IDE Ar Feats: Special Disp Sation

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SPECIAL DISPENSATION [) If you foilo check, you can rerry 2frer 1 hour of questioning;

the OM should roO the number ofchecks required secretly,

You h2ve been given leave to carry even bannedannor, so thot the ployerdoesn\ know eactly how much time the
we:apons, and equipment in a given :are:a. usk will require.
Preuquisite: Favored You con cut the time berween C2ther Information checks
Ben efit : Due in pan ro your stonding within your in holf(from 1 hour ro 30 minures), but you l2ke • -5
orpnWtion, you have received specbl dispensation from penolry on the check.
the 2uthorities to wear or carT)' wh:uever equipmem you O bviously, this fear will not aUow you to locote someone
deem necessary, regardless of locnl:~rmor :m d weapons who bos gone beyond the boundories of the community,
lows. but it could inform you thor they've done so.
This fe:n is o&en represented in Lhe g2rue, either by an
objoet of some kind-typicJllJy on official govenuuem Community Size• DC Checks Required
st:aJ.-or even a mark, such as a r:moo. Thorp, hamlet, or village s 1d)
Special : This fear can be raken multiple limes. Small town or large town 10 1d4•1
&ch time you l2ke the fear, iiS dTeciS opply to o new Sm•ll c•ty or lo'i" oty 1S 1d6•1
culrure, geographic region, kingdom, or nation (whichever Metropolos 20 1d8•2
is opproprute). • Soe OMG 137.
Note: ln the EBERRON ser:ting. you con substiruxe the
Condition.s DC Modifi~r
Fovored in House fear for Favored os the prerequisire for
this fell. Every throe creatures on group boinB sought -2
Every 24 hours group has been m•ss•ngJsought .,.1
If you do, you gain the benefirs of this feot while within any Tracked group "les low• +2
of rhe Five Nations..
Tfacked group matc.hes community·s pri mary +2
racial d•mographic•
STRONG STOMACH [) Trocked group does not m•tch community's -2
pnmary racial demographoc•
You hove greoter resilience ro illness ond foul odors than Seo OMG 139.
l1tOSI people.
Pr~-requUites: Coo 13, £ndul'lnce. Norm.a l: Chanaers withour this feo1 can use Cather
Bene (It: You reduce the dTecrs of sickening and nausea lnformotion to find our abou1 specific individuals, bur each
by one step. check tokes 1<4.+1 hours and doem'r oUow for effective
You c:annot become nauseated <roiling.
If you are exposed roan effecr or condition thot would Speclnl : A chara.crer wirh s ronks in Knowledge (local)
nomuUy m:ake you nauseated, you become sickened g!lins a -4•2 bonus on the Cather lnfo rm:ation check to use
ins1e:ad. this fe•t.
If on effect or condition would nornully sicken you, thar (Note: This feat first appeared in Unenrtlocd Aruma.
effect is negoted. This updo1e supersedes the originol).


