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1. A law abiding citizen selected on the basis of his reliability and competence to seek
information relating to a vice operations in the community and act as a customer:
a. Informer c. Undercover
b. Spy d. Detective
2. A person, usually far from being law-abiding citizen, is engaged in an unlawful activity by
reason of his operation is possession of information valuable to the police:
a. Undercover c. Informant
b. Informer d. Plain clothes man
3. Type of raids according to TIME:
a. Planned and spontaneous
b. Raids in small or large group of men
c. Raids in an open area or building
d. All of the above
4. In the conduct of reconnaissance of the objective, some factors to be considered are:
a. building and neighborhood c. topography
b. persons and security d. all of these
5. It is suggested that, while performing surveillance:
a. you must have an eye to eye contact to the subject
b. you must create attention to the public to win their support
c. you must take down notes to practice note taking
d. all of the above
6. Surveillance when it is covert in operation can adopted for:
a. criminal investigation c. public information
b. intelligence operation d. detective operation
7. The following are the objectives of surveillance, except:
a. to prevent the commission of crime
b. to effect arrest
c. to convict criminal
d. to obtain evidence
8. The simplest definition of police Intelligence is?
a. Standing Operation Procedure c. Collection of Modus Operandi
b. Reports of Logistics Officer d. Processed police information
9. A house being maintained by an intelligence unit which is used as the meeting point of agents,
operatives, supervisors and selected informers?
a. Hunted House c. Rented house
b. Small Hut d. Safe house
10. When an operative agent or an intelligence officer has been identified and known by his
subject, this means that he is already?
a. Burned-Out c. Successful
b. A Good Agent d. Improving
11. In police intelligence, vanity, fabrication and ___ are some methods of revealing information?
a. Reading c. Writing
b. Jealousy d. Dreaming
12. Still in police intelligence, an eaves dropping is a form of ___and bugging?
a. Listening c. Wiretapping
b. Contacting d. Peeping
13. How can a police station with only (5) policemen undertake intelligence activity?
a. each policeman must perform intelligence work as additional job.
b. one shall be assigned to head the intelligence unit
c. the COP must act as intelligence officer at the same time
d. all of the above
14. Intelligence activity which is dealing all the time.
a. undertaking c. information
b. action d. hearsay
15. To intelligence brokers who sell informations at a price, intelligence is a:
a. business c. way of life
b. income generating undertaking d. all of them
16. In police intelligence, overt informations are indeed obtained from:
a. Special Operation’s Team for specific target
b. Information Collected by Agents, Information and Informants
c. Open and easily available sources like magazines, reports, files and etc.
d. Street children
17. The simpliest definition of police intelligence is:
a. Standing Operation Procedure
b. Reports of logistics officer
c. Collection of modus operandi
d. Processed police information
18. There are four phases of intelligence information cycle (1) Collection of Information (2)
Processing of Information (3) Evaluation and Analysis of information and (4)______?
a. Operation c. Release
b. Dissemination d. Classification
19. The three (3) categories of intelligence are _____ to one another.
a. interdependent, overlapping and interrelated
b. electronic, satellite and cosmetic
c. coordinative, encroachable and determinable
d. independent, strategic and offensive
20. Covert And ____ are (2) general forms of police intelligence?
a. Combat c. Vulgar
b. Introvert d. Overt
21. Police Intelligence plays a vital role during insurgency operations because the police has
contact with the populace, hence, fresh hand information could be gathered easily about the
insurgents and their planned activities?
a. Direct c. Indirect
b. Rare d. Impossible
22. Financial is the most common motive of ___ in providing the police the much needed
intelligence information?
a. Insurgence c. Rebel returnees
b. Informers d. Police detectives
23. Intelligence operation must be changeable according to the present situation, condition and
other factors:
a. timeliness c. flexibility
b. effectiveness d. none of these
24. In organizing intelligence unit, the factor/s to be considered is/are:
a. size of the place or area
b. frequency of seriousness of civil disturbance
c. extent or prevalence of crimes
d. all of them
25. In a police unit with only five (5) policemen including the Chief, is it necessary to establish an
intelligence unit?
