Eucalyptus Oil - BP

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2019 Eucalyptus Oil 1V-207 ing piss [B,C and caster epi of elu cou ne ecizgenou i gland, whol (E} ot oa rae, accompanied by paade parenetmn (Ea sa et vl an icewal and slg Aesipelled fibres (C] accompanied by etal sheaths (Ca, Jy esta heats containing prisms of calcium oxalate [D]. Figure 1320.1. ~ Mutation for identification ust B of pordered herbal drug of eucalypras laf . Thinlayer chromatography (2.2.27). Tes solution Shake 0.5 g of the freshly powdered herbal drug (355) (2.9.12) with 5 ml. of toluene R for 2-3 min and filter over about 2 g of anhydrous sodium sulfate R. Reference solution Dissolve 50 uL of cincole Rin tolune R and dilute to 5 mL with the same solvent. Plate TLC silica gl plate R. ‘Mobile phase ethyl acetate R, toluene R (10:90 ViV). Application 10 uL. as bands. Development Over a path of 15 em. Drying In ai. Detscion Treat with anisaldhyde soluion R and heat at 100-105 °C for 10-15 min; examine in daylight. Resuis The chromatogram obtained with the reference Solution shows in the middle a zone due to cineole, ‘The chromatogram obtained with the test solution shows a Principal zone similar in position and colour to the zone due to cincole in the chromatogram obtained with the reference Solution, it also shows an intense violet zone (hydrocarbons) ‘ear the solvent front and there may also be other fainter ones, TESTS Foreign matter (2.8.2) ium 3 per cent of dark and brown leaves, maximum 5 Ber cent of stems and maximum 2 per cent of other foreign latter, Cordate or ovate sessile leaves of young branches, ‘with numerous glands on both sides, visible as points in ‘transmitted light, are not present. Carry out the determination using 30 g of the herbal drug to be examined. Water (2.2.13) Maximum 100 mL/ig, determined on 20.0 g of the powdered herbal drug (355) (2.9.12). Total ash (2.4.16) ‘Maximum 6.0 per cent ASSAY Essential oil (2.8.12) Use 10.0 g of the herbal drug, cut immediately before determination, « 500 mL. round-bottomed flask, 200 mL. of eater R and 100 raL. of glee R as the distillation liquid and 0.5 mL of aylowe R in the graduated tube. Dist at a rate of, 23 mL/min for 2b. Pen Vee Eucalyptus Oil rs (Ph. Eur, monograph 0390) wee DEFINITION Essential oil obtained by steam distillation and rectification from the fresh leaves or the fresh terminal branchlets of various species of Eucalypnu rich in 1,8-cincole. The species mainly used are Eualyprus globulus Labi, Eucalypmus pobbractes RT: Baker and Eucayprs smitht RT Baker CHARACTERS Appearance olouress or pale yellow Hiquid. Odour: reminiscent of 1,8-cineole IDENTIFICATION Firs identification: B. ‘Second idemification: A. ‘A. Thin-layer chromatography (2.2.27). Test solution Dissolve 0.1 g of the essential oil to be cxamined in toluene R and dilute to 10 ml wit the same solvent. Reference solution Dissolve 20 ul of a-trpineo!R and 50 ul of cincole Rin toluene R and dilate to 5 mL with the same solvent. Plate TLC silica gl plate R (5-40 yn) [or TLC sia gel ‘plate R (2-10 4) ‘Mobie phase edi acetate , toluene R (10:90 VV) Applicaton 10 wL (or 2 wL} as bands of 10 mm for 6 mmm Development Over a path of 15 em [or 6 em]. Dong In sit Datection Spray with anisaldehye soluion R and heat at 100-105 °C for 5-10 mins examine in daylight. Results See below the sequence of zones present inthe chromatograms obtained with the reference solution and the test solution, Furthermore, other fant zones may be present in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution, near the solvent front and atthe level of a-tepineol Presence IV-208 Eucommia Bark 2019 “Top ofthe plat Cine «wletrown ze | An inns ileum 2me (8+ caeal) e-Tepacol Vole-bown 206 Reference sation “Test solution 'B, Examine the chromatograms obtained in the test for chromatographic profile. Rests ‘The characteristic peaks due ro a-pinene, f-pinene, ‘e-phellandrene, limonene and 1,8-cineole in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution