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24 novemht·r dt•r(!mher ~~~~~~

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Rivers of B1ood
Jreachery and Vengeance
by Paul leach
artwork by .Kennon James• cartography by Christopher West

"Rivers of 8/ood" is a OûtD adventure set in Oark Age Russia (circa 10th century), and it re volves
around the Scandinavian adventurers, Slavlc tribesmen and Eurasian nomads who warred and traded
with each other between Kiev and the Black Sea. This historical scenario is supported by the Red Sails:
Advenrures in the Oark Ages of Eastern Europe campaign articles in DRAGON Magazine #290, but they
are not required to successfully play ''Rivers of Blood." lt should also be noted thar the adventure does
not have to be lœpt in its historical context; ir can be played in any fantasy setting.

The adventure is designed for four 4th-leve/ characters, but can be adjusted to accommodate
characters of levels 1-7 using the "Scaling the Adventure" sidebar. The PCs should have sorne good
combat skills and feats at their disposa/. The PCs must make a dangerous river joumey, and they will
find skills such as Profession (sai/or) and Wilderness Lore useful. Oiplomacy and investigation will also
serve the characters weil in certain parts of the adventure.

1 Magic Items ~ Monsters 4' Non- Piayer Characters (NPCs) ~ Objects 'ilf Settlements <" Traps

HBtorl<ê.L Bê.cMrOYNb This adventure is placed near the Dnieper River, just south
You and your players should have a general knowledge of the of Kiev, at the limits of the northem forests and close to the
historical setting before playing this adventure. which can be open steppes. lt is su rn mer, the ti me when many Rus and Slavic
acquired with the setting support in DRAGON #2go. Russia in the traders and mercenaries sailed in flotillas to the Black Sea,
1oth century (although not called that at the time) was inhabited seeking fortune in Constantinople.
by numerous Slavic tribes beginning to centralize into large
princedoms. These conglomerations were based on the grow- Abv~Ntvn Bê.c~HOYNP
ing trade settlements that dominated the country"s river sys- Two Rus chieftains. Igor and Viseslav, have been fighring skir-
tems connecting the Baltic Sea with the Black Sea and the mishes over the last few months in an attempt to decide who
Orient. Slaves. furs. and honey wax went south in exchange for has tribu te privileges over sorne villages thar lay between their
silver. silk, and other luxury items. The dominant political force territorîes. Viseslav recently killed Igor and most of his war-
came in the form of the Rus: Swedish merchant warriors who band in an ambush, and is now engaged in an aggressive cam-
settled among the local populations and assimilated with them. paign to take ali of the land thar now belongs to lgor's widow,
The steppes of the south and east were controlled by tribal Predeslava. Unknown to most, one of lgor's retainers. Boian.
confederations of Eurasian nomads who competed for control set the deadly trap for his lord, and now serves his widow with
of the Slavs at the edge of their terri tories with the Rus princes. the same treacherous intent.
During the 10th century, the city of Kiev grew in prestige and At the time of the PCs' arrivai, Predeslava is preparing ro
influence to exert hegemony over the other Rus and Slavs of withstand her enemy's depredations long enough for her
the north, eclipsing the longstanding dominance of the Khazar brother Ottakar to bring his warband to her aid. Unfortunately,
Empire of the Caspian region. The times are marked by occa- most of his men are away trading in Constantinople and will
sional wars between competing powers of the largest scale, and not retum until the fall. Meanwhile, fierce nomad bandits.
the more frequent conflicts of regional and locallevels. many of whom are now employed by Viseslav, roam freely

lhere is little sectAri~~ al'l1ons the.,.,, anJ l'l1CAch Jeceit, anJ even a t11ans brolher or
c.ott1raJe i.s not above killinS anJ rltAnJerin_g hi.,., if he

- Ihn, roth-.centw·~ fb.-ah h ïstorian, rerortins on the Rt.-\s


through Predeslava's lands, looling and takrng slaves when river through the Haunted Wood, the party encounters Orimir,
they can. Many villages are now deserted. their inhabitants an ogre sorcerer devored ro the local nver goddess. A suc-
e~ther dead, enslaved, or ned into the wild foresrs. The oum- cessful parley (and an offer of treasure) will ger the PCs past
bers of nomad marauders rs such thar Predeslava's people anorher danger: a water elemental rhat attacks any boat nor
cannot even seek the security of Ottakar's borders withour the bearing Orimir's blessrng (an arcane mark). Sertha, a green
likelihood of being killed or captured. hag, causes problems for the PCs in rhe fens. The adventurers
V'Jseslav hopes ro capture lgor's widow before Ottakar gath- must choose to rescue a few kidnap victims (Sertha's dinner)
or press on ro Sarbas.
ers his forces. If he can make her one of his wives, he has a good
chance of preventing hostilitres with hrs new neighbor. Sarbas gives the PCs a chance to recover, alrhough it is nor
Viseslav's lieutenant, Helgi the White, will soon execute an over-
long before they are offered a chance ro exact revenge on
whelming attack agamst Predeslava's meager village and fort. Viseslav and save many of Ovotsk's unfortunates from slav-
ery. The climactic battle scene is set when they ieam that
A~v~Nt\ln ~VMM~rY Viseslav has arrived in rown to dispose of his captives.
The adventure begins when the characters arrive in Ovotsk, Although the PCs mighr engage in an outright brawl in the
the power center of Predeslava's besieged kingdom. Not long market square, the party might need to reach a solution
afrer the PCs are enlisted into service, the adventure truly beyond combat ro free the captive villagers from Viseslav, as
begîns wtth the characters defending the village from maraud- they have already been sold to one of Sarbas's families of
ing nomad horsemen. Despire the PCs' early success, Ovotsk warrior merchanrs.
is overwhelmed by a sneak artack and superior numbers. With Alrhough this advenrure is relatively low in monetary and
the village destroyed and most of its inhabiranrs caprured, the magic treasure, the advenrurers should flnd ample rewards for
PCs are forced to flee or face capture themselves. Not only defeating Viseslav and rescuing Predeslava's people from the
do they have the welfare of Predeslava to worry about now. power-hungry tyranr. An epie fight in Sarbas against such a
but they are also burdened with a dozen desperate and dangerous warlord as Viseslav will certatnly give them plenty
patheuc refugees. of fame. If thts advenrure 1s used tn a h1S1orical setring, the
The PCs embark on a river joumey through an allegedly characrers wrll also benefit from their encounters with Orimtr
haunted forest and swamp. Their desrinatlon rs Sarbas, a neu- and Sertha, elevatmg them to the ranks of legendary heroes
tra! (more or Jess) trading selllement. The PCs can seek other (only legendary heroes flght or converse with beings of the
escape routes, of course, but it should be clear thar their best Otherworld). With thelr lies cemented with Predeslava and her
chance of survival is to avoid the open grassland thar sepa- uncle, the PCs might choose to continue serving the family
rates Predeslava's fallen fort and her brother's srronghold. A afrer the adventure is over.
useful ally can also be found in Sarbas in the form of
Predeslava's uncle Khurttsa. a weallhy merchanr. Abv~Nt\/r~ Hoo~s
The river joumey confronts the PCs with natural hazards The PCs might be friends or kin of Igor, Predeslava, or one of
that damage rhe boat and could cosr hves. While traveling by rheir slain warriors. They might also serve in Ottakar's war-

26 novemher den~mher ~'"'1


band or the warband ofanother ally, and they could have been Background" cao be given to the players at this time. Although
ordered to assist Predeslava any way they can. The PCs might she is confident Ovotsk itself will wearher the depredations of
only be well-intentioned opportunists wlth bad timing (Igor was the wild nomad marauders, the aid of the PCs is certainly wei-
actively seeking mercenaries to help in the summer campalgn come. lt is going to be a long summer, and Predeslava expects
season). These hooks rely on the PCs' sense of revenge. loy- horsemen to arrive soon. She is not sure if Viseslav has the
alty, fame, political connections, or greed. If none of these men or the courage to actually attack her hill forr; it is likely to
work for your characters, a timely ambush by men in cost him most of his warband if he attempts a bloody assault.
Viseslav's army who mistake the PCs for followers of If the PCs swear to protect her and follow her orders, she
Predeslava will probably be sufflcient to get the characters will pay them handsomely for severa! months of service. Once
involved in the contlict. her brother arrives with his warband ln the fall, the PCs obli-
gation to her ends. She gives each character an amber bead
0voUJS necklace (300 gp), a gold bracelet (400 gp), and a hack silver
The first section of this adventure takes place in the environs bracelet (1oo gp). The hack silver bracelet can be broken up
of the hill fort and village of Ovotsk. This part of the ad ven- and used as currency.
ture is defined by events, as the PCs are essentially playing a f" Predeslava, f emale Human Aril: CR -; Medium-slze
defensive role. The PCs' decisions are still quite important, Humanoid (s ft. 6 in.); HD 1d8+3 (includes Toughness feat); hp
and they can influence the turbulent crises in which they 11: lnit +o; Spd 30ft.; AC 10; Atk +o melee (1d4/crit 19-20, dag-
become immersed. Even rhough the PCs will not be able to ger) or +O ranged (1d4fcrit 19-20, dagger); AL LN; SV Fort +o,
prevent the sacking of Ovotsk, they can certainly make a dif- Ref +O, Will +-4; Str 10. Dex 11, Con 11, lot 13, Wis 11, Cha 12.
ference to sorne of the helpless villagers and those who would Ski/ls: Appraise +2, Bluff +3, Oiplomacy +s, Handle Animal
subjugate them. +4, Knowledge (nobility ût royalty) +3, Knowledge (religion) +2,
Sense Motive +3. Feats: Iron Will, Toughness.
'1lf Ovotsk (village): Conventional; ALLN; 200-gp limir. Assets Possessions: Golden grivna (Eastern tore) (6oo gp), sllver-
450 gp; Population 153 (450 normally). hilted dagger with silvered runes etched in blade (300 gp), sil-
Authority Figures: Predeslava (chieftain's widow), female ver ring with amber (2oo gp).
human Ari1. Development: Predeslava is smart and determined, and she
Important Characters: Boian, male human Rog2/Ftn sometimes seems quite headstrong. She is committed to both
(Predeslava's bodyguard); Kivna, Adp1 (Wise Woman). her people and her desire for vengeance. She will be dismayed
Others: Fort garrison, Wan (X2o}. Exp1 (x6); Com1 (x124). when Ovotsk actually falls and filled with cold, murderous
Notes: The bulk of Ovotsk's population lived on the eastern intent when Boian is revealed as a traitor. She will not spend
side of the river. Once the nomad raids began, those familles a lot of rime regretting her decision to stand up to Viseslav,
decided to take their chances foraging in the nearby woods committing herself to paying him back tenfold for the slaugh-
until the summer ends and the nomads seek winter quarters. ter and misery he has intlicted on herself and her people.
The village gold piece limit and total assets remain normal at Slmply giving herself up, even to stop the suffering of her
this time, as most of the craftsman and small merchants are subjects, has never occurred to her.
located near Predeslava's fort. Creature (El 3): Also integral to this adventure is the des-
picable Boian. He is a human of average height and build with
Event 1. lgor's Funeral Read or summarize the following once dark brown hair. a long mustache, gray eyes, and red cheeks.
the PCs arrive ln Ovotsk: Boian looks out for himself. lt was easy to present 1he
façade of being a worthy member of a chieftain's warband
A quiet crowd gathers around the village's barrow mounds, because the right opportunities never came along before now.
bidding farewell ro their lord and protector, Igor Jaroslavlch. He betrayed Igor and the warband for treasure, not our of any
ln his smaU boat he is accompanied by ali the rhings he wil persona! dislike. Bolan is an accomplished liar, and if he were
need in the Otherworfd: food, furs. weapons, precious silver more intuitive. he would truly be a grand schemer. His role is
armbands. and more. Predeslava. his strong widow, is easily the saboteur, albeit one who does not know his limits.
recognizable by her dark blond halr, .,. blue eyes. fair skln, 4" Boian, Male Human Rogz/ Ftn: CR 3; Medium-size
and square Jaw. She stands out among her people, as she ls Humanoid (s ft. 11 in.); HD 2d6+2 plus 1d10+1; hp 19; lnit +6 (-t4
the only person holding a rorch. An old wise woman, playing lmproved Initiative, -t2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 {+3 studded
the part of the Death Crone, recites a few frightening leather, -t2 Dex); Atk +s melee (•d6/crit 19-20, short sword),
chants, her raspy voice rislng and falllng as sh8 cirdes lgor's +2 melee (1d4/crit 19-20, dagger). or +4 ranged (•d4/crit 1g-2o,
death barge. When she is silent, PredesJava cornes forward dagger); SA sneak attack +1d6: SQ evasion: Al NE; SV Fort +3.
to light the kindling upon which the ship rests. Suddenly, the Ref +s. Will +o; Str 11, Dex 15, Con 12, lnt 13, Wis 10, Cha •3·
lazy flames burst n If in a frenzy. taklng Igor fO the heav- Skiffs: Appraise +6, Bluff +6, Climb +6, Diplomacy +6,
ens in a billowlng cloud of smoke. Gather Information -t6, Hide +7, Jump -t5, Move Silently q,
Open Lock +7, Sense Motive +s. Swim +3. Feats: Dodge,
Once she becomes aware of their presence, Predeslava lmproved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (short sword), Weapon
invites the PCs to her stone hall. the only building not made of Focus (short sword).
timber or wattle-and-daub in Ovotsk. There she will discuss Possessions: Studded leather armor, short sword, four
terms of service and give them a full assessment of the con- daggers (one hidden in sheath sewn into tuni~ behind the
filet with Viseslav. Except for the details conceming Boian's neck), hack silver bracelet (2oo gp), and a pouch containing so
betrayal, the information presented in the "Adventure sp and three pieces of amber (300 gp each).


A cloaked rider gallops into the village,

his horse frothing and beginning to
stagger. He tumbles off of his mount
into the waiting hands of sorne vll-
lagers. Atfirst, a few shouts echo bad~
and forth across Ovotsk's cluner of
hufs, then an alarm is raised.
"Pechenegst" The fear of the vil-
lage is almosr palpable at hearing the
name of the sreppes' most dreaded
nomads. As the village explodes info
panic, a sentry points to the rolling
ridge south of the settfement. Over a
dozen horsemen boit across its crest,
a jumbled mass of fury headed
straight for the village. Although sev-
era! villagers have made it to the
safety of Predeslava's stockade, many
more are struggling ro bring fheir
familles and animais up the hill to the
safety of lts walls.
Ir is too lare for them. it seems, as the
nomad warriors gallop through the vil-
lage, herdlng the frtghte.ned villagers
and animais away from the little fort.

Even though the village is under

attack by about twenty horsemen, this
encounter will be much easier to resolve
than the sheer numbers might indicate.
The nomads are broken up into smaller
groups. allowing for separate encoun-
ters between the three of them. An
aggressive defense by the PCs will likely
win the day for Ovotsk, as the nomads
are only looking to gather as much plun-
der and captives as they can without
Development: Boian takes sorne interest in the PCs. trying having to fighr too much ror lt. Their lives are worth more to
ro learn as much about them as he can. He pretends ro be them !han loot and glory m battle.
shamed by outliving Igor (a good retainer dies with his lord} Boian stays within the stockade to protect Predeslava and
and does not like to talk about the fareful battle. If pressed, he encourage the wall defenders.
says he took a blow ro the head and was apparently left for Creatures (El s. El s. and EL 7): The three groups of
dead. If PCs are suspicious of Boian, allow them to make Sense raiders each have six horsemen, although the EL 7 encounter
Motive checks opposed by Boian's Bluff checks. also includes their leader, Mundiak.
Pechenegs are distinguished from other nomads by their
Waiting for the Storm black caps made of fur or feh, and they sometimes wear Arab-
A week or so passes before the first sign of the enemy at style overcoats. The Pechenegs also wear loose tunics, baggy
Ovotsk. ln thar time. the PCs can content themselves to feast- pants. and rail boots.
ing and drinking in Predeslava's hall. If the PCs decide ro parrol Bands #1 and #2 (El s each)
the surrounding area. they will encounter only local farmers 4' Eurasian Light Horsemen, Male Human War1(6): CR 1/2.;
and hunters, as weil as an assortment of game. Predeslava dis- Medium-size Humanoid (5 fr. 8 in.); HD 1d8+t; hp 7 each; lnit
courages the PCs from going on parrols, as she already has a +1 (Dex); Spd 30 fr.: AC 12 (+1 padded, +1 Dex); Ark +1 melee
few scouts and she does nor want to Jose her new guards to (1d6/crit 18-20, scimitar}, +1 melee (1d8/crit x3. shortspear}, or
an ambush. +2 ranged (1d6/ crit x3, composite short bow}. AL N; SV fon
You should move through this section fairly quickly to keep +3, Ref +t, Will +o; Str 11, Dex 12, Con 13, lnt 11, Wis 11, Cha 10.
the pace of the game going. Ir is here mostly to serve as a SJCJ1/s: Handle Animal +4, lntimidate +4, Ride +5. Feats:
"stale of affalrs" before the action, and to provide you wlth a Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat.
way to provide action for PCs who cannor sir still. Possessions: Thick fur corselet (acts as padded armor).
scimitar. rwo shorrspears, composite short bow with 20
Event 2. Enemy at the Gate. This event takes place one morn- arrows, pouch contalning 100 sp.
lng after the PCs have been in Ovorsk for a week or so. ~ Light Warhorses (6}: hp 22 each: MonSTer Manua/197.