a. no need as there are only few men
b. no because it is not advisable to establish one when there is problem in personnel
c. yes, it is indispensable
d. yes, because the police unit, who usually heads the intelligence unit
26. In a particular intelligence unit, who is the usual head?
a. Chief of Police c. Operations Chief
b. Intelligence Officer d. Chief of Patrol
27. There are actually several functions of an intelligence officer, but in summation, they are:
a. managing the affairs of the intelligence unit
b. supervising the conduct of the intelligence unit
c. directing his men for the success of the operation
d. all of the above
28. Intelligence plan is a part of:
a. police effectiveness plan
b. line functions plan
c. police operation plan
d. security plan
29. Police needs intelligence information like the military, for intelligence is?
a. The first line of defense in all operation and it is needed in operational planning
b. Knowing the enemy and its intent
c. The end product of the information gathered and processed concerning the enemy that will
affect the law enforcement operations
d. All of the above
30. In police intelligence there are several methods for____ informations and some of these are
vanity, fabrication and jealousy
a. Selling c. Buying
b. Extracting d. Collecting
31. In distributing intelligence to police units, one important thing is:
a. Comprehensiveness of the report
b. Relevance of the report
c. Timeliness of the report
d. Relevance and timeliness of the report
32. In intelligence dissemination, even a ranking law enforcer who has no business on the
“classified info” is not need to be furnished the report. This is referred to an intelligence
parlance as:
a. security audit c. selective channels
b. distribution of SOP d. need-to-know principle
33. Any knowledge, data, news, opinion and the like transmitted from one person to another is:
a. collection data c. gathered data
b. intelligence data d. information
34. In the processing of collected information, pertinence, reliability and accuracy are involved in:
a. evaluation c. interpretation
b. prime index d. multi occurrence
35. Intelligence informations are those of:
a. intelligence interest c. police interest and significance
b. unprocessed or raw intel data d. all of these
36. In police intelligence, it is where information is obtained:
a. field c. friend
b. source d. all of these
37. Police operatives who are actually intelligence gatherers send reports using code names to
their leaders or supervisors. As cardinal rule, this procedure must be followed religiously:
a. code names must not reveal the agent identity under ordinary circumstances
b. code names must identify the agent to all the men in the intelligence unit
c. code names must be change every time the agent sends a report
d. all of the above
38. In intelligence activity, the source of information can be:
a. informant c. intelligence broker
b. asset d. all of these
39. Obtaining information, employing means and effort through secrecy, pretending or posing as
somebody, and or through clandestine operation:
a. covert c. overt
b. library technique d. secrecy
40. Obtaining information through newspapers, komiks, and the like refers to:
a. overt c. documentary
b. clipping d. all of these
41. Non-open or covert means of gathering information is not usually resorted to because of the
reason that:
a. it is expensive c. it is risky
b. it needs too much effort d. all of these
42. AIEI stands for analysis, integration, evaluation and interpretation. Its purpose is to determine
that information is:
a. true and reliable c. correct and worthwhile
b. true and accurate d. all of these
43. In analyzing information gathered, it will prove:
a. reliability of the source c. dependability of the source
b. trustworthiness of the source d. all of these
44. The difficulty in nullifying or countering the activities of the so-called NPA “sparrows” by
authorities is due to:
a. lack of credible intelligence on them
b. inability to identify the members
c. lack in information on their hideout
d. sporadic operation on the unknown target
45. Intelligence analysis used a standard system to evaluate the reliability of the agency and the
accuracy of the info. As to reliability, it is designated by letters from A to F; whereas to
accuracy of the info, it is designated by numbers:
a. 1 to 7 c. 1 to 5
b. 1 to 6 d. 1 to 8
46. Detectives are members of the police secret service performing investigative work for their
unit/station. They are authorized to work in civilian in order to?
a. Make them move inconspicuously to perform their work effectively
b. Make them look respectable as the moved around
c. Differentiate them form uniformed members
d. Make them feel higher in category than the uniformed members of the force of the same
47. Russian counterpart of the Central Intelligence Agency:
a. Committee for State Security
b. National Intelligence Authority
c. Central Intelligence Group
d. Office of Strategic Services
48. Established after World War II in Paris, it provides communication of information from one
member country to another:
a. Committee for State Security
b. International Police Organization
c. Central Intelligence Group
d. Office of Strategic Services
49. The philosopher who wrote the book the Art of War, which diverted world philosophy regarding
intelligence gathering from the traditional approach which resorts to prophecy and dream to
scientific methods of information gathering and processes.
