A Brief Biography of Hazrat Niazamuddin Auliya Aurangabadi

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Life Of Qutubul Aqtaab Qutub-e-Deccan Shaikh ul Islam Hazrat Khawaja

Sayyed Shah Nizamuddin Auliya Aurangabadi (Rehmatullahalaih)

Among the most renowned saints in India Sheikh ul Islam wal Muslimin Hazrat
khwaja Shah Nizamuddin Auliya Aurangabadi Rh is counted as one of the
prominent saint of India. The year of birth of Hazrat Rh was 1060 Hijri i.e. 1650
AD. He belongs to village near Lucknow named as Kakor.

Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh was murid and Khalifa-e-azam of Hazrat Sheikh

Kalimullaha shah Jahanabadi Rh. The peer-o- Murshad (Spiritual Preceptor) of
Hazrat Sheikh Kalimullaha shah Jahanabadi Rh was Qutube Madina Shaikh
Yahiya Madani Rh.

According to the advice of Sheikh Yahiya Madani Rh Shaikh Kalimullaha Rh has

bestowed upon Shah Nizamuddin Auliya Rh the title of Khalifa-e-Azam and
instructed him to settle in Deccan an showered upon him the vilayat and
responsibility of deccan

When Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh was learning the basic in his village Kakor at
the same time in Madina Munnawara preparation for his spiritual teaching were
going on, which means that in Madinatul Munnwara at the Rauza of Rasulallah
Sallalallaho allahi wasallam the Qutubul Madina Hazrat Sheikh Yahiya Madani Rh
showered spiritual teaching and learning to Hazrat Sheikh Kalimullaha Shah
Jahanabadi Rh. After giving khilafat to sheikh Kalimullah Rh Sheikh Yahiya
Madani Rh gave farewell and advised him the name of his spiritual successor will

be "NIZAMUDDIN" who will come to you to seek the knowledge and will recite
the following couplet.

"Supurdum bato maaye kheshra tu daani hisaabe kamo beshra"

(I have surrendered myself to you; you know the best for me.)
After hearing this Sheikh Kalimullaha Rh become emotional for some time and he
recalled the prophesy of Sheikh Yahiya Madni Rh then he narrated that event of
Madina Munnwara to Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh that my Peer-o-Murshid
Sheikh Yahiya Madni Rh has said that a man named "NIZAMUDDIN" will come
to your khanqah (sufi monastery) to get higher islamic education but later his heart
will drew him towards the path of spiritual teaching (Sufism) he will express his
desire and will recite this couplet (sher) and you should provide him with all
spiritual teaching knowledge as he will be your "Khalifa-e-azam" who will spread
and propogate Islam and chistiya silsila. Thus the spiritual teaching of Hazrat
Nizamuddin Auliya Rh started after a period of strict spiritual tranning Hazrat
Nizamuddin Auliya Rh was made the khalifa-e-Azam of Shah kalimullah Rh and
instructed him to settled in deccan and showered upon him the Vilayat of deccan.

With the instruction of Peer-o-Murshid Sheikh Kalimullaha Rh. Hazrat

Nizamuddin Auliya Rh came to deccan and he traveled to Burhanpur, Sholapur,
Bijapur and permanently setlled at Aurangabad. Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia Rh
started a spiritual khanqah (sufi monastery) at Aurangabad and devoted the whole
life for the spiritual uplifting of the people.

Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh after arrival at Aurangabad became anxious for

blessing of Peer-o-Murshid. Thus Both the sufi saints were in continuous contact
through correspondence with letters. Shaikh Kaleemullah Rh provided guidance to
Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh. Through these letters, these letters were collected
and rewritten in persion language by Hazrat Kasim Ali Rh. The collection of these
letters are called as Maktubaat-e-kaleemi. This book is translated in urdu by the
present Sajjada Nashin Syed Moinuddin @ Mohemmed Miya, Dargha Hazrat
Nizamuddin Auliya Aurangabadi in the year 2008.

The spiritual titles given to Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya described in the letters of
Shaikh Kaleemullah Jahanabadi Rh Are as follows.

The mystic saint of the world of lovers of Almighty God.

