Magzine 4nd Edition

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– 1
Issue – IV

In this Issue:-
 Direct Selling Industry is Direct Selling Industry is on the Peak
on the Peak. Headlines:-
 Civil aviation industry has  The direct selling industry has witnessed a robust 24
percent growth at Rs. 4,120 crore for the fiscal 2009-10 as
grown by 400 per cent in
compared to the previous year.
six years.
 Nearly 47 per cent of the entire market size, health is the
 Drop in Capital Flows to
most prominent category involving nearly 35 per cent of the
Developing Countries in
major direct selling companies. Health and personal care
categories have seen robust growth of 74 per cent and 66 per
 FDI in October dips 40%. cent respectively.
 KPO business to touch $
10 billion by 2012.
Civil aviation industry has grown by 400 per cent in six years
 Per capita income can
double in 9 years.
Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel said the airline industry
 Pathetic job decline rate
in India has grown by 400 per cent in a short span of about six-
in U.S.A.
 World Bank to Support and-a-half years. “Civil aviation in India since 2004 and now has
NHAI. grown by 400 per cent in the span of about six-and-a-half years,”
 Cancun Agreement. he said while presiding over a foundation stone laying ceremony
 World Bank Report on for the Kannur International Airport at Mattannur. He said in 10
Afghanistan’s Economy. years Indian market will be the third largest aviation market after
 Monthly Economic the U.S. and China. Earlier this week, world aviation industry body
Report International Air Transport Association had said that powered by
emerging economies like China and India, carriers in the Asia-
Pacific region will post highest profit ever of USD 7.7 billion in
2010, overtaking airlines in North America and Europe.

Drop in Capital Flows to Developing Countries in 2009


Coming Together  Net global capital flows to developing countries fell 20

percent in 2009 to $598 billion (3.7 percent of gross national
is SUCCESS income [GNI]), from $744 billion in 2008 (4.5 percent of GNI) and
were a little over half the 2007 peak of $1.11 trillion.
Nou Commercio Team
 Global private flows (debt and equity) declined by 27
percent in 2009 despite a rebound in bond issuance, portfolio
equity flows, and (mostly trade-related) short-term debt flows.
Must Read –
Hero Honda to Hero
Hero Honda Motors Ltd. is FDI in October dips 40%
the world's largest manufacturer of Headlines: -
two – wheelers, based in India. The  After rising in September, Foreign Direct Investment
company is a joint venture inflows in the country dipped by about 40 % to $1.4 billion in
between India's Hero Group and October over the same period last year.
Honda Motor Company, Japan that  The inflows during April-October this fiscal are also down
began in 1984. In 2001, the by 29.7 per cent compared to $17.64 billion FDI rush witnessed in
company achieved the coveted the comparable period of last year.
position of being the largest two -
wheeler manufacturing company in
KPO business to touch $ 10 billion by 2012
India and the ‘World No.1’ two-
wheeler company in terms of unit
India’s Knowledge Process Outsourcing business could
volume sales in a calendar year by
touch $10 billion by 2012, if the sector is opened for biotech and
a single company. Hero Honda has
nano experts and steps are taken to build a strong chain of
retained that coveted position till
qualified professionals, a Assocham study said. Currently, the
date. Today, every second
KPO market size is estimated to be around $5.5 billion and the
motorcycle sold in the country is a
sector is growing by about 15-17 per cent, dominated by
Hero Honda bike. Every 30
professionals belonging to fields such as management, medical
seconds, someone in India buys
and engineering.“Assocham has projected KPO industry’s size
Hero Honda's top-selling
growing to $8 billion in 2011 and touching the 10 billion mark by
motorcycle – Splendor.
2012 with a growth rate between 25-27 per cent subject .The
Market position in 2009-10:- high growth rate in 2012 can be achieved “if a strong chain of
qualified professionals is built and the field is opened for bio and
Total unit sales of 46,00,130, nano experts,” Assocham statement said.
two-wheelers growth is 23.6 %
Total market share in Indian
“Per capita income can double in 9 years”
market is 46%.
Total net operating income of
The Planning Commission Deputy Chairman, Montek
Rs. 15860.51 Crore, growth
Singh Ahluwalia, said the country’s per capita income would be
of 28.1 %.
doubled in nine years with the economy expanding at current
Net profit after tax at Rs. rate of growth. The per capita income at current prices during
2231.83 Crore, growth of 74.1 2009-10 is estimated at Rs. 44,345 per annum as per the latest
percent. government data. The economy has grown by 8.9 per cent in the
first half (April—September) this fiscal. The government
estimated 8.5 per cent economic growth this fiscal with 0.35 per
Honda has divested all cent variation on either side. The gross domestic product (GDP)
26% share in the company would growth was 7.4 per cent in 2009-10.
be bought by the Hero group.
Quote for the Month
“Our economic success Pathetic job decline rate in U.S.A.
was not a matter of chance; it Headlines:-
was a matter of choice.”  The number of people who were looking for permanent
Bill Clinton jobs but not finding them remained more or less unchanged at 9
 BLS data suggested that the number of job losers and
persons who completed temporary jobs rose by 390,000 to 9.5
Upcoming Events million in November.
 25-27 January: WTO-  The U.S. economy's unemployment rate climbed to 9.8 per
Trade Policy Review Body cent in November.
- Malaysia.
 01 Jan - 31 March: World World Bank to Support NHAI
Bank Group Environment Headlines:-
Strategy 2011.  The Governme nt of India and the World Bank
 12 January: FICCI’s s igned a $45 million technical as sis tance loan to finance
Corporate Finance actions aimed at s trengt hening t he ins titutional capacity
of the National Highways Authorit y of India (NHAI) .
 About 30 percent of the t otal NH network is s till
s ingle-lane, 53 percent double-lane, and only 17
percent is four, s ix, or eight-lane.
 It has been es timated that the road s ector in India
With this fourth edition of will require inves tments in the range of $75 -90 billion
Nou Commercio Asset over t he next five years .

