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Domingo P.

Boquiren National Highschool

Umando Malasiqui Pangasinan
First Quarterly Examination

English 8

Name: ____________________________ Score: ________

Section: ___________________________

Test I. Sentences according to Use

Direction: Read the sentences carefully and identify what kind. Write S for Simple sentence, C
Compound sentence, CP for Complex sentence, and CC for Compound Complex

__________1.The Aztec farmers dug their fields by hand.

__________2.It was a rich lake mud that made the fields so fertile
__________3.The ancient Chinese and Japanese practiced freshwater and saltwater farming.
__________4.Mari culturists, or sea farmers, raise and sell lobsters and shrimp.
__________5.Bundles of reeds and branches that were weighted with stones were sunk between posts
__________6.The Grade 9 boys were declared champion in volleyball during the Intramural Meet.
__________7.Over fishing and pollution lead to the decline of ocean animals over the years.
__________8.The best fields, which were floating gardens, were in Lake Taxcoco.
__________9.The little Morgan, who had one forefoot on the wall, dipped his head and snorted at
__________10. The other forefoot, which was curled at his breast, seemed to protect him from the

Test II. Syllable

Cut each word into syllable

11. Carefully
12. Internet
13. Beware
14. Forehead
15. Accidentally

Test II. Identification

Direction: Identify whether the underlined word is a Verb or a Noun. Write V for Verb and N for

__________16. Camels are used to traveling in the desert.

__________17. Some animals desert their babies.
__________18. The object of this lesson is to develop your vocabulary.
__________19. Mother objects to my staying out late in the evening.
__________20. Our class is working to perfect our study habits.
__________21. Jessie’s final science report was perfect.
__________22. All the students in my homeroom were present today.
__________23. The student said “I would like to present my teacher with this gift, for her patience
With us.”
__________24. Some convicts are released on weekends to visit their families.
__________25. Robert was convicted for speeding and failing to stop.
__________26. Our class produced a musical last month.
__________27. The farmer sold his produce to local stores.
__________28. Our class discussed the subject of nuclear wars for the whole period.
__________29. The prisoners were subjected to many hardships.
__________30. Mary’s best attribute is her ability to speak clearly.
__________31. Air pollution is partially attributed to cars.
__________32. The store manager consoled the lost child by speaking kindly to her,
__________33. We bought a new television console.
__________34. The project was made by the best engineer in the country.

Test III. Multiple Choice

Direction: Select the best answer among the given choices. Write the letter of the best answer in
Your answer sheet.

35. If the word permit has stress on the last syllable as in permit’. What does it mean?
a. a notice b. to give consent c. to request d. a written grant/authority
36. If “transfer” has stress on the first syllable as in trans’fer. What does it mean?
a. to move from one place to another
b. a person who moved from one place to another
c. someone who is not a resident of a certain place
d. to travel from a place to another place
Arrange the following words in a cline
37. shouted, yelled, screamed, shrieked
a. shouted, yelled, screamed, shrieked b. yelled, shrieked, shouted, screamed
c. screamed, shrieked, shouted, yelled d. shrieked, screamed, shouted, yelled
38. outgoing, friendly, gregarious, sociable
a. gregarious, friendly, sociable, outgoing c. outgoing, friendly, sociable, gregarious
b. friendly, sociable, outgoing, gregarious d. sociable, gregarious, outgoing, friendly
39. happy, satisfied, delighted, overwhelmed
a. overwhelmed, delighted, satisfied, happy c. satisfied, happy, delighted, overwhelmed
b. delighted, satisfied, happy, overwhelmed d. happy, delighted, satisfied, overwhelmed
40. The following lines are taken from the poem “I am an African Child” by Eku Mcgred. What are the
Values shown in the poem?
Do not hide my fault
Show me my wrong
I am like any other
Teach me to dream
And I will become
I am an African child
a. African people are full of dreams
b. African people are unique
c. African people are simple and hard-working
d. African people are like any other races
41. “I went to watch the beautiful play!” What is the modifier in the sentence?
a. went b. watch c. beautiful d. play
42. Which of the following is not a subordinator?
a. since b. because c. although d. but
43. What is the modifier in the following sentence? “He gave the crying child a toy to play with.”
a. gaveb. crying c. child d. to
44. When reading researches, you may have noticed website reference at the end of a topic or article, what is
the purpose of putting this website reference?
a. to promote the website and its links
b. to recognize source thus avoid plagiarism
c. to make researches look more formal
d. to provide additional information
45. Why are references included in a research project?
a. to impress lecturers
b. to keep record of everything that you have read in writing the report
c. to fully identify the source of information and ideas discussed in the report so that others
may check for themselves.
e. To give courtesy to the authors of the works that you have read
46. The following are examples of coordinating conjunctions, except.
a. for b. so c. or d. nor
47. Which of the following is an example of subordinator?
a. for b. so c. or d. nor
Complete the following sentence by supplying the blank with proper connector.
48. “Maria read the paper______ she didn’t agree with its thesis.”
a. and b. yet c. but d. so
49. Setting is one of the elements of a short story. It refers to the time and location in which a story
Takes place. It may be the following except…
a. Mood b. climax c. atmosphere d. social condition
50. The theme of a short story is _____.
a. when and where it takes place c. the central problem or struggle
b. the central idea d. the series of events that take place

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Checked by: Approved by:

Michael M. Segundo Nicanor Ll. Macaranas Susana B. Ramos Candra E Penoliar, Ed.D.
Subject Teacher Head Teacher III Principal I Public School District Supervisor

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