They witness of the high attributes of beloved Dervishes of Almighty God.

The comfort of the mystic Dervishes.

The prominent sufi saint of Islam and Muslims.
Saint Nizamuddin is the treasure mystic Sufies.
The venerable icon of Sufi Derveshes, the venerable icon of noble companion, the
master in theological commentary, truth and religion may almighty God
perpetuate his bounties in the universe.
The most prominent in the rank of lovers of almighty God, the trust worthly of
those who reached the nearness of almighty God, the prominent saint of Islam and
Muslim Community.
The mentor of Muslim Community, the establisher of religion of piece the beauty of
God through whose existence the pious Dervishes adorn their hereafter.
Further Hazrat Kaleemullah Jahanabadi Rh writes in his letters :-

Nizamuddin your every breath is counted as Haj, you purify the sole of your murid
by teaching them the attitude of speech (as the tongue can take you to hell or
heaven.) You teach them good mannars and etticates.
From above it is clear that Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya was very much near and
dear to Shaikh Kaleemullah Janabadi rh.

Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh came to Aurangabad and founded his Khankha.

According to Shah Suleman Tausvi Rh The Khankha of Hazrat Nizamuddin
Auliya had 10 doors. The needy persons used to come to the door with the paper
on which there lawful needs were written. This paper was stamped by the Name of
Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh and the Ameer i.e. officers and Jagirdars would
regard it as the highest honor to fulfill there brothers need because of their great
respect and deep love for Hazrat Rh.

The Khankha of Hazrat Rh was always full of needy people kamgar khan (murid)
says that he has never seen in his life the needy people returning empty handed
from Hazrat Rh Darbar.




Accrording to the instructions of Shaikh Kaleemullah Jahanabadi rh. Hazrat

Nizamuddin Auliya rh. had decided to propagate spirituality as the main ambition
of his life and for this purpose he whole heartedly devoted his whole life and

Hazrat Kaleemullah rh. used to give instruction from Dehli and Hazrat
Nizamuddin Auliya rh. used to obey them word by word while coming to deccan
with the royal army Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya rh. had propogated and tried to
reform the soldiers. Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya rh. had succeeded in his ambition
due to which as many as three lakhs Mureedeens and 300 Kamil Khulfa (learned
spritutal successors) were there who were spreading his words ahead. he spiritual
training & teaching of disciples (murideen)
There were many murideen of Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh According to
"Fawad-E-Ziyai" there were 3 lakhs murideen and 300 Kamil Khilfas. It is written
in Munakeb-E-Fakhria that Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh teach and guided his
murideen in the light of guidance and education provided by his Peer-o-Murshad
Shaikh Kaleemullah Rh. Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh while conducting his
Majlees (sufi meetings) used to ask the murideen to read any religious book loudly
and other use to listen them carefully. Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh does not
liked to talk in between the Majlis on worldly topic and those murideen who were
busy in Zikr-o-Askar (Recollection of God) Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh insisted
them to continue this practice. He always stressed his murideen to fallow basic
principles of Islam.

Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh Used to strictly follow the meditation i.e. daily
recital of mystical names of Allah (Ibadat-e-Ashgaal and Awrad) for his murideen
Hazrat Rh Used to give more importance on Zikr (vocal recollection of God)
Twice a week the murideen used to gather for Zikr at the Khankha (sufi
Monastery) Hazrat Rh along with murideen used to get ingage in Zikr and if
Hazrat found any of his murid less interested Hazrat Rh used to sit beside him and
practice till murid fully intensify in Zikr. Sometime at midnight Hazrat Rh used to
watch the murideen if they are busy in Zikr or not. If Hazrat Rh found the murid
sleeping then Hazrat use to awake them by sprinkling the cold water drops on
them. Thus Hazrat Rh used to see regularity and obedience among his murideen
for the Zikr of Allah Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh never use to speak on
contradictory topic. If any person use to inquire about it Hazrat Rh request him to
refer the book of Sufi saints in which the descriptive answer are given.

The attraction and Impression of companionship of Hazrat Nizamuddin

Auliya Rh.

