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Camille Bianca R.


Dr. Jose Rizal Life, Works, and Writings

2nd Activity

“Sa Landas ng Paglaya”

The short documentary tackled about how Rizal was not really known to the Filipinos as for who
he is, he was just known for how the Americans wanted Rizal to be known, but in reality, his characteristics
and his nationalism is way more than that. The importance of studying and analyzing Rizal was also
emphasized by the historians that were talking in the film.

The film started with Rizal being introduced, he was known to us Filipinos as the best example for
hope, advocacy, and freedom. It also said in the film that Rizal must be known not only because he is a
national hero, but also as an individual outside his letters and poems, in this way, we will get to know him
better and this will avoid us being a just a fan of a national hero, we must not be a veneration of people
without understanding, we must broaden our knowledge about Rizal.

As a student, I do sometimes think that what is the essence of studying Rizal, there are questions
like, where will I use the knowledge that I will gain from this subject, but as I watch the documentary, I
know understand that to better know my country and to have a better view about the happenings in my
country, Rizal is one the ways, one of the reason to have hope for our country and to fight for the rights
of our country.

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