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As noted in the description of Combat Dice 'V on page 93,

when rolling damage, results of a 5 or 6 on each 'V are
referred to as Effects. Effects add 1 to the total rolled and
work in conjunction with Qualities that influence the
damage of attacks and hazards.
Not all Qualities trigger on the roll of one or more Effects
- sorne provide passive or ongoing benefits, while others
inflict alternative Harms - but the majority of Qualities
are tied to Effects rolled. If one or more Effects are rolled
when rolling for damage, then all Qualities that trigger
on an Effect will trigger. With any Quality marked with
an X, the X is the rating of the Quality which determines one of those Complications to have the attack affect an ally
the potency of whatever benefit it provides. If an attack within the area. Individual targets may attempt Defend
would gain the same Quality multiple times, there is no Reactions against an Area attack, but resolve them differ-
benefit unless that Quality is marked with an X. In that ently. These targets attempt a Challenging (D2) skill test,
case, the values are added together. For example, an attack and if successful they are not hit by the attack. However, the
with Piercing 1, that gains Piercing 1 from another source, would success of one target avoiding the attack does not prevent
instead have Piercing 2. others being hit.

Area BacklashX
The attack affects a wide area and can affect several targets Attacks with this Quality are dangerous to the attacker as
at once. The attack automatically affects any target within well as the enemy. An attack with this Quality inflicts X
Reach of the initial target, and then one additional target damage to the attacker for each Effect rolled. This damage
within Close range for each Effect rolled, starting with the ignores Soak and will be ofwhatever kind of damage the
next closest target (at the gamemaster's discretion if it is attack inflicts, unless otherwise stated.
not obvious). If one or more Complications are rolled when
using an Area attack, the gamemaster may choose to use Bllndlng
If an attack with this Quality inflicts one or more Harms, it
instead inflicts the Blind condition (see page 126),lasting
lbrown until the end of the scene or until cleared by other means.
The weapon can be thrown effectively. When throwing a
melee weapon with the Thrown Quality, your character cavatryx
does not increase the Diffi.culty of the Ranged Weapons The attack is launched from horseback and inflicts tremen-
test. Sorne weapons may be listed as Thrown (M), in which dous damage. The attack inflicts X additional damage to the
case they are treated as ranged weapons with a range of target for each Effect rolled so long as the attack was made
Medium when thrown. as part of a mounted character's Charge Action.

