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Individual Assignment (5%)

Workplace Spirituality and Business

 Submit assignment via:
 Deadline for assignment: 15th May, 2020.
 Submit your responses for each of the questions using a Microsoft Word
Document. Pdf is not acceptable.

Assignment Questions
As an employee of your organisation, kindly answer the following questions. The
answers to these questions should be based on your practical and personal experiences
in your organisation. You can also use your past organisation as a case.
NB: Workplace spirituality = Making sure employees find meaning and
purpose in their jobs within the workplace.

1. Demographic Information
a. Which age-range do you belong?
b. What is your gender?
c. How long have you worked with your current/past organisation?
Past – 4 years
d. What is your current job title?
Operations Manager
e. Do you think that the job you do makes you excited about life?
i. If yes, why?

Sure, the job I did made me excited about life, my work pushed me to be more creative
every day and that inspired me. I worked and communicated with brilliant minds at my
job, and every day learning something new did well. Each day, I was ready to go to work
because this was my passion and to do something that you enjoy, there's no way back!

ii. If no, why?

f. What is the ownership of your organisation (Private/Public/Foreign)?
g. What is the size of your organisation (small or large)?

2. Does your organisation practice workplace spirituality?
a. If yes, why?

Yes, my work place practiced workplace spirituality.

That's because spirituality creates a positive, ripple-like effect in the workplace. The
benefits of spirituality in the workplace explicitly begin with the employees. Then, in
increased company performance, they ripple off and manifest.
b. If no, why?
3. How did spirituality start in your organisation?
Workers want more from their organisations, and their workers want more from their
organisations. With all the downsizing and restructuring of businesses, workers who are
left prefer to work longer hours. As a result, they want to bring more of their selves
outside of live. As my organizations keep struggling to find and maintain talented
employees, they need to offer more than just "a job." Employees yearn to be part of a
project, add value and make positive contributions. This needed spirituality on my place
of work.
4. Does the owner/management of your organisation welcome the idea of workplace
a. If yes, explain why?
Yes, the owner of my organisation welcome the idea of workplace spiritualty.
This is because corporate spirituality offers many benefits to the company. Indeed, a
optimistic, ripple-like effect is created by the presence of spirituality in the work place.
The benefits of spirituality in the workplace explicitly begin with the employees. Then,
in increased company performance, they ripple off and manifest. Here are a few other
reasons why you need to practice spirituality at work.
b. If no, explain why?

5. Do you think your organisation has been successful in combining spirituality with
a. If yes, explain how it was possible?
This was possible because Organizational involvement contributes to an individual's
commitment to the organization, so that each person has the basic and specific actions
depending on each individual's commitment to the organization. The fulfillment of
employees' and the community's spiritual needs is strongly related to employee
involvement with the company. Looking at the value of spirituality at the place of
employment, the concept was embraced by both workers and employers.
b. If no, explain why it was not possible?
6. What do you think made your organisation decide to combine spirituality with

Evidence shows that there are many advantages of workplace spirituality programmes.
Thus, spin-offs contribute to better personal health and psychological well-being,
employee engagement, productivity and reduced absenteeism are improved

Spirituality in the workplace is often shown to reduce staff turnover levels, to start. One
explanation for this is that leaders with spiritual values are judged to be more effective
as leaders. Leaders' studies considered to be more successful show that they are
increasing job satisfaction, inspiration, efficiency and income – as stated earlier. These
are some of the main benefits of working spirituality with my organization motivated to
combine spirituality with business

7. Does your organisation face challenges in combining spirituality with business?
a. If yes, mention a few challenges

The first challenge comes from the immaterial aspect of spirituality. Spirituality is a
state of interaction with the inner selves with high ideals and morality in which
individuals find a sense and purpose in life. The intangible aspect of organizational
spirituality causes the workers difficulty in assimilating and internalizing it. They
sometimes equate it with religion, and feel the proselytism threat. Organizations need to
differentiate between faith and spirituality first. Religion talks about a particular system
of beliefs, rituals, ideals, and ceremonies. Spirituality, however, involves the virtues of
the human spirit such as devotion, sincerity, kindness, tolerance and harmony.

Spirituality in the workplace will fail if it isn't authentic. Spirituality programs in the
workplace should be centric to employees. Ineffective and short-lived projects
introduced as a marketing or management tool.

Finally, spirituality is a highly individual experience and workers in spiritual discussions

may feel an intrusion into their personal lives. Organizations must value their own views
and viewpoints. Organizations must shield themselves from the challenges and dangers
of workplace spirituality to make it a workable model and capitalize on the positive
effects of workplace spirituality.

b. If no, explain why?

c. How is your organisation managing the challenges of combining spirituality
with business?
By doing the following, my organization managed the challenges of combining
spirituality with business.
 We've partnered with a intent and turned it into a brand agenda on whether
you're helping your clients, clients. We were adamant about our mission and
dream to do this. Also, I make our goal bigger than the person.

 Avoid acts that harm individuals, organizations, at all levels and at all costs, to
your knowledge. Obviously, we cannot participate entirely in activities that have a
negative effect. Instead, turn our organization, step by step, into one that workers
will be proud of. One that they wish to show off.
 Know your staff, and what's triggering them. There is no other simple way but to
ask them. It will churn out many wonderful things and your people will feel
appreciated and thank you for your concern.
 Accept that people are spiritually and consciously at different levels. Agree also
that some will welcome the efforts of spirituality in the workplace warmer than
others. That way you stop it being another mask to wear, and that way the leaders
tend to enjoy it.

The End

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