The personality of Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh was so charismatic that people

were unconsciously use to get attracted toward him. It is written in Esan-us-Shamil
that Hazrat Rh Says

many people think that I am a kimiyagar (the person who knows to make gold) and
for this purpose they come to me.
But Hazrat Rh use to divert their attention from worldly treasury to recitation of
the name of Allah so much so that they become perfect, and remember only Allah
rather then any think other.

Nizamul Awkat ( Time Management )

It is written in Fakru-Talebin that Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh was a great lover

of books maximum of his time he was busy with books but after settling down at
Aurangabad. Hazrat Rh was more busy in Zikr. Hazrat Rh Has made such (Hujra)
Prayer room that was in between the home and Khankha. Hazrat Rh use to offer
Namaz-e-Fajr collectively then Hazrat Rh use to isolate him self for Zikr and the
doors of his prayer room were used to remain closed for 5 to 6 hours. After the
completation of Zikr the doors of prayer room were open for everyone. After
performing Namaz-e-Johar Hazrat Rh used to isolate himself till the time of
Namaz-e-Asr. Few hours before Namaz-e Asr they doors of the Prayer room were
open and murideen and commom people were allowed to do Kadambosy
(respectfully with honor and love touching the feet of Hazrat Rh) letter on before
Namaz-e-Asr Khaja Nooroddin Rh (murid) used to recite the book name Mishkart
Sharif or other books. After Namaz also other spritutal books were recited by
Khwaja Kamgar Khan Sahab Rh (murid) the other murideen used to listen silently.
After Namaz-e-Maghrib Hazrat Rh used to sit in the prayer room and only few
people were allowed to meet him.

Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh did not like the method of argument if any one
come do queries or asked questions Hazrat Rh used to advise him to refer the
particular book for this question. Hazrat Rh never took his meal alone if it
happened then aHahjjjjjjJjljHazart Rh used to send the meal to needy poor's home
and then only had his food.

Itteba e Sunnat (Obeying of Sunnat Teachings of Holy Prophel)

Shaikh ul-Islam Hazrat Shah Nizamuddin Auliya was very Obedient in following
the 'Sunnat' of Rasulallah Sallalallaho allahi wasallam every work Hazrat Rh used
to do in the light of Sunnat-e-Nabvi. It is written in Asan-us-Shamil by Khawaja
Kamgar Khan Sahab Rh that the way of living of Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh
use to reflect the light of noor of Sallalallaho allahi wasallam Hazrat Rh used to
strictly follow the Sunnat-e Rasool.

During the discussion of the topic of the battle of ohod in which the Dandane
Mubarak (teeth) of Rasool Allah Sallalallaho allahi wasallam was broken Hazrat
Nizamudddin Auliya Rh Desired that similar should happened to him also (to
follow the Sunnah) Allah Tallah accepted the prayer of Hazrat Nizamudddin
Auliya Rh and one day during Mahfil-e-sema (Sufi song qawaali ) one murid in a
passion of Wajd ( Ecstasy) hit himself with Hazrat Nizamudddin Auliya Rh face
because of which front teeth of Hazrat Nizamudddin Auliya Rh were dislocated on
this accident Hazrat Nizamudddin Auliya Rh Said

Alhamdulillah, this Sunnat of Rasool Allah is also accomplished.

Akhlakh (Good Manners or etiquettes)

The manners and ethical of Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh was very perfect. The
problems of known or unknown persons were passiontly listen by Hazrat Rh. He
used to greet every visitor humbly and politely without distinction of old man of 70
years or a boy of 4 years.he use to offer every visitor something to eat or drink at
least a glass of water. In the midst of the greathing of the people or disciples he
used to sit in the position of namaz in his presence of hazrat Rh nobody dare to sit
with ease and comfort.

Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh share the sorrows of the people he did not utter any
harsh word in his life which disheartened people.

Karamaat (Miracles)
Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh was never in favour to show off or to popularizes
the Karamaat i.e. miracles as the saying goes "whatever is there in veasel that only
come out." Does without intention the miracle of Hazrat Rh were know to the

1. When Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya rh. Was at Sholapur at that time there was no
rainfall at all in that area. The Governor of Sholapur, Mehandi Khan requested
Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya rh. To pray for the rainfall and by the prayer of Hazrat
rh. There was plenty of rainfall in that area.