UnforgtvtngX FearsomeX
If the target of this attack was affected by an Exploit action The attack spreads doubt and panic, inflicting mental
immediately before this attack was made, then this attack damage as well as physical damage. The attack inflicts
gains the Intense and Vicious X Qualities. X mental damage to the target for each Effect rolled, in
addition to whatever physical damage was inflicted.
An attack with this Quality inflicts X additional damage Fragile
for each Effect rolled. These attacks can become less effective over time. For each
Effect rolled, reduce the number of~ in the attack's damage
volley rating by 1 ~ after the attack concludes. If this would reduce
This ranged weapon can be used quickly, allowing the the number of~ to o, then the attack cannot be used again
wielderto unleash volleys of projectiles. Thus, wielders until it bas been replaced or replenished.
often carrybundles ofammunition (arrows, bolts, etc.). An
attack with a Volley weapon does not expend any Shots; Grappllng
the user bas enough ammunition to last the fight, barring In addition to dealing damage, if one or more Effects are
Complications. Further, a Load of ammunition can be rolled the weapon may ensnare the target. An ensnared
spent to perform a Volley, adding a bonus d2o to Ranged target is unable to move or take action except to attempt
Weapons tests to attack, and +1 ~ to the weapon's damage an Acrobaties or Athletics test with a Difficulty equal
if the attack hits. Loads may also be lost as the result of a to the number of Effects rolled. Against an ensnared
Complication. After a fight, spent Loads can be recovered target, the Difficulty of the Exploit Action is reduced by
in the same way as Shots. one step. If the Grappling weapon is a melee weapon,
the weapon's wielder may not attack with the grappling
weapon against anyone else while the target is ensnared.
Further, the attacker may not move away from the target
without releasing that target; the target may be released
as a Free Action.
Hidden x Panylng
The attack is easy to conceal or designed to be disguised as This weapon is extremely effective at defl.ecting other attacks.
something else. When the weapon is hidden, any searcb of When wielding one or more weapons with this Quality, the
the owning cbaracter requires an Observation test, with a Doom cost of making a Defend or Protect Reaction with the
Difficulty of X, to locate the hidden weapon. Immediately Parry skill is reduced by 1. to a minimum of o.
after using this attack. a character may spend Momentum to
conceal it quickly, biding it. This costs two Momentum for Persistent X
attacks with Hidden 1 or Hidden 2, and 1 point ofMomentum The attack bas a lingering, deleterious effect. If one or more
for attacks with Hidden 3 or higber. This differs from the Effects are rolled. the target will suffer X'V damage at the
Subtle Quality in that it is used when the weapon is con- start of each subsequent tum for a number of rounds equal
cealed. not wben it is in use. to the number of Effects rolled. Each effect rolled on the
ongoing damage adds one additional round of duration. This
lmprovlsed condition can be avoided entirely at the time it is inflicted by
This item is not designed as a weapon but can be used as adding a number of points to Doom equal to the number of
su ch in an impromptu manner. It could be a beavy rock. a Effects rolled; aft:er this, it can only be removed by waiting
wooden torch, or a thick leg bone. When damage is rolled for the duration to end or by taking the Clear action.
with this weapon, it does not score damage wben an Effect is
rolled. It is possible for an item to have both the Improvised PlerdngX
and Vicio us Qualities, cancelling out their effects, but both This attack ignores X points of the target' s total Soak for
will be noted in case sorne factor causes the attack to increase each Effect rolled.
its Vicious Quality. orto lose Improvised.
lncendlary x Shields are extremely effective at affording protection from
The target is set ablaze and gains the burning condition for a range of different attacks. A shield counts as having the
a number of rounds equal to the number ofEffects rolled. Parrying Quality (page 153). A shield also allows the wielder
At the end of eacb of the target' s tums, the target suffers to use the Parry skill to make Defend Reactions against
X physical damage to a random bit location and suffers ranged attacks in addition to Melee attacks. Further ü the
the same amount of mental damage (roll once for both). Wielder bas Guard, a shield grants the wielder X 'VCover
Damage inflicted by Incendiary X ignores Soak. Any Effects Soak against Melee and Ranged attacks. Finally, shields
rolled on this additional damage increase the number of may be sacrificed in order to avoid suffering a Wound. as
rounds that your character is aflame, though a cbaracter noted on pages 121- 122.
can attempt to remove this condition early as normal.
Intense This weapon is designed to affect a larger area. For eacb
These attacks are designed to infl.ict massive barro on a Effect generated, roll X additional bit locations. These
target, incapacitating them far more swiftly. If an Intense additional bit locations suffer half of the attack' s final
attack inflicts one or more Harms upon the target, then it damage, rounding up. In the case of non-player characters
inflicts one additional Harrn. or beings where bit locations are not being used, the target
takes the additional damage X times.
The attack knocks the target prone ü one or more Effects Stun
are rolled. The target may ignore this ü they add 1 Doom for The attack inflicts the Staggered condition (see page 127)
each Effect rolled, or in the case of non-player cbaracters, on the target, ü one or more Effects are rolled. The con-
at the cost of 1 Doom per Effect rolled. dition lasts until the end of the target's next tum. The
target may ignore this at the cost ofl point of Doom for
Non-lethal each Effect rolled.
The attack doesn't inflict lasting damage, instead inflicting a
temporary penalty. The attack cannot inflict a normal Harm SubdeX
effect, but rather may only inflict temporary conditions. If The attack is particularly quiet and draws little attention.
the attack bas no other Qualities that inflict an altemate Any Observation test to detect an attack with this weapon
Harm, then it inflicts the Dazed Condition (see page 126) increases in Difficulty by a number of steps equal to X. This
until the end of the target' s next tum. differs from the Hidden Quality in that it is used when the
weapon is used, versus when it is concealed.

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