You an Dip, twist, ond roO with greor speed.
You migbt hove learned this abiliry by traversing the ciry's
rooftops and JllJeys, or simply by moving through the FAVORED BENEFITS (ARCANE
throngdoy after day.
Prerequ isite: Tumble 7 ronks. GUILDS)[]
Ben efit: When tumbling, you move., o speed equal ro The guild subsidizes c.he creation of n1~gic items1 reducing
holf yow· bose speed +to feeL thC character's r.IW materials COST by $%.
NormnJ: Without rills fear., char:~eters move or half speed
when tumbling.
You an trock down the location of missing persons or Members can drow on the V>st srores ofinfo11112tion
:~mused by their organization.
wonred individuals within communiries.
A member can pick any one Knowledge skill ossoccued
Benefit: To find an individuol's mil, Orto foOow a mil
with bisorg;~nizarion.
for t hour, requires a Cather lnform:nion c.beck.
Any rime sbe has unresoicred access to his organization's
You must make another G:~ther lnform:~tion check every
hou1· you search, as well as each rj1ne t be tr~H becomes records, she receives a +2 insigh1 bonus on checks using
rh31 Knowledge skill and a +t imigh1 bonus on Knowledge
more difficult to follow. such as when it takes you to a checks of ony othervariery.
different part of town.
The DC of the check, and the number of checks required ro
rnc:k down your quarry depends on the conununiry size
and the prevoiling conditions.
The guild provides access to the buck ~ru~rket and stolen The character gains a .f.I bonus on Diplomacy and
goods. Intimidate checks \vith members of any guild.
A member can obtain many goods for a discount, in any (When de•ling with members of his own guild, these
city where the guild maintains a presence. bonuses stack with the standard guild bonuses).
The chance of finding a specific discounted item is a flat
8,5'%for mundane icems, so% for minor magic items. 25'%
for mediwn magic items, and ro% for major magic items. FAVORED BENEFITS (HEROIC
If they are availible, mundane items can be purchased for a ORGANIZATIONS)[]
to% discount, while magic items are discounced .)%.
Note that these items are srolen or contraband, and a PC As a rule, most organizations will fXIY co have identify cast on
caught with an identifiably stolen item on his person could magic items a number of cimes per month equal ro the
be arrested and charged. member's level
Depending on circumstances (such as the availability of
spellcasters), this number can vary slighdy.
The organization covers bail money, legal fees, coun: cases, CHURCH)(]
and bribes relating roche arrest or erial of its most valued
members. Members of independent churches make a concerted effort
Depending on their re!.tionship with the organization's co aid one another.
superiors, members are expected to pay back ro% to so% of The discount for hiring a fellow member ro cast a spell or
all such coscs incurred. pelfonn a service is to%, rather than the standard s%.
(Char:Jcters who abuse this plivilege-taking advantage of
it when not absolutely necessary-could find it sn-ipped
FAVORED BENEFITS (CULT)[] away from them at the OM's discretion).
Membership in rhissmall, tight:ly knitgroupsrrengtbens
an individual's faith and de[erminarion. FAVORED BENEFITS (LABORERS
When accompanied by at lease one other member of the
cult. or when within che cult's shrines o r holdings. a GUILDS)[]
member receive a +1 bonus on Will saves Dl3de against
Members gain a +I bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate
spells cast by anyone not pa1t of the cult. checks when negotiating with potentilll employers.
When performing basic physical !.hot, members can
FAVORED BENEFITS (DOMINANT expect to be paid s% to to% mote than the standard value
for those setvices.
A member of a dominant church gains a H bonus on FAVORED BENEFITS (MERCANTILE
Diplo~ru~cy and Intimidate checks involving anyone from
the local govemmem, major mercantile concerns such as GUILDS)[]
guilds, ot members of smaller churches in the city. Membership in the guild is a sign of qualiry merchandise.
Additionally, a member has access to the church's librncy
Members can charge an average of 5% more than the
and records. standard market value on cheir goods and services in any
He an take 2oon any Knowledge (history) ot Knowledge
city where rhe organization maintains a guildhouse.
(religion) check after he has been actively engaged in
research in the church library (reading books and speaking
to other members), a process that takes t4+t days for each FAVORED BENEFITS (MERCENARY
Members of the same mercenary guild learn
FAVORED BENEFITS (GLADIATORIAL complementary combat tactics.
STABLES)[] \Vhenever a member is adjacent to another member, each
of them gains a ·H competence bonus to Armor Class.
So long as the privilege is not abused, the stable heals a
gladiator of injuries suffered outside the arena as well as
Additionally, in one out of every four matches, the stable
rakes only 20% of the purse, rather than 30%. GUILDS)[]
ln any city wherein the guild maintains a guildh ouse, the
member can substitute Perform or Profession check for a
Diplomacy or Gather Information check by offering her
services for free.
In addition, she eatns twice the normal income when using As the parent church, if the sect is open and accepted.
her Perform or Profession skill ro earn money In the case of a conflicted or secrer sea, members swiftly
These uses of Perform or Profession must match those with leam techniques for keeping their affiliation secret.
which the character has earned guild membershi p. The character gains a +1 bonus on Bluff checks when
For example. a character who joined the guild as an actor dealing with matters of religious affiliation.
cannot apply this benefit to Profession (bLJcksmith) checks. Additionally, he can make use of the Deceptive Spell feat
(see page 6o) once per day, without the associ> ted increase
in spell slot, even if he does not possess that feat.
FAVORED BENEFITS (POLITICAL This abiliry can be applied only to domain spells or to spells
ORGANIZATIONS)[] that, for reasons of alignment, could not be cast by
members of the parent church.
The organization puUs bw·eaucrnric srrings on behalf of
favored members, reducing by 20% the cost of any fines or
levies imposed by the govemmenL FAVORED BENEFITS (SLAVERS
FAVORED BENEFITS (PSIONIC Favored members of the guild can purchase slaves at a 20%
GUILDS)[] d.iscoum.
Funher, ifa favored member needs a few hours of physical
The guild subsidizes the creation of psionic items. reducing labor performed, the guild provides the temporary loan of
the character's raw materials cost by s%. sLlves, free of ch arge.


Members gain a + I bonus on Diplomacy and Gather
lnfonrution checks involving any member of that r:~ce who
knows of the guild's existence.


The member's faith and understanding of her fellows is
bolstered by association with others who share her beliefs
and purpose.
She gains a + 1 bonus on Diplomacy and Gather
Information checks when deal ing with any follower of her
religion, whether or not they are in the guild.
She also gains a +2 bonus on Will saves when resisting any
compulsion that would cause her to act outside rhe dictates
of her faith.


The organization reduces the cost of spells cast by its
members on behalf of other members by to%.


To its favored members, a sch olastic guild offers complete
access to its many libraries and troves of research.
A favored member who is in the guildhouse and is making
use of both the library and other guild members for
research pmposes can rake 20 on any single Knowledge
skill in which he has at least 1 rank.
Such painsuking resea reb is time-conswning. however,
requiting 2d4 days (8 bow-s per day) to complete.

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