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International Financial Management

by Jeff Madura

Part 1
The International Financial Environment

2 Lectured by Chheang Huy

1Multinational Financial Management: An Overview
Chapter Objectives

 Identify the management goal and organizational

structure of the Multinational Corporation (MNC).
 Describe the key theories that justify international
 Explain the common methods used to conduct
international business
 Provide a model for valuing the MNC

Managing the MNC

1. Managers are expected to make decisions that

will maximize the stock price.
2. Focus of this text: MNCs whose parents fully
own foreign subsidiaries (U.S. parent is sole
owner of subsidiary.)
3. Finance decisions are influenced by other
business discipline functions:
 Marketing
 Management
 Accounting and information systems

4 Lectured by Chheang Huy

Agency Problems

• When a corporation’s shareholders differ

from its managers, a conflict of goals can
exist: Agency problem.
• The conflict of goals between managers and

5 Lectured by Chheang Huy

Agency Costs

1. Definition: Cost of ensuring that managers

maximize shareholder wealth
2. Costs are normally higher for MNCs than for purely
domestic firms for several reasons:
 Monitoring managers of distant subsidiaries in foreign
countries is more difficult.
 Foreign subsidiary managers raised in different cultures
may not follow uniform goals.
 Sheer size of larger MNCs can create large agency
 Some non-U.S. managers tend to downplay the short-term
effects of decisions.
6 Lectured by Chheang Huy
Control of Agency Problems

1. Parent control of agency problems

Parent should clearly communicate the goals for each subsidiary
to ensure managers focus on maximizing the value of the

2. Corporate control of agency problems

Entire management of the MNC must be focused on maximizing
shareholder wealth.
3. Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)
Ensures a more transparent process for managers to report on the
productivity and financial condition of their firm.

7 Lectured by Chheang Huy

SOX Methods to Improve Reporting

 Establishing a centralized database of information

 Ensuring that all data are reported consistently
among subsidiaries
 Implementing a system that automatically checks for
unusual discrepancies relative to norms
 Speeding the process by which all departments and
subsidiaries have access to all the data they need
 Making executives more accountable for financial

8 Lectured by Chheang Huy

Management Structure of MNC

1. Centralized (See Exhibit 1.1a)

Allows managers of the parent to control
foreign subsidiaries and therefore reduce the
power of subsidiary managers. A centralized
management style reduces agency costs
2. Decentralized (See Exhibit 1.1b)
Gives more control to subsidiary managers
who are closer to the subsidiary’s operation
and environment

9 Lectured by Chheang Huy

Exhibit 1.1a Management Styles of MNCs

Centralized Multinational financial management for an MNC with two

subsidiaries, A and B

10 Lectured by Chheang Huy

Exhibit 1.1b Management Styles of MNCs

Decentralized Multinational financial management for an MNC with two

subsidiaries, A and B

11 Lectured by Chheang Huy

Why Firms Pursue International Business

1. Theory of Competitive Advantage: specialization

increases production efficiency.

David Recardo says “ Country can specialized in the

production of goods It produces efficiently and
buy the goods It produces less efficiently from
other countries even if this means buying goods
from other countries it could produce efficiently

12 Lectured by Chheang Huy

Theory of Comparative Advantage

Example: US uses 10 units of resources to produce 1

baby doll (girl) and 13.5 units of resources to
produce 1 ken doll (boy)
but China, uses 40 units of resources to produce 1 baby
doll and 20 units of resources to produce 1 ken doll
If US works with input 200 units of resource
Result: 20 babies and 0 Ken doll
or 0 baby doll and 15 kens doll.

13 Lectured by Chheang Huy

Theory of Comparative Advantage

For China can make 5 babies doll and 0 ken doll

or 0 babies doll and 10 kens doll.
So comparatively, US only has 4 times advantages over
baby doll and even less 1.5 the advantages over
In Reality, It would be effective and efficient for both
country if US specialized in Baby doll and China
specialized in Ken doll.

14 Lectured by Chheang Huy

Why Firms Pursue International Business

2. Imperfect Markets Theory: factors of production are

somewhat immobile providing incentive to seek out
foreign opportunities.

