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emester final theory Ac Tp. No a CAE « -Qort-Olt Year & Ce = fi year) LF cer CourseNo - CAKE 3533 Name = A: domi ‘Riyanka Course THe - Water -Harvetting anc toll Conservation “Shucturc ) Write about dierent ung) harveiting tehniques 2 | | Rang) water harverting ti the collection, accurnulanon , | © y th evenhal | treatment o puritication « aad eeloring & stom canter for SSN KEUSE’ The Yunapy Harverting techniques Ore classipied ax hoo types: A+ Uhork tenn havering techniquer | 2 deag teem harvesting techniques | Ghoct Teem Runofh Harverting Techatques - b Contouc pening MIF eejert ' the field octivitice tsuch ae pboughieg, and | | brrowing that are cantel out citong comtoun rather than tip) ard deter! the Utepe iithey “donctive water by reducag Lorpce 100 oy) andl encouraging loyltration @ cuxtter tito the COP Oe. ‘Scanned with CamScanner 9 Contour ploughing: Any plouhiag on @ ulepe ubould be | Carvied out along the contous rather than up and loot ar | thic reducer nineph ard woil erosion and increases moisture reteat Hon. Glope | Medium Cup to to) | Mot | Nok eikable jor heatien worl types unity tow ‘ope ltration Ramjpll | Medium —not wuttable fpr Very Lovo tciafall arecis cx the Catchment area je Umited. Viucturec may be breached by heavy ‘einjall, dabour | Wectium and may vequive Vome labour fo muir, Drought enc tive plant. OM cide 9 puro ae \ “Fatrow ® Contour ploughing © Contour firrowing. \ i ) Contoun furrows contour pumoer ave small, Oijpicult tp apply ory uteep lanl inecl lope : | coil well-olr | Rataya | evo. Not dutterble por caet conditions abou Medtuca . logs” team to Rung horvertng” tectngques? The aq tem techniquer t« done jor building a lege water Utrage for the Purpore ef irniqahon 1 bich parreing » electicity generator! ot ug out pond Whe chiqout Ponds ove conducted by excavating the ofl prom the qround Supace. thece ponc may be ped ‘Scanned with CamScanner by ground water or curyace ruingh oF by both. Con ctruction % wt and where water fables lec within 5-4 metre clepth from he qrnand Carface. Embankment Type Recervotrt There type op ervoict are constructed by porening a clara or embankment orl the valley or cleprestion | the catchment area- “The runepp water collected into thie Yeteworr and & wed ar per requirement: The dhorage apauity &% the reservoir ic determined! on the bauic % woater reqptivernent for Natious demands and available urpace Tuneph from the Catchment Embankment type reteevotre are again classified] ae Ty Yrigahon Pam t- The Wrrigabon, dams are mainly meant to “lore the Murpce water jor ferigating the crops. Urlt_dekeation Dam *- the faite purpoce a wilt dlekeanton dam +0 detatq -the wilh load Coming etlong cofth the renepp center from the catchment area aad wimuttaneduly Fo harvest coater. Fenn pond + there ave Constucted for roulttipurpose objethves such a bor irrigation , ttve -wtock , voater uuppty to cattle peed, [ib prockue tion | Fewolaton Pond: There clam are qenercily con tuctecl ot the Valley heacl , cofthout the prowsion ey ehecktag the fercolatod os} ‘Scanned with CamScanner | | | These pods i limiter! fo thore areas which Mave laret “lope evs than P| Bi] Explaiq about tabuetuca) dectgn Q Lpilltoay cotth jormulace | | “The ubucturad dlerign or utabitrty ay any hydrout Uhuclure Cpencl pe “the tateraction among the coater, foundation cit and | are Tee conomnonly used fpr constuction , | ¢ ‘on chuchion matertale. Reinporement , Concrete , bvitk, and masonry (stones “The thuctarat Aesfqn %} Upitloay fovelver through check [pr th Wabrlity fo withdand above failures. Check against Ovecturaiags.- The major pactor behind overturning ix the hydeostaie preci Carrel by water Coturnn upineaey Op sbuc ture and achive cath preiure clue to fitting. The pactor q Capety Ue Given ct restorfag enoment to the: fuming moment (Tim) te Restoring moment i the recult O} the wefqrt % the Chuctere and tuning moment te due to uoater capligt preniere Check against Ulfeling? “The horrontal porce acting on the whucture in claonsteam — otfrec hor) may Cue fpiture | stucture by Atding, “There are teco type % poreet reacting wlicling 5 one tc [richonal, yerinten TCE FH the joundation and the other % Coheiier force Cp the soil ‘Scanned with CamScanner | eo and joundation both « the Uum e hortvoatal jarces (Zt) ihould be lece than veristing pote % the chucture , for controlling the liding atten. Tr ts etpesed oe, 24 < Uane-zv+ca) where 1 } ik the Co-eppicient Of priction Ltan® ep the “il, © f the angie G epae or Internal Jrction op the aot), Zw i the total Vertical power oy the puncahon material; A ik area ey the plane ltcling. Check. again Pring t There are hoo bate though, about piping phenomenon, iy) | onieh one related with the pla of conter Hbrough the foundation Materiats ard the other ic Yetated with the Une &D creepi “The line | Ceeep i “P « the contact wujare behoeen, the! ' tchnue ture and cot at the bate § the poundaton ar O} leat recistance ty plowo | | Go= Fy 420 aa 3H Co = weighted creep ako Zt4 = sum g all hoviorttal of flat contact length: ZW = um gq al) Verhcal or “beep contact tength: Check aqaince fentons In