a. Alexander the Great c. Sun Tzu
b. Frederick the Great d. Moses
50. The former head of the Office of Strategic Service who gave vital military intelligence which
contributed to the end of World War II:
a. Donovan c. Walsh Ingham of England
b. Redi d. Edward 1
51. Agency vested with handling domestic intelligence in the United States:
a. Federal Bureau of Investigation
b. International Police Organization
c. Central Intelligence Group
d. Office of the Strategic Services
52. Its role is to provide law enforcement agencies with criminal intelligence and information
nationally and internationally about major criminals and serious crimes:
a. International Police Organization
b. Office of Strategic Services
c. National Criminal Intelligence Service
d. Police National Computer
53. Since 1974, it gives information to police agencies of all registered vehicles and their owners,
and an index of more than five million criminal records:
a. International Police Organization
b. Office of Strategic Services
c. National Criminal Intelligence Service
d. Police National Computer
54. Refers to altruism, in which persons give information by motivation unselfish regard for the
welfare of others:
a. Remuneration c. Vanity
b. Civic mindedness d. Fear
55. Established by Robert Peel in 1829. It was held as the premier institution in gathering of
information regarding the identity, activities of criminals as well as obtaining evidence and
affecting the arrests of the same.
a. FBI c. Scotland Yard
56. It refers to clandestine or secret means of obtaining information.
a. Covert Intelligence c. Infiltration
b. Overt intelligence d. Surveillance
57. Is a step by which the intelligence is transformed from raw facts to intelligence.
a. Collection c. Evaluation
b. Processing d. Dissemination
58. A vehicle fronting the principal’s vehicle to neutralize possible threat.
a. Escort vehicle c. Decoy vehicle
b. Counter attack vehicle d. Shield vehicle
59. Refers to something that is concealed or hidden.
a. Overt c. Crypt
b. Covert d. Code
60. A method of collection of information wherein the investigator traits the subject.
a. Research c. Casing
b. Surveillance d. undercover operation
61. In formulating a fictitious identity, what is the primary consideration?
a. Preliminary investigation of the target
b. Choosing a suitable background or cover to fit the role
c. Familiarize with community
d. Have fictitious credentials
62. It is the greatest tongue loosener and should be avoided by intelligence agents during
a. Drugs c. Liquor
b. Women d. Gambling
63. Information procured in the open is a product of what type of intelligence?
a. Covert c. Undercover
b. Overt d. Surveillance
64. This type of intelligence is primary long range in nature.
a. Counter intelligence c. Departmental intelligence
b. Line intelligence d. Strategic intelligence
65. If the information is produced without the knowledge of the subject it is said to be:
a. Covert c. Undercover
b. Overt d. Surveillance
66. A common technique used in data description and integration. It demonstrates the chain of
event or activities over a period.
a. Link analysis c. Data collection
b. Flowcharting d. Data analysis
67. Refers to the finest intelligence agency in the world.
a. Mossad c. CIA
b. KGB d. Interpol
68. An intelligence that is immediate in nature.
a. Line intelligence c. Strategic intelligence
b. Counter intelligence d. Combat intelligence
69. Gradual penetration into enemy domain and territory.
a. Surveillance c. Infiltration
b. Elicitation d. All of these
70. Altruism which is a motive of informants in cooperating with police authorities motivated by
their sense of unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others.
a. Repentance c. Remuneration
b. Civic mindedness d. Vanity
71. Wide variety of tactics employed by which a state or person misleads or confuses the enemy;
generally as to its capabilities.
a. Deception c. Sabotage
b. Espionage d. Infiltration
72. Forging or changing a person’s real identity.
a. Cover c. Defection
b. Deception d. Infiltration
73. Refers to the examination of raw materials to determine its reliability, credibility and relevance
to operations.
a. Collation c. Processing
b. Evaluation d. Interpretation
74. Measures undertaken to deny the enemy of any information consisting of active and passive
intelligence measures.
a. Combat intelligence c. Line intelligence
b. Strategic intelligence d. Counter intelligence
75. Refers to particular requirement for information which the end user needs to govern the
conduct of operations.
a. Essential elements of information. c. Directives
b. Mission order d. Intelligence
76. Any form of communicated knowledge which serves as the bloodline of police intelligence.
a. Information c. Crime rate
b. Reports d. Research
77. Regarded as the first person who first utilized the principles of intelligence.
a. Sun Tzu c. Abraham
b. Moses d. Alexander the Great
78. A product resulting from the collection, analysis, integration, evaluation and interpretation of all
available information which concerns one or more aspects of area of operation potentially
significant to planning.