2. Once a man came to Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya rh. And enquired about the
knowledge of Hazat rh. In sufism that is Faqiri. Hazrat rh. Does not responded to
his question but when the man forced. Hazrat rh. Asked the man to first look
himself into the mirror. Hazrat rh. Said one of his mureed to bring mirror for that
man. When that person looked at the mirror he found that his face has change
inhuman. Astonishing he asked Hazrat rh. For the reason of his changed face. To
this Hazrat rh. Replied Allah has shown you what you are (by heart) the man was
very impressed by Hazrat rh. And told that he know the method of Kimiya(making
gold) which will flood your house with wealth i.e. gold. Then man took out one
coconut of 52 tola i.e. 624 gms. And poured a bit of powder from the coconut in
the melted copper. Thus changing it into gold. Hazrat rh. Smiled and said this
method is too complicated, Allah Tallah has shown me a simple method. Hazrat rh.
Asked that man to melt a little copper again. When the man melted the copper .

Hazrat rh. Spitted on the melted copper and it was changed to gold. The man asked
Hazrat rh. That what trick is this to this Hazrat rh. Repled that it is the blessings of
name of Allah. Hearing this the man humbly requested to Hazrat rh. To enroll
himself in the muredains. One year later one day he asked Hazrat rh. That I have
worked hard but still now I have not yet disclosed the hidden fact. To this Hazrat
rh. Replied that you have not thrown that evil (Coconut) yet and order the man to
throw the coconut in to well. Hazrat rh. Said a Fakir i.e. Spiritual man should be
God bounding and should depend only on God by holding his Peer (spiritual
preceptor). The man threw the coconut into the well and the same night he was
revealed to what he was searching for.

3. A wife of a mureed was suffering from a disease leprosy due to which the body
parts were decomposing. When the mureed was unable to cure his wife by
consulting various Hakim (Doctors) he came to Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya
Aurangabadi rh. And requested him to cure his wife. Hazrat rh. Was performing
abulation (Wazu) at that time after the completion of wazu Hazrat rh. Asked the
mureed to take the remaining water from the vessel and also the wet sand on which
the Hazrat has performed wazu. Then Hazrat rh. Ask his mureed to make his wife
drink few drops of water every day and the sand to apply on effected area. Within a
week the wife of that mureed was cured from that disease.

Every morning the people suffering from various diseases used to come to Hazrat
rh. Khanqah and Hazrat used to pray for them before Allah and the people get
cured. Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya rh. Put his saliva in the eyes of the person who
were suffering from week eyesite and the eyesite used to get normal.

4. Nawab Quamruddin Ali Khan Nizamul Mulk Asif Jaha Awal when came to the
deccan to conquer Hyderabad he had to face Mubbariz Khan the Subedar. Asif
Jaha Awal came to Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Aurangabadi rh. Khanqah and
requested him to pray for his victory. Asif Jaha Awal said to Hazrat rh. That the
enemy is more powerfull than him. Hazrat rh. Said that on Thursday you will get a
Sandal colour print of hand on your tent (Khaima) And then you will be victorious.

2nd July 2020 Till 5th July 2020

There were many disciples of Hazrat Nizamuddin Ayliya rh. According to "Fawad-
E-Ziyai" there were 3 lakhs disciples and 300 kamil khulafas (learned spiritual
successors to further spread the silsila)

Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Fakhruddin Muhib un Nabi Delhvi RA.

Is resting towards the west of the ancient mosque [masjid-e-kohna],and to the east
of the holy shrine of Hazrat Kaki RA. He was born in Aurangabad [now in
Maharashtra]. His father Shaykh Nizamuddin Aurangabadi RA the caliph of
Hazrat Shaykh Kalimullah Shahjahanabadi RA, took his newborn son to his
Shaykh. Shaykh Kalimullah was very happy to see Shaykh Fakhruddin RA, out of
his kurta make a kurta for the baby, and give the baby the name Maulana
Fakhruddin. When this baby was seven, he saw the Prophet in his dream. The
Prophet gave him five seeds of qahva. Surprisingly when he woke up in the
morning, he had these five seeds in his fist. He immediately informed his father
about the dream and this experience. He gave three seeds to his father and ate two
himself. He started ascending the spiritual stages speedily and stayed in Delhi.