cue bricke or dhe mauorrice Uhractie | iE Ghoul be encure| that tensi uhoutd not be | ‘Scanned with CamScanner a — : aa Aeveloped at the bate the head wall) a1 thee matereh | are nok Capable to bear tecuile whens This fs done by ensuring the resultant force acting on the head) wall 1 Passing through the middle — third q the bare wnucture . Z2=ZN Zv Z- position at cohich Tesultant poreer te actag The eccentricity Gey tc qiven ag: a ce ae te thould be not be qreater than df, ft which a ic bare lend Check fpr Compression: Tr it perjome by detewnining the eeu an poner aching On the whucture «The recullant pore u clue to load haasmitted on peurclahion of the ‘Percolation ponds ave among the most Coron runoph hasvetting Cemucues fy tnelia » A Pewolation pone can be clépinec! ar ag BN. ee Orem ty crectecl Murlace pater body Kubmeging a highly Permectble lanl area wo that the turfece MG, %* Made to Pee Metre He) ervvil ribs sereqen thes) mosp prowce Ren Greene fo Gti eeu Bh Cares aa enter the anki to) au tal axrotd over- topping @ the tant bund | “There ponds axe generally Constructed ak the vatlgy head, Withour the. Provision & checking the percolation los, Thus, a lage| Pothon ey the TUne|p i Ltored f the Loi» the qroudiag crops 00 Gownicheam «ide @ the dam , vecefve the penolated water jor thefe qrowoth. Oasis Proredure O, Peecotation qd }) Uelect the uite + duriable Jor the cocutmelry e pond. 2 From the toposheet , peel out the correct catchment area % the woaterthed at the Location. D compute Catchment fet from rainpall and cuneph coejpicent| ‘Scanned with CamScanner || Y Make A.csucaphors ~ Nov flings per year, ublization Yietcl Per blag ele , Caparity ©) the percolahion tanks 5) D) Qevetopment O Mage - Gpactly Gave Hable = psxeua the a See aime CURR eater ¥rvall bio’ tu Hed Neue! vind the higher gn ee Come (ele. thet ote . Com Hee contour uk \ the & patty | the tank at 015m) 10M, 15m, om.. height aloove the bed level Ce Cuteutated, 9) Compute Ful tank tevet CETL) fom utrraqe capacity curve. The ubrage @patity % a pecolation pond may be depined at the Mdume q coater stored th the tank up the FTL, The eign G terorage pacity op the tank depend mainly upon wthe proper extimation q catchment yield , which calauated cx @= Ax “range's co-espiciente A- Area. Dd Make allacance q pee board anal tretttement » Free boarel FatrShw = freeboarl in m. hwo = OU (Dmf'® = wave hefghk fom. Dro = pete height to m. Settlement Pepencls upon the type jf matertay and the — rmethec! ancl ‘Scanned with CamScanner 1 | | | \ | “peed ©) coactruction. | > vatier jor tof. eign height por hand Corspeeted to Sil hor V g devqn qt ypc machine compacted, 8 Compute /Oevgn |] Hank band oF Erobanbieat + “The erabankement clam; whether for all purposes , i a mall hed earthen dam and tt deigg anol conutrueton chould be PREMERA CUR TAP Adcocsbince with the principles appitcable to Cauthern dam, A Top usialth o> W= Hg te | o= top utdth oy embankment AN = total hetgrue Of embankment « dength — dength 4 -the embankment ty the dedance bw the Ponts cohere the hema thterceck the write having Sarve eleee ~ ten Based on the type op materfal , cutgn uuflable td dope jor eenbank ments . Type of materfat Upineam «lope — cLecon dream Slope Homogeneous cell qracled | oy -Homoqeneour Course sith | 34] 53) thand o Saad gravel with | a aay ceotral clay (ore ‘Scanned with CamScanner 49 ) Compute peck alicchouge + Rational arethod » Q=ciAfae. | C= Kanes Co-eppicient T~ Intensity Cem) A — Catchment area Cha) '©) Compute length ey Kpiluoay using peak olischarges D=cCLph CSlorutant=1067 L=O/ yah E> Length g wete Cn) 5 Etows helqt over the corr (rn) ») Com pute, width | horizontal poor . 'J Check the Uabilthy o the uhueture by locating the akurstion Une on the base. Mike the tmportance and ixeuer O Water harvesting » Aeoportance Water harvesting ded "B concerve and augmect the Utorage cy’ water + * 0 reduce cater table depletion “H improve tbe quatity o ground coater ¢ TO aneit Vea water Fntmuiod 9 coattal areas * To \avotd flood and) cwater Mtagnation in trban area Ee ‘Scanned with CamScanner * Reveat water couitege by amreiting run Opp at cell a4 preventc Sel evossog aed enitigates {tood. RW provider a geod uupplement to other water “ourcee thus te Weviag preuve on other oak Sowtece * Heth to seluttg coaler and elacticily’ bil, Retavely cheap Materic aterietle Gan be ued fpe corutetechon © conteunens anch collecting Sahace, Hssues G) Water harveding ° To terre O) Complen Constructicry , there « a vequiverrent for high | Cott, trained proyercionalie Nlaiglenarce costs may ado} to the | monetary burden, © Cupplier may be contacninated by bird [animal olcpping °? So ec Guraces and guttering “uspewes oles they are Cleaned | pushed before we. + Unpredictable rainjatl Regular maintenance and cleaning ti esental for succesiful operation & Ovo UtPrage @pacities , Keakage from ctsterns Rafajal harvesting wyitecru may vecluice ‘vevenuer IP public ubutbes. o Cotta Toh Hyper may leale cherniaalt ;peitictdes and other pollute fle the coater _-that can barn the plant ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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