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FMC Turbo Pump
Englewood, New Jersey

ABSTRACT operation, and selection of boiler feed pumps and

drives in more energy conscious ways than has been
The boiler feed pump is one of the most impor­ the practice in the past. During the last few years,
tant pieces of equipment in a steam power plant. there is a noticeable trend away from electric motor
The water capacity of a boiler is only great enough drives back to steam turbines to be used for boiler
to supply steam to the prime mover for a period of feed service. The reason is obvious; lower opera­
a few minutes when operating at full load. This fact tional cost.
outlines the extreme importance of an uninterrupt­
ed water supply to the, boiler. This is why, when CENTRIFUGAL PUMP AND SYSTEM HEAD
selecting boiler feed pumps, its performance record,
installation and operation must be considered prior It is important to realize that a centrifugal pump
to any commitment in order to insure this uninter­ will operate along its characteristic curve, as shown
rupted flow of water to the boiler. However, there in Fig. 1 . Also, it should be noted that the charac­
is one more factor which is as important as the per­ teristic curve for any particular pump will remain
formance record of the boiler pump itself. It is the the same for corresponding speed and impeller
initial and operational cost of the boiler feed pump, diameter. The point on the pump characteristic
which depends not only on proper sizing of the curve at which the pump will operate is determined
boiler feed pump, but also depends on the type of by the system head curve (see Fig. 2), which illus­
drive to be used. The purpose of this paper is to trates graphically the requirements of the boiler
consider the alternative drive arrangements used system. The point of intersection of both these
and their effect on the operational cost. curves when plotted on the same graph is the
operational point of the pump. This is shown in
INTRODUCTION Fig. 3. When observing these curves, one may note
that the pressure developed by a centrifugal pump
In most cases, present day steam plants are using at a constant speed is increasing with lower flow.
centrifugal pumps for boiler feed service. Pumps At the same time, the system head curve is drop­
used are either multi-stage or high speed units driven ping with lower flow requirements. We have stated
by electric motors or steam turbines. In the past, before that the point on the pump characteristic
due to the low cost of energy, the majority of the curve at which the pump will operate is determined
small and medium size steam plants have practi­ by the system head curves, which in the case of
cally eliminated steam turbine driven boiler feed boiler feed service can vary instantaneously. due to
pumps from the service. However, spiraling energy the sudden change in boiler demand. This variation
costs in recent years have forced many steam plant in system head curve can move the operational
operators to revaluate the steam plant requirements, point of the pump from the maximum rating of the

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pump to as low as 1 0-20 percent of design capacity, On one of our applications, our recent experi­
as shown in Fig. 4. The difference between the pres­ ence has shown that the cost per horsepower of
sure developed by the pump and the pressure re­ 1 000 hp range constant speed boiler feed pump
quired to feed the boiler, as represented by the sys­ driven by electric motor was almost the same as

tem head curve, is the energy lost. One of the turbo pump, $109 against $105.

acceptable ways to prevent this loss of energy is The operational cost comparison of constant

by operating the pump at variable speed. For all speed and variable speed boiler feed pump illus­
trated in Fig. 6.
practical purposes, there is no less expensive or
The cost of steam and electricity used in Fig. 6
simpler way of doing this than to use steam 'turbine
drive. When using this method of operation, the was based on the following.

energy saved, expressed in terms of horsepower, is

illustrated in Fig. 5.
Cost of steam $/year = 2545 x hP T x

Steam cost
1 000
Where hpT = turbine output horsepower in
There is nothing new in using steam turbines to
hp (= 0.746 kW)
drive boiler feed pumps. The steam turbine has been
Hl = enthalpy of inlet steam in
used to drive centrifugal pumps and other rotating
Btu/lb (= 0.556 kcal/kg )
equipment in such key industries as electric utili­
F = mechanical loss factor
ties, refmeries, pulp mills, etc. These turbines may
T = time of operation (hours per year)
range from a few horsepower to as much as 450,000
Steam cost are in dollars per 1 000 lb.
kW. The largest ones are used for generator drives
in central power stations. The small turbines for Cost of electricity $/year = 0.746 x hpM x �
auxiliary drives are usually a single stage, noncon­ x current cost.
densing type, occupying a large and important seg­ Where hPM = motor rated output horsepower in
ment in power and marine installations. The sim­ hp (= 0.746 kW)
plicity, reliability and low maintenance cost of the E = motor efficiency
turbine anq its ability to supply both power and T = time of operation (hours per year)
heat is one of the many justifications for industrial Current cost is ass\lssed in dollars per hour.
turbines and their use. A careful economic assess­
ment, particularly in the range of small turbines as CONCLUSION

prime movers, can result in considerable savings From all the above examples related to boiler
over other types of drives. Unfortunately, many feed pump service, it should be obvious that the
users have overlooked the advantages offered by steam turbine drive should receive utmost consid­
the steam turbines when used as prime movers. Let eration when acquiring new or replacement equip­
us consider some of them. ment.
1 . When using steam turbines, rated pump speed
can be chosen for maximum efficiency and optimwn REFERENCES
mechanical design, eliminating needs for gears or
[1] Pump performance c�aracteristic based on con­
other speed control devices, since the pump and the stant and variable speed performance of "Coffin" DEB-22
turbine will operate at the same speeds. turbo pump.

2. The variable speed inherent in a steam turbine [2] Estimated cost of steam based on average cost of
fuel (gas and oil) required to generate replacement steam
will coincide with the operating pump speed for
used to drive steam turbine, 8760 operational hours per
maximum efficiency at part loads. This eliminates
throttling losses and high losses in hydraulic coup­ [3] The steam conditions used in this example were
ling at partial loads. as follows:

3. Economics particularly favor steam turbine Steam I nlet Pressure - 600 psig (42.2 kg/cm' g)
Steam Temperature - 750 F (399 C)
drive when exhaust steam can be used for heating
Exhaust Pressure - 60 psig (4.2 kg/cm' g)
or process work.
[4] The cost of electricity, oil and gas is based on
4. The cost of electricity against "recovered" national average energy prices as of December, 1980 pub­
steam, etc. lished by DOE monthly energy review.

Key Words: Energy, Equipment, Turbine


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