Daniel Fortnight Report Oct2

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Birmingham Tutors Limited

Affordable Friendly Professional

Home Education
Fortnightly Report

Name of Tutor: Saad Burbank

Pupil Name: Daniel Pittaway

Pupil DOB:

Name of Principal Officer:

Week Commencing: 14/10/2019

Date of session: 17/10/2019

Learning Objectives: To assess Daniel’s English comprehension level and to identify any gaps in his
knowledge. To build a rapport with the student and get to know him.

Learning Outcomes: Daniel’s comprehension is of a good level and his reading is excellent. He scored
16/18 (88%) in his assessment and the question he incorrectly answered was due to him not reading
it carefully enough. He was able to provide the correct answer when asked verbally. Focus shall be
placed on exam technique, both in terms of understanding the questions and checking over his
answers before finishing. The topics and rules he has already learnt will be encouraged, reinforced
and built upon in future sessions.

Additional Information: What is going well? Focus Area? Student interests, observations?

Daniel has an adequate level of English for his age and his understanding is good. He successfully
completed all questions in the assessment and was well focussed throughout. However, he needs to
slow down and focus upon understanding the questions before attempting them as this can
sometimes lose him marks. Daniel prefers English to Maths and also enjoys reading. He was highly
motivated throughout the session and did not want a break.

Behaviour and Engagement:

1: No interest or engagement.

2: Some interest and engagement at times.

3: Good engagement but inconsistent.

4: Very good engagement; keen to succeed.

5: Highly motivated and fully engaged.

Birmingham Tutors Limited

Affordable Friendly Professional

Home Education
Fortnightly Report
Date of session: 18/10/2019

Learning Objectives: To assess Daniel’s English spelling and grammar levels and to identify any gaps
in his knowledge.

Learning Outcomes: Daniel has poor spelling for his age. He has to be reminded about basic
grammar and punctuation rules such as beginning sentences and writing proper nouns with a capital
letter and ending sentences with full stops. He scored 6/10 (60%) in his assessment but understood
the correct answers when we reviewed them together.

Additional Information: What is going well? Focus Area? Student interests, observations?

Daniel was very well behaved and remained focussed in today’s session also. He was eager to finish
the work and was motivated throughout. Daniel was very responsive to the feedback and picked up
on the concepts quickly as he had already studied most of them in year 5.

Daniel’s mother is very supportive and has a genuine concern for her son’s education.

Behaviour and Engagement:

1: No interest or engagement.

2: Some interest and engagement at times.

3: Good engagement but inconsistent.

4: Very good engagement; keen to succeed.

5: Highly motivated and fully engaged.

Birmingham Tutors Limited

Affordable Friendly Professional

Home Education
Fortnightly Report

Date of session: 21/10/2019

Learning Objectives: To assess Daniel’s Maths level and to identify any gaps in his knowledge. To
encourage Daniel to do a piece of creative writing.

Learning Outcomes: Daniel completed his Maths assessment and scored 22/35 (63%). Daniel’s
mental addition and subtraction is at an advanced level. He is also excellent at spotting patterns and
reading measurements. He needs further practice with his 7-12 times tables, as well as with
concepts such as factors and multiples. One session will also need to be given on the bus stop
method of division (long division) as he has forgotten how to do this. Daniel wrote a page of a
fictional story and now needs reminding less about punctuation, although his spelling is still in need
of further practice.

Additional Information: What is going well? Focus Area? Student interests, observations?

Daniel enjoyed today’s class, particularly the part on creative writing. He is very passionate about
writing on topics that he has an interest in. He showed me some of the complex paper models he is
working on, which are built using only paper, glue and Sellotape. One of his models, Doomfist, has
various double joints and intricate pieces.

Behaviour and Engagement:

1: No interest or engagement.

2: Some interest and engagement at times.

3: Good engagement but inconsistent.

4: Very good engagement; keen to succeed.

5: Highly motivated and fully engaged.

Birmingham Tutors Limited

Affordable Friendly Professional

Home Education
Fortnightly Report

Date of session: 22/10/2019

Learning Objectives: To introduce nouns and be able to identify them in sentences. To understand
the function of nouns. To practice the 7 times table and increase in fluency.

Learning Outcomes: Daniel is able to use nouns in sentences and identifies them most of the time.
However, sometimes Daniel can forget nouns are not always tangible (eg. love, hope, etc) and
overlook these. Daniel is a little more familiar with the 7 times table and tends to get most of the
answers correct, however his fluency is lacking.