a. Assets c. Intelligence
b. Research d. Codes
79. Law which was enacted last June 19, 1947 which lead to the creation of the National Bureau
of Investigation.
a. RA 147 c. RA 6975
b. RA 157 d. RA 8551
80. It is undertaken by shifting and sorting of all available intelligence materials.
a. Analysis c. Deduction
b. Integration d. Evaluation
81. Indexed memorandum pad for recording of information regarding the enemy, its movement,
location and anticipated action.
a. Intelligence journal c. Intelligence worksheet
b. Enemy situation map d. Intelligence files
82. If suspected courier is arrested by your police operative and no amount of interrogation know-
how would reveal the identity of the organization members, this individual is:
a. a cut-out courier c. an indoctrinated courier
b. a fake courier d. a witting courier
83. Emotional stability is one primary requisite of an intelligence operative. This is because:
a. He will undergo risk mission
b. He will meet multifarious hazards
c. He will lead a double life
d. He will be killed on his mission/operation
84. The main factor why informant gives information to the police is because of:
a. cash c. Peso
b. money d. dollar
85. Detectives are members of the police secret service performing investigative work for their
unit/station. They are authorized to work in civilian in order to:
a. Make them move inconspicuously to perform their work effectively
b. Make them look respectable as they moved around
c. Differentiate them from uniformed members
d. Make them feel higher in category than the uniformed members of the
force of the same grade/rank
86. When we talk about sources of information, what kind of records in the government wherein
intelligence information can be gathered?
a. judicial records c. legislative records
b. administrative records d. all of them
87. It is a conglomeration of all intelligence units/agencies in a country composed of military,
civilian and others.
a. H-World c. POLCOM International
b. Intelligence network d. Intelligence community
88. This check is done to verify a person’s record entries like in an application for loan,
employment, and others.
a. Personal record check c. Scrutiny check
b. Background check d. Security investigation
89. When the informant is now joining the underworld, he is called:
a. canary bird c. Judas
b. stool pigeon d. penetration agent
90. The purpose of open surveillance by police agent or detectives is to let the subject to know
that he is being tailed or watch whatever he does. The most likely the subject:
a. an enemy agent
b. carrying secret document for delivery to a drop
c. on a mission of destruction or assassination
d. a contact man
91. Since the police needs information, the best factor in selecting informants or assets is:
a. integrity c. intelligence
b. access d. educational attainment
92. In large police unit, a police intelligence division maybe organized. The section should include
an administrative section, an operation section, and:
a. Order of Battle (OB) section c. CI (Counter Intelligence)
b. Wanted list person d. Political section
93. Information is transmitted by the informant by placing it in a specified or prearranged place,
like on a table in a restaurant along with a trash napkin is called:
a. trash c. drop
b. left over d. all of these
94. There is no other witness in a sensational crime except the informant; can he be utilized as a
a. yes, as it is necessary
b. his training as informant will be of naught
c. no, his life is in danger
d. b and c are true
95. As a police station commander of a small municipality, to monitor prime situation, the criminal
elements, the illegal operators, you will need an intelligence unit, however, small. Due to the
sensitivity of reports and works, you will place this unit:
a. under the patrol division c. under you
b. under your deputy d. under the prayer
96. It refers to observation of persons, places or things of intelligence value.
a. surveillance c. stake out
b. follow-up d. none of these
97. As a station commander, you received a reliable report that your intelligence officer gets
talkative after a few drinks, you will:
a. immediately relieved him
b. get more information before taking action
c. join him in the drinking to find out the truth
d. call him and informed him on the reports with a stern warning that he will
be reprimanded or relieve if similar report would come
98. Kind of surveillance wherein the subject is not aware he is being snooped.
a. covert surveillance c. shadowing
b. secret surveillance d. none of these
99. If the police want to know the activities of the insurgents, the latter went also to get the same
as former. The police, in order to protect its operation, facilities and personnel should have:
a. counter intelligence/security plan
b. massive hunt for the enemy
c. reorganization of the intelligence unit
d. good community relation program
100. Intelligence fund is potent source of corruption among officers of the intelligence units
because of:
a. it is too big that detection is difficult
b. it is not subject to audit by government auditor
c. it is discretionary on the part of intelligence officers to use the fund
d. all of the above

PHINMA Education Network


2nd SEMESTER Instructor

Multiple Choice. Write the LETTER only for your answer. Use your examination booklet.

