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Objectives of the chapter
 Understanding:
 management concepts
 Characteristics of management
 Functions of management
 Levels of management
 Significances of management
 Managerial skills
 Managerial Roles
 Universality of management
 Is management an art or a science?
Meaning of Management

Management Defined
• is the process of setting and achieving organizational objectives
• Management is the attainment of organizational goals in an effective
and efficient manner through planning, organizing, staffing, directing
and controlling organizational resources.
• Management is the integrating force in all organized activity
• people have to coordinate their activities and organize and utilize
their resources
• is the process of coordinating and using the four basic resources of
an organization (human, physical, informational and financial
• Is a process of placing an organization in the right track
Definitions of management by
various author
 .
Definitions of management by
various author
 .
Definitions of management by
various author
 .
Definitions of management by
various author
 .
Meaning of Management
• In general management ensure the existence, survival,
growth and expansion of an organization
• Is a back bone of any organization as it is used to a
appraise on going and long run business activities.
Discussion questions
 What factors reshaping and redefining management?
Possible answers.
 Technology is changing the way we work and
play and every business is now a technology
 Increase in number of employees work from
home or are virtual employees
 •As mobile and social technologies continue
to proliferate, more organizations are using
apps and mobile-enhanced Web sites for
managing their workforces and for other
organizational work.
 Globilazation.
Who is a manager?
 A manager is the one
 Who is responsible for achieving the organizational
goals in an effective and efficient manner through proper
scarce resource utilization
 Who is willing and committed to organize , allocate and
make use of resources
 Is the one who feel sense of responsibility,
belongingness, accountability…
 Has caliber on planning, organizing, staffing leading,
and controlling managerial functions
 Is the one who is willing and able to direct his followers,
sections and an organization it self
 is the one who is willing and able to understand and
manage complex human behavior at the work place
Who is a manager?
 .
Characteristics of Management
 Management is a distinct process.
 Management is an organized activity
 Management aims at the accomplishment of
predetermined objectives.
 Management is both a science and an art.
 Management is a group activity
 Management principles are universal in nature
 Management integrates human and other resources
 System of Authority
 Multi-disciplinary Subject
 Goal Oriented
Discussion Questions
 What is the difference between
administration and Management? Which
one is broader?
Administration Vs. Management
 The use of two terms has been a controversial issue in
the management literature.
 Those who held management and administration distinct
 Oliver Sheldon Florence and Tead, Spriegel and
Lansburg, etc.
 According to them,
 management is a lower-level function and is concerned
primarily with the execution of policies laid down by
Administration Vs. Management
 But some English authors like Brech are of the opinion
that management is a wider term including
administration. This controversy is discussed as under in
three heads:
 (i) Administration is concerned with the determination
of policies and management with the implementation of
policies. Thus, administration is a higher level function.
 (ii) Management is a generic term and includes
 (iii) There is no distinction between the terms
management and administration and they are used
Basis Administration Management

Meaning Administration is concerned with the Management means getting the

formulation of objectives, plans and work done through and with
policies of the organization others.
Nature of Administration relates to the decision- Management refers to execution
work making. It is a thinking function. of decisions. It is a doing function.
Decision Administration determines what is to be Management decides who shall
making done and when it is to be done implement the administrative
status Administration refers to higher levels of Management is relevant at lower
management levels in the organization.
Management and related words

• Is getting high out put or the same amount of output at
the same amount of input or lower input, respectively.
• Refers to the relationship between inputs and outputs
 Is maximizing the organization’s productivity by wise
utilization of scarce resources.
 Is spending less & acquiring more by minimizing cost
 is concerned with cost reduction
 Is doing things right.
Efficiency and Effectiveness
Management and related words
 Effectiveness :
 is providing the right product for the right person or
 is doing the right things (goal attainment) at reasonable
 Determine the success of the organization b/c it is
doing the right things.
Management and related words
 Are dreams that managers have about their organizations
 Describes what managers will do something better for
their organization in the long run
 Erich Fromm pointed out; "The best way to predict your
future is to create it."
 A visionary has the ability to foresee something and sees
the need for change first.
 Managers require more vision than ever because change
is coming faster than ever.
 Leaders have the ability to make their vision real by
engaging the minds, as well as the hearts of others.
Management and related words
 Describe reason for existence of an organization
 Refers to packages of benefits that an organization offers
to its community
 Mission statement
 Are brief, complete, concise and short statements that
describes packages of benefits that an organization offers
to its community
 A good mission statement gets the emotional bonding and
commitment needed.
 It allows the individual employee to say; "I know how I
should do my job differently."
Discussion Questions

