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I wanted to post a bit more info on the Law of One and the Sons of Belial

(copied from a webpage that is no longer online)

...You will hear about us and what we are about, what our mission is, how men like William
Shakespeare and George Washington were members of our offshoots. I have a story to tell.
And that story really begins around 90,000BC in the continent known as Atlantis, a time of
beauty and majesty. Yet the story also begins with a time of division. The divisions of early
Atlantis began early yet never left our beautiful world. Early Atlanteans began feeling
emotions they had never felt before and they knew not what they were supposed to do with
them. These early Atlanteans were many of you—souls that had chosen to come to earth. And
the emotions you felt were greed, hate, separation, envy, anger, chastisement, superfluity, a
separate selfish consciousness, carnality, sexual possessiveness and desire, carnal pursuits,
selfish gain, materiality and lack of concern for others’ welfare, things that did not exist in our
true home. And I, under the name Amiliaus, my original name in Atlantis, went to ask God
and the forces of light for an answer to our pressing questions, and here is the story of what

Upon having received these words, some of you were much better and some of you were, to
my great dismay, much worse. A good man can have an errant sexual thought about a child,
but a good man will dismiss it, ignore it, hate it and leave it alone. An ugly man will see it as
just one more desire of his that should be fulfilled. And the ugliest man of all will take action
to fulfill that desire. And those who were ugliest amongst you became known (they called
themselves this) as "the Sons of Belial". And ugly and hideous they were. They were
lizardlike reptiles who sought to plunder, dominate and control the earth and they still seek
these ends today. Those of you who choose not to commit to the cause Hadar is bringing into
the world will truly be ‘Left Behind’ with these hideous monsters. And don’t think that Hadar
is saying these things of his own tongue. The spirit is heavily upon him as he writes these
words. These words are the direct expression of God through Hadar’s fingers to you. And
these words are reaching you. So hear, and listen, and take heed that you are not one of the
unfortunates who will remain behind in hell with the reptiles.

The Sons of Belial embody what rebellion against God is. For while they call themselves the
"Illuminati". They embody the darkness on this earth. While they are willing to hate. They
don’t understand why their lives are always so devoid of true love. And while they are willing
to hurt others. They don’t understand why there is so much pain in store for them. And there
is nothing but pain for those of them who choose to cause pain for others or those who choose
to follow that same path of darkness. You see I’m not one of those "Capitalists" who’s gonna
tell you if only you were more selfish or dark you would succeed. I teach a very different,
more positive message. Those who have no love go against the very laws of the universe. The
universal laws of love which govern the entirety of the universe and all of the universes in
existence to infinity. And this is why so

many of the dark ones seek to bury their pain, like ‘normal people’- they seek to bury their
pain and suffering and bury their hurt and bury the emptiness inside with alcohol, drugs, sex,
molestation, seeking personal power, personal aggrandizement, personal satisfaction- and
there is none- because true satisfaction comes from such things as love and accomplishment
and creativity, not from personal selfish pursuits which always leave someone feeling empty
inside. And so if you are to try to reach one of "them" on his day off, you’re as likely to find
him in a drunken stupor as in a normal state because the Belialians have caught up in many
ways with the rest of the world. They are now so dark they don’t even know why they’re
doing what they’re doing. They just do it cause its what they do. And the rest of the world and
karma they’re created is catching up with them. Lots of people choose to live their life
selfishly and seek money and position and power and ignore how they hurt others on their
climb to the top. Then when they realize they aren’t any happier at the top, they see it was all
pointless. Others live hedonistically and separately and lonesomely and painfully by choosing
to pursue pleasure or some personal pursuit and ignoring the human beings around them. This
is also a wrong path. Not many in number are those who choose the path that leads to
happiness- the path of love and loving pursuits which help others instead of hate and
separation. Children of the Law of One is one of the names of those who still pursue our
original most loving ways. But they are very few in number. Seek them out and find out about
them. Love is their logo. Caring is their trademark. Seek their teachings, their ways, their
oneness with love, their concern, their path- for that is the path you are destined to walk, the
path which leads to glory and happiness for all, always! Find it and you will make it to
paradise. (Author’s note: To get more information on this, read Jon Peniel’s "Children of the
Law of One and the Lost Teachings of Atlantis").

Drinking isn’t the only way to bury the pain. There’s shopping, sex, music and many many
other ways but the truth remains as it is put in our original bible so well, "if I have no love, I
have nothing."
Here is the story of the beginning and early stages of the Children of the Law of One as few
have ever heard before. "It was during this time that the priesthood was established for the
perpetuation of the law. A white-turbaned group at first, these "children" of the Law of One
became known as the

White Brotherhood… The "Golden Age" of Amiliaus, moving from its relatively primitive
beginnings, used its peaceful and spiritual impetus to forge a mighty nation of unsurpassed
accomplishments. Toward the end of his era, Amiliaus had already succeeded in pushing
Atlantis into the beginnings of the aerial or electrical age, which was to follow.

The Sons of Belial are nothing more than a virus. When you have a batch of apples and one of
them is rotten, what do you do? You isolate it, irradiate it, terminate it, get rid of it and
inoculate the rest. And that is what will be done to the Sons of Belial. They must be isolated
and stopped. And if we don’t do it, nature will do it for us. Because the earth is a living
breathing being and she loves enough not to tolerate being raped and watching these things
happen to her children....

Comment by Jaharra on March 11, 2008 at 5:05pm

Fascinating and not unknown by this one.
I had a vision of my Atlantean Life but it was at the end of the Atlantean Days. In this
vision the destruction had already started. Buildings were falling down and the water
was starting to consume the land. People were running and screaming and all was
Chaos. There were those of us who were taken in ships. From the safety of the ship I
could still see what was happening below me.
I did not feel sad knowing that all were given a chance to survive. It was a choice
given to all and many refused to choose wisely. They were the ones who perished that
day that the great temple fell and Atlantis became no more. It seemed to me that I was
a young girl/woman in body. But we did not "age" then as we do now. So I could have
been any age at the time of the great destruction. I also recall the splitting of people by
their thoughts. Those were warned it would cause no good.
That is why I felt no sadness or grief for their free will choice.
Oh and there were some of the ones that you mentioned. Those who took form of
Work was being done to help those trapped into that existence. And that's all I recall
about that time.
Looking forward to the next chapter and hope that it's soon!
Shanara Ra

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