1. Since the police needs information, the best factor in selecting informants or assets is:
a. integrity c. intelligence
b. access d. educational attainment
2. In large police unit, a police intelligence division maybe organized. The section should include an
administrative section, an operation section, and:
a. Order of Battle (OB) section c. CI (Counter Intelligence)
b. Wanted list person d. Political section
3. Information is transmitted by the informant by placing it in a specified or prearranged place, like on a
table in a restaurant along with a trash napkin is called:
a. trash c. drop
b. left over d. all of these
4. There is no other witness in a sensational crime except the informant; can he be utilized as a witness?
a. yes, as it is necessary
b. his training as informant will be of naught
c. no, his life is in danger
d. b and c are true
5. As a police station commander of a small municipality, to monitor prime situation, the criminal elements,
the illegal operators, you will need an intelligence unit, however, small. Due to the sensitivity of reports
and works, you will place this unit:
a. under the patrol division c. under you
b. under your deputy d. under the prayer
6. It refers to observation of persons, places or things of intelligence value.
a. surveillance c. stake out
b. follow-up d. none of these
7. As a station commander, you received a reliable report that your intelligence officer gets talkative after a
few drinks, you will:
a. immediately relieved him
b. get more information before taking action
c. join him in the drinking to find out the truth
d. call him and informed him on the reports with an stern warning that he will
be reprimanded or relieve if similar report would come
8. Kind of surveillance wherein the subject is not aware he is being snooped.
a. covert surveillance c. shadowing
b. secret surveillance d. none of these
9. If the police want to know the activities of the insurgents, the latter went also to get the same as former.
The police, in order to protect its operation, facilities and personnel should have:
a. counter intelligence/security plan
b. massive hunt for the enemy
c. reorganization of the intelligence unit
d. good community relation program
10. Intelligence fund is potent source of corruption among officers of the intelligence units because of:
a. it is too big that detection is difficult
b. it is not subject to audit by government auditor
c. it is discretionary on the part of intelligence officers to use the fund
d. all of the above
11. Indexed memorandum pad for recording of information regarding the enemy, its movement, location
and anticipated action.
a. Intelligence journal c. Intelligence worksheet
b. Enemy situation map d. Intelligence files
12. If suspected courier is arrested by your police operative and no amount of interrogation know-how would
reveal the identity of the organization members, this individual is:
a. a cut-out courier c. an indoctrinated courier
b. a fake courier d. a witting courier
13. Emotional stability is one primary requisite of an intelligence operative. This is because:
a. He will undergo risk mission
b. He will meet multifarious hazards
c. He will lead a double life
d. He will be killed on his mission/operation
14. The main factor why informant gives information to the police is because of:
a. cash c. Peso
b. money d. dollar
15. Detectives are members of the police secret service performing investigative work for their unit/station.
They are authorized to work in civilian in order to:
a. Make them move inconspicuously to perform their work effectively
b. Make them look respectable as they moved around
c. Differentiate them from uniformed members
d. Make them feel higher in category than the uniformed members of the
force of the same grade/rank
16. When we talk about sources of information, what kind of records in the government wherein intelligence
information can be gathered?
a. judicial records c. legislative records
b. administrative records d. all of them
17. It is a conglomeration of all intelligence units/agencies in a country composed of military, civilian and
a. H-World c. POLCOM International
b. Intelligence network d. Intelligence community
18. This check is done to verify a person’s record entries like in an application for loan, employment, and
a. Personal record check c. Scrutiny check
b. Background check d. Security investigation
19. When the informant is now joining the underworld, he is called:
a. canary bird c. Judas
b. stool pigeon d. penetration agent
20. The purpose of open surveillance by police agent or detectives is to let the subject to know that he is
being tailed or watch whatever he goes. The most likely the subject:
a. an enemy agent
b. carrying secret document for delivery to a drop
c. on a mission of destruction or assassination
d. a contact man
21. Wide variety of tactics employed by which a state or person misleads or confuses the enemy; generally
as to its capabilities.