 Prepare mission statement for ideal

Management and related words
 Are targets to be achieved at the end of a given
operational period
 stands for what an organization wants to get at the end
of a given operational period
Management and related words

 Is a means/way/road/options/mechanisms of getting something
of value
 Describes set of alternative actions that help an organization
attain its objectives
 Are do and do not do principles at the work place

 Provide general guidelines for decisions to be made

Managerial Functions
 Managers are persons who are responsible for
supervising the use of organizational resources
to achieve its goals.
 to do this manager at all levels in any
organization perform five basic functions:

Management process:
planning, organizing,
leading, and controlling

 Is the process that managers use to identify and select

appropriate goals and alternative ways of attaining them.
 Planning is concerned with 'what', 'how, and 'when' of
 Is a process of allocating and using organizational
 Is the first function that all managers engage in because
it lays the ground work for all other functions.
 Is the process of delegating and coordination tasks and
resources to achieve objectives.
 Includes the process of identifying tasks to be
 Includes grouping of similar tasks together to create
 Is process of delegating authority to the job holder and
making the workers responsible and accountable for the
results of their work.

 It is the process of:-

 recruiting potential candidates for the job,
 reviewing the applicant's documents and
trying to match the job demand with candidates'
 Procure suitable personnel for manning the jobs.
 It involves: acquiring, developing and maintaining
human resource which is needed to attain objectives set
in planning.
Directing /Leading
 Involves influencing and motivation employees in one
or an other ways to make them implement their job
assignments willingly.
 Aims at getting the members of the organization to
move in the direction that will achieve its objectives.
 Controlling involves
 Setting of standard against which work progress is
 Measuring actual performance
 Comparing actual performance against the standard.
 Identifying and initially examining causes of deviations
between the standard and the actual performance
 Taking corrective actions to eliminate causes of
unfavorable deviations.
 Generally, functions of management are inseparable and
often performed continuously as an interactive process.
 All the above functions are performed by all types of
managers but with different degree of considerations.
Levels of management

 Levels are Hierarchical arrangement of managerial

positions in an organization.
 Considering the hierarchy of authority and
responsibility, three levels of management namely:
 top level management,
 middle level management, and
 firs level or operating level management.
Levels of management

Top level

Middle level

first level management

Top level management
 Consists of highest rank managers of an organization
with different titles such as CEO, president, vice
 Focuses on managing the entire organization or major
parts of it.
 Is aimed at developing and defining the organization's
purpose, objectives, strategies and long term plans.
 Deal with external bodies such as government officials,
and other stake holders of an organization
Middle level management
 Consists of managers below rank of vice president but
above supervisory managers.
 Most common example are Branch mangers.
 Perform functions like
 Acting as intermediary between top management and
operating level management.
 Translating long term plans to top management into
medium range plans.
 Developing specific targets in their areas of
 Coordinating inputs, productivity and out puts of
operating level managements.
 Achieving objectives set by top level management.
Operating(first level)management

also called lower level management

.Subordinates non management workers or operating employees.
The typical titles in this level are: office manager, crew leaders'
supervisor etc...........
 Perform functions like
 Planning daily and weekly activities and accomplishment based on
the monthly, quarterly, and yearly plans.
Assigning operating employees to specific tasks.
Issuing instructions at the work place
following up, motivating and evaluating workers and reporting to
their superiors
Significances of management
Management is significant because:-
• It is used to allocate, coordinate and use resources
 It is used to set and attain organizational goals
 It determines success or failure of an organization –be it
existence, survival ,growth and expansion
 It helps an organization adapt to its external environment
 It is used to manage and direct complex behavior of people at
work places
 As 'a brain' of an organization therefore, management gives
direction not only to each sections of but also to the entire
organization as well .
Managerial Skills

 A skill is an individual's ability to translate knowledge into action

Conceptual Skill
 are the skills managers use to analyze and diagnose complex
 situations.
 They help managers see how things fit together and facilitate
making good decisions
 refers to the ability of a manager to take a broad and farsighted view
of the organization and its future,
 Manager ability to think in abstract, ability to analyze the forces
working in a situation,
 Indicates creative and innovative ability
 ability to assess the environment and the changes taking place in it.
 It short, it is ability to conceptualize the environment, the
organization, and owns job, so that he can set appropriate goals for
his organization.
Managerial Skills
 Human relations skill
is the ability to interact effectively with people at all levels.
 This skill develops in the manager sufficient ability
 To recognize the feelings and sentiments of others;
 To judge the possible actions to, and outcomes of
various courses of action he may undertake; and
 To examine his own concepts and values which may
enable him to develop more useful attitudes about
 This type of skill remains consistently important for
managers at all levels.
Managerial Skills