28 november 1december 2001

- -- ----

Band #3 (El 7) Read or paraphrase the following teXl when Helgi the White
f' Eurasian light Horsemen, Male Human Wan (6): see attacks the village one week after the first skirmish:
"Bands 1f1 and # 2" for complete statistics.
f' Mundiak, Male Human ftr3: CR 3; Medium-size As the sun crests the eastern horizon, screams rise from the
Humanoid (s ft. 8 in. taU); HO 3d10+3: hp 26; lnit +4 (Oex); Spd vUiage below to dispel the peace of the moming. fil'~ ragè
30 ft.; AC 19 (+4 chain shirt, +1 shield, +4 Oex); Atk +4 melee across Ovorsk, stray sparb blrthing new tlames on the dry
(1d6+1/crit 18-20, scimitar), or +g ranged (1d6/crit x3, com- thatch roofs.
posite shon bow); AL NE; SV fort +4, Ref +s. Will +2: Str 12, lhree ominous boats walf on the river shore white their
Oex 18, Con 13, lnt 10, Wis 13, Cha 12. crews proceed about rhe savage business of slaughter and
Skiffs: Craft (bowmaking) +4, Handle Animal +s. Ride +IO. pillage. The first captives are shoved aboard rhe red-sailed
Spot +J. Feats: Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat, Point ships as rhe alarm is raised.
Blank Shot, Ride-By Attack, Weapon focus (composite shon Methodlcally, almost casuafty. a mob of well-armed war-
bow). riors emerges from the chaos and misery of the buming vil-
Possessions: Chain shirt, small wooden shield, scimitar, lage. stopping about 100 feet from the fort's gares. One of
masterwork composite short bow with 20 arrows, silver rhe men purs a hom to hls hps and blows tong, announclng
cloakpin with amber C4oo gp). bronze chain belt (lOo gp), sil- their challenge. Anorher warrior plants a rail spear into the
ver chain bell (300 gp), pouch containing 4 bloodstones (worth earth, a raven banner wavlng under ifS metal point. Next to
50 gp each) and 200 sp. hlm stands a man who seems as taU as a great tree, his hair
-, lighr Warhorse (7): hp 30; Monster Manua/197· as wlld and white as ru$hing water. His goggle helm tums his
Tactics (Bands # 1 tn #2): The Pechenegs do their best to eyes into dark holes, complimenting his terrible countenance.
keep their distance from the PCs, attacking them with bow fire "lt ls over, my lady!" betlows Helgi rhe White.
from their horses. The raiders close for melee if the PCs seem
v1sibly weakened or if a character becomes separated from the h is clear that none of the villagers are able to make it to
group. If the PCs do not allow rhe nomads ro leisurely fill them the safety of the stockade walls. lt does not take urgmg from
with arrows, the Pechenegs hold rheir ground, always looking Predeslava to spur the fon garrison to action, and they quickly
for a chance to gang up on a weak PC. There is no real coop- prepare to meet the enemy at the bottom of the hill. The PCs
eration between the bands of horsemen, as each raider is more do not have to participate in the battle, but the garrison is
concerned with riding away with a captive or sorne cattle than going with or without them. Predeslava will have nothing to do
wasting valuable time ln combat. with the PCs if they do not prove themselves worthy and at
If a Pecheneg band !oses half its men, the survivors disen- least attempt to stop the carnage below. Helgi defeats the gar-
gage and attempt to caver their retreat with volleys of arrows. rison if the PCs do not assist. Once this happens, Predeslava
A Pecheneg attempts to ride away if his mount is seriously retreats to her hall to join Igor in death; Helgi will find lgor's
wounded (at so% hit points). A nomad thar is unhorsed old hall a funeral pyre.
allempts to recapture his mount if possible. The PCs should h should be noted that Helgi is accompanied by the only
find spells and abilities that influence the behavior of animais professional warriors in the raid. easily identified by their rich
useful m their battle with rhe nomads. Refer to the Player's assortment of arms. The raiders who are actually plundering
Handboolc, page '39· for assistance in running encounters with Ovotsk are relatively poorly armed, with most of those war-
mounted combat. riors only having spears and shields. Ir is the garrison's hope
Tactics (Band 3): Mundiak and his bodyguards are a little thar if they can defeat Helgi and his host, the pillaging rabbie
more determined than the other bands. They still try to soften will lose their courage and flee.
the PCs with bow fire and will not hesitate to engage in melee If the PCs join the attack. the place of honor for fighting
If necessary. Mundiak uses his Ride- By Attack feat as often as class PCs is in the center of the line, leading the lower class
he can. Mundiak's guards flee only if Mundiak is killed, but warriors to glory. Boian takes his rîghtful place in the middle
Mundiak flees if his guards are ali eliminated. If the PCs decide of the gathering crowd of warriors outsîde the stockade gares.
ro break off combat, Mundiak and his men pursue them until Creatures (El 6): There are probably forty elite warriors at
they are within the walls of the stockade. lt can be assumed Helgi's side at the hill's base. bur rh1s encounter only pits the
sorne light missile volleys from the fort garrison keeps Mundiak PCs againsr Helgi, his bodyguards. and Boian. To k.eep player
from actually coming within 30 feet of the fort's gares. suspense alive, make sorne rolls for the peripheral conflicts.
You might want to use sorne form of opposed roUs that only
Event 3· The Storm. A week orso passes before the real bat - indicate how one side is doing, but not go into details like how
tle for Ovotsk takes place. If the PCs were successful in driv- many hit points Warrior X lost, or how many hits he scored.
ing away the Pecheneg raiders, thar time will be quite pleasant The PCs should feel concerned by the ourcome of the periph-
for them as everyone treats them as if they were heroes of eral battles, but they should also feel like their part is pivotai,
epie legend. Boian congratulates the PCs, not bothered by deciding the contest for one and ail
being overshadowed by the newcomers. ln fact, he tells them f' Helgi the White, Male Human ftr4 : CR 4; Medium-size
he sincerely wishes they had been standing with Igor in his last Humanoid (6 ft. 3 in. tall); HO 4d1o+n (includes Toughness
banle (very sincerely. as they would be dead and not pose a fear); hp 40: lnit +o: Spd 30 ft.: AC 16 (+4 chain shirt, +2
problem for him now). shield); Atk +8 melee (1d8+4/ crir XJ. batt1eaxe), +6 melee
Predeslava is proud of the PCs as weil, but more reserved: (1d8+2/ crit 19-20, longsword), or +4 ranged (td6+z. throwing
she knows Ovotsk has more struggles ahead. lt is not long axe); AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +J: Str 15, Dex 10, Con 15,
before she is proved right. lnt 12, Wis 11, Cha 11.

~HIP~ AMD ~AILI MG. a hill, or worse. fnghtenrng his enemy back into the stockade.
A fight in the open, even if ir gives his weak enemies the
Monoxyla chance ro charge downhill at hlm, is preferable to having to
ll w> '> htp ,., '>llllllat 111 hUIId to tht~ Vtl-.m~: l-.n.1rr llhe lm.Jrr " storm the fort walls.
t·qutv.tlt•nt to tlw l>ütl> 1-.t~elho.JI ), but '>rnJIIer Mo'>l monox yi,J Boian takes this opportunity to make a sneak attack against
mo ·.t-.un~ IH!Iwcen <'Il .md .,o lt·et Jhout to led one of the PC warrlors right before the two groups engage. He
wtdc Allhou~h J monoxyl.t h,1s J smJII -;,ul. tl ,., ol ten pro- has joined the battle because he knows ir would be too suspi-
po·lled by o.1r. Tht> rrew numbr>r'> ht•lwt·t·n tour .md etghl . cious If he stayed behind ro gua rd Predeslava. If he can disable
.md t .JI~!O t.lp,IOIV 1\ ,JIJOUI ltVf~ 1011'> 0 1 411 1111'0. Ir h,J'> 01 one of the PCs. he can prove ro Helgi thal he is not merely a
'> l.>t't'd of·~ wtlh Jvet.l.'!'' satltn:~ condtl ton-. .md c.1r::o m lhts skulklng traitor who betrays wirh words and deceptions. Boian
1nbu1.:11 vol lht• Dnll~ t.wr. allhou::h .t srron:: hree1e, t.urrent . knows his usefulness is over as soon as Predeslava is cap-
or t.n·w tan doublt' thal tot ·.hnt l J.l•·nods ot lime. A rured. He does not want 10 give the tempestuous Helgi a rea-
monoxviJ t.Osls soo ::p. son 10 refuse paymen1 for his services or to pay him with a
sword thrust.
Ali Hands On Deck Helgi and his bodyguards fight to the dearh, although Boian
for the f>Cs to ell!'cltVt'lv .... ul tlw monoxyla. the boat crcw fights only as long as il looks like he has a chance of living (and
must mt~cl llw lollowm:: n~qUtn•rnenb : being on the winning side). If Helgl is killed or otherwise inca-
1. The numlwt ol rrt~wm.m must number at leasr pacitated. the morale of the warband breaks and they retreat;
four. This tnt.ludp•, l~w ..,htpmasrer ami rhe navtg~tror (sec his bodyguards continue to flght to the end, attempting to
belowl. avenge rhelr leader. Bolan fiees as quickly as he can once the
2. The shtpmaslcr must havt• l'rolt!'>'> ton tsatlorl sktll. If banle is los1 for the lnvaders.
none ot the PCs ha-; thts sl-.tll. JS'>ume .11 le:tsl one ol the Once Helgi's warband loses its slomach for the fight, the
relu::ee commoncrs ha'> '' Tht• shtpmasrcr wtll be able ro surviving members of the garrison are overtaken by bloodlust
dtrect an unsktllcd u t~w. and throw themselves into the alarmed pillagers, ignoring any
3· The n.tvt~:aror keep'> wall.h .11 the lore. Hts 1ob ts ro plans or orders glven by the PCs.
alerl rhe crew lo nver hJz.1rds such ,Js o;andbJrs and sub- Encounter Level Note: If any of the PCs atrempt ro assist in
mereed ro~:b. Thts t rewmJn mu'>t mJio.e successful the peripheral combats berween the garr!son and Helgi's war-
Wtlderness Lore cherb lOC vJnes) 10 asstsl the crew m band, consider adding +1 El to the overall encounrer. This
sately JVotdm,!:!!erous obsradc'>. Ahhough the award is really aimed at those PCs who might be playing a sup-
Profcsston ls.Jtlor) sktll '~ nol requwed. rhe characrer gers a porting role by using m1ssile weapons and spells, but it applies
+2 syncrgy bonus to hts Wtlderness Lore checl.s tf he has ar to orner actions and circumstances. As far as the PCs are con-
leasl 5 ranl-.s til Protcss1on tsatlor 1. cemed, rhe "s1aged combat" occurring ali around them 1s real
4· Wtth ,1 crew rhts small. '' tS posstble lor one character and might need rheir attention. If rhe PCs "waste" good spells
robe borh shtpma-;rer Jnd navt~aror. J<> lone as the charac- and powers on a combat thal they are noi really influencing in
rer has l'roi esston t s.ulorl a game sense. they should be rewarded for roleplaying.

Skills: Climb +8, Craft (shipmaking) q. Ride +6. Swim -3~. Evenr 4- Panic in Ovotsk. Read or paraphrase the following if
Fears: Cleave. Iron Wtll. Power Atrack, Toughness, Weapon Helgi is killed or incapacitated:
Focus (battleaxe), Weapon Specialization (battleaxe).
•lncludes the -1 penalty ro Swim checks per 5 pounds of The bloody flght wlth Helgl ls over, and news of his defeat
gear carried. quickly spreads among the enemi~ piHaglng the bu ming vil-
Possessions: Chain shi ri, large wooden shield, Viking goggle lage. Fear can be heard in the volces of those who had so
helm decorated with a gilded boar crest (400 gpl. masrerwork recenrly preyed on the weak and defenseless. Howling with
battleaxe. longsword. two rhrowlng axes, two gold rings (loo fury, Predeslava's warrlors set upon them, showlng no
gp each), gold decorated sword sheath (75 gp). pouch con- mercy to any they catch. A desperate srruggle ensues on the
taining 20 gp. 100 sp. and a garner (2oo gp). banks of the river as the raiders try to scramble aboard their
f' Noble Warriors, Male Human Wan (.4): CR 1/z. Medium- ships and escape.
size Humanoid (6 fr.); HO 1d8+3 (includes Toughness feat): hp
n each: lnit +O: Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 (+4 chain shirr, +2 shield); Atk The PCs have a chance to preveni one of the ships from
...2 melee (td8/cril x3, banleaxe). +1 melee (ld8/ crit 19-20. leaving with its captives if they join rhe vicious counterattack.
longswordl. or +1 ranged (rd6. javelln); AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref One ship is currently unhindered by Ovotsk's warriors. as the
+o, Wtll o~-o; Str 11, Con 11, Dex 10, lnt 10, Wis 10, Cha 11. raiders have pur up a successful rearguard action.
Ski/ls: lnrtmidate +4, Profession (satlor) +4, Swlm +-7.... Creatures (EL 4): These warriors are tribal levies who
Fears: Toughness, Weapon Focus (banleaxe). joined Helgi for the promise of plunder. L1ke Predeslava's gar-
•tncludes the -1 penalty ro Swim checks per 5 pounds of rison, they can be relied upon when defending their homes. but
gear carried. when campaigning, they need a srrong leader like Helgi to stay
Possessions: Chain shirt, large wooden shield, battleaxe, in line. Helgi did not want them for the battle itself. but to force
longsword, three javellns, hack silver bracelet (loO gp), bronze Predeslava's warriors mto an anack to save the village. They
grivna (Easrem tore) <so gp), pouch with 10 gp and 6o sp. wanr only to survive long enough to sell their new captives.
Tactics: Helgi and his warband wa11 for the garrison to f' Tribal Warriors, Male Human Wan (g): CR 1/2; Medium-
attack them; Helgi is nor going ro waste his energy charging up size Humanoid (6 ft.); HO 1d8+3 (includes Toughness feat); hp

g: lnll +o. Spd 30 fr ., AC 12 (_.2 large shield}. Atk +2 melee HAUMHD WOOD~ [M(OUMH ~~
(1d8 cm >o:J, shoriSpear), +1 melee hd4/ crit 19-20, dagger), or
+2 ranged Ctd8/cm x3. shonspear}. Al N; SV fort +2. Ref +o, A·. lon:•. ,,., 1tw I'C-. .11 ,. nf'.1r tlw ~horf' wtwn rhe• r monoxvl.l
W1ll +o; Str 11, Oex 10, Con 11, lnr 10, Wis 11, Cha 10. ,., !"'·" h•·d.
do nol <oll lor r.mdom encoumers Should rhc
Slc1/ls. Handle Antmal +4, ln1tm1date +2. Profession (farmer, I'C•, vr•nlun· h•·vond rfw livt•r tlora.o,m:: or hummg. perhJps).
fisher, or herdsman) +2, Sw1m -2·. Feats: Toughness, Weapon r nil ~<ho .md 'on'>ulr llw>l•· lw-low.
Focus (shonspear).
•Jncludes rhe - 1 penalty ro Sw1m checks per 5 pounds of Roll Resuh
gear camed. 1 ,,
No ln1 uunlr·r
Possess1ons: large steel sh1eld, three shortspears, dagger. i H1uwn B•·.n 1 LL ·1
Taches: four of the wamors rry ro prevent to PCs from /') Wolv•·'> •ll ·l'
reach1ng the shlp, wh1le rhe other five rry to push the ship far- 1) Hunh~r., Ill ·1
rher inro rhe warer. If rhe rearguard can hold off the PCs for Ill Sh;ulow ill l l
5 rounds. anyone wanrmg ro board rhe boat will need to make
a Swlm check (OC 10) to reach il. None of these warriors sur- -, Brown Bcar: hp .'i': Mo/1\lt~r Manu.1!1g3. This creaJure
render; they either flghr ro the death or escape. a11.11.b rhe I'C'> 11 -.urp11'> t·d or r~pproached.
The boat has 1wenty captive villagers on board. -, Wolvcs (6): hp '.! '''" h: Momler Manua/204. These
creatures hunr liu~ I'C., unlll rlwy rc;~eh rhc safery of camp.
Aftermath and Exodus illhey can lum1: down OIH' chJracrcr. rhey willlt>..ave the orh··
Only a few warrlors from the gamson survive the battle, but ers alone.
wuh rhe help of 1he PCs, they save almost one hundred vil- f Huniers, Male Human Wan (g): CR 1/2: Medium-size
lagers from enslavemenr As rhere is no real safety in Ovotsk, HumJnotd lti 11 1.1111. HD uiH· > lancludes Toughness fearl; hp
most of the v1llagers w1ll rerrear to 1he nearby woods, hoping g: Spd 30 Il .. AC to: Ar~ "mclt~t: ltd4icnr rg-;w. daz.ger), or
10 avoid future raids. Predeslava tries ro convince her people +liJn.<:ed tujfi/1 r11 · .!· \horri.Jowl: AL N: SV Fort +2, Rel +o.
ro consider h1dmg m rhe Haunred Wood to the west, a place so W1ll •o: Su 11. Df'x 10. Con 11. ln! 10. W1s 11. Cha 10.
mhospirable even Viseslav's men wiU not venture there, no SJ..t/1~ H.mdl•· An1m.1l • 4· lnltmtdare +2. Professson
matter whar pnce he has placed on Predeslava's head. Only a thunr.. r, ·l. s ..,,m •-1 leJI\ Toughness. Weapon Focus
dozen v1llage fo w1ll lom her, as most are more afraid of the i'>horrt.ow•
spinrs and savages thal hve there than they are of death or PO.\\C'.\\101!\ Shorthow w11h 20 arrows. da&,<>er.
capllvltY at 1he hands of V1seslav's ruthJess warriors. The hunr~r '> ,Jrr· loc. al HJunted Wood Slavs. They are
The fastes! and best way to reach .le Haunted Wood is by very ~uc;pouou\ ol lhr· re ... Jlrhoueh they attack only if the
nver. If the PCs were able ro stop the fleemg raiders. they charJc.ler'> thrt•Jr ..n rhem Reter ro the NPC Atîitudes rules
have access ro a small cargo sh1p of rheir own; if they did not ln rhe Dwvr;/tW MA>t/1(\ Gutde. paee 149· for nandlmg this
succeed in rheir eftorrs. rhen one of rhe local merchants who encounll'r Trr•JI rtw hunt er~ as tn111allv Unfriendly.
owns a boat w1ll gladly surrender 1t ro his lady's service, as he -, Shadow: hp u1: Momlt~r M.mual 161. This monster
cannor rake 11 wlrh h1m whtle fotaging 10 the nearby forest. Jllemph to sl.1y J'> many ot rhe chJracrers as 11 can. hoping
Predeslava secrerly plans ro joumey past the Haunted 10 1Jols11~r Il'> rank'> w11h mort' shadows.
Wood and reach the trading senlement of Sarbas, where she
has famlly (see Uncie Khurirsa ln rhe Sarbas section of the Ir will probably take lhe characters about a day to reach the
adventure). She fully expects sorne of her people to be cap- Haunted Wood, and anolher Iwo to reach the Witch Fens. This
tured and then interrogated regarding her whereabouts, so travel rime assumes there are no delays.
she would prefer Viseslav's men waste their rime waiting for
her ro come out of 1he Haunted Wood lnstead of drawing them Hê-VNHb Woo6
to Sarbas. She reveals th1s once the boat reaches the forest. The Haunted Wood ls actually lnhab1ted, albeit sparsely, by
Refer to the "Shlps and Saihng" and "New Equipment" side- fiercely independent Slavlc clans. No Rus or Scandinavian
bars for .nformauon about the small fiverboats commonly warlord has met wlth any success at subjugaring the little
used 10 Oark Age Russia and for details on properly navigat- thorps rhat are spr10kled about this forbidding forest. lt is
mg and crewmg the PCs' boat. beheved thal the Slavs who hve rhere are strongfy protected
by the sp.r1rs of 1he1r ancesrors as well as spirits of the forest.
TH~ ( H"Mê-JS ~iv" When the PCs en rer the Haunted Wood, read or paraphrase
Th1s rnbutary of the On1eper ts relanvely slow (about 1 mph), the text below
and vanes between 20+1d2o feet wide. lyp1cal depth is 6~2d4
feet. Rocks and sandbars present nu1sances to those sail'mg the The river nlfTOWS as If passes from the open grassland into
nver's course, but mosr of them are easily avoided. Once the the Haunred Wood. The shade of the graf trees surround-
river enrers the Haunted Wood, 11 takes on a much wilder ~ you increases as the Chernlk quielty moves forward.
characrer. Afrer f1ll10g the Jake at the edge of the forest, the Long srretches of the river are endosed by a canopy of
Chemak forces uself through the Witch Fens, splitting into grasp1ng limbs aboYe. turnlng the wortel as dark as a moon-
shallow channels and fet1d pools. The main anery of the less nlght. Even when the W8ter widens and the sun's blessed
Chernak barely moves (speed of 5 feet) through the swamp, rays Sh'lke fhe blue body beneath the boat, the limbs above
and its width and deprh are reduced as weil (10+1d10 feet wide, beckon to one enother untll they embrace again, sheltering
6+1d4 fee t deep). ali below ln false nlght once more.


OtMrs: Please refer to Chapter 4:

Advenrures 1n the Dt.JNGEON MASTCR's
Nores. Most butldmgs are semi-sub-
terranean dwelhngs. wtth aboveground
walls conslructed of wattle-and-daub or
timber. The roofs are made of thatch.
Small farm plots and animal pens are
anached 10 most dwelhngs.
NPC Antrudes: Consider the Slavic
inhabttants as Unfnendly toward any-
one from outstde the Haunted Wood.
Well-armed strangers are unwelcome,
and lhose who are accompanied by
hungry refugees more so. Please refer
to the DuNGCON MASTER's Guide, page
'49· regarding the PCs' chances of
influencing the lnhospltable tribal Slavs
with Charisma or Diplomacy checks.

Rt. The Rapids. Read or paraphrase the

followmg rexr when the PCs reach rhe
Chemak's rough water:

~ roc:b poke aboYe the surface of

the nver frequenrty as the river
begins to wind and curve, and the boat
ls squeezed berween the high banks of
the wooded shores. The boat lurches
from side to side end plummers a few
feet when lt slips over small waterfalls.
The Chemak grows louder. and its hiss
fils the lir lib the blue and white
explosions thar burst againsf the hui.

