Unit 6C: Be or Do?: Level I - Teacher Daniela Araya C

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Unit 6C: Be or Do?


 We use verb “to be” before nouns (or articles, possessive adjectives, etc.) to talk about
professions or to say what objects are. The order in questions changes.
 It is also used on the present continuous.
 You can use the negative form of each conjugation of this verb and its contraction.
 Remember that contractions can be used.
My brother is a doctor.
These are her dresses.
That is my cousin Hilda.
I’m a student.
Is your mother an engineer?
Is the president talking on TV?
Are those your glasses?
Is that an insect?
Aren’t those their books?
Aren’t you enjoying the band’s performance?
Isn’t that your sweater?
What is your favorite song?
Where are the car keys?
Why aren’t you studying right now?
Why is their father angry?

 We use verb “to be” before adjectives to describe people, objects, and situations.
That artist is very good.
He is exhausted.
The children are hungry.
The computer is broken.
Today is sunny.
I am very cold.
That skirt isn’t black. It is grey.
We aren’t ready.
They aren’t close friends.
Are you Costa Rican?
Are your friends married?
Are there any tomatoes in the refrigerator?
Is she sad about the breakup?
Isn’t she beautiful?
Look at my new shoes. Aren’t they nice?
Why are your hands so cold?
Level I – Teacher Daniela Araya C.

o We use verb “to do” before activities and some nouns (or articles, adjectives, possessive
adjectives, etc.). The order in questions changes.
o Use “to do” to ask questions about things people love, like, dislike (don’t like), don’t mind, hate,
do, etc. Remember that it is an auxiliary verb in this case, and the main verb/ action verb goes
after the subject.
o There are no contractions for the verb “to do” in affirmative cases, but you can use them in
negative sentences.
I don’t like eating dinner so late.
The dog doesn’t like its food.
They don’t have any money.
The teacher doesn’t mind staying extra time.
Don’t forget to close the door when you leave.
I don’t mind doing the dishes.
Does their daughter dislike cooking?
Does your dog hate baths?
Does his father work at the supermarket?
Does Sarah have a job?
Do you like pizza.?
Do they speak Portuguese?
Once on the top of the mountain, he said* “don’t you love the view”?
What kind of music do you like?
What kind of movies does your girlfriend like?
What does your aunt do?
When does he go to school?
Where do they work?
Why do you hate doing housework?


Level I – Teacher Daniela Araya C.

Level I – Teacher Daniela Araya C.

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