He attained the spiritual perfection, and became a prominent personality in Delhi.

That building, which is now called Anglo Arabic Senior Secondary School, was
Madrasa Ghaziuddin and was the center of great religious and spiritual learning in
his time. He was the principal of the madrasa and was the authority in the shariat,
tariqat, marifat and haqeeqat. Still, he was simple in dress and outlook. However,
was so powerful spiritually that with a stare he was able to make person senseless.
A person Maulvi Mukarram was his opponent due to the samaa. One day he came
in the mehfil of samaa for the arguments.

Maulana Fakhruddin saw him with sharp staring eyes, and Maulvi Mukarram
experienced the state of ecstasy on his heart and started dancing. He became the
disciple [mureed] on the spot, abandoned the teaching profession, and started
receiving the lessons in Sufism. One day he in the state of deep love in front of his
murshid said,

marduman be beened rahzan e duniya va qassaab-e-aashiqaan Fakhruddin raa ke

ba yak teer e nigaah ein maulvi muhtasib ra shaheed kard
(the men saw to the butcher of the lovers and decoit of the world Fakhruddin that
he martyred this investigator maulvi with his sharp penetrating sight). Moreover,
Maulana Fakhruddin was smiling while listening to these ecstatic words.

Another day Maulana Fakhruddin asked this mureed to teach the book on Arabic
grammar meezaanussarf to a boy of primary level. Maulvi Mukarram though he
was an expert on the subject found himself incapable of teaching the book and
tried for two-three days. The third day the boy read zarab zaydin umran, and asked
the teacher why zayd hit umar? Maulvi Mukarram said, "mashooqan deen aashiqan
e be gunaah ra naa haq mee zanand", In the religion of the love, the lovers do not
kill the beloved without reason. Then he threw away the book in a well. He also
threw away his turban and started dancing in the state of ecstasy. His murshid
asked the reason for the state of feelings. He replied, "agar mara bekusheed
manzoorast wallah dimagh e taleem dahi na-daaram" If you want to kill me by God
I have lost my mind to teach.

Hazrat Maulana Fakhruddin RA is the great reformer [mujaddid] of the Nizamiya

order. Almost every line of the Chishtiya-Nizamiya order in India-Pakistan-
Bangladesh is greatly endowed and benefited by him. He tried to reform even the
royal seat. Muhammad Shah was the king of his time. He had Hindus as well as
Shias as his disciples. Hazrat Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddith Dehlavi once objected
on this aspect and he had replied,

I take Hindus as my disciples for they enter the circle of the Unity [Vahdaniyat]. I
take shias as my disciple for they abstain from the curse and melidiction [tabarra].
Nawab Nizamul-Mulk Ghaziuddin Khan Nazim of Hyderabad published a book on
Maulana Fakhruddin RA. It is entitled Manaqib-e-Fakhriya. He writes,One day at
the khanqah of Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Mahboob-e-Ilahi RA in a mehfil-e-
samaa some of the sufi were in the state of ecstasy. One boy was also amongst
them. By chance the qavval changed the seat and samaa stopped for sometime. At
that time that boy was lying in the majlis silently. As the other attendants of the

majlis paid attention to the boy they found him dead. Respiration had stopped and
body was cold. Father of this boy was highly disturbed and he started crying and

Yak lab lal e tau sad jaan mni dehed

Khizr aasa aab e haywaan mi dehed
Murda gar baasham be aalam paak neest
Jaan be vasl e khweesh janaan mi dehed
Maulana Fakhruddin wrote many important books, risala ainulyaqeen, nizamul
aqaid, andFakhrulhasan. He proved the meeting of Khwaja Hasan Basri RA with
Hazrat Ali karamallah wajhu. He passed to his heavenly abode on 7 Jamadiuthani
1199 AH, in the reign of Shah Alam Thani.