There ts no place for the PCs ro

beach the craft due to the steep banks
and rushmg water. Should lt become an
issue, the banks are approximately 20
feet higher than the water level.
Give the Haunted Wood a supernatural atmosphere. The Trap (EL 4): This natural hazard can deal damage to the ship
PCs should reel as if they are in a place where they are defi- and its navigaror. The navtgator must make a successful
nllely oulstders, watched by the sptrlls that dwell in the forest Wtldemess Lore check (OC 15) ro dtrect the crew safely
and nver. For effect, you m•ght tell a PC she sees something rhrough the rocks: ali normal check modtfiers listed in the
dart behtnd a rree, but only out of the corner of her eye. "Shtp Rules" stdebar apply fa,lure indtcates minor damage to
Another PC mtghr gltmpse the transparent face of an unearthly the shlp. requtnng td4 days to repatr. A fatlure of 5 points or
woman 1n the swtrl of a nver eddy. These ideas are not to gen- more means the shtp sustains ma1or damage. requiring 2rl4
erale any real game encounters. but to pur the players in the days to repatr The navigaror must make a successful Reflex
nght mood. savtng rhrow (OC 15) if the Wilderness Lore check fails. Failure
Il •s quite posstble the PCs wtll encounter the human Slavs means the PC is thrown overboard and subject ro battering
who dwell wtthm the proteclive Haunted Wood. A few thorps and drownmg. Unless the characrer 1S recovered from the
are noted on the map (ahhough others undoubtedly exist). warer, he takes td6 points of damage each round from smash-
mg tnlo rocks and tumblmg down cascades. The battering
'ii' Typical Thorp: Convenfional: AL LN; 40-gp li mit; Assets 20 waters last for 8 rounds. ln addilton. each round the character
gp • 0.1 Populatton; 2o-8o (humans only). must make a Swtm check (OC 15); fa,Jure reqUtres the charac-
Authortty FtgUres: Zupan (a clan chieftam), typtcally a war- ter to make another check. Fa•ltng this second check means the
rtor Oevel td6}. volkh (a shaman), an adept of level td4. character 1s pulled underwater. Refer 10 Water Dangers in rhe
lmpommt Characrers· Crea re as needed. Most NPCs will be DUNGCON M.4STER's Guide (pages 8s-86) for details.
tSt-level commoners. but a few key characters who are impor- -(" Rtver Raptds: CR 4: td6 points of damage per round and
tant to your campaign can eas•ly find a home in one of these drownmg: Reflex save avotds (OC •s); Wtlderness Lore (OC •s>
small settlements. acrs as Dtsable Deviee check.

32 novembcr december "'" 'l


PCs can attempt to re.scue a character who has gone over- If the PCs do not 1mmed1ately anack, the ogre addresses
board Rescuers who make a successful Swim or Use Rope skill them tn Slav1c (loudly but not fluently). Read or paraphrase the
check (OC 10) can add a +2 c1rcumstance bonus to a victim's text below·
Sw1m checks Csee the Aïd Another rule 1n the Player's Handbook,
page 135). A character can eas1ly be ftShed out of the water once "Pay hamage ro the River Goddess or sail no further upon
past the rapids. as the nver becomes quue shaUow. her waters!" commands the ogre. "The Pool awaits your
Rz. Servant of the Rtver Ooddess. Read or paraphrase the fol-
lowmg text when the PCs reach this sect1on of the river: Creature (EL 6): Onm1r, an ogre sorcerer devoted to the
R1ver Goddess demands trtbute for the deity from the rare
The r1ver passes by a pool fhat IS probably JO feet in diam- boat trafflc that passes by The ogres of Russian and
eter. A laf:ge. monolithic stone marb rhe boundary between Scandmavian legend were bel1eved to have magical powers,
the pool and river, juning out of the water some 10 feet. ahhough some were fUSt brutes. If th1s adventure is berng
Strange runes are etched across on ifS surface. played in a h1storical settmg. the PCs mtght suspect thar Orim1r
An ogre using a massive spear to bob a line and hook in has supernatural ablfit1es. His appearance 1s much the same as
the water slts cross-legged by the pool. the normal ogre, but his clothlng is much better. Orimir wears
a long tunlc, baggy trousers, and a wolf fur cloak.
A successful Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (religion) ~ Orlmlr, Male Ogre Sor4: CR 6; large Giant (g ft. 7 in.);
check (OC 10l identifies the runes as symbols of the local river HO 4d8+8 plus 4d4+8: hp 50; lnlt ·t (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 13
goddess. as weil as others invokmg protection, healing, and (-• slze. -1 Oex, +5 narural); Atk +IO melee (2d6q huge great-
knowledge. A successful bardic knowledge check (OC 20) club), or +3 ranged (2d6+5/crit XJ, Huge longspear}. Reach 10
reveals th1s. as weil as that the pool 1s supposedly magical (see ft. (15-20 fr. wtth longspear}. Al N: SV Fort +7, Ref +3, Will
··oevelopment" below). +s; Str 21, Oex 8, Con 15. lnt 11, Wts 10, Cha 13.

Dun~n ,n

If the PCs answer Orimir's ultimatum

with a shore party attack, he fights to
the death.
Orimir directs PCs to the pool to
make their offerings if they choose to
parley with him. A Knowledge (religion)
check (DC 10) means characters know a
religious offering should be something
of real value. Jewelry or well-crafted
items are expected from the upper
classes (which the adventurers most
likely are). If the PC's toss 300-500 gp
worth of goods into the pool, Orimir is
satisfied. If the PCs offer more rhan soo
gp in jewelry, they have made a friend
(see the "Development" section). If the
PCs are short on goods thar would make
a suitable offering, Predeslava can offer
her silver ring set with amber (2oo gp
value) to help the cause. If the PCs do
opt to attack, none of the other passen-
gers help, as they're far too intimidated
by the fearsome ogre.
Once the PCs have made the proper
offering, Orimir places his arcane mark
on the keel of their boat. The mark rep-
resents his persona! name, but includes
symbols of the River Goddess. He states
the magic runes will identify them as
worthles ro the Child of the River
Sl<Nis: Climb +4, Concentration +4, Knowledge (arcana) +2, Goddess. Orimir performs a ritual blessing and lets the PCs go
Knowledge (religion) +2, Listen +2, Spelfcraft +2, Spot +3. their way.
Feats: Lightning Reflexes, Spell Focus (Enchantment), Weapon Treasure: A small collection of precious items has gathered
Focus (grearclub). at the bottom of the pool of the River Goddess, 20 feet below
Spel/s (6/713 per day: base DC = 11 + spelllevel): o-arcane the surface. The pool contains a gold bracelet (so gp). a silver
mark, dancing lighrs, detecr magic, disrupr undead, prestidigi- coffer (400 gp), and ni ne gems worth soo gp (X2), 100 gp (x3),
tation, read magic; ISt-charm person, mage armor, magic mis- and 50 gp (><.t). A successful Search check {DC 25) locates
sile; 2nd-mirror image. these items plus any the PCs might contribute. lt should go
Possessions: Two porions of cure lighr wounds, ring of without saying that Orimir does not tolerate the removal of
;umping. Huge longspear. Huge greatclub, silver bracelet (300 offerings to the River Goddess.
gp). pouch containing an amber {100 gp). a citrine (so gp), 20 Development: Generous PCs are we(come to stay for a
gp, and 100 sp. while with Orimir, but he does not have provisions to feed any
Tactics: Although he carnes a mighty club at his side, refugees that might be accompanying them. Orimir is mildly
Orimir sincerely wishes for a peaceful encounter. lgnoring or interested in the news of the world, but only as it might affect
attacking Orimir might cause the PC's grief later, if not sooner. life in the Haunred Wood. He knows a covey of hags dwell in
A good parley with this pious giant not only assists them in the fens past the Haunted Wood and bids the PCs to take
their river journey, but Jf things go really weil, they might earn every precaution. He also tells them a little of the mysreries of
a unique ally. the River Goddess and reveals sorne of the magical properties
If the PCs try to bypass Orimir without harming him in any of the sacred pool.
way, he will not attack them, but he declares they have cursed The water in the pool can increase the effectiveness of
themselves. "The Children of the River Goddess will feed upon potions related to healing. Any cure wounds potion created
your ungrateful hearts!" with the pool's water provides the maximum healing allowed,
If the PCs try to bypass Orimir but hurl missiles or spells at as if the brewer had used the Maximize Spell feat when mak-
him, he casts mirror image and mage armor on himself. Next ing the potion. To be effective, the water must be blessedupon
he casts charm person against an enemy to make the assailant taking it from the pool. Each amount taken from the pool (clay
leave him alone. If this faits, then he begins hurling magic mis- jug, waterskin, glass bottle, and so on) will make one potion.
siles, targeting enemy spellcasrers first. If the PCs manage to The bless spell preserves the water's special properties for one
deal a lot of damage to Orimir (reducing him to 6o% of hit week plus one day per level of the caster. After thar. the water
points) and he depletes his magic missiles, he uses his ring of becomes normal if it has not been made into a potion.
jumping to land in the PCs' boat, If possible. The enraged ogre Subsequent bless spells cannot prolong the duration of the
withdraws from combat if reduced to 20% of his hit points. water's properties past the original timeframe. A successful

34 novemher 1december 20 0 1


Spellcraft or bardic knowledge check (DC 20) enables a char- As chilllng as the Haunred Wood ls, this desolata rnarsh
acter to determine the pool's proper1ies. makes your SfOm8Ch f-' small and sick. The Chemak tums
The PC's should be awarded experience for Orimir only if slu.ggish. as If lt does not wish to venture 1nto this tangled
they sacrifice enough treasure to receive his arcane mark or miSS of unNfy weeds. Where the trees of the Haunted
if they defeat him in combat. Since the ogre is not determined Wood seemed llive and ready to striee, the trees that dot the
to stop the faithless, bypassing the monster is no great task. wet fields of 1he Wlfch Fens look dead, and they would not
look odd If hanged men swung from their blackened llmbs.
R3. Child of the River Goddess. If the PCs received Orimir's
arcane mark on their ship, read or paraphrase the following As noted in the Chemak River description, the main chan-
texr: nel flowing through the Witch Fens is slow (speed of 5 feet).
The marsh is covered in thick vegetation, murky pools, and
The lake is calm and wide. and no breeze dlstutbs the blue deep mud. Clumps of rrees offer the only landmarks.
surface. Before long, the boat seems to propelltself toward The Fens are dominated by a covey of hags: Ser1ha (green
the river exit on the far side of the lake. The boat moves fast hag), Abaava (green hag), and Volkul (annis). Ser1ha is the only
enough that the sat1s blow bac:kward. hag the PCs will encounter during this adventure, but the ath-
ers can be developed for later adventlfres.
If the characters did not receive Orimir's arcane mark, read The Witch Fens are also home to some isolated Slavic clans
or paraphrase the following rext: thar fear the hags who prowl the marshes. They are much
more hostile than those of the Haunred Wood, and encounters
The lake is calm and wide. with no breeze disturblng its blue with them usually end violently. They are masters at ambush-
surface. Before long. though, the water seems to bol1 around ing and evading the slaver expeditions from Sarbas, and the
the boat. The timbers of the keel creak and bulge inward, and raiders rarely find anything more than arrows in their backs
suddenly rhe boat begins to lurch from side to side. and deserted hamlets. There are no planned or random
encounters with these human inhabitants of the Witch Fens in
Creature: (El s): A water elemental resides in the lake. this adventure, but you might find their existence helpful in
Besides the elemental, there is nothing unusual about the designing future advenrures in the Sarbas region.
water. lt communicates with Orimir whenever the ogre makes
short pilgrimages to the lake on certain holy days. lt assists or Event 5· Missing! This event occurs on the moming afrer the
harasses mor1als based on the conditions lisred above. PCs have spent their first nighr in the Witch Fens. Two of the
~ large Water Elemental: hp 68; Monster Manua/84. refugees, Dmitri and Vladimir, have disappeared after trying
Tactics: The elemental merely speeds marked boats across their luck at fishing in a nearby pool in the early moming
the water. If the PCs attack the elemental, il retaliates. hours. Read or paraphrase rhe fotlowing if the PCs investigate:
The elemenral tries to sink the boat after inirially threaren-
ing with its underwater buffets. To do this, ir needs ro deal 20 The footprints of the young men mark the muddy shore of
points of damage ro the vessel, which has a hardness of 5· This their chosen fiShing hole. The prlnts clrcle about the pool and
amount of damage is enough to put a hale in the hull, causing dlsappear into the brush on the other side. Their fishlng
the boat to begin taking on water. If left unattended, it will sink potes and a small pile of flsh stiH walt for them.
in rd6 rounds. ln addition. its speed is reduced by half.
Passengers can bail water ro prevent the boat from sinking. As the ground is soft and muddy, a PC with the Track feat
For every rwo passengers who bail water, reduce the number can make a Wildemess Lore check (DC s) ro follow Dmitri and
of rounds before the boat sinks by one. NPCs in the boat will Vladimir. A character without the Track feal will be able to use
begin bailing only if directed by the PCs to do so, as they ali the Search skill (DC 10) as weil. The two sets of prints soon join
respond to the attack with complete panic. Once there is a hale a third set made by someone with small, bare feet, possibly a
in the vessel, the elemental attacks unril it has either killed one woman. Their tracks march almost in a straight line, only devi-
of the PCs (thus appeasing the river goddess with a sacrifice ating to bypass quagmires and murky ponds, until they reach
of sorne value) or it has lost so% of its hit points. The crea- a well-used animal trail. Ali three disappear at that point and
ture prefers to use siam attacks. but if a PC should go below are replaced by another set of bare footprints: This set is
the surface, it uses its vortex ability. large, sinking deep into the earth between large strides. The
A few things are in the PCs favor should the elemental new prints follow the nature trail. roughly heading east.
attack them. They are only 30 feet from shore when the attack Dmitri and Vladimir were foolish enough to follow dancmg
occurs, and the lake is only 40 feet deep at thar point. Should lights cast by Sertha, and then they pursued her shapely sil-
combar ensue. other passengers pitch in to defeat rhe elemen- houette after she used her change self ability. Once they
tal, although only 1d4 of them can reach it in a given round. reached the trail that leads to her lair, she used her weakness
Development: The elemental retums a year after it is ability to subdue them and carried them home with her (she did
destroyed, should the PCs manage that feal. Orimir knows of not want to have to carry them ali the way from the flshing
the conflict and treats the PCs as enemies should he encounter hale). She did not use her pass without trace ability because
them later. she does not care whether other mortal snacks Invite them-
selves to her hut for dinner.
TH ~ WitCH ftN~ If the PCs continue their hunt for Dmitri and Vladimir by
Read or paraphrase the following text when the PCs reach the following the hag's tracks, you should begin using the "Isle of
Witch Fens: the Witch" encounters.

Wz. Bndge of Bones.

The path ends at a bridge made

entirely of bones thal spans 40 feet of
the rnurlty water, connecting the
soaY land 10 . . blind surrounded by
thick briar hedges. Muddy trads
cover the horrid bridge of gnawed
and yelowed bones. The old skuls thet
serve as post maners along the
bridge's length seem to chalenge any-
one who might consider leaving their
own tracks on the Foui structure.
Ahhough the creepy bridge groans
and creeks. and bits of bone might flake
off as characters walk across it, the
bridge is sturdy. Portions of the bridge
are composed of animated skeletons.
Creatures (El 4): A dozen partial
skeletons guard the bredge from intru-
seon by any humanotd not in the com-
pany of Sertha.
_, Skeletons (tz): hp 6 each; Monster
Tactics: Six skeletons line each side
of the bndge servrng as posr maners.
They weil not anack untel an mtruder has
reached the mîdpoml of the bridge. At
thar lime, ali the skeletons anack anyone
they can reach weth thea- daws. The
skeletons have no way of leaving theer
positions. When a skeleton is destroyed.
the mtegnty of the bndge is jeopardized.
For each one destroyed. there is a 5°o
cumulateve chance the bridge will col-
lapse. Skeletons tumed and destroyed
by a cleric increase this cumulative
chance ro eo%. The falling bridge will
dump any characters lnto the moal below (where they will
I~Lt or tHt Wit<H likely be anacked by the Creatures there). Characters within 5
The followtng encounters are keyed to the Isle of the Witch feet of either shore can 1ump to (relatlvely) dry land by mak-
map above. eng a successful Jump check. If the bredge collapses. the skele-
tons are effechvely out of combat, even if ali of them were not
Wt. The Pits. Read or paraphrase the followmg after the PCs destroyed by the event thal destroyed the brtdge.
have followed the hag's tracks for a mele or so:
W3. The Moat. Sertha's esland es surrounded by a natural moat.
An open ptt straddles the trall at this potnt. A skeleton ~es at Ahhough the water es only 3 feet deep. the mud at the bonom
the bonom. 20 feet below. impaled on wooden spikes_ es excepllonally theck, halveng a character's speed. Creatures
also guard the moat.
There IS nothmg of value en the pli. and even the skeleton's Creatures (El 3): Zombies, buned en the mud under the
rags have long desappeared. bndge. waet for any creature to come wethm 10 feet before
Traps (El 2 each): The real traps are on eether side of the they anack. They can be descovered weth a detecf undeao'spell
open pel, JUSt off of the trael. Unhke the pel on the trail, these or by acllvely makeng a Spot check (OC •sl. Characters need
20-foot deep pets are concealed weth turf and brush stacked on 10 specifically srare thar they are lookeng under the bridge ro
a covenng of stout. woven reed mats. receeve th1s Spot check. They cannot reach characlers on the
-1' Spiked Pet Trap: CR z; no anack roll necessary C2d6), bridge and weil not anack them.
+to melee (td4 sptkes for •d4+2 pomts of damage per success- _, Human Zombees (6): hp 16 each; Monsrer Manualtgt.
ful hu); Reflex save (OC 20) avoeds; Search (OC 20); Disable Tactics: The zombies rese to anack any creature passing
Devece (OC 20). within 10 feel. As the zombies are slow, they do not have a
chance to surprise characters coming near rhem. Characters

36 novembcr de< l'ffibi'J ''"Il


who happen to laU or tump from the bridge onto the zombies encounrermg Ugdn1r, he Will be found watching the combat
are caught llatfooted unless they are already aware of them. between the two groups from behmd the inner yard's gate a
These undead creatures only auack characrers in the moa1. few rounds after the growhng and biting begins.
-, Ugdn1r, Ogre: hp JO! Monsrer Manua/'44·
W+ Outer Yard. Taches: Ugdn1r w1ll not venture mto the outer yard. but he
anacks the PCs 1f they enter the mner yard. If reduced to 5 hit
The endosed y.-d his • buren down path ~the perime- potnts or fewer, Ugdn1r parleys w1th the PCs. If ignored. he
rer ~ the hedges lnd rwo vistie exifS, one leadng to the assumes the PCs are go1ng fight ro the death and does the
bridge and another barred by a gate made of bones and same.
skuls. 1he yard's only landmA is a rangled mass of briars Should the PCs mterrogate Ugdnir, they discover thar he
near '"center. knows very httle about Senha. They do leam he fears the hag
and thar he 1s convmced she is often nearby, invisible and
Casual mvesuga11on of this area reveals rracks matching watchmg h1m, trymg to l1sten to his rebellious thoughts. He
the ones found on the brtdge. A Wildemess Lore check (DC 10) knows she brought two ragged humans to the island recently.
indicates thar wolves must either live in the area or at least Treasure: Under Ugdn1r's srraw bedding is a sack contain-
frequent 11 olten. Wolves have left tracks along the path and ing bone dice, a chunk of amber (250 gp),
piles of manure here and rhere, and none of these four moonstones (so gp each), and 100 sp.
signs are more rhan a few days old. A
Wilderness Lore check (OC 15) reveals
a slight parh roward the gare; 1ts traf-
fic consists mamly of humanolds and
herd an1mals.
Creatures (EL 4): Two worgs
wa11 under the brambles ln the
yard's cenrer. Due to th1ck con·
cealment of the br~ars, they
rece1ve a •4 c1rcumstance bonus
to the1r H1de checks.
-, Worgs (2): hp 35· 28; Monsrer
Taches: The worgs anempt to anad
unwary characters, preferrmg ro catch
them between the bnar patch and one
of the mtenor hedge walls and hoping
to cul off the characrers' escape roure.
They pursue neemg VICIImS If no com-
bative rargets remam. The pair dlsen-
gages from a pa11y thar reduces them
to 50% of thelr total hit points, but they
do not leave the yard unless the PCs
press an alluck agalnst them. If the PCs
derect the worgs before they spring
the~r ambush, the evil wolves artack
Treasure: lnves11ga11ng the worgs'
la1r rPveals scattered bones. one of
wh1ch has a plam gold bracelet (1oo gp)

