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Result type: ED Clinical Summary

Result date: 01 Mar 2019 02:10
Result status: authenticated
Performed by: Ma Jayson
Modified by: Ma Jayson

ED Clinical Summary
Patient: DOB: 28 Mar 2015

ED Clinical Summary


Clinical Discharge Summary

Patient Information
Name HARSHA MANIKANDAN Age 3 Years DOB 28/03/2015
MRN HC04840037 FIN 0089225812

Patient Address Patient Phone

Discharge Information
Date of Discharge 01/03/2019 02:10:00
Diagnosis 1:URTI - Viral upper respiratory tract infection

Primary Care Provider


Emergency Department Providers

Provider Role Assigned Unassigned

Sheeba Oommen -
019445 - Staff Nurse - ED Nurse 01/03/2019 00:54:33 01/03/2019 00:57:55
Pediatric Emergency
Sheeba Oommen -
019445 - Staff Nurse - ED Nurse 01/03/2019 01:02:08 01/03/2019 01:02:10
Pediatric Emergency
Sasikala Thangapandi
- 041885 - Graduate
ED Nurse 01/03/2019 01:05:29 01/03/2019 01:10:03
Registered Nurse (CF)
- Pediatric Emergency
Dr. Hala Mahjoub
Mahjoub - 020787 -
ED Provider 01/03/2019 01:40:40
Associate Consultant -
Ma Lineth Ortega
Jayson - 015229 -
Graduate Registered ED Nurse 01/03/2019 01:48:22
Nurse (CF) - Pediatric

Medical Information
Vitals Information
Vital Sign Triage Latest
Temp Oral
Temp Axillary
Temp Rectal
O2 Sat
Respiratory Rate 30 br/min 30 br/min
Peripheral Pulse Rate 132 bpm 132 bpm
Apical Heart Rate
Blood Pressure / /

Major Tests and Procedures

The following procedures and tests were performed during your ED visit.

Allergy Information
No Known Allergies

Medication List
cetirizine 5 Milligram Oral once a day (at bedtime) for 5 Days. Refills: 0.
cetirizine 5 Milligram Oral every day for 10 Days. Refills: 0.
cetirizine 3.5 Milligram Oral every day for 5 Days. Refills: 0.
Desloratadine 2.5 Milligram Oral every day for 60 Days. Refills: 0.
Desloratadine 2.5 Milligram Oral every day for 5 Days. Refills: 0.
ibuprofen 160 Milligram Oral every 8 hours for 5 Days. 20mg/ml. Refills: 0.
mometasone nasal (Mometasone Furoate 0.05% Nasal Spray) 1 Spray(s) Nasal every day
for 30 Days. Refills: 0.
mometasone nasal (Mometasone Furoate 0.05% Nasal Spray) 1 Spray(s) Nasal every day
for 2 Months. Refills: 0.
Paracetamol 288 Milligram Oral every 4 to 6 hours for 5 Days. 288 mg = 12 ml. Refills: 0.
salbutamol (Salbutamol 100 mcg/puff (200 dose) Inhaler) 2 Puff(s) Inhalation every 4
hours for 7 Days. Refills: 0.
salbutamol (Salbutamol 100 mcg/puff (200 dose) Inhaler) 2 Puff(s) Inhalation every 4 to 6
hours for 7 Days. Refills: 0.
Sodium chloride (Normal Saline 0.9% Nasal Drops**) 1 Drop(s) each nostril every 8
hours for 7 Days. Refills: 0.


Treating Viral Respiratory Illness in Children
[cetirizine] [ibuprofen] [Paracetamol] [Sodium chloride (Normal Saline 0.9% Nasal Drops**)]
Follow up:

With: Address: When:

Return to Emergency , only if needed


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