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Part 1)


The process model deals with the clearance of payment. It is a Business processing model
that is designed to ensue better business operations. The model starts by creating a claim
that is received and than analyzed. Than the model uses a XOR gateway that creates to
separate paths for rejected claims and Claims that accepted. In the end the model ends the
claim by recording the payment after using an “AND” gateway.
In the first gateway, a XOR or exclusive gateway is used.
The second gateway or path is also an exclusive gateway but it is an event based one.
The gateway that is used is a parallel gateway. It is used to represent two tasks in
business flows.
We start by function “claim received” and end by function “claim handled”.
We start it just before the Variable that is used to be applied and then end it right after it.
One activity is reworked; the assessment of claim to decide the acceptance or rejection.
No activities are reworked or repeated.
One decision point is, “claim to be accepted” while second one is “claim to be rejected”
If it is rejected than the next step is “review of claim rejection” and than based on it final
rejection or reacceptance of claim.

Part 3

1) Process discovery is a complex tool to create valuable data structures. There are three
distinct methods of process deliver: Evidence based method, interview based method and
workshop based method. All these methods have their own characteristics and structures.
Their details are discussed below:

Evidence based method

Evidence based method involve analysis of documents and observation. This method takes the
physical components and creates process mining around it. This method is than further divided
into three segments with their unique characteristics and limitations. These segments are:
document analysis, observation and automated process discovery.

Interview based method

Like the name suggests this discovery method involves data sharing and modeling through
interpersonal communication. This method works like a cycle where three rotational steps tend to
repeat themselves in a structural way. This process starts with the interview than it moves
towards modeling and culminates on validation from where interview procedure takes place
again. There are two approaches to interview method; The first in forward/backward approach
while the second is structured/unstructured approach. Both these approaches have their own
limitations and benefits.

Workshop based discovery

This discovery process includes discussion and dialogue between participants and facilitators.
Participants are gathered for 3-5 days to develop an understanding. Usually there is one
discovery facilitator and numerous domain experts.

2) The three types of Evidence based discovery are, document analysis, observation and
automated process discovery

 Document analysis:

It includes document point to existing roles, business objects and activities. For example, Process
descriptions, internal policies, employment plans, quality reports etc.

Example. An annual quality assessment report of XYZ Corporation and board meeting
memorandum would be a part of document analysis.

 Observation

Observation is a process that follows the execution of process events than process from events to
process levels. It is divided into two parts based on its role, namely: Active role and Passive role.
Active role play a specific role, for example buyer while passive merely observe environment
and participants

 Automated process discovery

This process involves automated processes of businesses and uses them to create discovery.
These includes analysis of computer records, CRM software etc.

3) Qualitative process analysis:

For each process method, a detailed analysis of both documentation and data is needed. All
methods of discovery, despite of their limitation and specialization, includes certain aspect of
quality checks and assurances. These assurances are necessary to create a dynamic and beneficial
data analysis. Similarly data mining and other business processes require a certain degree of
quality analysis to determine strength and value of project and task. This leads us to the creation
and implementation of detailed procedures called qualitative process analysis. These processes
qualitivly asses information help corporations and businesses to run smoothly and effectively.

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