Ws. lnner Yard. The mn~r yard serves

as a pen for the assoned anunals (2d4
ptgs, td6+~ cows, and 2d8 chidens)
Senha has srolen and ra1sed. Ugdmr, an
ogre shepherd. watches over them. The
bored ogre 1s amuous for a bttle
Creature (EL 2): Ugdmr IS nor-
mally found near his lean-ro,
rhmk1ng about how much he would
like to escape Sertha. Should the
PCs encounter the worgs before

W6. Witch's latr Sertha ls normally encountered in her pri- W7. The Hut.
vate sectiOn of the tsland. If the PCs have encountered the
worgs prevtous ro thts encounter, please read or paraphrase The lu's one room ls a smely mess. thici wilh lhe odor of
the followmg rext: luves .... hiYe roned under lhe lfi8J'IN pools of the
swamp. A rhick bolrd supporftld by two barrels of uneven
A modest puunt hut, ils enmnce dlrt lnd fortlidding. Wlils hel&ht .......... tlble ln lhe center cf the ~
ln lhe westem corner. A ~ elly oven. not f• from lhe Aslorted crodwiry, Unpy ucb, lnd klncliW .-e pressed
hut, - fO be lhe IOUI'œ cf deldous ~ bruel. . . . . the .... covered ln dust lnd ccrbwebs. The dirt floor
Baide me oven reliS a .... IOOty cUdron supported by il lfChlly covered ln straw.
a thlck. wooden h'tpod. Wooden ban c:over a pit near the
ustem brtar wal. The crockery contarns assorted dried herbs and plants, and
the lumpy sacks contarn grarn. Spiders and assorted harmless
If Sertha has no waming of the PCs intruston (thar ts, they vermln make thetr homes tn every crevice and dark space
managed to avotd mak1ng a great deal of noise in areas W4 and they can find.
ws). modify the boxed text above by addtng this section: Treasure: Hidden ln one of the table barrels is a golden
grivna (Eastern tore worth soo gp), an evory comb decorated
A bent, old woman puHers about the yard. Her hair appears with sllver dragons (2oo gp), a silver bracelet (roo gp), ten
to be a wild tangle of drled weeds, whlle her wrinkled skln amber pleces (lOO gp each), a potion of charlsma, and a potion
shows a putrid green tone under lts rhin, white palor. Her of bu/l's strength.
flngers end ln claws thlr could strip bark from a rree or tear
flesh from a man. ~~,~~~
The tradrng senlement of Sarbas rs bnefly described below.
If rhe PCs mvesttgate the area, they dtscover Serrha's foot- Vou wrll find enough detarl to run the fast chapter of rtus
pnnts wnh a successful Search check (OC to). The clay oven adventure as weil as a good startrng pomt for developing
conrams sorne tasty loaves of bread, but the old cauldron is future rntngues in thts sordrd, v•olent town.
empry and cold. W Sarbas (small town): Nonstandard, AL N; 8oo-gp lrmit;
The barred ptt contatns the mtssmg refugee villagers, Dmitri Assers 40.000 gp: Populatron t,ooo; humans only.
and Vlademer. The pu es only 6 feet deep. and the prisoners can Authomy Figures: Spytrhnev, male human Ft17. Prince
escape once the ropes securmg the wooden griU to sunken (Khagan) of Sarbas: Blud, male human Ftr8. the Khagan's
stakes are unlled or cut. Deputy (Beg).
Dmnrt and Vladtmrr (male human Comt. Handle Animal +2) Important Characters: Uncle Khur11sa. male human Exp3
have been fed weil by the hag, and even though rhey are (merchant}. Rogvolod, male human Ariz/ Wan (noble); Mojm1r,
scared of her, they love her thick loaves of bread and roasred male human War3 'Exp• (merchant ~ Edeco, male human
pori.. The ogre shepherd rs the only other island inhabitant Exp4/ War2 (merchanr): Kaloyan, male human Ftr4/ An2
they are aware of. (noble~ Sigurd, male human Bbn4 (berserker duelist); Drozd.
Creature (EL sl: Sertha is cooking when the characters male hu man Clr 4 khief shaman).
arrive. If she has had any ktnd of warnrng, she uses her invis- Others. Khagan's Guard. Ftrs, Ftr3. Ftr2 (J), Ftrt (6), Warr
lbility and pass without trace abilities to conceal her presence. (2o): Town Militia, War6, War3 (z), Wart (47); Bodyguards and
She walts by her hut for the PCs, looklng for a chance to Mercenaries, Ftr4 (2), Ftrz (4), Ftrt (8), Bbn2 (z), Bbnr (4), War2
ambush them. She would like to trap them ln her hur if she can. (4), Wan (sol; Brd4, Brd2 (z), Brdr (4); Cira (2), Clrr (4); Rgr2,
If she cannot allack from ambush, so be Il. Sertha does not Rgr1 (2); Rog8, Rog6, Rog4 (2). Rog2 (4), Rog1 (8); Sorz; Expg,
wail for the PCs to wear her down wirh mrssiles or spells. Exps. Exp4 (z), Exp2 (4), Expt (z8); Arh (4); Adp4, Adp2 (2),
'J Sertha, Green Hag: hp 45; Mons ter Manuaf 115. Adpt (4); Comz. Corn• (846).
Possess1ons: Pouch contamlng a potron of cure moderate Noies: The number of characters representing the fighting
wounds. classes rs a lrttle higher than normal 10 Sarbas. This is due ro
Tactics: Sertha likes to use her weakness power on an the historical soctetal condlltons of Dari. Age Russia; adven-
enemy firsr. but if the target succeeds ar makrng its Fortitude turers, warrior merchants, and ruffians flocked to the trading
save (OC tJ) the first nme, she goes straight to npping and settlements, seekrng nches
teanng wnh her claws. Should the vrcttm farltts first save. she Town Mtlltta. Only a dozen warnors serve full-time; the rest
tnes another weakness touch anack, hoprng ro reduce her serve when needed. pulled from the rown's collection of
opponent to o Srrength; helpless victrms are particularly tradesmen and laborers. The mrltua ts controlled by the Beg
amusrng to Sertha (who rs also the commander of the Khagan's bodyguard).
Oevelopment: Regardless of the PCs' actions, Serrha Bodyguards and Mercenanes.· These professionals com-
attacks them before they leave her la•r If she is reduced to prrse the fightrng class NPCs employed and seeking employ-
30°o of her hir points. she attempts ro evade the characters ment tn Sarbas
usrng her mvtsibillty power. Once she is cerram the party has Nonsrandard Govemmenr Khagan Spy11hnev rules a col-
put sorne drstance berween themselves and her, she attempts lective of nobles and weahhy merchants. Hrs authorfty is by no
ro follow them back ro therr camp. She does her best to leam means absolute, but he is not simply a "first among equals." ft
as much about the heroes as she can, putring her Listen skill to must still be remembered thar the noble and the rrch are quire
good use white avoidmg contact with the PCs or anyone else. independenr ln rheir pursuirs, and sorne of them control
Soon afrerward, she begins schemlng her revenge .... Sarbas as much as the prince. Blud, the Khagan's deputy, is

:~H nov~mbPt dt•t emlll'r '""l


probably the mosr powerful man in

Sarbas. He d1recrly conrrols the largesr
number of armed men in rhe town and
w1ll not hesuare ro use them •f any of the
elire wamor merchant familles anempts
ro usurp the Khagan. SigUrd. the berserk
duelisr. ls a dangerous tool used by the
noble fam•hes of Sarbas. When a dispute
cannot be senled by rhe Khagan's
advrce. S•gurd IS h1red lo sertie maners
thar have been approved for legal rnals
by combat.
Law and Order: The laws 10 place are
only meant to curb violence, not punish
ir. This is mostly accomplished by pro-
viding fines for murders. although
vendenas are common even if the law-
fui fines are paid to a vlctim's famlly.
The deputy and town mililla do nor stop
small skinmshes, as thal is "famlfy busi-
ness." On the orher hand, lhieves are
often hanged.
PopulatiOn: The population temporar-
•ly swells rn the lare summer, as nomad
horse and canle traders fillrhe town For
a monrh or so, Sarbas has double ris
normal population.
History: The seulement began as an
outposr for the dimimshrng Khazar
Empire based in the Casp•an. Durmg rhe
lare gth and early •oth centuries.
Scand10av1an warlords ruled Sarbas on
behalf of the Khazars. garhenng tnbure
on rhe1r paymasrers' behalf As
Khazarran rnfluence dw1ndled •n the face
of the nse of the Pechenegs on the
sreppes, Sarbas became independenr. lt
rerains lts Khazarlan name rhough, and
serves as home for many Aslatic nobles.
mercenaries, and merchanrs.

Read or paraphrase the follow10g when the PC's arrive in D•rectlons to Khurifsa's manor were easily gained, and the
Sarbas: walled compound ls easlly found. Ifs two-story hall sets it
apan from most of the nurby dwellings. even the nicer
~ ~ grees • who come to s.-bas. The bodies ones made of wood. A palisade. not much taler than a man,
of rhose who cOYefed the possessions of others in fife can surrounds the manor, alow•ng pnvacy if nor a tremendous
now be seen ct.ngling by their nec:b from trees neM" the amounr of profectïOn.
edge of town. Beyond the corpses' gently ~ feet, a
colection of huh. rimber ~ and smal fons lie Creature (El - ): Once Predeslava announces her arrivai to
crowded between the Witch fens end the Onieper and rhe bored senrry looking rhrough a crack 10 the gare. Unlce
Chemak rivers. Numerous INps llne the shores of the town, Khuritsa and his household warmly welcomes the PCs and
their owners uslng them fO transpor1 furs. honey wax. and refugees. Uncle Khuritsa rs a fabulous host. even purchasing
slaves from as far 8WWi as Novgorod. Chiner fllls the air tents for rhe refugees who cannot fit under his roof ar nighr.
• the mud. runure. lnd people fil me streets. a the h rs qurre evrdent he IS one of Sarbas's elite. He loves to swap
voices of Sllvs mix With Swedes, Bulglrs. Greeks. Oermans. stones of heroic explotrs. relhng the PCs of rhe good old days
and Anlbs. when he used to make the tourney every year to
Consranrmople. "rhe grearesr c•ty in ali the world.''
At Predeslava's urgmg. the group should head ro her 4' Uncle Khuntsa. Male Human Exp3: CR -; Medtum-stze
uncle's property as soon as rhey arrive. Read or paraphrase Humanotd (6 ft): HO 3d6; hp 14; lnil •4 (lmproved Initiative);
rhe following when rhe PC's arrive at rhe compound belonging Spd 30 fr.• AC 10; Atk +3 melee (td8/crit •g-2o,longsword), +2
to Predeslava's uncle: melee (1d4/crrt 19-20. dagger), or +2 ranged (1d4fcrit 19-20,
- --~--


dagger); AL NG; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +3; Str u, Oex 10, Con sads sit belween the men. Three dozen or more prisoners
11, lnt 13, Wis 14, Cha 13. waif nearby, wtth ropes binding their hands and tethered
Skills: Appraise +7, Bluff +6, Oiplomacy +g, Gather rogether to form a long. sad chain.
Information +7, Handle Animal +s. lntimidate +7. Knowledge The footman whispers, "The older red beard ls Viseslav.
(Geography) +s. Profession (Merchant) +6, Profession (Sailor) The young man is Uut, Rogwlod's son. Be ctreful with the
+6, Sense Motive +7. feats: lmproved Initiative, Martial boy. His father has much influence." l<huritsa's anned men
Weapon Proficiency Oongsword), Weapon Focus Oongsword). have already woven themselves lnfo the market's activlty,
Possessions: Longsword, dagger with silver hih and gamet making a Yflf'Yioose circle about Viseslav and Uut. The trap
in pomme! (soo gp), golden grivna (8oo gp), two silver hack ls set.
bracelets (2oo gp each), and a pouch containing 100 sp.
Viseslav and Liut have just concluded a lucrative deal and
Event 6. Vendetta. The party has reached a sanctuary where are making small talk. As long as the PCs do not blatantly
they can rest, heal. and make plans. Predeslava plans to stay approach with weapons drawn, they have a chance to surprise
in Sarbas with her uncle until her brother sends for her. The those they wish to attack, subjecr to Sense Motive checks for
peaceful stay will abruptly change in about two weeks with the anyone but Lîut (he relies on his guards for thar). ft is a iso pos-
arrivai of Viseslav and the captives from Ovotsk. Read or par- sible the PCs might just cali our a challenge, which Viseslav and
aphrase the following text at thar rime: his men will readily accept. Keep in mind rhat murders and
vendettas are common, and although not every day at the
Olni, Khuritsa's young footman. rushes inro the manor, our market ends with a bloody showdown, it is not unheard of (and
of breath, his eyes large and his face pale. He announces has a high entertainment value to anyone not directly involved
rhat Viseslav and his retinue are in the marker square rlght in the contlict).
now. looking to sell several dozen slaves. Creatures (EL 7): Listed below are Viseslav, Llut. and thelr
Predeslava turns to her smaU warband and asks. "WiHyou guards. A successful resolution to this encounter does not
honor Igor and fulflll the blood debt owed him? Will you take necessarily mean the PCs have to defeat Liut and his men in
pity on the people we failed ro protect?" combat, but the PCs will need to take the slaves from them to
satisfy Predeslava and her honor. lt does not matter whether
If the PCs do not seem eager to combat Viseslav, the captives are freed by diplomacy, purchase, threat, theft,
Predeslava argues rhat it will be much easier to fight Viseslav or violence.
in the market than it would be on any battlefield, as most of his f' Viseslav, Male Human Ftrs / Aril: CR s; Medium·size
men are probably scattered around the town and will nol be Humanoid (6 ft. 4 in.); HO 5d10+15 (includes Toughness feat};
able to help their chieftain until it is too lare. hp so; lnit +4 (lmproved Initiative): Spd 30 ft.; AC 17 (+s
Uncle Khuritsa has a small bodyguard, less than a dozen chainmail, +2 shield): Atk +IO melee (1d8+6/crit 19-20, +1
men, but he is willing to have them back up the PCs if they fongswordJ, +8 melee (1d8+3/crit x3, battleaxe), or +5 ranged
agree to fight Viseslav. His men could prevent any of (ld8+3/crit x3. shortspear); AL LE; SV Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +3;
Viseslav's stray men from coming to their leader's assistance Str 17. Oex 10, Con 14, lnt 13, Wis 10, Cha 14.
once the fighting begins. Uncle Khuritsa also appeals to the Skills: Appraise +4, Bluff +6, Craft (armorer) +6, Oiplomacy
PCs sense of prlde and honor, reminding them that if they +6, Gather Information +6, Handle Animal +6, lntimidate +6.
defeated Helgl the White, they should not fear Viseslav. Ride +6, Sense Motive +4, Swim ? •. feats: Blind-Flght,
If the PCs refuse to fight Viseslav, Predeslava releases lmproved Initiative. Mounted Combat, Power Attack,
them from service and Uncle Khuritsa tells them ro never Toughness, Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization
show their cowardly faces in his hall agaln. The PCs' reputa- (longsword}.
tion for cowardice will spread within the day, and they will *lncludes the -1 penalty to Swim checks per 5 pounds of
suddenly find thar merchants no longer carry the goods they gear carried.
require, and inns are suddenly filled ro capacity as the people Possessions: Chainmail, large wooden shield, +1 longsword
of Sarbas rally around one of their citizens. (Rotrs Bane. see below), banleaxe, two shortspears, amber
If the PCs agree to battle Viseslav in the market square. bead necklace (700 gp), gold cloakpin with gamet (2oo gp),
read or paraphrase the followmg text: gold bracelet (100 gp), pouch containing 300 sp and 10 gp.
t Rolf's Bane: This weapon is a magic sword of minor fame.
The market ls no1sy and çrowded, and the s~ll of dirty ils name laken from a slain enemy of one of Viseslav's ances-
humans and animais mingtes with the luxurious scents of tors. The sword was allegedly forged and empowered with
spices and perfumes. Great and small collections of cattte, magic by a dwarf named Svall (whose name is etched in silver
hones, and slaves are lnspected, haggled over, and sold. runes on the blade, near the hill). A bardic knowledge check
Just llke the animais, the faces of the human captives show (OC 25) reveals this information, and possibly more, depend-
little interest in their future owners. ing on what details you care to add to the sword's history for
Khuritsa's footman subtly nods his head toward a large the purposes of your own campaign.
warrlor with dark red hair whose beard ls streaked with f' Yiseslav's Guards, Male Human War1 (4): CR 1/2;
gray. He is laughing and talking with a young nobleman. Medium-size Humanoid (6 ft.); HO 1d8+3 (includes Toughness
judging from the silver grivna about the man's neck and the feat); hp u each: lnit +o; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 (+4 chain shirt, +2
gold cloak pin on his unblemished dark green cloak. shield); Atk +2 melee (ld8/ crit XJ, battleaxe), or +1 ranged (1d6,
Bored guards mill about the pair, watching each other and javelin); AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +o, Will +O: Str 11, Con n, Oex
the surrounding trafflc with littte interest. Small chests and 10, lnt 10, Wis 10. Cha 11.