a. Deception c. Sabotage
b. Espionage d. Infiltration
22. Forging or changing a person’s real identity.
a. Cover c. Defection
b. Deception d. Infiltration
23. Refers to the examination of raw materials to determine its reliability, credibility and relevance to
a. Collation c. Processing
b. Evaluation d. Interpretation
24. Measures undertaken to deny the enemy of any information consisting of active and passive intelligence
a. Combat intelligence c. Line intelligence
b. Strategic intelligence d. Counter intelligence
25. Refers to particular requirement for information which the end user needs to govern the conduct of
a. Essential elements of information. c. Directives
b. Mission order d. Intelligence
26. Any form of communicated knowledge which serves as the bloodline of police intelligence.
a. Information c. Crime rate
b. Reports d. Research
27. Regarded as the first person who first utilized the principles of intelligence.
a. Sun Tzu c. Abraham
b. Moses d. Alexander the Great
28. A product resulting from the collection, analysis, integration, evaluation and interpretation of all available
information which concerns one or more aspects of area of operation potentially significant to planning.
a. Assets c. Intelligence
b. Research d. Codes
29. Law which was enacted last June 19, 1947 which lead to the creation of the National Bureau of
a. RA 147 c. RA 6975
b. RA 157 d. RA 8551
30. It is undertaken by shifting and sorting of all available intelligence materials.
a. Analysis c. Deduction
b. Integration d. Evaluation
31. In formulating a fictitious identity, what is the primary consideration?
a. Preliminary investigation of the target
b. Choosing a suitable background or cover to fit the role
c. Familiarize with community
d. Have fictitious credentials
32. It is the greatest tongue loosener and should be avoided by intelligence agents during missions.
a. Drugs c. Liquor
b. Women d. Gambling
33. Information procured in the open is a product of what type of intelligence?
a. Covert c. Undercover
b. Overt d. Surveillance
34. This type of intelligence is primary long range in nature.
a. Counter intelligence c. Departmental intelligence
b. Line intelligence d. Strategic intelligence
35. If the information is produced without the knowledge of the subject it is said to be:
a. Covert c. Undercover
b. Overt d. Surveillance
36. A common technique used in data description and integration. It demonstrates the chain of event or
activities over a period.
a. Link analysis c. Data collection
b. Flowcharting d. Data analysis
37. Refers to the finest intelligence agency in the world.
a. Mossad c. CIA
b. KGB d. Interpol
38. An intelligence that is immediate in nature.
a. Line intelligence c. Strategic intelligence
b. Counter intelligence d. Combat intelligence
39. Gradual penetration into enemy domain and territory.
a. Surveillance c. Infiltration
b. Elicitation d. All of these
40. Altruism which is a motive of informants in cooperating with police authorities motivated by their sense
of unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others.
a. Repentance c. Remuneration
b. Civic mindedness d. Vanity
41. Agency vested with handling domestic intelligence in the United States:
a. Federal Bureau of Investigation
b. International Police Organization
c. Central Intelligence Group
d. Office of the Strategic Services
42. Its role is to provide law enforcement agencies with criminal intelligence and information nationally and
internationally about major criminals and serious crimes:
a. International Police Organization
b. Office of Strategic Services
c. National Criminal Intelligence Service
d. Police National Computer
43. Since 1974,it gives information to police agencies of all registered vehicles and their owners, and an
index of more than five million criminal records:
a. International Police Organization
b. Office of Strategic Services
c. National Criminal Intelligence Service
d. Police National Computer
44. Refers to altruism, in which persons give information by motivation unselfish regard for the welfare of
a. Remuneration c. Vanity
b. Civic mindedness d. Fear
45. Established by Henry Peel in 1829. It was held as the premier institution in gathering of information
regarding the identity, activities of criminals as well as obtaining evidence and affecting the arrests of
the same.