15 Lectured by Chheang Huy

Why Firms Pursue International Business

3. Product Cycle Theory: as a firm matures, it

recognizes opportunities outside its domestic market.
Theory suggesting that a firm initially establish itself
locally and expand into foreign markets in response to
foreign demand for its product; over time,
the MNC will grow in foreign markets; after
some point, its foreign business may decline unless it
can differentiate its product from competitors.

16 Lectured by Chheang Huy

Exhibit 1.2 International Product Life Cycles

17 Lectured by Chheang Huy

18 Lectured by Chheang Huy
How Firms Engage in International Business Methods

1. International trade
2. Licensing
3. Franchising
4. Joint Ventures
5. Acquisitions of existing operations
6. Establishing new foreign subsidiaries

19 Lectured by Chheang Huy

1. International Trade

 Relatively conservative approach that can be used

by firms to
 penetrate markets (by exporting)
 obtain supplies at a low cost (by importing).
 Minimal risk – no capital at risk
 The internet facilitates international trade by
allowing firms to advertise their products and
accept orders on their websites.

20 Lectured by Chheang Huy

2. Licensing

 Obligates a firm to provide its technology

(copyrights, patents, trademarks, or trade names) in
exchange for fees or some other specified benefits.
 Allows firms to use their technology in foreign
markets without a major investment and without
transportation costs that result from exporting
 Major disadvantage: difficult to ensure quality
control in foreign production process

21 Lectured by Chheang Huy

2. Licensing (Cont.)

 Example: New York Yankees T-

shirt , Calvin Klen underwear etc,.
Brand names are licensed
products (licensors) contract to
another party as licensees
 Cambodia likes Nike, GAP,
 Deal happen to share risk, control
and rewards..
22 Lectured by Chheang Huy
3. Franchising

 Obligates firm to provide a specialized sales or

service strategy, support assistance, and possibly an
initial investment in the franchise in exchange for
periodic fees and charge franchised fee,
management fee.
 Allows penetration into foreign markets without a
major investment in foreign countries.

23 Lectured by Chheang Huy

Kinds of business offer to franchise

24 Lectured by Chheang Huy

4. Joint Ventures

 A venture that is jointly owned and operated by

two or more firms. A firm may enter the foreign
market by engaging in a joint venture with firms
that reside in those markets.
 Allows two firms to apply their respective
cooperative advantages in a given project.

25 Lectured by Chheang Huy

26 Lectured by Chheang Huy
Joint Ventures with benefits
• Costs and risk of a new business venture are
share, this is a major consideration when the
costs of developing product is rising rapidly.
• Different companies might have different
strengths and experiences and they, therefore, fit
well together.
• They might have their major markets in different
countries and they could exploit these with new
product more effectively than if they decided to go
its along.

27 Lectured by Chheang Huy

Joint Ventures with dangers
• Styles of management and culture might be so
different that the two teams do not blend well
• Errors and mistakes might lead to one blaming
the others.
• The business failure of one of the partner would
put the whole project at risk.

28 Lectured by Chheang Huy

5. Acquisitions of Existing Operations

 Acquisitions of firms in foreign countries allows

firms to have full control over their foreign
businesses and to quickly obtain a large portion of
foreign market share.
 Subject to the risk of large losses because of larger
 Liquidation may be difficult if the foreign
subsidiary performs poorly.

29 Lectured by Chheang Huy

6. Establishing New Foreign Subsidiaries

 Firms can penetrate markets by establishing new

operations in foreign countries.
 Requires a large investment
 Acquiring new as opposed to buying existing
allows operations to be tailored exactly to the
firms needs.
 May require smaller investment than buying
existing firm.

30 Lectured by Chheang Huy

Summary of Methods

 Any method of increasing international business

that requires a direct investment in foreign
operations is referred to as direct foreign
investment (DFI)
 International trade and licensing usually not
 Foreign acquisition and establishment of new
foreign subsidiaries represent the largest portion of

31 Lectured by Chheang Huy

Exhibit 1.3 Cash Flow Diagrams for MNCs

32 Lectured by Chheang Huy

Exhibit 1.3 Cash Flow Diagrams for MNCs

 The first diagram reflects an MNC that engages in

international trade. International cash flows result from
paying for imports or receiving cash flow from exports.
 The second diagram reflects an MNC that engages in some
international arrangements. Outflows include expenses
such as expenses incurred from transferring technology or
funding partial investment in a franchise or joint venture.
Inflows are receipts from fees.
 The third diagram reflects an MNC that engages in direct
foreign investment. Cash flows exist between the parent
company and the foreign subsidiary.