40 november/december 2001
+2 melee (ld8/crn ><J. batrleaxe) or +1 ranged (ld6. javelin}, Al
[M(0UMUK UVtl (NAKT N; SV Fort +2, Ref +o. Will +o: Str "· Con "· Oex 10, lnt 10,
Summarized below are the Encounter levels (El) for ali the Wis 10, Cha 11.
encounters 10 "Rivers of Blood." Encounters are categorized Ski/ls: lntim1date +4. Profess1on Csa1lor) +4, Sw1m -6*. Fe;~ts:
by events and locallon. Toughness, Weapon Focus (baMieaxe).
•lncludes the -• penalty to Sw1m checks per 5 pounds of
Event Encounter Description El gear carried.
2 ~ Ughi Holaemeli. MMt Hüriilii w... 8) 5 Possessions: Cham sh1rt, large wooden sh1eld, battle;~xe,
2 , Ught Hol semen. .... Hulnln Win (8) 5 three javehns. hack silver bracelet (•dzox•o gp). pouch con-
2 , Munc1à. ~ Humln fh'3 1am1ng 100 sp.
with ~tb ....el\ Win (8) 8 Tactlcs: Viseslav and his guards make a stand against any
3 f" Helgi the Wh1te. Male Human Ftr4 anackers. HIS guards are supposed ro protee! rhe1r ch1eftain,
w1th f" Noble Warriors, Male but he is not afra1d of wading 10to combat Viseslav makes
f" Human Wan (4) and f" Bo1an, Male plenty of references 10 Rolfs Bane and h1s figh11ng prowess
Human Rogz/ Ftn 6+ during combat. The chieftain and his guards do not surrender
4 f" Tr1bal Warnors, Male Human Wan (g) 4 but do not pursue fleemg enemies to rhe edge of the market
6 'Vlseslav, Male Human Ftrs/Arh (Viseslav fears an ambush).
wlth ' Guards, Male Human Wan (4) If violence suddenly eruprs, liut's men join the fight against
and , Uut, Male Hum.. Ari2 the PCs. If the PCs can corwince liut and his guards that they
and ' Guards, Male Human Wan ~) are interested only in V1seslav. they will back away from the
fight A successful D1plomacy or ln11midare checlr. <OC 25) is
Haunted Wood Random Encounters sufflc1ent to accomphsh 1h1s, alrhough tf l1u1 or one of his
'J Brown Bear guards is artacked by a PC. ali bers are off. The PCs are
'J Wolves (6) awarded full exper1ence for overcom1ng l1ut and his guards if
f' Hunters. Mile Human Wan they defeat them m combat or if they ger them to agree to
• Shadow sorne kmd of truce.
L1u1 is lntenl on keepmg the newly bought slaves. If the PCs
Haunted Wood/ Chemak River demand the retum of the captives, l1ut explams thar he paid
Area Encounter Oescr1pt1on for them w1th goods totahng 1,ooo gp in value, and that he can
R1 ~ Trap (River Rap1dsl make 4.000 gp when he sells them 10 Constantinople. Liut will-
R2 ~ Orimir, Male Qgre Sor4 --~- mgly parts with the slaves •f offered J,ooo gp or if he loses
RJ 'J large Water Elememal 5 an opposed Oiplomacy check. If the PCs make a successful
ln11m1dare check (opposed by l1ut's Sense Mouve check). he
Witch Fens will accept 2,000 gp. liut and hts men o1herw1se anempt to
Aru Encounter Description El stop the PCs from freemg the capttves. The best solution is for
--~ w~ , -~ ~T ~ ~~~,~--~----~
np 2---
the PCs to defer lo Khuntsa, who can afford to bargain wilh
~ Trap (Splked Pit) 2 Uut. Olni quickly remmds the PCs of 1h1s opt1on should nego-
., Human Skelerons (lz) 4 tiallons occur after combat with Viseslav
., Human Zombies (6) 3 Treasure: The sacks and small chests ali belong ro Viseslav .
~ Worgs (2) 4 Somc of the items are payment he received for the slaves, but
~ Ugdnir, Male Ogre 2 most of the treasures are goods he has eilher bartered for or
Sertha. Green ~ 5 things he plans to sell or trade away. The PCs find the follow-
ing if they search the ptles and stacks: a silver chahce set with
SIHI!s: ln11m1date +4, Profession (sailor) +2, Sw1m +4. Feats: amethysts gp), s11k cloak w1th gold thread 1r1m l7oo gp),
Toughness, Weapon Focus (banleaxe). s1lver cham and pendant w11h amber (6oo gp), small Byzantine
Possess1ons. Cham sh1rt, large wooden shteld, bartleaxe, tapestry of samts (JOO gp), ferrer of cred11 (zoo gp) payable
rwo 1avehns, hack s1lver bracelet (ld20XIO gp). bronze grivna by one Kelvar of Kiev, hack silver bracelet hso gp), 10 blue
(Eastern lore worth 50 gp), pouch contaming 10 gp and 6o sp. quartz ho gp each), and so glass beads (z gp each).
f" Liur, Human Male, Ar12: CR •: Med1um-s1ze Humanoid (6 Oevelopment: The PCs could eam a longstanding enemy
ft~ HO 2d8. hp 12: l011 +o; Spd 30 ft .. AC 10: Arlr. ...2 melee wuh the pompous Liut 1f they do not treal hlm wilh respect.
<•d8/cnt 19·20. longsword~ Al N. SV Fort +o. Ref •o. Will +2; They also eam his enmity 1f they artempt to take the prisoners
Str "· Dex 10, Con 11. lnt 11, W1s 8. Cha 11. and JUSt walk away wuhout even anempllng to negotiate for
SAII/s: Appra1se +s. Bluff •s. lnnuendo +4, ln11m1date +7, thetr release or sale If LIU! 1s mtured or k1lled by the PCs, they
R1de +s. Feats: Skill Focus Unt1midare), Weapon Focus can expect to be called m front of the khagan and a small
Clongsword). assembly of nobles to address the legal issues of the young
Possess1ons: longsword. s1lver grivna (Easrem tore worth man's dearh. A hearing w1ll mvolve arguments regardmg the
300 gp). gold cloakpm (zoo gp), pouch containing zoo sp and fault of the PCs and probably end 10 a fine of not less than
20 gp. 1,ooo gp or a rnal by combat berween one PC and S1gurd, the
f" uut's Ouards, Male Human Wan (.4): CR 1/ 2: Medium- berserk. duehst (see "Sarbas's Important Characters·· in the
size Humanoid (6 ft.>: HO td8+J (mcludes Toughness feat); hp cily star block above).
" each; Inti +o: Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 (+4 chain shirt, +2 shield); Atk
If they can repel the lawless Pecheneg bandits in the region,
they mtghr set up thetr own linle flefdom. lt remains to be seen
Once Vaseslav as removed as a rhreat to Predeslava (the PCs whether any of Vaseslav's men are srrong enough ro rake rheir
need nor ~111 ham ro do th1s, but he would need to be somehow lord's place.
caprured and conrrolled) and the capnves are freed, the • Kin of Helgt the Whate or other warraors slain in the siege
adventure as over. Everyone wtU about the daring heroes on Ovotsk take umbrage aga1nst the PCs for siding with a
who faced down a powerful warlord an the martel. When woman over thesr mighty kinsman. Blood oaths are swom to
Ottakar amves an the fallto ta~e Predeslava home, he offers clarm vengeance agamst the characrers. and the PCs must
them h1s heartleh rhanks and a sagned lerter of credit (soo gp) constantly be on the lookout for would-be assassins.
thar w11l be honored m any ma1or Rus setrlemenr between the • The rest of Senha's coven, the green hag Abaava and the
Bah1c and the Black Sea annts Volkul. decide 10 rake revenge upon the audacious
If the encounter w1th l1ut wenr badly, an ongoing conflict humans who dared take the hfe of thetr sister. They could
arises between Khur1tsa and Rogvolod, even if a legal resolu- cause trouble by caprurmg ftshermen who work near the bor-
tion 1s requtred for any unfortunare deaths (see the der of the fens or other rravelers on the road to Sardas, hav-
"Developmenr" section above). This low intensity conflict could ing an impact on commerce in the community and its environs.
serve as a backdrop to orher adventures in Sarbas or become They might also develop an interest in the yearly livestock
an impetus for an adventure ltself. ln addition. the PCs earn a drive into Sardos and use the opportunlty it affords to sup-
new enemy in Rogvolod. who has considerable resources at his plement thelr own herds, maklng forays onto the road to town
flngertips to makc lifc difficulr for upstart heroes who attack to capture more of the tasty animais.
his children. • If the PCs anacked or kllled Orimlr the ogre or the River
The PCs should nnd Sarbas a good place for ali sorts of Goddess's water elemental minion, they might have incurred
future adventures. even tf they do not continue serving the wrath of clergy of the goddess. If this is the case, they
Predeslava or her famtly d1recrly. Khuntsa 1s a good source of mighr stan nndlng trouble of a deadly sort any lime they set
informatiOn and sancruary for the PCs. Other than Khuritsa foot in a boat or a coastal town. n
and hts km. rhe PCs mtght be sought out by any number of
nobles and merchanrs needmg the1r services after their suc- Paul says. '"1 share my love of history and gaming 'With my
cess agatnsr V1seslav. 'Wife and fnends, and 1ded1cBte this ~venture to them and the
Speetftc advenrure hool.s mclude: papt!r heroes and 1abletop W3rlords they bnng to fife. Special
• The PCs m'Shi rake advanrage of the power vacuum cre- th.mAs 10 Dave Gross who nudged me 10 write thiS adventure."
ated by the nasty vendetta between Viseslav and Predeslava.

~n la created from uyatem thal Il dll 9

Choose from among OYer 150 aldlll tD crtlll your ctwlctlr.
Mlx and match skll1a tD crute acharlcter thal you want tD plly.
Charactar laval advancament la llml
Non-stop characler advancement llloWI )'OU to continUoully ldvlnct both your lldlla and )'011 goals.
Y011 can even pull a~ IMrlll on )111111' dlncter,clllnglnJYOIIf chlrlctlr
ma straight outf91tertDSOIMbactl•lllllldlllllllflllc;-P'lonic:s.
!~vile powen, potion tnwilg.IIIIMry,cr Il fi Ill IIIM.
The posslbllltJea are •'"n.ic:IÇ . ._
Choose "'Y race and select tn. -.y aldi.
As•Uflllltal~ -~~~~.::!!!::.!:~.!~

44 nov!'mbP.r d,., cmht>r .. "'"

-k'l' S ettina
~W-%'\1(![ (1-5)
CVVifd'erness (cofcf desert) & ~j)unaeon (ra·wf

he lande; to tht' north of • Ra1dcrs of ùtc Black lee· is desig~1ed
<:h ilization are cold inhoc;- fM a party of four Jrd·levcl characters.
pirable. and 10 the ca:.c or ldeally the group c;hould mclude a char-
the Land of Black lee, o;upernaturally acter thal ha:. the Track feat. This ad.,·en·
dangerous. Thi:. massive ebon gia t'liTt' ft'arur('S many rules and creatures
Clt"T looms at the crown of the \\Orld. dctailed in Frostbum · Masttnng tl~ Perilç
~hielding w1told secrets from the hght of /cc and Snow. published by Wizards
of the sun and scrving as the home of of theo Coa~t. A cop} of FroSlburn uùght
countless unique and ofteo terrif} mg bi.· helpful to clear up situanons that may
~oreatures. Called frostft-11 by o;ome and anse during play wilh an inventive group
death by othcrs, il is a land of cruelt)' of player~. but ali the rules to pla) thi1>
and desolation mcarnate. ctd\·cutme as written are pro,ided here.


rrustt•atlons &y <.~mort sr~rh
cu•toet·apFty &y (~&czrt CJe,=:gat·etri
C])faytestine &y Crint .9· G ofdschmicft . tEric .A!uferson.
tDt•cmd'on <Ha1tH!!', Sean CDa~nc . and' é)ed .AI&cn (q).... \)

; \'f\'4'11IUY4' \ J3QC'K61'0 UI1d' raiders. their 1.\0rgs. aucl thcir SriO\\ Ad" ctllut·e S~nopslo;
E\ery ~eir. villagcrs ou Lhc out)>kirls of goblm lackeys. A dec:p«>rate cry for help alerts the PCs to
Bl.ackmoor tum û1e1r eyej; to th<' nnrth. 'liot e\·ervone stayed and sufiered One the Jact Ù1at banc6 uf riiidcr~ ha,.c o,cr·
ftJnng tht" arrivai ofthe Black lee raider.; \illaget escaped. takiug ski:. for th<: long \\hclmcd the remote ..1llageofTonm;borg.
Every )CaL, Û1c riüdc~ c.omc. plundcr a tnp 10 seek help for hts enslwrd ff'llow l pon tr:IVeling to the,illage, theyfind d1e
fcw oud}1ng ettlements, and n•harn to vsll:'lg~"rc: But the winter is harsh . and place nead) dcpupulated. :;a\C for a fe.,.,
rht Rl:~ck let- v.ith their spoils. the' illager's body lies d~ad. fru.!cn :;olid. rcmammg V1llagen; and a band of
This y~·ar. the raiders carne and lese; than a dozen feet from hs~ de-sn- led by a frost folk, one of a race of mou
staycd. ln earl}' wanter. they look th~ nation Only the writteo plea c.lenched strou:; huananoil.b with the abiüty to fuc
coastal village ol Tonnsborg as their in his hat1ds cxplain:; his purpo:.c. His blasts of IC}' ll'IISI from theu eyes.
o" n killing ali who opposcd them. Lummous Preponderancy. Archbaron After rescuing the \•illagers and defeat-
Slow!)'. thc-y ~ent ·mali groupe; of cap· Bestmo ofBiackmoor. seems not to eue. ÙlL'SC ratdcrs. ûac l'Cs track the mam
•urt'<! villallcrs inland onto the Bla~;k and ha:. outright rcl'uscd to :;end anr of bulk of thl" ra1der p:u"t} anoc:c: the infa-
kc. tu a hidJcn ~troughold. lhe num· hrs c:mall pri,·ate arrn)'to help tht \ill3ge mous Land ot Black lee encoWltering the
ber of nllagerc; rcm;nmng i,; now a ofTonnsborg until spring pcrib of ll1e fr<w:n north m the form of
fraction of wh:u it was and lhose who Truc hcrocs have an opportuns!) to deadJy cold and dangtrou~ creanm•c:. The arc ),ugcl) worncn, lhc clderly. cha!'e the raidl'rs out of town-:md tht'n raiders' trail evcnrually leads the heroes to
and c.h1ldrt>n. Ail are rerrori7ed by the pursue them to their icy lau. a citadcl the raiders have bmlt from the



black !Ct" it.;~lf TI1~ PC:. must find a w.~y The an.hbarons rule as harsb ami arbi· fur-:. The ;uc.hbaaon has no mint and
into this cit<~dclaf thC'y wac;h to rt-<:cue the trary. and his court has litùc contact WJth sll ikcs 110 c.omacf'. and the realm i:.
:;urvl\'llll! VJlla~t"r" but m :.o duing th(!) other lands. The milmas of lhf' srn&ll loo margtnal to do more than rear-
comto up against a dciidl) frost folk m) -;tic u.odcrbaronies are typicall) lc;~thcr· rulatf' coins found m tts rums.
lmO\\Jl a:. ûac Bl;~ck Sham:m armorf'd villagers. v.;elding hort<:(M":ns, Do~nucdun •~ a wall~ \i.llage with rot·
longbows. or slings. Thf' archbaron's pcr· bng woodt-n gates .1 .;at:.and open day
C ftaptcr Q ue: soual gu.ard indudf's perh;~ps thn.'\." t.Orf' :md night Fe.'\\ invadcrs bavto f'ver botb·
êfro~cm (J~uaec ~krughts~ (hea\'}' cavall) one step rf'movf'd ete\~ tu ûucaten thf' <:t'ttlement. lho~h
nüs adventurf' ~ins in the Art.hbarony from bandit:.), and bea\)' and m~ium kobold" frnm the Burncal Forest are a
of nl:!ckmoor nc•u the end of :wtumn. infantf) made up of severa! hundred constant nubanc.c. and raidl'rs from luz
spcdfkall). an th<' r:tpital selllc:mcut human and balf-orc :.olwcrs. Normally ;111d Û1c Wolf Nomadt. frequomûy har.c;s
of Oantrl"dun, Ho" the PC!> t.ame to so man~ troop:. would hf' ampo-.sabk ou tl) mg f.mns Man~ :.mali villages and
bt' in Danttcduu as up to you . They to support in such <~ small ficfùom, but forts dot's lands, often buHt
may have: l>c:c:u following a treasutc the archharon has funds for rccruatang ne;~r stable l<tva pools or hot springs. Tite
map rcvcall'd to bi" a lake upou thcir mf'rrenaries to defend his pf'OpiP :.gainst OlC<ISional sh:~rp lrPmor or cnùssion of
arnv:1l in tht village. Pcrhaps thPy'v~ raids fwm the sou them hostile ll.ltiou of poiRon vnpnrs is au cvc:ryday hazard.
traveled lo Dautrcdun :1t tht behest of luz and the barbarie WolfNumaùs. Allihl' ~ Ddulrcdun (villagP): Conveutional:
a powcrful m«-rc·hant or explorer from archbaron's troops are quartert>d in the AL N 1.: ,llj() gp limit, Asscls (10,878
a southern nation in ordc>r to try to town of Dantredun. Many mo1 c Jlouhu· UP); Population 709; MixPd (hum:.n
op~n up lrildc routf'~ or o::imply tnaj) man soldiers can be callc.'Ù up from thf' •18~. Olt. 22~. haiAtng 14%, elven 9%
out and explorl' th~ remotc '"~aon. Th~ surrounding arca. !(llome "t.)
samplest appaoach, of c:oursl', 1s that The a rchbarony once hcld tcn Au th ority Figures: H1s luminous
th~ PCs o~rc ClhZenc; of r>:mtr~dun, and underbaronies as fcuùal fit>fdoms , Paepond~:r.uJC), Arrhbaron Bestmo of
gre.:\\ up thf'rf'. but four of thcse arf' no\\ ruined, Bbdmoor ('IF male hum;ua Ftrllf\\ xz4).
including the forme• capitol town Important C ha racte r s: Angstet
l)lnu·cdun of Blackmoor itself. nu: nchb:uony 'lo•dq\N rn~e lulf-orc FtrS (Captain of
Although u·~ th~ capitol of 8141ckmoor, has few resources, main!) wahu:. the Gu3rd), M:art~sh of the Stoneclaw.;
Dantr~un ha-. rcl;~l!vcly httlf' to oUer. ivory. copper. gems. salt fish . 01nd m:.lf' human Bbn2 jtracker and hunter)



'l ... ~?'' '\

18 DU NCEON OCTOBER :>004 ~.,

'.) -.,&~ .·
.... '-~ t'~~

Tirgovoi, male ore Clr3 (pliest ofGruumsh). Tonusborg is a small vi!Jage 011 pulled by eight riding dogs (for a total
and Black Soot Hilda, female gnome Exp4 Blackrnoor Bay. Any knight or captain cost of 1,220 gp, likely beyond the
(armorer and weaponsmith). in the archbaron's watch recognizes means of a 2nd-level party) and regtùres
the name and knows the town's loca- the Handle Animal skill to pilot, hut
A mesperate )J?fea tion, 300 miles northeast along the is perhaps the fastest method of travel
However the PCs reach Dantredu.n, the Old Blackmoor Road. A successful over ice and snow. One dogsled can
fust snowstorm ofthe season arrives early, bardic knowledge, Knowledge (tl-obil- pull a single Medium creature or two
forcing Lhem and the rest of the town to ity and royalty), or Knowledge (locaJ) SmaJJ creatures.
seek sbelter. When the snow finally relents check (DC 15) allows a character to The PCs may stop at Dearthkettle
three days later. a man's body is found recognîze the names Haaro!J Ventas Kcep (whcre they will be treated weil
fro,cn solid, ju1>t outside the village gates. (headman of Tonnsborg) and Nixa and warmly), where they can learn addi-
The corpse is huddled against th€:' wall, Foxtail (wise-woman of Tonnsborg tional information about the troubles
knees drawn up to his dùn. His skis are and deric of St. Cuthbert). in Tonnsborg. With a successful Gather
wom and ragged, and his body emaciated. The archbaron's interest in sending lnformaHon check (DC 15), they leam
He clutches a note to his chest, written aid to T01msborg is tempered by his that severa! hunters l1ave come south
on sealskin parchmenl and sealed wilh own paranoïa aboutletting any of his recently, clairning that the village has
a large, omate glob of red wax. The PCs soldiers leave Dantredun. Likewise, been captured by "raiders."
should he the ones to djscover the body, none of the merceuaries or adventur- The party is unlikely to detour to
or at least should be allowed to reacl the ers in town want to risk the perils of visit the village of Mosshold or the
message it grips. This corpse was once a travel now that winter has come. rf ruins ofBlackmoor unless they require
trader n:uned Hegobard from the distant anyone is to come to Tonnsborg's aid. relief or new supplies. The ruins of
norù1ern village ofTonnsborg. il must be the PCs. Blackmoor are too haunted and ill·
The wax seal bears a walrus icon-the The journey to Tonnsborg shou ld omened to have permanent residents,
heraldic symbol of the village ofT01msborg, be uneventful. since the archbaron' s but the Mossholders are frîendly and
as a successful Knowledge (nobility anù men patrol the road, even in winter. eager to offer a warm spot by the flre
royalty) or bardicknowledgecheck (DC 15) Overland movement rates across the to any visitors bringing news from the
reveals. If none of the PCs can detenuiue la.ndscape are slowed b y the snow on outside world.
this information, one of the locals makes the ground; consult the Appendix for
the cmmection sooner or later. details. The adventure begins with 4 Arriva( \tt GQilnsUot·s (\E9j)
inches of snow on the ground; w1til
the PCs reach The village of Tonnsborg sprawls
Tonnsborg. no ice-locked on Blackmoor Bay. The
more snow village ltself might hold perhaps
falls. Skis and 150 people-there are only 20
snowshoes a re buildings. Most are very low, partly
available iu dug into the tundra with turf walls
town (both cost and steeply pitched slate or thatch
15 gp per per- roofs. Smoke rises from just a few
son), as are sleds, chimneys, one of them a longhouse
dogs, and hearty bigger than most in the village.
arctic horses and The doors of many of the smaller
po oies. houses have been barricaded with
Skis and snow- blocks of ice.
shoes allow ftùl Two hou ses stand out. At the rocky
rnovcrncnt across shore stands a carved and painted
icy or snowy sur- wood en boathouse, next to a wooden
fàces. Although skis statue. The other ls a large, low hou se
cannot be used at made entirely of stone. The stone
ail on other terrain , house has glass windows, shutters, a
downhill speed witll large stone chimney, and an attached
skis can be as a run dog run.
(x4) on slight gr.ades
or as a run (xS) on Tonnsborg is a Oyspeck of a village,
steep grades. and is one of the most northerly per-
A dogsled costs manent settlements in the world. The
20 gp, but must be villagers are Zeai barba rians: sea fish·




