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Daniel 12

Hope Until the Time of the End

Daniel and the End of History

The GBC Inheritance Class

Fall 2010
Dr. Gene Pond

Our Story So Far

The Hebrew prophet
Daniel has received a final
vision foreseeing the span
of history for God’s people
the Jews during the eras of
Gentile world domination,
culminating with the
persecution and
occupation of Israel by a
future world leader.
—Daniel 1–11


Daniel 10–12
The Flow of the Final Conflict

•  Prophecy’s History •  How long?
character •  Near future •  What
•  God’s comfort (B.C.) outcome?
•  Far future
Introduction Conclusion

Daniel 10–12
The Flow of the Final Conflict

•  Near future the time gap of today
until the end times
•  Far future
Introduction Conclusion


Daniel 11:36–45
Ascendency of the Future Prince
Evidence of a Time Leap at 36 Attributes
•  Scope of prophecy is “the latter •  Acts in self-will 36
days” (10:14) •  Exalts himself 36
•  Introduction of a new •  Magnifies himself above God 36
personage 11:36-39 •  Blasphemes God 36
•  No historical fulfillment after •  Prospers for limited time 36
verse 35 •  Irreligious 37
•  He is neither king of the south •  Confident in military 38–39
nor the north 11:40
•  Military might challenged 40
•  Alignment with other
•  Initially victorious 40–43
prophecies of the Antichrist
Dan 7:24-27; 8:23-25; 9:26-27 •  Faces renewed conflict 44
(and 2 Thes 2:4ff; Rev 13, 17) •  HQ is Jerusalem 45
•  Great Tribulation 12:1 •  Will “come to his end” 45

Daniel 12
•  The Ravishment of Israel
1a Hope Until the
Time of the End
•  The Rescue of Israel
•  The Resurrection
of the Dead 2
•  The Reward
of Soulwinners 3
•  The Revelation
of the Last Days 4–13


  Michael embodies God’s

watchcare over Israel in
spiritual warfare (cf. Dan 10:21)
•  Now at that time   It will be Israel’s time
Michael, the great prince   “Jacob’s trouble,” Jer 30:9
who stands guard over the   “Your people,” Dan 12:1
sons of your people, will   Incomparable distress: Conquest,
arise. war, famine, death, hail, earth-
•  And there will be a time of quakes, commerce, evil worship
distress such as never   See: seal, trumpet, and bowl
occurred since there was a judgments in Revelation
nation until that time;   Length:
▫  42 months (Rev 11:2)
▫  1,260 days (Rev 11:3)
▫  Time, times, and half a time
(Dan 7:25; 12:7,14) = 3 ½ yrs

Daniel 12:1b
The Rescue of Israel
•  and at that time your people, •  The Jewish remnant
everyone who is found •  Romans 11:25–27
written in the book, •  The sealed 144,000 Jewish
will be rescued. witnesses in the tribulation
•  “Written in the book”
▫  explained by the next verse
▫  Revelation 20:11–15


Daniel 12:2
The Resurrection of the Dead
And many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake,
but the others to disgrace
these to everlasting life
and everlasting contempt
•  The context: rescued Israel •  The NT reveals that there are
•  The time of their rescue: 1,000 yearsisbetween
“Sleep” these two
a euphemism.
after the tribulation resurrections (Rev 20:1—6)
(John 11:11–15)
Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in ofwhich
The soul all who
a believer goes are
Your dead will live;
in the tombs shall hear [the Son’s] voice, and shall come forth;
immediately to be with the
Their corpses will rise,
You who lie in the dust, awake and and shout forLord.
joy,(2 Cor 5:8; Phil 1:23)
those who did the good those who committed the evil
For your dew is as the dew of the dawn,
Anda the
resurrection of birth
earth will give life, to the departed
to a spirits.
“We shall not of judgment.
all sleep,
Isaiahbut we shall all be changed.”
John 5:28-29
(1 Cor 15:51)

Daniel 12:3  “Have insight”

= gain God’s wisdom
The Reward = put on Jesus Christ (1 Cor 1:30)

of Soulwinners  Living a righteous life is to shine

forth as a light in this world
(Eph 5:8–14)
•  And those who
 Like the moon, we reflect the
have insight light from our Daystar.
•  will shine brightly
 We show His light.
▫  like the brightness of
the expanse of heaven,  Then, as they come to our
light, we point them to Him.
•  and those who lead the
many to righteousness,  For what is our hope, or joy, or
▫  like the stars crown of rejoicing? Are not
even ye in the presence of our
forever and ever.
Lord Jesus Christ at his
coming? (1 Thess 2:19)


Daniel 12:4–13
The Revelation of the Last Days
4  “Seal up” = preserve or keep safe, not secret
  The Book of Daniel will be prime witnessing
material during the Tribulation. (J. D. Pentecost)
5  Two angels
6  “How long?” answered in verse 7
8  “What is the outcome?” not answered in verse 9,
but its results are sealed or guaranteed in NT:
  All [believing] Israel will be saved
  All will be raised for judgment
  Jesus shall reign for 1,000 years

The Chronology of the 70th Week

(J. Dwight Pentecost) Sign of the Son of
Election Man in heaven 14:4
of Beast Matt 24:30
Rev 17:13
1,290 days
3 ½ years
Dan 12:11

3 ½ years 1,260 days

Rev 12:6 45
Dan 12:7 days
Making of
covenant 7th trumpet (Rev 11:15)
Dan 9:27 Bowls
Trib end, Return start
Rev 16

The Book of Daniel
Dr. Gene Pond

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1–6 7–12
Court Stories Apocalyptic Visions
Daniel presented in 3rd person Daniel records in 1st person

2:4a 2:4b–7:28 8–12
Heb. Aramaic Hebrew

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