He has a number of caliphs. Some of them are: Maulana Ziauddin RA [Chahar

Darwaza, Jaypur], Shah Niyaz Ahmad RA[ Bareilly], Maulana Jamaluddin RA
[Barreilly Gate, Rampur],Khwaja Noor Muhammad Suhail bin Hindal Muharvi
RA, Meer Muhammadi RA [Maulana Imaduddin], Hazrat Ghulam Farid RA , Haji
Lal Muhammad RA [Dargah Ameer Khusrao RA], Meer Muhammad Ali urf Meer
Muhammadi Baydar Dehlavi [1209/1794 Agra], Muhammad Azeem Chishti [1222
AH between Khooni Darwaza and Kotla Feroze Shah],Syed Badeeuddin
Shah,Maulvi Noorullah Shah,Maulvi Mukarram Shah, Hazrat Muhammad Ghauth
RA [the grandson of Shaykh Kalimullah Shahjahanabadi RA], Mian Qutbuddin
Sharqi RA, Maulvi Abdul Wahaab Bikaneri RA, Hafiz Sadullah Sahib, Haji
Muhammad Wasil Sahib, Syed Mohammad Meer Saheb, Maulvi Azmatullah
Saheb, Mian Ismatullah Saheb, Haji Ahmad Saheb, Shah Muhammad Azam

Towards the east of the Holy shrine of Hazrat Maulana Fakhruddin RA is the
eternal resting place of Hazrat Bibi Sarah RA. There is a mosque, which is ancient,
and a number of great Sufi saints of Delhi have been offering their prayers in this
mosque. Adjacent to this Holy mosque in the southwest direction is the resting
place of Shaykh Nizamuddin Abul Moeed RA who is resting with his pious mother

 Qutubul Aqtaab, Qutub-e-Deccan, Shaikh ul Islam

Hazrat Khwaja Syed Shah Nizamuddin Auliya Aurangabadi Rh.

 Hazrat Khawja Maulana Muhammad Fakhruddin,Nizami,Chishti,Delhvi Rh.


 Hazrat Khawja Maulana Muhammad Fakhruddin,Nizami,Chishti,Delhvi Rh.


 Hazrat Khawja Syed Shah Qutubuddin Fakhri ,Nizami,Chishti Rh.


 Hazrat Khawja Shah Syed Nasiruddin Alias Kale

Miyan.Fakhri,Nizami,Chishti Rh.

 Hazrat Khawja Shah Kamaluddin Fakhri, Nizami, Chishti Rh.


 Hazrat Khawja Syed Shah Aslauddin Fakhri, Nizami,Chishti Rh.


 Hazrat Khawja Syed Shah Gaulam Moinuddin Qaiser Miyan Fakhri,

Nizami, Chishti Rh.

 Syeda Nayyer Jahan Begum Fakhri, Nizami, Chishti

(Present Hereditary Mutawalliya) d/o Hazrat Khawja Syed Shah Gaulam
Moinuddin Qaiser Miyan w/o Syed Moinuddin Alias Muhammad Miyan
(Present Sajjada Nasheen)

 Syeda Qaiser Jahan Begum (Mahnaaz)

Syeda Gesudaraz Jahan Begum (Fakhri Mahjabeen) (M.A. Hist, M.A. Eng B.Ed,
LL.B) w/o Adv Syed Mehboob ul Arifeen Fakhri, Nizami,Chishti. (Naib Sajjada
Syeda Muhammadi Begum (Mahnoor)(L L.B) ( M.A. Hist D.Ed)

 Syed Muhammad Nizamuddin Fakhri Nizami,Chishti.

Syeda Hurrain Fatema Fakhri Nizami,Chishti.

Myself, Syed Mahboob ul Arifeen, Fakhri, Nizami, Chisti, Naib Sajada Nashin,
Dargha Hazrat Syed Shah Nizamuddin Auliya Rh, Aurangabadi. We are very
thankful as well as grateful to the Almighty Allah that He granted us this
opportunity to develop this site on the Life & Teaching of Great Sufi Saint of India
Hazrat Syed Shah Nizamuddin Auliya Aurangabadi (Rahematullahalaih).

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