· .1? ,.., -·

erfolk in the summc>r, ice fishers in iug). Nixa Foxtail. iem:tleo human Clrl If the worg J oc:s nol bark at the party's
the winter, aud hunters }'ear round. (wise woman, head Jcric: of shrine of St. :tppronch, tht> goblins may be c.aught by
l11ey trade walru:> lusks, salted Ilsh. Cuthbert), Ugo the Smllh, male humai~ :;uz pdse. They are loo la7y and ùl-dtsa-
and seal pelts to potnts south for food- Expl (blacksmiù1. missing), Vonda plined to mount an effective watcb. and
stuffs. iron . and cloth . Their head- Ahonnen. femalc huruan Ftrl (ard1bar· prefer to spl'nd the1r tune cating, sleep-
man, an eldt•r narncd Haarold. led ons bailiffi!nd sheriff, m1ssmg), Bjunhild ing. and wrestling.
the village nntil ht' was captured in Eugmarsdottir, female human Exp2 (tan· ., Blackfoot, Worg (1): hp 28; MMsltr
the recent raid. ner, missmg). Mflru~t').L 256.
Most of the figures of auù1ority are Lmpornnt Charnc:tcrs: Svein Norkvist. ., Mag. Gossel, "Enek, Mag-sen ,
missing from thl' V1llage. laken by lhc huma11 male Conll (head fishe-rman , Snow Goblins Warl (4): CR 1/ 2, Small
raider:.. Only thirty·eight villager<> now missmg). Estvan the BlaLk. o1ale human h\lmanoid (goblinoid); HD ld8- l: bp
remam. The terrificJ villa~tcrs consist Bbn2 (tracker and hunter), Inga Goldlock, S. G. 5. 3; !nit ~ 1 ; Spd 30 fL climb 20
ot 1 older men , 12 adult women, and fcmalc human Exp2 (hsherwornan, wifP ft.: AC 15, touch 12, fiat-footed 14-; Base
20 youug childrel1. a11d have been b:tr· of llc>gobard). Atk +1; Grap + 1: Atk/l·ull Atk +2 mdcc
ricaded in vanous S1 11allcr buildings Others: Cuthbrrt inr acolytes and altar (lc.l6+L club) or +2 ranged (l d6+1 jav-
ùuoughom the villagP. Moving aside the boy!> (Clrl and two Corn 1), Olaf and Folke E>hn); SA-; SQ boom in~ voice. darkvi-
b!O<.ks of iœ and rubble t.hat barricadP Ogaard. human male fishcnnen (E.xpl) . sion 60ft.; Al NE; SV Fort ...3. Ref + 1.
tht'~e buùdings takcs !>cn:ralmjnutes of Sinya Silverle:~f, female- elf (Drdl). \Vill-1: Str 13. Dex 13 Con 12. lnt 8,
work: if the PCs set to th1s task, they' re Creatures: Severa! snow goblins W!!: 9. Cha 6.
ambushcd by ù1e creatures that !urk in and a worg now b'Uard the vi!Jage Skills: Climb +8, l!idr +5, lntimidatt:
the vtl!age. rrom inb·uders. UniPSS the PCs are +2, Listcn t l, Move Silently +4. Spot +2.
~ Tonnsborg (ham let): Conventional; stcalthy in tbeir approach, the gob· Ftats: Alertness.
AL N: lOO gp limit, Assets (1.329 gp)· linc: and worgs notice them. The gob- LflllgJ~ges: Common. Goblm.
Populabon 132; lsolatcd (humau 91%. lil1S quickly climb onto the rooftops Pomssiom: Club. 2 javelins. Jeathc>r
dwarf6%. gnome 2%, t'lfl%). and altcmpt to hide. using the roof as am,or. 20-gp amber ncddat:e. bags of
Authority Figures: Haarold Ventas. cove-r while the worg starts barking looted dotb, spoon<:, knivt>S, needles, and
m:tlt> human Exp3 (headman, miss- and howling. fishhooks (ali worùtlcss).


. l ..t. RAIDERS .OF THE BLA'&K' IGE..

Booming Voic:e {Ex): Snow goblins can the four snow gobl.ins. he keeps ....ralch gp). ûfteen reindeer jackt>ts (functton
be hcard over great distance, and rheir over the village wh•le the other frost a.s a cold wcalhcr oulul). and a small
powerli.ù voices can be qui tc intimtdating. folk lake slaves back to the Frost Citadel metal box Sh1fTed wtlh lOO ancient cop·
Snow goblins gain a +4 racial bonus on Ltke most frost folk, Ang1 ncsh outwa rdly per coins. These ali belong to the vil-
ali lntimiùale checks. looks qllite simil~r to a hu man, but with lagers. butlhcy have no use for them
Trrasure: 'lbe worg a fine lcaùacr bright blue eyes and pale snowy &kin. A now and gladly let the PCs keep lhcrn
collar set with silver spikes; tht> coll::tr is noticeable chill surrouncls him and the as a reward.
worlh 20 gp. entire house. ln his haste lo fiee, Angmesb for·
Development: If combat breaks " Angmesb, Male Frost Folk (1): gets to bring a large account book.
out . the villagers ba.rricnded m th!' CR 2; Medium monstrous humanoiù This book is spread on the table in
butldtngs walch cxpectantly but are (cold); HD 4<18+4; hp 22; lnu +1; Spd the great hall. Wnllen in Common ,
too afratd to help (or even rnake any 30 rt .. AC L8. touch 11. Hat-footed 17: it lists the inhabitants of the village
s ound) . The lone inbabitant of th!' nase Atk +4: Grap +6: Atk/ Full Atk +7 (40 men, 47 women. 33 children .
headman's house watches the devel- melee (ld8+2, battleax«') or +'i rangPd plus 8 dwarvcs. 3 gnomes and an
opmrnt!: as wrll, and if the Pt:s dcfcat (1d8+2/x3, 'omposite longbow); SAke elf) . goods pln ndered (mostly cook·
the goblins and the worg he reaC'ts a!; blast; SQ darkvision 60 ft., f rost fo lk pots . kuivcs, [urs. and axes. bu t a iso
dctailed in that section. traits, immunity to cold, snow~ig h t, tht> items listed above), and losse!>
A captm<>d goblin happily spills the vulnerabilily lo lire; AL NE; SV Fort14 . suffered (5 snow goblins and 1 frost
bc::ans about Lhe Black Shaman's tinker· Ref +5, Will +4: Str 15 , Dex l .l, Con 13, folk) t>y Lhc raiùets. IL notes thatmost
mgs with undead and the rough luca· lnt JO. Wis 11, Cha 8. of the villagers haYe been relocatcù
lion of the rniders' stronghold tn the lee Blast (Su): Frost folk ca11 produce b>• dogsled to a location referred to as
und of Black lee. Theshaman daims to a 2().foot con<> of tcy m tsl from U1eir !cft the •fro:.l CitadcL" lt doesn't mention
have found a way to exlend the l.<lnc.l or cyes. This deals 2d6 poilus of cold dam· how manv more ratders dwcll lherc,
Black lee into the lat1ds to the !;Ou th, but age to ali creatures in the arca (Rcllc::>. save but does indicate that the r:.~idE>rs use
the goblins lhink he's fuiJ ol it. "He's :1 OC 13 hal~. The save DC 1s Consutubon· worgs lo pull thcir slcds.
!\mali shaman, and the spirits do uol bascd. Once a fi·ost lolk uses iliis ability,
love hitn.'' The goblins do not rxprc>S!; he must wait ld4 bcforc he can (liapter 0fwo:
this opinio11 wher1 within 20 miles of ltSE' it again. Cft•oE.en Sounw"i
thr- shaman. Snows ight {E:<): Frost lolk are ncver Once thP PCs dnve off or defeat the
If Jreed the villagt>rs quickl)• h<'ad aiTected by SllOW blind ne~. attù can ~ee raiders. the villagers wanl little more
south lo safety near Danlredun. using through falling snow with case, even in tha11 to flcc Lhcir villa~c to one of the
thref' overloaded sleds and pomcs. B~:forc whitcout conditions. safer encbvco-; to lht" south. They're
they fiee . they warn the PCs about tht> Ski/ls: Climb +1. Htde +1 (+9 in snow t.omiuced thal until the raiders are ail
inltat>itaul of the HcadruaJ{s House. and or ice) , Listen +2. Mcwe Silrntly +1, Spot kille.d, they' li rust rctum to Tonnsborg
beg them to rpscue their fe.llow villagcrs. +2. Survival +2. to finish tht> job in a few days. They
They don't know where the raidPrs took foeats: Great fortitudc, Wcapon Foçu.s beg tllc PCs lo hack clown the ra id-
them, oui y thal Ù1cy wcre led out towa1 d (battleaxe). ers and rescuc Ùtcir kin. if JJOSsible.
th<' 111ack lee. f.cmgm~ge~: Common. White a11y of thP villagers can tell the
Posst!Ssions: Battle.axc. composite long· PCs aboulthe Initial attack (the raiderc:
é]hc <Hcadman's 4louse (l'BU) bow (t 2 Str). shJdded leathl'r ;m'l'lor, heavy cons1sted of a half-dozcn frost folk, a
Tht> hf'adman's house is a large ma nor, wooden shicld. bcarskiu cloak worth 20 lot of snow goblinr; and n«>arly a dozen
complete with great hall. kitchen. and gp, arctic fox leggmgs worth lOO gp, stlver worg:.) , uouc ofù1em know where the
three sleeping chambers. The frunl necklace worth 5 gp. ra1ders camt' from. The last group of
doorway shows evidence of the raid; Tactics: 1f Augnu.::;h sees lhe PCs raiders left with a Joad of prisoners
blooù has frozen on the front step nnd defea t the go blins and hts worg, he :;cts about 8 days o.~go.
therc arc ~igns of looting turoughoul. the headman's house on lire :1 11d flpps lfthe l'Cs show Angmcsb':; ac1.ount
Th<' hou~r has no Are in LhP. fi replace, using a sel of !>kis. [f he has lime, he book to the- villagers. rhe mention of
and lhe rooms are icy cold . Tbe attic llghts other buildings on fire loo, hop· the "Frost Ci laud" ja ts ÙJe memory
loft ts warmcr, but only a lilllc. as ing lo delay pursuit by forcing the PCs of ont> of the remammg elderly vil·
lhe goblins and worg slc>ep here at to fight lires whlle he escapes. lagers. He recounts a story his fathrr
night on and under piles of blankets Tre.asure: ThP back of th<' great hall told him as a dlild. a stol) of a frozen
A ladder connccts the main fioor to is stuffed with plunder stolen from rortrec;s bmlt of ice by andent dcvîls.
the loft tbJs village and othcr travclcr~ over Tbis frozeo lortress was, accordtng
Creature: The onl)' resident of the the p:tst severa! weeks, and mdudes to the legt•nù. localcd iu the Land of
buildmg now is Angmesh, a ftosl folk a une suil of dlainmail. two wooden Bl:1ck le!' roughly to the northwcst of
raider. Together with his single' worg and shields, ten bear cloaks (cath worth 20 Tonnsborg the samc direction rhat


tht' nuders ha\'e :~h'a>· ~.:omc frum :.nowfall is a po,.~ibilit). whtch can k(!, the tl"m('l!'r:tturt ch:~nges to Cold
a ml r~turm:d tu. nu~ 1111) duc ma\' b~ furthtor slow nverl:~nd mo,ement :md for that day.
~nough to guidl' thC" PC~ in the right obscure tracks. Cold snap: 1he day re: bmrrly cold. ln
direction. but fortunatcl). the) rna) Although lyotar·s group ha 't-~·er:tl nlackm o rh remper.anue changes to
h:i\C an ClhlCJ mcthod of findmg the \\Org.; l"d" ,_~egroupic:alsoo,erbur Se'\ere Cold. ln the Land of Blac..t. [cc. :he
Frn'' <:rudel. dened wi.h loot aud pd,oucr ... A a r aturr. chanet, to E:\1T~mto Cold.
The raiders a1e cuufid~nt thal nu rc,uh. the) mo\'tng at a •pPed c;no\\~ Falling SfiO\\ rtduces nsibility
one m Tonn borg 1. braw: t-nough or of lO '• and CO\'I"r 15 miles a da}. ~~ b~ hiilf t<.:!>ultim.! in a -4 pen·
qrong «'nough rn fnllow. and h.lo;en't The) are currently 120 mile:. from alty on Spot and ~l'arch rh('('k;;;. lt hac: a
been particularly ~o;m:ful about co,cr· l'onn-.borg and about 100 mt li"~ from 'iO% chance to exttngui.;h exposed small
mg thctr tracb bt•tw(!en th~ \'lll:~g~' :md rhe frost Citadel: ar this rare. the>'ll n~mcs, •wu rcdu~.:c, ran!!cd weapon
thl" dt:ldt"l 1ead the. Fro:-t Citadd in b da)' • tack" b\ -4.
11tepr~iou !11Ullpoft41idcr \\ctl•lcd Keep track of their rrogr"~" .1 thl" Cino\\ ~torm. "" sno\\ , but 'isibilit~
b) a frost folk namrd 1)'Ot.1r; hio: band d:~y~ pass so )'Ou can determine ''hèn •~ ub~~.un:d bcyond 5 fcct; creatures
of .1 <ion~n goblins lrllll woq~ wa tsled~ (or in LlH: PC~ c.illth up. Rcrncmbcr lwyond ~ frrt aw:~y havi' ronct-almenr
(c:adl pulicù uy il JMÎ I uf W() rg!i), JllU thal wh !le trac:kt ng , t hl' r :trry mOVI"'i (.:ttt.lcks by or \l~a itlst them have a 20%
a do?etl prtl'Ont"rs lt•lt qultt" :1 c;w\lth ~~ half normal speec.l , unie:.:. the tni~s tltam:c). W111d spcccls are severe
of footprints and uacks in the SilO\\, tr;,tkcr opls lo takc a -) pcnaltr on ((<'l' l)pwr.H>N MHT'rlf'ç Gtudt, page
On the da) thl PC. rt'ôH:h lonnsborç. htc: ~~~~val rhf'rk ~urnv:tl cht'cks 10 95) and cause whitcuut 'onditions (
tht> mul '" air 1d\ Il <inyc:: old, but the s tar on the path must be: made u1Kc Frostbum for detail~).
di.st11rbed SilO\\ (" hich Cl catl'l- a 't:n pcr rnilc. but ~ou should allow thl' Olin a rd: A hlinard is a snowstorm
:.oft :.urfacc) ii.IIÙ tlJc srzc of the hand l'Cc: 10 ·ake 10 on thl" rhf'ck to :J\oid accomp:mied b~ "iudstorrn-le\d ~o~.iud-..
(t"fTt>Cll\'l'l)' 40 rrl".1tllf1'~) tnl'.:anc: it's o;till •!\Cessive die 1 olls. ~ote that unies" the part} mdudt's
relathely eas) to trnck. Thu:.- a.:;:.LIITllllg th cre' no fre~h "llO\\· a rhararter with the Tr:rck fea~. an~
Al thb tirnc. a succc"ful SuT\t~·al fal .. d asc;uming the PCs use c;J.ds lO snO\\ fa li can qukkh make it impo~-
check (OC: -1) rs ali th:~t 's required to tra,-el and iake the -5 peualt\ uu Utcir tblc to follow the tr:;ul. If rht;: hap·
folio~ the trait. Eac.h da) lltat pa~:.c.,. , SuT\,,'3! checks to mo\e at normal j;pt'i'C!. pen , tht PCs mighr ne,·er find •heir
the OC mcre:c'e' b)' + 1. 1f th~ re~ theo PC.- 5hould catch up 10 l}otar and \\3) to the Fro~t Citadcl. ln ÙlÏ:, cii:.C.
arf' mo\'lng t:a<rl"r rh:m 1}Otar, the trail the où1er raid~:r:. aftcr 7 da)' of lrt~\CI . )OU can cllher fudge the dte roll and
gets fre,her a-. they )(V. rcùuting the :-;aturalh-. snow storm!> and alrtrn:nr in-:rt':td rre:~t it ;,s il you rolled up
tar~cl OC b\ -J. per d:t}'. 1ht- lowrst mNhodc: or -ra"d can drJ~tlcall} alter a cold snap, or ~ou let the roll
tht" targf': ne: can get je; 9. but at thi. ~chèdule. ,t:.nd, 111 whrch case tht' tone of theo
this point. the PCs lruulcl h:o~'<c crthu Check the weatht"r t>ach dar rhr. pc, nd\'enture changes !rom one of rescue
<.:<~U!Jht up to thf' or rt":rc:hC"d rra,·el b~ rolling d% and consuhint-: the! IO Olli.'Uf ~UI\ iv:o~l. fil :.ud1 a C""d!>C. the
thf froq Cit:rdd. folio'' tdblc. Jd\t nture can ronunue, hm tht' PCc:
Slnct:: :.orncouc "'illtun t wi lllikPl) 1\eed ta retum ta
the !rack feal ran stiJ l fol· dvilizaliou lu rcscarch the
low rr:~ckc: :t<: lnng "~ tlw location oftht' 1 rost CitadPI
d% Weather Snow l evet Change Tracking OC adjustment
OC is l~s than 10. il ~ruup on old tn\lps or br gather
of PC, wlthout thr tr:u 01 - /0 Cle:n NOÜidngc ·0 iuK iufurrnillton; thts may
ha , at the mo t 11 day:. lake s('\ r.ral dave: or ~\'1"11
71-73 H ea:w.a~e -1d6inches t2
to track Ùll: raiùcr~ bdoa· wccks. The raiders aren't
the :ra tl growc: ton old . 1r 74-oO Cold snap NochanJ!e ·0 (o(OÏnJ.I art\\\ hcrc. though.
Angmf'c;h 11.-d tlw camp and tf tht' PC.; don't reach
when the PC:. llUI\Cd, lu:. 81-90 Snow -.ld6mdle$ •10 the Frost Citadeltor se\ etal
more recent trad: do tm le 91-99 SnoW1tO~ -1c' fee: -20 montJr, the Il ,.till find the
To help; tr;ad:in hmt atone ratdf'r<: thl" 5nMe (or ali)
100 Bla.z;ud -ld.! feet ·30
ls a OC 5 Sun t\ al chrtk, ot the pris<. s may ha'e
so ht, 1ra1l •~ 1ronu·:~lly pcn ... hcd rn the meannme.
more dltfio:ltlt to lollow aJonc thau Ocar. Tue :.-lacs arc doudles" :md bluP; un forrun:trrl)··
the S·da) ·uld trall Il• ft U) the pre\'1· no ~llO\\ Jp,·pJ chan~,. /\s the ch.uact~t::- track the raid·
ou:. band of ratder..; and rn<ontr< Heat wave: The da) i:. un:.~c)ouabl) cr:., thq ' Il h<tH' 3 fe\\ set encoun·
~~ thic; point. there .ue still4 iudt~' y,;um In Blackmoor, the rcmperatur!' tl'r• . lfyou wtsh lo furthl'r challenge"' uu tltl' ~.trou nd. "hkh reduce< '' warm enough rhat rh:.r:acr,.rs unpro· the PCs, }OU cao use the encountcr
the spted of ovl'rbnd'l :t('lpropri· tccted fTom tbe cold don'tnccd lu mal..\: tabkll 111 Fru~tbum to gcnerate addi·
:ttel~ . As this draptcr plil)'S oul. frc~lt Fortth1dc sa\'es. ln tht- Land of Ubrk llonal f'l1roun tt'r!ï.


_ j ,.t_RAIDERS.OF THE BLACiK' lf:E..

