Statement Giving Details of Per-Diem Expended: Annexure 1

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Name of Employee:

Employee No:

Unit / Location:

Sr..No Start date & End Fly Project Project Per Amount
date Back No. Name diem
Date Per day
          (FC) (FC) (INR)

Declaration :

I hereby declare that the entire amount stated above is the per diem paid to me and the same is
fully expended by me to meet ordinary daily charges incurred by me on account of my absence
from my normal place of duty. I have maintained all the supporting invoices / receipts to
substantiate that the entire per-diem paid to me has been expended as above. I shall maintain
such supportings for upto 4 years and shall be in a position to submit the same as and when
required by the Company or the Tax Authorities.

Signature: _____________

Dated: _____________

Note: Have the PM Authorization mail on your onsite dates.

Note : This declaration is to be submitted at end of every Quarter or within 15 days of return from engagement
whichever is earlier.

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