a. FBI c. Scotland Yard
46. It refers to clandestine or secret means of obtaining information.
a. Covert Intelligence c. Infiltration
b. Overt intelligence d. Surveillance
47. Is a step by which the intelligence is transformed from raw facts to intelligence.
a. Collection c. Evaluation
b. Processing d. Dissemination
48. A vehicle fronting the principal’s vehicle to neutralize possible threat.
a. Escort vehicle c. Decoy vehicle
b. Counter attach vehicle d. Shield vehicle
49. Refers to something that is concealed or hidden.
a. Overt c. Crypt
b. Covert d. Code
50. A method of collection of information wherein the investigator traits the subject.
a. Research c. Casing
b. Surveillance d. undercover operation
51. Non-open or covert means of gathering information is not usually resorted to because of the reason
a. it is expensive c. it is risky
b. it needs too much effort d. all of these
52. AIEI stands for analysis, integration, evaluation and interpretation. Its purpose is to determine that
information is:
a. true and reliable c. correct and worthwhile
b. true and accurate d. all of these
53. In analyzing information gathered, it will prove:
a. reliability of the source c. dependability of the source
b. trustworthiness of the source d. all of these
54. The difficulty in nullifying or countering the activities of the so-called NPA “sparrows” by authorities is
due to:
a. lack of credible intelligence on them
b. inability to identify the members
c. lack in information on their hideout
d. sporadic operation on the unknown target
55. Intelligence analysis used a standard system to evaluate the reliability of the agency and the accuracy
of the info. As to reliability, it is designated by letters from A to F; whereas to accuracy of the info, it is
designated by numbers:
a. 1 to 7 c. 1 to 5
b. 1 to 6 d. 1 to 8
56. Detectives are members of the police secret service performing investigative work for their unit/station.
They are authorized to work in civilian in order to ?
a. Make them move inconspicuously to perform their work effectively
b. Make them look respectable as the moved around
c. Differentiate them form uniformed members
d. Make them feel higher in category than the uniformed members of the force of the same grade/rank.
57. Russian counterpart of the Central Intelligence Agency:
a. Committee for State Security
b. National Intelligence Authority
c. Central Intelligence Group
d. Office of Strategic Services
58. Established after World War II in Paris, it provides communication of information from one member
country to another:
a. Committee for State Security
b. International Police Organization
c. Central Intelligence Group
d. Office of Strategic Services
59. The philosopher who wrote the book the Art of War, which diverted world philosophy regarding
intelligence gathering from the traditional approach which resorts to prophecy and dream to scientific
methods of information gathering and processes.
a. Alexander the Great c. Sun Tzu
b. Frederick the Great d. Moses
60. The former head of the Office of Strategic Service who gave vital military intelligence which contributed
to the end of World War II:
a. Donovan c. Walsh Ingham of England
b. Redl d. Edward 1
61. In distributing intelligence to police units, one important essentially is:
a. Comprehensiveness of the report
b. Relevance of the report
c. Timeliness of the report
d. Relevance and timeliness of the report
62. In intelligence dissemination, even a ranking law enforcer who has no business on the “classified info” is
not need to be furnished the report. This is referred to an intelligence parlance as:
a. security audit c. selective channels
b. distribution of SOP d. need-to-know principle
63. Any knowledge, data, news, opinion and the like transmitted from one person to another is:
a. collection data c. gathered data
b. intelligence data d. information
64. In the processing of collected information, pertinence, reliability and accuracy are involved in:
a. evaluation c. interpretation
b. prime index d. multi occurence
65. Intelligence informations are those of:
a. intelligence interest c. police interest and significance
b. unprocessed or raw intel data d. all of these
66. In police intelligence, it is where information is obtained:
a. field c. friend
b. source d. all of these
67. Police operatives who are actually intelligence gatherers send reports using code names to their leaders
or supervisors. As cardinal rule, this procedure must be followed religiously:
a. code names must not reveal the agent identity under ordinary circumstances
b. code names must identify the agent to all the men in the intelligence unit
c. code names must be change every time the agent sends a report
d. all of the above
68. In intelligence activity, the source of information can be:
a. informant c. intelligence broker
b. asset d. all of these
69. Obtaining information, employing means and effort through secrecy, pretending or posing as somebody,
and or through clandestine operation:
a. covert c. overt
b. library technique d. secrecy
70. Obtaining information through newspapers, komiks, and the like refers to:
a. overt c. documentary
b. clipping d. all of these
71. Police Intelligence plays a vital role during insurgency operations because the police has contact with
the populace, hence, fresh hand information could be gathered easily about the insurgents and their
planned activities?
a. Direct c. Indirect
b. Rare d. Impossible
72. Financial is the most common motive of ___ in providing the police the much needed intelligence
a. Insurgence c. Rebel returnees
b. Informers d. Police detectives
73. Intelligence operation must be changeable according to the present situation, condition and other
a. timeliness c. flexibility
b. effectiveness d. none of these
74. In organizing intelligence unit, the factor/s to be considered is/are:
a. size of the place or area
b. frequency of seriousness of civil disturbance
c. extent or prevalence of crimes
d. all of them
75. In a police unit with only five (5) policemen including the Chief, is it necessary to establish an
intelligence unit?