1. Cfcy ~ver I<B-l'fl trees or large stones are available nearby Regardless of how the party gets
for the party to build a dry crossing. across, anyone who gets wet immedi-
Ahead is a narrow but swift river, the Il costs 3 squares of movement to wade ately suffers from the freezing water.
water pale brown with silt and about through the water at the ford. so a crea- and takes ld6 points of nonlcthal
25 feet across. The banks on either tme with a speed of 30 ft. can a·oss the damage per minute of exposure. ln
side are muddy and steep, but just to ford in two rounds. Each round a per- addition. the characler must malœ a
the west the banks slope gently down san wades, he must make a successful successful Fortitude save (DC 15, +1
to the river's edge. The water itself is Strength check (DC 12) to avoid being per previous check to avoid ta king
wider at th at point, perhaps 40 feet or knocked prone by lhe current. A guide cold damage from the lemperanu:e) to
more. Small standing waves indicate rope across the river and affixed to solid avoid mild hypothermla. Failure indi-
the rocks of a ford . points on each bank grants a +5 bonus cates the character becomes fatigued
on lhis check. Once somconc is liWepl olT and suiTers a -10 penalty on furù1er
The water is cloudy grayish-brown their feet, they must make a Swim check Fortitude saving tbrows to avoid suf-
glacial icemelt from the Land of Black (DC 15) to regain their footing. othetwise feling from cold temperatures as long
lee and lhe plains oearby. and runs 2 to they are swcpl 20 feet dowruivcr into Lhc as he re mains wet or continues to wear
3 feet deep at the ford and up to 8 feet deep water. wet clotbing. More detailed rules for
deep elsewhere. The river is about 25 A character who attempts to swim hypothennia appear in Frostbu.rn.
fccl wiùc normally, and 40 feet wide at across the river must make a success- Creature: The freezing walcr is nol
the ford. Though the ford is shallow, the ful Swim check (OC 15) to make prog- the only danger present at the ford. At
water is fàst-moving and extremely cold, ress. Failure indicates they are swept the only river crossing within miles,
so the crossing can be very dangerous. No 20 feet downriver. Maryoshka, an a quatic fey calicd a rusalka,


' ~•-~•!.. : ri<.f. . •


demands blood sacrifice from th ose who The begumng effect lasts as long as (+20 Strength modilier), excepl that lhere
wish to cross. As the fust PC s tarts to the rusalka sings. is no attack of opportunity. lfthe bull rush
cross, the clark waters swirl and rise up Water Breatlling (Sp): Four times a day fa ils, the victim remains in his current
into the shape of a young woman with a rusalka can cast water breathirlg at cas ter square and is not grappled. Tossed vic·
black hair and greenish scaJes. H er bands level l 2. tims take impa<.t damage on landing as
arc clawcd, and her cyes are clark and bot· Water Symbiosis (Su): Although aquatic, if they had fa lien a distance equal to the
tomless. She speaks in a bubbling voice a rusalka may move up to 300 yards away rus tan ce they were tossed.
to the PCs; "You are in my river. Pay me from her cho~en body of watcr; if she Development: Ifthe PCs drive off or help
with blood, or this one will never reach moves further away she must hold her kill the worgs but leave the mammoth and
the other s ide." breath or start to suffocate. ber calfunharmed, the mammoth regards
Maryoshka js a tough negoliator. She them caJrnly for a momen t before usher·
insists on a warm, living creature such 2. 9[e on the ~hern 9?fains t<ff(J5J ing her calf away from the raiders' trail. In
as a dog, hor~;e, or pt>rson before she As the PCs near this area, they hear a sud· this event, the spirit lolem fouad in the
goes away and leaves Lhe parly alone. den t:hundcrous trumpcting over the ncxt Great HaJl of the Frost Citadel becomes
Shc accepts creatures summoned with low hill, accompanied l)y deep snarls and more useful to the PCs.
a summon monsttr or summon nature's cries of pam. Over tl1e hill, a primeval
ally spell. bul does nol suggcst such sccne is in the process of playing out. <Enterina the <Je.n d of <J3Cack qce
an offering. She prefers a complete Creatures: A pack of five wild worgs Beyond the Burneal Forest the arctic takes
sacrifice, but if the PCs can ad just her have just attacked a wooly mammoth on strange colors. Inslead of the normal
attitude to indiflerent from hos tile with and her calf. Ute great elephantine beast stark white snow and translucent blue-
a successful Diplomacy or l ntimidate has managed to gore one of the worgs, white ice, the landscape consists of end·
check (DC 25) she accepts blood in the but it's quickly being surrounded. ln Jess fields of deep blue-black ice, Lopped
for rn of ld6 points of self-inflicted dam· her rage, the mammoth does not really only here and there by normaJ snowfall.
age. Ifher demands are not met, or the disc riminate between melee opponents. Strange arctic monsters prowl these fields,
PC in the river tries to leave the river, The best way to help her is to use ranged and the winds scream like the peaJs of
she attacks. spclls or missile weapons. Characters unseen ghosts.
., Ma ryos bk a, Rus alka (1): C R 1; wading into melee against the wolves As the PCs approach the boundary
Medium fey (aquatic); HD 2d6; hp 8; are targets. as the mothe r mammoth between the lands of Blackmoor and tl1e
lllit +4; Spd 30ft., swim 30 ft.; AC 16, chooscs ber targets randornly each land ofBiack lee, they fust become aware
touch 14, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +1; Grap round from among ail nearby. T he of a low band of black on the horizon. As
+1; AtkfFull Atk +1 melee (ld4, dagger); mammotl1 calf is only a few days old they draw nearer, the sLripe resolves into
SA beguillng song; SQ low-light vision, and docs not fight, dcpending whoUy on a sheer edge of blue-black ice. The slope
water breat/1ing, water symhiosis; AL CN; his mother for defense. is treacherous and pockmarked with cave
SV Fott +0, Ref +7, Will t S; Str 10, Dex ., Worgs (5): hp 33. 30 (cunently 7), o penings and seree .
18, Con 10, Int12, Wi:; 14, Cha 18. 29, 27, and 22; Monster Mcmua/257. If the characters are still tracking the
Skills: Diplomacy +6, E!scape Artist +9 ~ Wooly Mammoth: CR 12; Huge ani· raiders, the tracks lead to a section ofice
(+13 when in contact with the river). Hide maJ; H D 14d8-t 98; h p 161; lnit +O; Spd40 thal is relative!y genùy sloped. Climbing
+9 (+13 when in cootacl wilh Lhc river), ft.; AC 17. touch 7, fiat-footed 17; BaseAtk up onto the ice field elsewhere requires
Listen +7, Move SiJently +9, Perform +10; Grap +30; Atk +20 melee (2d l 0+18, a successful Climb check (DC 18).
(sing) +9. Spot +7, Swim +8. Use Rope gore}; Full Atk +20 melee (2d6+12, siam} The cave openings are the resull of
+4 (+6 witlt binding:;). and +18 melee (2d6+6, 2 stamps) or +20 summer melting, with black ice a bove
Feats: Combat Reflexes. melee (2d10 +18, gore); improved grab, and mud and regular ice below. None of
Languages: Common, Sylvan. toss, trample 2d8+18 (DC 29); SQ low- these caves penelrates far, and no crea-
Bcguiling Song (Su): Targets within light vision, scent; AL N; SV Fort+l 6, Ref tures currently lurk inside them.
300 feet of the rusalka's chosen body +8, Will +10; Sh" 34, Dex 8, Con 25, !nt 2, The inhabitants of Blackmoor fear to
of water mtlst make a Will save (DC Wis 12, Cha 7. enter the Land of Black lee because of
17) Lo avoid Lhis :;onic mind-affccting Skills: Listen +10, Spot +11. the strange beasts that lurk in its ebony
effect. Success indicates the victim is Feats: AJertness, Endurance, Improved clefts and nighted crags. Some stories
immune to that rusalka's song for one Bull Rush, Multiattack, Power Allack. tell of a warmcr land bcyond the black
day. Failure indicates the victirn moves lmproved Grab (Ex}: To use this ability, ice where the sun never sets and jungles
toward the rusal ka; if the path br ings the wooly mammoth must hit a Large or abow1d, but the landscape here is bleak
him through a dangerous area he gains smaller foe with a gore attack. and depressing. Genlly rolling fields of
a second save. A bebruiled victim that Toss (Ex): A creature grabbed by a ebony ice stretcb to the horizon, sorne-
moves within 5 feet of the r usa ika must wooly mammoth's gore attack is shaken times capped by swaths of snowdrifts or
make a DC 18 Wil l save or be charmed vigorously and ù1en hurled in a random jagged escarpmenls ofice formations lhat
as per charm monster (caster leve) 8) . direction. Resolve the toss as a bull rush reach into the sky like rrozen claws.


, · ..t:.RAIDERS _OF THE BLA«i.K' IfE_

a bonus feat ln addition, if a snow spider Cold Aura (Su): Any creature with.iJl
can jump on its prey it can make a d1arge 10 feet of the plant must make a DC 7
A copse of stunted trees on a large witha +4attack bou us instcad ofù1c Fortitudc save at the beginning of its tum
earthen outcropplng that protrudes normal +2 bonus. each round or take ld6 points of cold
from the Black lee breaks the monot· Poison (Ex): Smail snow spider poison damage: if the save su1:ceed.s, no dam·
ony of the terrain ahead. ha.s a save DC of 10, and dcals 1d3 Dcx/ age is laken for tl! at round.! fa creature is
paralysis. Medium snow sptder poiRon caught withinmulbple ovedapping arcas
Creatures: This palÙI of woeful pine has a save DC of 12 and deals ld4 Dex/ of effect, the OC increases by +2 for every
trees is home to a colony of snow spi· paralysis. ln each case, par.ilysis lasts for ovcrlappiug ctrecl (to a maximum of DC
ders that feed on a nearby rookery. The 2d4 minutes. 25 for Hl overlapping lichens). Multiple
r.üdcrs' trail, if the res arc still following Treasure: The spider lair contains overlapping effects do not !ffilck da mag!',
it, goes around the lree.s, hut as the onJy hundreds of boues and a fair amou nt of they merdy iouease the dillicuJty of the
landmark in miles, U1e PCs may not be treasure from pastvictims. This c.omw;ts save. Thf' save DC is Constitution·based.
a!Jle to resisl expJoring them. of Lhree short sword.s. a suit orlealher Numblng Touch (Su): A creature that
ThP snow spidt>rs hve among the armor, two artic fox furs worth 5 gp cad1, walks ou ur touches a snowOake lichen
trees and in the cracks of the outcJ·op· a copper hoJy symbol of St. CuthbPrt, on<> mltst make a Fortitude save (OC 11 +1 per
ping. The srnall spider::~ allack anyone set of snow shoes. one set of skis, one additional lichen touched iJ1 the t:lrget's
who comP~ within 5() feet of the out· silver dagger, a+ 1 short sword. and a pair movcmcnt) or take J point of Dexterily
croppù1g, leaping direclly into combat. of boots ofelvenkit1d. damagr.>, regardless of the number of
The Medium spider is more cautious, effects. Creatures that touch
and attacks only if iL'! lair (the large.~l il with !Joot1.:d fect or gluvcd bands gain
crevice of the outcroppiJlg, about 2 feet :1 +7 bonus on tht> !':ave. The save DC is
high and 4 fcct widc) is lllrcatcncd. Il What at first appeared to be a number Constitution based and includes a +4
uses Spring Attack to ke<'p thto l'Cs at of strange snowdrifts ahead looks to racial bonus.
a distauce wben it can Snow spiders be something more sinister. Perhaps
are covcrcd with tufts of wiry white fur a half·dozen dead animals-ravens, C"tcftlna 1~e C~ic:fet's (l~J
and have eight cold blu<' r.>yc.s. caribou, and wolves-lie frozen on Chances are thal the PCs catdl up lo
-, SmaJI Snow Spiders (4): CR l/2 the ground. Lyotar's band of slaves somewhere in the
each; Small vcrmin; H D 11.18; hp 4 each; Laud of Black ke. Il Angmesh escaped
!nit +4; Spd 30ft., climb 30 fL; AC 15, Creatures: This area bas become on slos. he probably rcaches Lyotar a fcw
touch 15, Hat·tooted Il; Base Atk t 0; Grap infested witb a patch of d;mgerous hours befort> thl:' PCs and wams him of
-6; AtkfFull Atk +5 melee (lù4-2 plus poi· a retie plants caUed snowOakc lichens. thcir approach.
son, bite); Sp<K~fReach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA leap. These plan ts grow on rocky surfaces Creatures: lflhe PCs overtakc Lyotar's
poison: SQ darkvision 60ft.. tremorsense or ice, and resemble strange pattems band of raiders. they fi nd him herding
60ft., vcrmin traits; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref of snow crysta ls sprcad o ut across a gruup of twclvt: villagers fmther into
+4, Will +0; Str 7, Oex 18, Con 11, lnt - , the s urface. Other plants and ani· the Land of Black lee, following them
Wis 10, Cha 2. mals that come too close to a suow· with four worg sleds (ea,ch pullecl by a
Skills: Climb +12, Hiclc + t2 (+20 in Oakc lichen quickly succumb Lo il~ pair of worgs and loaded wiÙJ plunder
snow or lee), )ump +24, Spot +ft fTeezi ng aura. This particular patch and snow gobUns). If Angmesh has
Feal.s: Spring Auack 6 , Weapon Finesse8 • is su.rrounded by ali sorts of frozen reached him. Lyotar expects the PCs
'J Medium Snow Spider (1): CR 1: ani mals: ravens, caribou, and wolvcs. and is aclivcly kccpiug an eye behind
Medium vermin; 1ln 2d8+2; hp 11; lnit The bodies should aiPrt the party that him by taking 10 on Spot checks.
+4; Spd 40ft., climb 40ft.; AC 15. touch this area is dange.rous, but if not, the Otherwise. he is effectively utaking o~
14, fia.t.footed 11; Base Atk +1; Grap +1; ra.iders' trail (if they havent ovcrcomc ou Spot du~oo. lfh~: realizcs he's bcing
AtkfFull Atk +5 mel~>e (ld6 plus poison, them yet) takes J wide swath a round pursul'd, ht' tri<'s to outrun them but
bite); SpaccfReach S ft./5 fl., SA leap. poi· this area. the villagers are simply too exha.usted
son; SQ darkviston 60 ft., tremorsense 60 'J Snowfiake lichens (6): CR 1/6; Ttny lo kecp up.
ft., vennin traits; AL N; SV Fon +4, Ref plant (cold); HD ld8-3; hp 1 each; ln il +0; 1yotar is pu lied by on!' worg sied. and
+4. Will +0: Str ll. Dcx 18. Cou 13. lnl Spd 0 ft.: AC 6, loudt6, fiat-footed 6; Base èad1 of the 1emaining three sleds are
-, Wis 10, Cha L Atk +0; Grap -: AtkfFull Atk -; Space/ bcaped wt.Ûl supplies and foursnow gof>.
Skills:Cl.imb +12, Hide +8 (+16 insnow Reach 1 ft./0 ft; SA cold aura, numbing lins apiece.
or icc), Jump +28, Spot +8. touch; SQ damage reduction 5/piercing Note Ulal ilie EL for this encounter is
fi:ats: Spnng Attack1 , Weapon Finesse•. or slashing, immumty to cold, low·light lower than normal smce the worgs are
Leap (Ex): Snow spiders are <1droit at vision, plant traits. vulnerabllity to fire; fotigttPd and l.yotar Sl:'nd.<; his forces out
leapingontu prcya.nd ùtculca! backiu AL N; SV Fort -1. Ref-4, Will +0; Ste - . in small groups rather U1an trying to
sta.rtling speed. They gain Spring Attack as Dex -, Con 5, lnt - , Wis 10. Cha 1. atlack the PCs ali at once.


., l~utar. ~tllc Fro t Fulk (1 ): hp l8; . ee wa, bnngmg them to ~mc- plar~ rallt'd
lh llr-admans lloust for othl"r stJts. the "Frost Citadel • but they ha\e no
., SnO\\ Goblin!> (Jl). hp 5 eac.h: 1Ùci1 whcre tlus loc<~ bon c.ould be. 1 ber
"Ar 1\ ;l1111 Tcmn,!Jorg for othcr stat:;. dn ob~f',...e that thf'r'vl' bc-f'n fnllo\\ing
., f'atigurd Worgo; (R)· hp 78; lnit-1 : :a tolial) str.ùght course to tht notlll\~t::.t
AC l3 touch 11 li.H fuotc:d 12 Grp 't6: ..tnc.c cnlering the land of Black lee.
Atk/ full -\ ~ •6 mdcc (ldCl+3, batr): Tht- nlbgers are fat•gut'd bordering
S\ RC"f +'1 Sh' 1S, Ot-x Il; Monstu on exhaustion. and aU :.u!Ic1 from mild
.\fan• n' 256 fro:.tb1te. , everthelcss, with the food
T~c.hc~: As 'oon as he reahzts ht''t :tnd ~upplies from c:~pn•red worg slcds,
IIITIII' pur,ull, 1yotar arr:tnges the \illa~· the) fed c.onfident about ma.kinl( ù1dr
ers into a wall of hum<tu ~hichb u~UI!( Wll)' back to Tonnsborg on thear own and
ùu:rn a' c.u,cr to fire upon thl' Il( >: Wtth f'nrouragt' the PCs to contmuc on to the
h1~ crocc;bow o\ttl"mpts to rl'turn hre wuh Fro:.t Citadelto lini!>h o!I the raiders.
othca ranged w~:apous sl•oulù be trcatcd
as firing mto mclc>e, unlt>ss tlw PC!: don't ( f1apter é}n t•ee:
p.min•l:!rly care about shooting villagea:.. éfr01~cm ( itadef
in.,..hic.h ca:.c il HU!>:. of4 or lc:;s mdtcatcs lhts otadel can nevf'rthl"lf'<:S hf' ""Il from
a \1112ger ac; struclc If thl' PC's :1ppro.1rh mil~ away across the ice <~ gta>· island
his impromptu fortification of exhaustcd in il ~ca of black. The ot;,dcl 1 cobbled
'ilbgers. l~ otar':) a p;m of \\Or~ togtthf'r atopan upthntst mnund oficf', ~
and -end' them out to attack; ht's loath anyone approaching it must c.Jimb a small
ro n<k ail of hic; worgs in such an attac..k iq :.lope or climb the le.)' stms carvcd up
beciluse lu: m:cd~ Ù1o:m aliH• and hcalth} to the front door. Clamhf'nng up the slopt
to pull the loot back to rhr rroc;t Cimdl"l. r~uiresaOimbc.heck(DC 10). Tite sloW:.
Ht uc;es his ice bL1st on villagers and PCs ïuc ca:.1cr to climb, but an: still qwt.e sltp-
alikc Y.}tcn" mdlocopponcnt approlches pt'l)'. Anyone malang mort th:m a single
\\1thm :w feo~t. A., th~ banleo b4-gins, he action wbile dimbing the )!<lits mu:.l
ord"rs eight of the ""0\' goblins to take mi!l..c 01 succcssful Balance check (DC 12)
two uf ùtc ,wrl( :-led~ 01nd Occ to the host to avnid c;lipping and falhng S feet back
Ct14dcl to warn them nf tht PC'o; l~.:wing do"'ll the stairs. This inflicls ld6 points of
the remaining \\Org<; and SilO\\ goblim uuukùw damage. A succc.-s. fui Reflex ~ve
behiud to fi~ht the PCs <~nd prcvcnt them (Dt: 10) allows tht- ch:trncter to arrest the
from puro;umg the othf'~ hU otherwise be continue:. slippm~ and
Tht worgs themselves ;ue fatigued falling 5 feet per round untll he reache~;
from pullin!( the slcdli, :md suffcr a -1. thf' hottom of the let" mound.
penalty to tht>ir Strcngth :md nexterlty A second approad1 lO Lhc dtadcl is
Nf'vtrtheless the) .1ttack wlth eage1 ral(t.:. lot:J.tcd on the north face of the mound
If th~.· t\\O \\OC~~ arc . hun Lyotar t>ndo; 1ha.: 1s a fairly gffitle -:lope Ùl:tt leads up
the other rwo wnrgo; and thl" four sno" to the kennel area. Till tii.idcrs w.c lhi:.
goblins up to md~ the PCs in a d1.-s· rarnp for thrir worg led.o;.
pc:tau~ ilttcrnpllo flm,h them off. \\1 hile Tn~ ocdeJ is normally fairl) reb.-.:ed:
th•~ battlf' progr<',.;r.,, ht c-ontinues using the raiders are comfortable Ùlilt the ISo·
hi~ bo''·eng.12in~ in meleé oui>· as a la:,l Iii bon kceps out mtrudf'rs. 1hf' hoonng
r~ort. H~ rdu~~..~ to 01ba.ndon hts sl:lve hollrnng. and booming voices ot the snO\~
or ~urrendn, and light-. to rhe dt:tth goblins in area 8 rc.>:;onall.'s loudly out of
If Angmesh has caught up to ùsb band, tl1c arrow slits, and although thl' gob-
he fil.'(!:> \\ ÎÙI the •IX !>DOW gobhns lO hl'lp lm( are periodically silenced by tlte frost
alen tht' froo;t Cn:tdl'l folk. Ù1e PCs shouJd be able to hcar tbe1r
Oe,elopment: 1111.• \lllagcrs wnsist of aTb'llmg >olCes and d1sharhmg srreeches
four men. ~lX womcn and twn )'Oung throughom the dt:ldel
g•rl", :ali Jo;;t·lt'\tl rnmmoners The} are If the\·ve been warncd of the PC •
unarmed and "'e~r fur and c.uld-\\ciiÙII:r approach.tperhaps by 1>-ot:tr, Angm~h. or
~lill. Tlu~ leader~ S\em Nori..'Vlsl and r.\t-n a group ofsnow goblins that mana~~
ll1unhtld r;ngm:tro;;dnmr tell reSC\Iers thal to es~pe the PCs). huwcvcr, the s1luat1on
they kaow on1) thal Lyutar rncntioucd he 01l the atadelts a bll mnrr d:mgc>rous. ln

l11c intetior of the dtadel is slightly

wannrr Ùlan the sw-row1ding terrain. but
still counts ac::~ rold rtogton (see Appendix),
Wiùa " ff.-w 1,;.\tcptions. the interior cham-
he!"" :arr unltl mœ bolh frost folk and
o:now goblins havf' d:uhi"Jon_ Doors are of wuud and reinforced Y.ith iron·
thty arr not lockcd. allhough the door
mto .u .1 5 •s b.1rr~ on tht mside..
~ Woodeu Doors: 2 in
th1r~; llardne~;s S; hp lO; Break DC 15.