Technical skill
 The technical skill is the manager's understanding of the
nature of job that people under him have to perform.
 It refers to a person's knowledge and proficiency in any
type of process or technique.
 More important at the lower levels of management
Skill-mix of different management levels
Top Management Conceptual Skills
Middle Management Human Relations Skills
Low Management Technical Skills
Managerial Roles and skills
Managerial Roles
 Role is an organized set of behaviors.
 Mintzberg said managers play their roles in three ways:
 (1) by managing actions directly (for instance, negotiating contracts,
managing projects, etc.)
 (2) by managing people who take action (for example, motivating
them, building teams, enhancing the organization’s culture, etc.), or
(3) by managing information that propels people to take action
(using budgets, goals, task delegation, etc.).
 There are about 10 roles identified that managers undertake to
accomplish management functions (planning, Organizing, leading,
and controlling).
 These ten roles are classified in to three major categories:
1. Interpersonal role
2. Informational role
3. Decisional role
Interpersonal role

 When managers play interpersonal roles, they

use their human and communication
management skills as they perform the
necessary management function.
 It includes
a. Figure head role
b. leader role
c. liaison role
Interpersonal role
Figure head role
 Here managers represent the organization or
department in ceremonial and symbolic
 It is the most basic and the simplest of all
managerial roles
Leader role
 Here managers are assumed as leaders when
they influence, initiate and motivate the
subordinates so that the subordinates achieve
organizational goals.
Interpersonal role
Liaison role
 Refers to dealing with people out side the
organization, such as clients, government
officials, customers, and suppliers
 Refers to dealing with mangers in other
departments, staff specialists, and other
departments' employees
 Here a manager seeks support from people
who can affect the department's and
organization's success.
Informational role
 The informational roles involve collecting, receiving,
and disseminating information
 When managers play informational roles they build net
works of contacts for sharing information with others.
 It includes:
a. Monitor role
b. disseminator role
c. spokesperson role
Informational role
Monitor role
 Here managers play monitor role when they read
and talk to others to receive information.
 Involves seeking out, receiving and screening
 Involves scanning of the environment.
 Disseminator role
 In this role managers share information with
subordinates and other members of the
 managers play disseminator role when they send
information to others with in the organization.
Informational role
 Spokesperson role
 Is a case when managers play
spokesperson role when they provide
information to people out side the
Decisional role
 When managers play decisional role they use their conceptual and
decision-making management skills.

 It consists
a. Entrepreneur role
b. Disturbance handler role
c. Resource allocator role
d. Negotiator role
Decisional role
 Entrepreneur Role
. Is the role of managers which focuses on innovation and
initiation of improvements by managers.
May include such activities as initiating new projects,
launch survey, test new markets etc...........
 Disturbance handler role
 In this role, the manager has to work like a fire fighter.
He must seek solutions of various unanticipated
problems – a strike may loom large a major customer
may go bankrupt; a supplier may renege on his contract,
and so on.
Decisional role
 Resource allocator role
 In this case managers play recourse allocator
role when they schedule, request authorization
and perform budgeting and programming
 Is a case when a manager determines who in
the work unit gets what resources money,
facilities, equipment and access to manager.
Decisional role
 Negotiator role
 Is role in which managers work with suppliers,
distributor, and labor unions to reach on
agreements a bout the quality and price of inputs,
technical and human resource, work with other
organizations to establish agreements to pool
resources to work on joint projects.
 N.B: Negotiations are an integral part of
managers' job
Universality of management

 Management is said to have universal application

 Management is important for any organization or entity
regardless of objective(s) for which it is established to
reach the stated goals or objectives.
 Any person who holds managerial position in an
organization performs the five functions of management
 Management can be applied to all organized human
efforts whether they are in business, government
educational, social, religious or other fields.
 Universality implies transferability of managerial skills
across industries, countries.
 It means that management is generic in content and is
applicable to all types of organization.
Is management an art or a science?

 a manager uses the knowledge of management theory

and principles of management while performing
managerial functions. management as a body of
knowledge and a discipline is a science;
 its application to the solution of organizational problems
is an art.
 The practice of management, like the practice of
medicine, manager who manages without possessing the
knowledge of management creates chaos and
jeopardizes the well-being of his organization.

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