Tell Something About Yourself

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Hi my name is_______, what’s your name?

Hi (name of student) nice to meet you!
Before we start let’s do a system check
Can you see me and hear me clearly?
By the way I believe this is the first time we are having a
class together? Right!
SO let me introduce myself to you briefly, Again my name
is teacher_______ (tell something about yourself)
How about you (Name of Student)? Can you tell me
something about yourself?
(Student answers)
Wow that’s great!
By the way, how are you today?
Now (student) I can see here that you booked an IELTS class
today right?
May I know why did you book an IELTS class with me? (Student
So if you have plans of taking the IELTS test, when do you plan
to take it?
And what is your Target score? Student answers
Ok, so don’t worry we will work together so we can achieve
that target score

Ok, we will be having a simulation of the IELTS speaking test

later but before we do that let me set your expectations first,
For the next 12 to 15 minutes I will not be your teacher but I
will play the role of an IELTS examiner. I will not help you,
correct you or guide you. I will just ask the questions and you
have to remember to give your answers and the reason behind
it for parts 1 and 3, for part 2 make sure that you maximize the
two minute mark. Also, once we start the simulation I will turn
off my camera so you can focus on your answers. Once we're
done, I will turn it back on and I will give you my feedback,
corrections and suggestions,
Is that clear?? (if the student says yes, or they don’t have any
Ok so let me turn off my camera so we can start the simulation
(Camera should be off already)

Welcome to the speaking section of the IELTS speaking exam. My name

is __________. And I'll be your examiner. The test is going to take about
11-14 minutes. There will be three parts. I will give you instructions for
each part. I'm going to record this for marking purposes, is that okay?

I'll be asking you few questions.

Can we start with your full name please?  (Student answers)

Where are you from?

Part 1: Script
So let's begin with part one.

I'm going to ask you some general questions on a topic. Are you ready
to begin?

Let’s talk about _____> (go to the material / look for part 1 topic and

Part 2: Script

That's the end of part 1. Now, we're going to start part two. I'm going
to give you a card with a specific topic and you will have one minute to
prepare your answer and you may take notes if you wish. I'll tell you
when you’re one minute preparation is up and then you can speak for
1-2 minutes.

Here’s the card. (Send the screenshot)

(After sending) :

Can you see the card now? (If yes)

Your one minute to prepare begins now.

(After 1 minute :)

Okay, so your one minute preparation is up. Your ninety seconds to

speak begins now.

When 2 minutes is up, interrupt the student by saying ‘Thank

you’ , then proceed to part 3.

Part 3 : Script

Now , let's have part 3. I'll be asking questions related to part 2. Are you
(go to part 3 on the material)

If they are done in part 3 :

Thank you, that’s the end of the speaking test!

(TURN on camera and smile)

Hi I’m back! So how did you feel about the speaking test
(Student answers)

I do apologize if I was not helping you earlier because the

purpose of the simulation is we want you to experience how it
feels like on the actual speaking test. We also want to prepare
you not only mentally but also emotionally
So (Name of student) I will now give you my feedback and
correction on the simulation, are you ready?
Ok so let’s begin with Part 1 :

Sample pattern
Part 1
Positive: confident answering the questions
Negative: X : interor interior /ɪnˈtɪr.i.ɚ/ very happy = delighted,
ecstatic, elated
you said: _________________
correct: ___________________

Things to remember:
Give feedback and corrections on each part of the simulation (1 - 2 - 3)
-specifically tell them the mistake and give them examples to correct
the mistake
Utilize the chat box!!!!
-make sure that when you are correcting the student and giving them
examples and feedback, TYPE it in the CHATBOX
Now (name of student) let me give you your scores for each of
the IELTS Criteria

Lets start with fluency and coherence;

For fluency and coherence, this is where we check your ability
to speak at length smoothly…….
For this I will give you a (state your score)

Things to remember:
Give score and detailed suggestion on EACH Criteria
- tell them their score and why is that the score (according to the
IELTS Band Descriptors)
Fluency and Coherence -
A. Positive feedback -you were able to answer all the questions, you
were able to maintain a general flow of speech –

B. Negative feedback -there were limited discourse markers used.

Discourse marker like “In my opinion” has been overly used. ( then
suggestions, this is under another criterion)

C. Suggestion:

-NEVER forget to give them DETAILED suggestion on how they can

improve the score on each criteria

So, let me now give you your overall score

(Add all the score and divide by four)
 If student did not reach the target sore encourage them.
Make sure you ask follow up question before you end the class
Do you have any questions before we end the class?

Be Mindfull of the time.

-the class is only 25 mins
-introduction 2-3 mins
-simulation 15 mins
-closing and feedback 7-10 mins

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