are similar in retention time to those in the chromatogram obtained with reference solution (a). Sabinene and camphor may be present in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution, TESTS Relative density (2.2.9 0.906 to 0.927. Refractive index (2.2.6) 1.458 to 1.470. Optical rotation (2.2.7) O° to + 10", Solubility in alcohol (2.8.10) is soluble in 5 volumes of exhanal (70 per cont VIV) R. Aldehydes ‘To 10 mL in a ground-glass-stoppered tube 25 mm in. diameter and 150 mm long, add 5 mL. of zluene R and 4 mL of alcoholic yroxylamine solution R. Shake vigorously and titrate immediately with 0.5 M porassium hyuroxide in alcohol (60 por cont VIV) sail the red colour changes to yellow. ‘Continue the titration with shaking; the end-point is reached when the pure yellow colour of the indicator is permanent in the lower layer after shaking vigorously for 2 min and allowing separation to take place. The reaction is complete in about 15 min. Repeat the titration using a further 10 mL of the substance to be examined and, asa reference solution for the end-point, the titrated liquid from the 1" determination to which has been added 0.5 mL of 0.5 M potasion hydroxide in alcohol (60 percent VIV). Not more than 2.0 mL. of 0.5 M potassium hydroxide in alcohol (60 percent VIV) is required in the 2 titration, Chromatographic profile Gas chromatography (2.2.28): use the normalisation procedure, Test sokaion Dissolve 200 yl ofthe essential oil to be examined in heptane R and dilute to 10.0 mL with the same solvent. Reference solution (a) Dissolve 10 iL of acpinene R, 5 lof Bepinane R,5 iL of sabinene Ry 5 yl of a-phallandene Ry 10 iL of limonene R, 50 iL. of cincole R and 5 mg of camphor R in heptane R and dilute to 10 ml with the same solvent. Reference solution (2) Dissolve 5 ul of limonene R in Ieptane R and dilue to 50.0 mL. with the same solvent. Dilute 0.5 mL. of the solution to 5.0 mL. with heptane R. Column: = materia: fused silica; — sise:1= 60 m, @ = about 0.25 mm; stationary phase: macrogo! 20 000 R (fm ickness 0.25 um), Carter gas heli for chromatography Re Flow rate 1.5 ml/min, Split ratio 1:50. Temperature Time "Tempersare xi co) Came 5 © 53 6 ~ 200 338 200 Injen por 200 Datecoe 20 Elution order Onder indicated in the composition of reference solution (a). Record the retention times of these substances, Sprtem suitability Reference solution (2): = resolution: minimum 1.5 between the peaks due to limonene and cineole entation of compononts Using the retention times determined from the chromatogram obtained with reference solution (a), locate the components of reference solution (3) in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution. Determine the percentage content of each of these ‘components. The percentages are within the following. ranges: = acpinene: 0.05 per cent to 10.0 per cents — fpinene: 0.05 per cent t0 1.5 per cent — sabinene: maximum 0.3 per cent; — a-phalandrene: 0.05 per cent to 1.5 per cents — limonene: 0.05 per cent to 15.0 per cent; — 1,8-cnzol: minimum 70.0 per cents — camphor: maximum 0.1 per cents = dlivegad lime: the area of the principal peak in the chromatogram obtained with reference solution (b) (0.05 per cent) STORAGE ‘Ata temperature not exceeding 25 °C, Eucommia Bark re (Ph, Eur. monograph 2412) we ree DEFINITION ‘Whole or fragmented, scraped, dried bark of the stem of Ewcommia ulmoides Olw. Content , ‘Minimum 0.10 per cent of pinoresinol diglucoside (CosHin 65 M, 683) (dried drug). IDENTIFICATION A. Pieces are fat, curved or channelled, varying in size, about 5-7 mm thick. The outer sueface is pale brown or greenish- ‘brown, matkedly wrinkled or fissured, sometimes with intentional scazring in a rhombus shape; some barks show Tentcels, The inner surface is dark reddish-brown or dark ‘Purplish-brown, smooth to the touch. The texture is fragile, tasly broken, with the edges of the fracture connected by fine, dense, silvery and elastic rubber threads

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