the team sends their Cancun Conference

regards to its readers. Headlines:-
The United Nations climate change talks in Cancún have
concluded with a package of decisions to help countries
advance towa rds a low-emis s ions future, delivering what
the world body's top officials have hailed as a victory in
the bat tle agains t one of t oday's bigges t challenges .
“Governme nts came togethe r in common caus e, for the
Coming Together
common good, and agreed on a way forwa rd t o mee t the
is SUCCESS defining challenge of our time.” Dubbed the “Cancún
Agreements ,” the decis ions include formalizing
Nou Commercio Team mitigation pledges and ens uring increas ed accountability
for the m, as well as taking concrete action to protect the
worl d's fores ts , which account for nearly one -fifth of
global carbon e mis s ions .
Mission: - We all know, how
far distance we had travelled
to reach at this position, how
worst was the situation
before 1991-92, but today we
people are in the golden era World Bank Report on Afghanistan’s Economy
of the Indian economy.
Afghanistan’s growth outlook for 2010/11 is cautiously
Now, the further optimistic with GDP growth of 8.5-9.0 percent, and inflation
development depends on us. around the government’s target of 5 percent, assuming banking
So although being specialists sector losses are contained. Real GDP growth remained strong, at
of our field we all should have 22.5 percent in 2009/10, but volatile due to agricultural output.
at least an outline of the The driver of the economy continues to be private consumption
economy related offences and due to high demand for goods and services from the increasing
a few technicalities, so we can donor funding, the security economy, and an estimated external
visualize and make judgment budget of around US$ 4 billion.
in the favour of ourselves in
the glare of the country Monthly Economic Report
empowerment. Source- Ministry of Finance
Month – November
So, we are trying to
put the major outlines which  The cumulative rainfall received for the country as a
are completely concerned whole up to December 15, during the Post Monsoon season
with ourselves. (October-December), has been 23 percent above the normal.
 Food grains (rice and wheat) stocks held by FCI and State
agencies were 46.22 million tones as on October 1, 2010.
 Overall growth in the Index of Industrial Production (IIP)
If anyone wants to stop was 10.8 percent during October 2010 as compared to 10.1
receiving this magazine or percent in October 2009. During April-October 2010-11, IIP
having any queries then they growth was 10.3 per cent as compared to 6.9 percent during
can reply on April-October 2009-10.  Exports, in US dollar terms increased by 21.3 percent and
imports increased by 6.8 percent, during October 2010.
 Foreign Currency Assets stood at US $ 263.5 billion at end
November 2010 compared to US $ 263.4 billion at end November
 Year-on-year inflation in terms of Wholesale Price Index
Coming Together was 7.48 percent for the month of November, 2010 as compared
is SUCCESS to 4.50 percent in November, 2009.
 The growth in real GDP 8.9 percent in the second quarter
Nou Commercio Team of 2010-11.

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