Mo Zhangs Simulation Class Lesson Plan

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LESSON TITLE: ____Future Tense Introducation_________ Lesson #: __1____

TEACHER NAME: ___Mo Zhang_____________ DATE:_____Mar/ 15/ 2019_________

Attach any handouts or materials required for this lesson.

ESL Course:
ELAC 15 Level Begin Intermed Advan Multile
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ate level ESL □ √ □ □
Listen Students will be able to follow and understand teacher’s instruction of
Object ing activities.
ives Students will be able to understand the story of two Youtube videos
about “Will” and “Be going to”, which will be played in 0.75 times speed.
Students will practice their listening skill by sharing sentence.
Speaki Students will be able to share sentences which created by themselves.
ng Students will be able to summary what have they watched in the
Youtube videos.
Students will be able to share and discuss their works with their
Students will do role-play activity.
Readi Students will be able to read instructions of activity.
ng Students will be able to develop their understanding of using “will” and
“be going to” in future tense.
Students will be able to clarify the difference between “will” and “be
going to”.
Writin Students will be able to write down their own sentences by using future
g tense on worksheet.
Students will be able to do exercise questions with their peers.
What background Students already learned​ present continuous​ last class.
knowledge do the
students already Students have individually and corporately experience about
have? doing activities in class.
Students have an overall comprehension of future tense.
What will you do to I will write the agenda on board before class.
activate or link I will do a knowledge review activity at the beginning of class.
students’ prior Students will do a post-it activity about ​present continuous​ after
knowledge or doing review.
experience to I will ask students “What is your plan for this weekend” or “ What
upcoming content? will/ are you going to do this weekend” and encourage them to
use “will” or “be going to” as answering.
Students will watch Youtube videos about “will” and “be going to”
as a background knowledge supplement.
Engagement with New Material
What will you do to I will give students a worksheet to help them make a clear and
engage students in useful practice.
the active learning of Students will preview some future time phrases before making
the new material? sentences.
I will play the youtube videos with captions.
I will give students a model before they doing it by themselves in
every activity.
Students will be given a post-it and do activity by using it.
Students will work with their peers, and then, some of them share
their sentences to the whole class.
What will you do to I will walk around in the classroom and make sure if anybody has
ensure that all questions.
students are I also will ask students “any questions” before and after every
engaged? activities.
I will double check students’ works after they read them out
What opportunities Post-it note activity; worksheet exercises
will you provide I will follow same steps/ content as previously to decrease the
students to practice learn difficulty.
and apply their
knowledge/skill to
meet the objectives
for this lesson? To
apply to other
How will you assess I will review students sentences which formed with post-it notes.
their learning of the
How will you help I will do a content review with students by using my writing on
students recap the whiteboard or by using slides.
learning and link it I will explain their homework instruction at the end of class.
back to the original
purpose of the
If applicable for your Youtube video as an introduction and background supplement of
context and your future tense.
lesson, how will you Powerpoint as supplement of teaching and guiding.
integrate technology
into your lesson?

What went well? My students love the youtube videos. Because most of them said
How do you know? the videos are interesting and meaningful.
My whiteboard-teaching seems not bad, but I think I need to do a
clearer handwriting next time.
My bridging part was good. I have gave my students background
knowledge and also connected the knowledge with what I have
taught in my class.
My teaching content was organized. I have introduced “will” and
follow the exercises, then I have introduced “be going to” and
follow the practice activity too.
I also have made sure if every student understand what they need
to do or not. Because some of them gave me a positive feedback
about this part.
What didn’t go as I decided to let my students do the activities in group, but I totally
planned? forgot it when I taught the real class.
What contingency I have used an extra whiteboard to provide examples for my
plan did you employ? students; My students felt confused about my exercise instruction,
so I explained for them individually; I did the role play activity with
one student, because time was not enough.
What would you do I will prepare more detailed activity instructions next time. I used
differently next time? the same practice question in my teaching in practicum class and
simulation class, because students in practicum class are familiar
and comfortable with the question style, so they can understand
what and how to deal with the questions. Thus, I did not pay too
much attention on activity instruction preparation. But my TESOL
colleagues are not my students, they totally have no idea about
the abstract instructions, so they felt confused in my teaching last
Friday. Thus, I would like to give a more detailed instruction nest

Otherwise, maybe I will not play the video in 0.75 speed. Because
students need the listening practice of common speed.

Also, I will give students more opportunities to work in group.

Did your students Yes, they did. My students did a great job on making their own
meet the purpose and sentence by using “will” and “be going to” to talk about future, and
objectives for this understood the differences between these two terms.
lesson? What is your
evidence for each? In addition, they followed my instructions very well and asked me
some meaningful questions to prove they are following my
What do your In my opinion, they seems need more practice of making
students need next? sentence to talk about future, not only in writing, but also in
How do you know? speaking and listening.
Because my class was just about the introduction of future tense,
students only had a overall understanding of future tense. They
need more detailed knowledge and more opportunities to practice.
What did you learn My peers gave me lots useful suggestions and advices. Such as I
about your glows and need to provide a better and clearer activity instruction and group
grows as a teacher? working activities. I will pay more attention on these next time. In
What can you do to my next teaching, I will do a checklist. In case I forget something
work on your areas very important.
needing growth?

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