you
are doing.
What do you mean by ICT?

What are those Multimedia and ICT

Skills? Explain each

Teacher will give a short quiz. Teacher will give an activity.

September 17,2020 September 18,2020
Create a self and/or peer assessment of the Let the students make a revision of their
creative adaptation of a literary text based critiqued piece for a clean copy
on rationalized criteria, prior to reproduction.

Teacher will give students a task. Teacher will give students a task.
be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st century literature of the world
in terms of form and theme, with a description of its context derived from research; 2. critical paper
r or a critical paper that interprets literary texts using any of the critical approaches; and 3. an

a reading approach, and doing an adaptation of these, require from the learner the ability to
Latin America, and Africa

ments, structures, and traditions from across the globe

and ICT skills
based on rationalized criteria, prior to presentation

September 23,2020 September 24,2020

What are the other various 21st century Compare and contrast the various 21st
literary genres from across the globe? century literary genres and their elements,
structures, and traditions from across the

How does its elements, structures, and

traditions differ from that of the common
genres used nowadays?

Teacher will give a short quiz. Teacher will give an activity.

September 30,2020 October 1,2020
Based from the creative representation of Let the students finalize and furnish their
the story made, let the students do self- work that was critiqued.
and/or peer-assessment of the creative
adaptation of a literary text, based on
rationalized criteria, prior to presentation.

Teacher will give an activity. Teacher will give an activity.


Submitted to:

Principal I

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