Additional Information: What is going well? Focus Area? Student interests, observations?

Daniel tends to write the minimal amount when asked to provide examples of his own. He needs to
be encouraged to ensure he varies sentence structure and vocabulary. Daniel has a therapy dog
called Marley which he can interact with whenever he feels angry or emotional. Marley is very
friendly and shares a special bond with Daniel.

Behaviour and Engagement:

1: No interest or engagement.

2: Some interest and engagement at times.

3: Good engagement but inconsistent.

4: Very good engagement; keen to succeed.

5: Highly motivated and fully engaged.

Birmingham Tutors Limited

Affordable Friendly Professional

Home Education
Fortnightly Report

Date of session: 23/10/2019

Learning Objectives: To review long division with remainders using the bus stop method. To learn
about pronouns and their function in sentences, as well as their relationship with nouns.

Learning Outcomes: Daniel is able to use pronouns with ease. He understands they refer to a noun
that has previously been introduced, however occasionally he forgets to use a noun in his examples
before introducing pronouns. Daniel picked up on the bus stop method of long division very quickly
as it is something he had previously covered in school. He is able to identify the remainder and
completed the worksheet in a timely manner.

Additional Information: What is going well? Focus Area? Student interests, observations?

Daniel does not enjoy extended Maths sessions as he does in English. Maths lessons need to be
broken up into two halves separated by a short break which helps him take his mind off the subject
and his concentration is maintained for the remainder of the session.

Behaviour and Engagement:

1: No interest or engagement.

2: Some interest and engagement at times.

3: Good engagement but inconsistent.

4: Very good engagement; keen to succeed.

5: Highly motivated and fully engaged.

Birmingham Tutors Limited

Affordable Friendly Professional

Home Education
Fortnightly Report

Date of session: 24/10/2019

Learning Objectives: To be able to correctly order 7+ digit numbers and partition them. To be able to
identify the value of digits in large numbers. To be able to write 6-digit numbers from their written
and spoken word forms. To recap what a pronoun is and practice further how to use them. To
become familiar with the various kinds of pronoun (possessive, relative, singular, plural).

Learning Outcomes: Daniel was able to answer all questions on ordering numbers correctly and was
given extension work as a result. Together, we looked at ordering decimals and learnt the place
values of numbers after the decimal point (tenths, hundredths, thousandths etc.). Daniel has a solid
understanding of this topic and is confident in answering related questions. In English, Daniel’s
knowledge was further reinforced and built upon by introducing a systematic typology of pronouns
in terms of their usages. He answered majority of the related questions with no mistakes, except he
did overlook a couple of pronouns due to haste. Upon prompting, he was able to correctly identify

Additional Information: What is going well? Focus Area? Student interests, observations?

Daniel was surprisingly cheerful, focussed and positive throughout all of the lesson. I am continuing
to find short breaks after periods of concentration do much for his overall performance. Daniel likes
to demonstrate his abilities and in class today he read a short series of comics he had drawn and
written to me.

Behaviour and Engagement:

1: No interest or engagement.

2: Some interest and engagement at times.

3: Good engagement but inconsistent.

4: Very good engagement; keen to succeed.

5: Highly motivated and fully engaged.

Birmingham Tutors Limited

Affordable Friendly Professional

Home Education
Fortnightly Report

Date of session: 25/09/2019

Learning Objectives: To learn how to add and subtract negative numbers. To be able to work out the
difference between negative and positive numbers. To construct simple and parallel circuits.

Learning Outcomes: Daniel was able to add and subtract negative numbers using a number line.
However, he struggled to do this independently and was reliant on counting to reach the correct
answers. He managed to successfully complete his worksheet using this method. In science, we
reviewed conductors and insulators before constructing simple and parallel circuits. We also
discussed which daily tasks Daniel would not be able to complete without electricity, as well as its
dangers and benefits. Daniel now knows the difference between each type of circuit and can build
them independently.

Additional Information: What is going well? Focus Area? Student interests, observations?

Daniel was in high spirits today and completed all his work to a good standard. He particularly
enjoyed building electrical circuits and as an extension, he made a parallel circuit using a motor
which launched a flying disc into the air, in addition to a recording device with playback,
independently by following written instructions.

Behaviour and Engagement:

1: No interest or engagement.

2: Some interest and engagement at times.

3: Good engagement but inconsistent.

4: Very good engagement; keen to succeed.

5: Highly motivated and fully engaged.

Name: Saad Burbank Signature: S. Burbank

Date: 30/10/2019 Consultant:

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