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Daniel 11

Israel at the Center of History

Daniel and the End of History

The GBC Inheritance Class

Fall 2010
Dr. Gene Pond

Our Story So Far

The Hebrew prophet
Daniel has received a final
vision foreseeing the span
of history for God’s people
the Jews during the eras of
Gentile world domination,
including their persecution
at the hands of a future
world leader and the
desolation of their holy
place in Jerusalem.
—Daniel 1–10


The Book of Daniel

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1–6 7–12
Court Stories Apocalyptic Visions
Daniel presented in 3rd person Daniel records in 1st person

2:4a 2:4b–7:28 8–12
Heb. Aramaic Hebrew

Daniel 10–12
The Flow of the Final Conflict

•  Near future the time gap of today
until the end times
•  Far future
Introduction Conclusion


Daniel 11:35–36
The Leap Across History in Daniel 11
And some of those who have
insight will fall, in order to
refine, purge, and make them
pure, until the end time;
because it is still to come at
the appointed time. the time gap of today
until the end times
Then the king will do as he
pleases, and he will exalt and
magnify himself above every
god, and will speak monstrous
things against the God of gods;

Daniel 11
The Stars of the Show
Antiochus Epiphanes The Future World Leader

The Has-Been The Still-Will-Be


Daniel 11:1–35
The History of the First Evil Ruler
Antiochus Epiphanes •  The history leading
up to him
•  All about Antiochus
In the first 35 verses there are at
least 135 prophecies which have
been literally fulfilled and can be
corroborated by a study of the
history of the period.
Donald K. Campbell, Daniel:
Decoder of Dreams, 125
The Has-Been

Daniel 11:1–20
From Cyrus to Antiochus

Persian Period Greek Period

539–334 334–175

A fourth king (Xerxes) will A mighty king will Soon afterwards,

become rich and will arouse arise [Alexander] his kingdom will be
his whole empire against and rule with great broken up (“four
Greece. 2 authority and do as directions”), not in
he pleases. 3 his dynasty and not
by his will. 4


Daniel 8:5–8
The He-Goat
from the West
The King of the North
= the Seleucid
From therulers
= Greece (8:21)
Large horn = “First King”

The King of the South

= the Ptolemaic rulers

Seleucus over
Lysimachus over Cassander over Ptolemy over
Syria and vast
Thrace and most Macedonia and Egypt and
territory to the
of Asia Minor Greece possibly Palestine

Daniel 11:5-20
Excerpts of Fulfilled Prophecy
323 176


•  Period I, 323–246 BC •  Period III, 223–187 BC

(vs. 5–6) (vs. 10–19)
▫  The rival emerges ▫  Antiochus III the Great
▫  Attempted marriage alliance ▫  “The Beautiful Land” (16)

•  Period II, 246–240 BC •  Period IV, 187–176 BC

(vs. 7–9) (v. 20)
▫  Military incursions ▫  A son of the previous ruler
for revenge heavily taxed his people to
pay an inherited debt


Daniel 11:21–35
Antiochus IV Epiphanes:
Ancient Enemy of the Jews
•  Rise to power 21–24 •  Persecution of the Jews 30b–35
▫  by craft 21 (compare with 8:10-14)
▫  deposed high priest 22 ▫  The abomination of desolation
▫  small no. of followers 23 that defiled the temple 31
▫  bribery 24 ▫  Aided by apostate Jews
•  Invasion and victory over ▫  The Maccabean revolt 32b
Egypt 25–28 ▫  Thousands slaughtered 33–34
▫  Persecutions refined the people
•  Invasion and defeat in Egypt 35
▫  Became enraged

Daniel 11:36–45
Ascendency of the Future Prince
Evidence of a Time Leap at 36 Attributes
•  Scope of prophecy is “the latter •  Acts in self-will 36
days” (10:14) •  Exalts himself 36
•  Introduction of a new •  Magnifies himself above God 36
personage 11:36-39 •  Blasphemes God 36
•  No historical fulfillment after •  Prospers for limited time 36
verse 35 •  Irreligious 37
•  He is neither king of the south •  Confident in military 38–39
nor the north 11:40
•  Military might challenged 40
•  Alignment with other
•  Initially victorious 40–43
prophecies of the Antichrist
Dan 7:24-27; 8:23-25; 9:26-27 •  Faces renewed conflict 44
(and 2 Thes 2:4ff; Rev 13, 17) •  HQ is Jerusalem 45
•  Great Tribulation 12:1 •  Will “come to his end” 45


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