33 Lectured by Chheang Huy

Valuation Model for an MNC:
Domestic Model

 E CF$,t 
V   t 
t 1  1  k  

 V represents present value of expected cash flows
 E(CF$,t) represents expected cash flows to be received at the
end of period t,
 n represents the number of periods into the future in which
cash flows are received, and
 k represents the required rate of return by investors.

34 Lectured by Chheang Huy

Valuation Model for an MNC:
Multinational Model

E CF$,t    E CFj ,t  E S j ,t  

j 1
 CFj,t represents the amount of cash flow denominated in a
particular foreign currency j at the end of period t,

 Sj,t represents the exchange rate at which the foreign currency

(measured in dollars per unit of the foreign currency) can be
converted to dollars at the end of period t.

35 Lectured by Chheang Huy

Valuation Model for an MNC
An MNC that uses two or more currencies

E CF$,t    E CFj ,t  E S j ,t  

j 1
 Derive an expected dollar cash flow value for each currency
 Combine the cash flows among currencies within a given

36 Lectured by Chheang Huy


Calorina Co. has expected cash flows of $100,000 from local

business and 1 million Mexican pesos from business in Mexico
at the end of period t. Assuming that the peso’s value is expected
to be $0.09 when converted into dollars, the expected dollar cash
flows are:

E CF$,t    E CFj ,t  E S j ,t  

j 1
E (CFst) =(100,000)+(1,000,000 pesos*0.09)

37 Lectured by Chheang Huy

Uncertainty Surrounding MNC Cash Flows

1. Exposure to international economic conditions – If

economic conditions in a foreign country weaken, purchase
of products decline and MNC sales in that country may be
lower than expected.
2. Exposure to international political risk – A foreign
government may increase taxes or impose barriers on the
MNC’s subsidiary.
3. Exposure to exchange rate risk – If foreign currencies
related to the MNC subsidiary weaken against the U.S.
dollar, the MNC will receive a lower amount of dollar cash
flows than was expected.

38 Lectured by Chheang Huy

How Uncertainty Affects the MNC’s cost of Capital

A higher level of uncertainty increases the return on

investment required by investors and the MNC’s
valuation decreases.

39 Lectured by Chheang Huy

Exhibit 1.4 How an MNC’s Valuation is Exposed to

40 Lectured by Chheang Huy

Exhibit 1.5 Organization of Chapters

41 Lectured by Chheang Huy


 The main goal of an MNC is to maximize shareholder

wealth. When managers are tempted to serve their own
interests instead of those of shareholders, an agency
problem exists. MNCs tend to experience greater agency
problems than do domestic firms. Proper incentives and
communication from the parent may help to ensure that
subsidiary managers focus on serving the overall MNC.

42 Lectured by Chheang Huy


International business is justified by three key theories.

1. The theory of comparative advantage suggests that each
country should use its comparative advantage to
specialize in its production and rely on other countries to
meet other needs.
2. The imperfect markets theory suggests that because of
imperfect markets, factors of production are immobile,
which encourages countries to specialize based on the
resources they have.
3. The product cycle theory suggests that after firms are
established in their home countries, they commonly
expand their product specialization in foreign countries.

43 Lectured by Chheang Huy


 The most common methods by which firms conduct

international business are international trade, licensing,
franchising, joint ventures, acquisitions of foreign firms, and
formation of foreign subsidiaries. Methods such as licensing
and franchising involve little capital investment but
distribute some of the profits to other parties. The
acquisition of foreign firms and formation of foreign
subsidiaries require substantial capital investments but offer
the potential for large returns.

44 Lectured by Chheang Huy


 The valuation model of an MNC shows that the MNC’s

value is favorably affected when its expected foreign cash
inflows increase, the currencies denominating those cash
inflows increase, or the MNC’s required rate of return
decreases. Conversely, the MNC’s value is adversely
affected when its expected foreign cash inflows decrease,
the values of currencies denominating those cash flows
decrease (assuming that they have net cash inflows in
foreign currencies), or the MNC’s required rate of return

45 Lectured by Chheang Huy

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