a. no need as there are only few men
b. no because it is not advisable to establish one when there is problem in personnel
c. yes, it is indispensable
d. yes, because the police unit, who usually heads the intelligence unit
76. In a particular intelligence unit, who is the usual head?
a. Chief of Police c. Operations Chief
b. Intelligence Officer d. Chief of Patrol
77. There are actually several functions of an intelligence officer, but in summation, they are:
a. managing the affairs of the intelligence unit
b. supervising the conduct of the intelligence unit
c. directing his men for the success of the operation
d. all of the above
78. Intelligence plan is a part of:
a. police effectiveness plan
b. line functions plan
c. police operation plan
d. security plan
79. Police needs intelligence information like the military, for intelligence is?
a. The first line of defense in all operation and it is needed in operational planning
b. Knowing the enemy and its intent
c. The end product of the information gathered and processed concerning the enemy that will affect the
law enforcement operations
d. All of the above
80. In police intelligence there are several methods for____ information’s and some of these are vanity,
fabrication and jealousy
a. Selling c. Buying
b. Extracting d. Collecting
81. In police intelligence, vanity, fabrication and ___ are some methods of revealing information?
a. Reading c. Writing
b. Jealousy d. Dreaming
82. Still in police intelligence, an eaves dropping is a form of ___and bugging?
a. Listening c. Wiretapping
b. Contacting d. Peeping
83. How can a police station with only (5) policemen undertake intelligence activity?
a. each policeman must perform intelligence work as additional job.
b. one shall be assigned to head the intelligence unit
c. the COP must act as intelligence officer at the same time
d. all of the above
84. Intelligence activity which is dealing all the time.
a. undertaking c. information
b. action d. hearsay
85. To intelligence brokers who sell informations at a price, intelligence is a:
a. business c. way of life
b. income generating undertaking d. all of them
86. In police intelligence, overt informations are indeed obtained from:
a. Special Operation’s Team for specific target
b. Information Collected by Agents, Information and Informants
c. Open and easily available sources like magazines, reports, files and etc.
d. Street children
87. The simpliest definition of police intelligence is:
a. Standing Operation Procedure
b. Reports of logistics officer
c. Collection of modus operandi
d. Processed police information
88. There are four phases of intelligence information cycle (1) Collection of Information (2) Processing of
Information (3) Evaluation and Analysis of information and (4)______?
a. Operation c. Release
b. Dissemination d. Classification
89. The three (3) categories of intelligence are _____ to one another.
a. interdependent, overlapping and interrelated
b. electronic, satellite and cosmetic
c. coordinative, encroachable and determinable
d. independent, strategic and offensive
90. Covert And ____ are (2) general forms of police intelligence?
a. Combat c. Vulgar
a. Introvert d. Overt
91. A law abiding citizen selected on the basis of his reliability and competence to seek information relating
to a vice operations in the community and act as a customer:
a. Informer c. Undercover
b. Spy d. Detective
92. A person, usually far from being law-abiding citizen, is engaged in an unlawful activity by reason of his
operation is possession of information valuable to the police:
a. Undercover c. Informant
b. Informer d. Plain clothes man
93. Type of raids according to TIME:
a. Planned and spontaneous
b. Raids in small or large group of men
c. Raids in an open area or building
d. All of the above
94. In the conduct or reconnaissance of the objective, some factors to be considered are:
a. building and neighborhood c. topography
b. persons and security d. all of these
95. It is suggested that, while performing surveillance:
a. you must have an eye to eye contact to the subject
b. you must create attention to the public to win their support
c. you must take down noted to practice notes taking
d. all of the above
96. Surveillance when it is covert in operation can adopted for:
a. criminal investigation c. public information
b. intelligence operation d. detective operation
97. The following are the objectives of surveillance except:
a. to prevent the commission of crime
b. to effect arrest
c. to convict criminal
d. to obtain evidence
98. The simplest definition of police Intelligence is?
a. Standing Operation Procedure c. Collection of Modus Operandi
b. Reports of Logistics Officer d. Processed police information
99. A house being maintained by an intelligence unit which is used as the meeting point of agents
operatives, supervisors and selected informers?
a. Hunted House c. Rented house
b. Small Hut d. Safe house
100. When an operative agent or an intelligence officer has been identified and known by his subject, this
means that he is already?
a. Burned-Out c. Successful
b. A Good Agent d. Improving


Date Revised: 1/25/12

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