1. ' W(dCs of(Bfad. <lee (\~1

Tht" st ronghold walls are ofblocks ofblack
lee. ll10il.ll'cd wlth blood and grou nd bone.
'l11c lee is lou ùark to see through. The
l'Xl l'l'lor :lri'OW :~lit,:; and windows seem lu
indkatc il RtOlmd fioor, fust floor, second
Aoor, a tower flour that cxlends above the
rec;t of th!' ntadC"I, and a pamally enclosed
lookout pl.ttlonn :atop the tower
lllt' outer wall~ iliC 35 feet tall. and
m;ldt of nil blod:s of black 1ce quarricd
from Ùlt: :.urrounding fields This has
ancre:as~'<i tl1c IZC of the iLe hill Ùle dtadel
$land~ on, whtrh 10: roughl)· 40 feet tall,
lhough 15 f~t of that is the quarried
dttch bet'Y.ccn the pl<iin and lht: citadel.
The toul htoight to tht" tower is 60 feet
IIUu\'C tJu~ sur rounding iœ.
~ Black lee Wills: 5 ft. th id; Hardness
10. hp IRO: Ortak OC 7S.
Crco~lurcs: To kcep the walls perfectly
cold :and to prevcntcrcature:> from climb·
lng them, the external walls have been
:~c~ ù cd with hundreds of snowflake
hr hrnR, making Lhc kc very dillicult lO
climb or chlp away. Assume that eacl1
livc·fuut S4UiiJC of an exterior wall's sur-
brr ron tams len snowfiake lichens. The
licl1en~ .ue kept away from the entrances
to thl·ùcl su il ueature approaching
Mt" of thrm h:a!; little to fear. A creature
th.ll .1pprooches the otadtl from another
tlm:e;.IJOII cutcr:. Ùle lichens· cold aura
this c:l""· thf' snow gobhns an: :.ilL'JlL The hunun slaves. ten worgs. se\'eraltomhîl"$, 1() ffft from the wall. :and must makc a
frost folk in uea 7 and th~ gobhn< m an-a and qwte a few snow goblins. none of them OC 25 Fortitude sa,·~ or take ld6 pomts
8 watÙl the :.urruundin~ terrain from ali tbat loyaL The PCs may ha\t" alrttady of t:olc.l d<tmagc. A ucature toucbing the
the arrow <~hl". and 1f they notlct" an) one ~inmostofthewo~and 16oflhe now ""0111 mmt aJ,o make a OC 21 Fortitudc
approac:.hing. ùte frost folk attJck wnh tht1r goblins m prior encoumcrs, S.a\e 01 take 1 point of Dexterity damage-
bows and the guuhns stlrl huilering ill.trms The citadels leader is l.l'o;tvan thr Bl:lck from the hdtctts' numbing touch,
with thm ~hockmgly loud vOICt"S. Shaman, a frost folk wizard who !..cep,; an ., Lichens (hundreds): hp
l11e citadel is home to eight frost folk undead spirit wolfas a comparuon.111L-:.e 1 c;~e;.h, sec "A Snowflake Graveyard_"
in ali, two ofwhiù1 (An~nu.::.h and Lyotar) two live in the dtadel's towttr, and arP !lp<l· Atl·HO<. Exvcriencc Award: If the PCs
m:ty hnvt" :.lrl':.dy ht"l'll d<'fl'atc>d by the l'Cs. ken of in fearful whispers by evcryon<.' man~gC" to Rr:tlt' thC" walL'!, break through
TI1cir lat ge group of servants indu de-s many el~e in the Frost Citadcl. th~· W<llls, ot otherwise encounter and


overcome the snowflake lichens. award of the room. The walls a re barren of The sounds of combat in this room aleu
them experience points as i[ Û1ey defea:ted décor, and what little light is available the nearby frost folk as weiL Vovia (arca
a CR 2 creature rather than individual IS provided by thrce nlfully sputtering 4) reacts h> waiting for the combat to die
awaràs for each lirhen slain torches that burn wtth pale blue radi clown bcfore sending a pair of zombie:.
ance. Several untanned caribou hides into this room. The frost folk in area 7
and carcass es lie heaped nearby. A react rnoœ quiLkly. parting the curtains
flight of stairs leads up to the west, to look out and then using them as cou·
The front door is one of the few parts and a leather curtain hangs on Lhe cealment (20% miss d1ance on attacks
of the citadcl not made of tee The upper portion of Lhe western wall againsl Ù1cm) while the)' u..<;e their long·
blackened pine door's face ls full bows against any enemies in sight.
of knots and looks very lough. The The stairs in ù1e west wall lead upward
door is strenglhened with greenish to arca 7. The leather curtain obscures êfokcu of the ~'\cnnmoth
bronze bands and studded with nails. an observarion window that allow~ Ù1c
A stone carving of a spitting wyvem creatures in area 7 to observe thts room. Wom about the ne<:l ~s a magk neck·
leers down from above the door. althougb they generali y keep the cu nain lace, or about the wrist ~.,a m.1gtc brace·
dosed. Climbing up to the curtain is dir· let, this lollcn functions n an pmu/er of
Creature: Tite gale 1tsclf is opened and ficult as ù1e icy walls of the frost Cltadel notvrol armor + 1. 1f the wearl!r has the
doscd by a ptur of 2ombie doonnen. who arc quite slick (Ciimh check DC 20) wild empathy class abiltly he may use
ohey anyone who calls oul ù1c phrclse Creatures: The raiders keep ùtc major· tht' tok<'n lo spwk wrth ommoJs twtce
"Hail the Blad. lee!" as they approach. ity of ùteü capturcd slaves in th1s large per day, Anyone who helpe!! to S"a"""
As long as one pf'rson il1 a group calls room. guarded al. a11 times by three zom· tiTe mammoth cal( e:ultcr ln the adven·
out this pass phrase. the zombies don't b•eo; The slaves are exhausted, bollt from U,tre t:· lille<! with • sense of welcome
attack: othen\lsc. ther lungf' to artack exposure and from abuse by the goblin< when touchfng the roken, .u•d can u~e
an}·one who approacbes within JO feet and frost folk. yet do what the~ can wiù1 the tol.;en to 5p80k wr&h flnomals at wi ',
or attacks them first. thP caribou carcasses. slrippiug meat, even ,( they don't have wlfd empathy•
., Hwnau Zombies (2): hp 16; Mcm;ter Cl acking boncs for marrow, and <rea ting Allemately, characrers who au ..cked or
Manual266. Ica th er from the hid(>s. Most are lsl·levcl helped slaughter the mammoth or lu
De,·eJopment: If the fro::;l folk ha..-e commoners. but sevnal are village lead- œlf 1\nd that tl!e token ls nonmagocal in
been v..wtcd of the party's arrivai the\ er~ anù où1cr important N PCs who were thelr hal'!ds.
lta\'e prepared a c.auldron ofboiling walcr capmred m Tonnsborg. Haarold Venta:.. Fatnl abJnrabon: Ct 3rd· Cmt Won·
m area 7, and Maartan wal<.. hcs through LJgo the Smith, Vonda Ahonncn, Bjun.luld drou~ Item, barkskin, speolt wlrh animaiS;
an arrow :.lil a:> the PCs appi'O:tC'h. l f any· Engmar:;dotlir, and Svein Norkvl.;t (iftllP Priee 6,000 gp.
one enters thf' square directly south of PC!> have not ~topped Lyorar's CéU3\'an)
the gate \1aartan upends Ùte cauldron are :~Il here aJthough ùtcy are ali uncon·
ofboilin~;r watcr mto a largt- funnel caus- sdou:; (stable al negative hit points), and Trea!lurc: The work done hy the pris-
ing the watt'r 10 spew out of the stone tn no condition to help the PCs. tr the oners 1s shoddy at best, but lhere is one
wyvem·s mou th. The boiling water deals PCc are having a clifficult time wtth the thing of value hiddeJI hcrc. A sucœss·
l d6 points of fire dama gr to nny crea· advcnlurc. constder having one or two fui Seatt.h check (OC .l()) d1scovers a
ture lD tht~ square (Reflex OC 15 half). of these NPCs conscious. ln lhi:. case. small 1vory token hidden under a pilt.:
.\ny creatures in adjoining squares take you'll need to build Lhcir statlstlcs as of raù1er moldy rur:;. Carvcd to deptct
1 point of lire damage from the water necdcd. Thcir class levels are det:liled a wooly mammoth, 1t's worth 10 gp lor
(Reflex DC 10 negates). ln addiûon to 1n the Tonnsbol'g stal block earlicr in the ivory and orving aloue The tokcu
the damage of lhc hcal. the water qutckly this Jd,·enture. is in fact a fetish hiJ<.lctt hcre severa)
mclb the 1cc :.1a1rs and hJrns them into a The rafters aboVC" are home to three montils ago by a captured human drujd
slipperv slnpt Creatures standing on this ~nO\\ goblins who" ere d1ased oul of the who was .;oon thereafter killed b) the
square mustmakc a :;uccessful Balanno tribe that lives m arca 8. 'nle goblms aren 1 rrost folk. He hid his feti:.h 111 this room.
dtcLk (DC 15) or Lhey slip 1111d begin fall- espcd<~lly eager to Jight anyone, and lude hoping it would be found l:ttPr by othet
tng dnwn the stairs, as detaileJ al the as hesr they can trom intruders. pn«oners and give them lhe prolecbon
stan of this dtapter. ., H uman Zombies (3): hp 16; Mom1a needed to organizc a rcvolL. or at least
\fnnucll 266. to escape. UnforbmatPly. he hid 1t ali
., Snow Goblius (3): hp 5 c<~ch: see too wf'll, and unless the PC:. firtd il. il
':A-rrivai in Tonnsùurg" for other stat«. remains hidden.
This large room stands nearly twen· Tactics: The thrt>l' 7.ombies lunge to The three torches arl' each everburn-
ty feet high. the cavernous ceiling att:!C'k any non·goblins or frost folk who ing torcht"!i.
supported by a network of wooden en tel Ùle COO!Jl. Jf combat bre_akc; OUt the Oevelopmeot: Tbe pnsoners havt>
beams and ice pillars in the center slaves cower m th!' comers of the 1·oom. scen only this cbamber. but they can

. Î



tell the PCs thal "lots" of snow gol.llins and mounds of snow. A low-slung When not peeling potatoes, dicing waJ.
and at least four frost tolk live els~>whrre hammock hangs from spikes driv- rus blubber, or <1'llcking and peeling snow
in the citade.J. The prisoncrs are in uo en into the walls to the south, and spiders. Vovia spends hrr lime rclaxing
condition to travel. ;md as long a~ the to the north, an archway opens in hrr hammo1.k.
PCs don't lea\'C ùu:m bebind in the nta- into a narrow flight of stairs lcad- -, Vovia, Ft>male Frost Folk (1): hp
del they should be safe; lht.: t•aiders are ing downward. 26; sec "The Headman's llousc" fo1
more concerned abo111 the intrudcrs othc>r !\Lats.
than lheir prisoners. This is where the raidrrs prepare food. -, Hu man Zombies (3): hp 16: Monster
Il the PCs !rave the citadcl before they Bt>ing creatures of t:old, the)' abhor opt>n Mmwnl 266.
dcfcat the raiders. tbough, the prisoncrs na mes a nd cC)oked meat. l11slcaù. ù1ey T:1rticl\: Unlikc Lhe other frost folk,
ar~> doomed. Tise frost folk executl' the> rn flash-fr~:.-eze Ùleir dint1rr<; with tbeir icc Vovia has no rt"al fear of the 'ombies
ali rather than rssk au uprising ofslaves, blast, gathering meat in the: pit ht.>rt> so and finds tht:i1 presence oddly comforl·
and ùtc Black Sham~n be gins lhe proccss they can prep:m• rn tire mcals. The snow ing. Still, she can'l control Ùlem. soif a
of animatiug them into zotnbie minions goblius and prisoners, hnvmg little chokc figlll breaks our she lets them takc the
to belp derend Lhe fortrcss against sulr in 1he matter, ha\ c lcarned to stomach 1he lead and supports their tacrlrJ> as best shc
scqucut attacks by the PCs. froze11 ~ood. C311 . 1r things tum grim, s he SlltrendE"rS
'11tc slairs to the north lrad down lo aIIÙ oJters the party a '' hÎÙUCTI tr<.:as Ure"
art'a 10. if the) sparc ber !ife. She r~>fPrs to lhe
Creatures: This room 1s guardcJ by a frozen construct m th(; l.las ... ment. which
This spacious kitchen is furmshed pair of zornbi(;s. stationed hf'l'e mostly to ::;he is conviuccd is made ofsolid goltl. or
with large wood and metal tables. prev!'nt gohlins from sleallng tood. Th!' ccmrse, sbc adltally hopcs thal leadmg
Freestanding metal cabinets line kitchen also servrs as û1e persona! quar· the PCs downl\tau:s givcs her ally )oki 3
most of the walls. What looks like ters of a frost folk named Vovia. She has t:hauœ to finish them off.
a flre pit dominates the center of elevat<>d Lhe proc:css offrec;œ-coolciug food Developmen t: ll' ù1e d ta de1 i!i on alert
the room, except this p1t is frozen to Jll art. and u<;es ali som offlavorcJ iccs st<ltus, Vovia statlons ûsc zombies near
over with strange icy formations and plant!> lo season the n1e:als. Ù1c door and W<~its patiPnUy for the PCl.


to rt>ach the kitchen. If she hears wrnbat upper room from the safety of the doOJ· Angmesh or Lyotar madt il back to the
break out in arca 3, she waüs until the way to area 3. Needless to :;ay. the Black Citadel, thl'y are encountered herc as wcll.
sounds rue down and theo qttietly opens Shaman has little mterest m lowering the One of U1e frost folk cncountered hf'rc,
thf' door to let hcr two zombies out to ladder for thP PCs. Sniset. has drearm; of becoming a deric
allack any sumvors. She rem am~; ln this The inner wall~ Q[ lhc Lower are for· but has ye-t to actually take any ùcric bels.
room, in any c:~sc. tu11atcly rather rough. 11vc>n accounting Maarlan is the loudcst and most prone to
for the fact that they' re made of black icc use violence to solvl' problems. and lsbaara
and are rallier slippcry, th<.')' can be scaled is the raiders' worg trainel.
with a successful dimb cht>ck (DC 20). ~ Snisct, Maartan, and Jsbaara, Frost
This long, narrow room reeks of lilth 111e trapdoor itself is fairly dose Lo the Folk (3): hp 22, 18, 15; see "The Headman's
and exc.remcn l. FiiLhy layers of straw wall. and dambcri 11g up and through tt il ouse" for other stals.
line the Aoor, and wooden beams rcquues a slightly morc> dlfficult Climb Skilh: Lsoaara's skills art' c;hghtly ditfer·
support the roof. Severa! large dog· rheck (DC 22}. Of course. unlcss the ent th an thl' st:mdard frost folk's; they rue
sleds made or hide and mammoth PC~ arc particularly stealthy. lhe Black Handte Animal t-l. Hidc+l (+9 in snow
bones sit near a pair of large double Shaman might have> :J surprise waiting or' kc). Li~lcn +2. Move Silently + 1, Spot
doors to the east. for them when they ncat the trap door +l.. Survival +2.
(Sel: U!Céi 9). Tactics: Only Maarlan. lhc warnor. Js
The double doors are batteù from Creahue: The le-ader of the raiders cagcr for a fight. The otht>r rwo try to
the inside aud um only be opf'ned frorn makt>S his home on the upper Ooor of this escap<> if Maartao is taken out, or if the
the outside wtth a c;uccessful Strengù1 towt.·t. His compamon, a partic:ularly dnn· fight seems lo be going against them.
rh<'ck (DC 25). gerous din• wolf n:~ med Ribdtaw, guards The)' Ace using the set of stnirs opposite
Creatures: This long room servrs thP this d1amber from intrudcrs md fellow the onP the PCs used to enter. The worg
fort not only as a sht>d but as a kennet; raidcts alikc. The Black Shaman Villues trainer. lsbaara. is particularly eager to
thP ten worgs the raiders use a:. guardian hls pnvaC). The bones arc ali thatremains gct to hcr an1mals, and rna)' make a stand
beasts and a:. pack animal<> are kept hf're. of those prisoners (and raiders) the Black downsrairs in the kennels ifshc fiuds her
l'he exact amount ofworgs encounte1ed Sharnan has c.hosen to fred his pet. worgs have l>cèn injurcd or k.illed.
he re depends on hov. many the PCs have If thP :-~ l arm h;~s11't been raised am!.
alrcady slain and how man)' havf' man· other sounds of com~at haven't alerted
aged to esrapf' h:~ck here. At !east oue hint yct, R1bc.haw's barkingand growling
worg remains heJe, si.ucc l11c ïJidcrs wh<'n hP hmges to attack Ute PCs cettaùùy This single large room rs completely
btoughl rrine of them on tJ1e1r last r:~id alerts him to tl1eü pn:scncc. filthy. Nasty, poorly cured leather cur-
(and left onf' in Tonnsborg). Theil bark· ., Ribchaw, Dire Wolf: hp 45; Momta t ains hang from hooks in the ceiling,
ing is a f.uniliat sound lo the rardcrs, as Manual6'l. scraps of food lie sc.attered in ali the
llte)' often fight over food or p:~rk rank; corners, and graffiti is etched into the
tl will not hf' tak<"n as au alarm unless il walls and darkened with blood.
continues for more tilan sev<:tl rounds.
_, Worgs (1 - 10): hp 2R; M(msttr This long room features a long leather Creatures: The fl·osL loll< didr{l want to
Mt111uaL 2'lG. curtain on the easl wall. A few tables dimb Ulc extra stairs. so they gave this
and chairs furnish the room. Severa! room over to tht>it snow goblin minions.
mounds of snow lie heaped near the Currt>ntly. U1ere are OI.Ù) S<.'VCII :.oow gob-
walls; indentions in the snow seem lins lurking hcrc; ifany more gohlins mad!'
This circular, high-roofed chamber is to indicate that they're used as beds. rt back to thE> Citadel, tl1ey'rc cncountered
empty, save for several mounds of well- To the south, a large cau ldron hangs here as well. ln theoty, U1c gol>lins are
gnawed bones. The ceiling rises nearly from a stand next to a stone block teady to rush downsta.irs at thf' first sign
forty feet, where a closed trapdoor is with a strange, funnel-shaped de- of troublP-hur :tctually, thl!ir own argu-
clearly visible. The means to ascend to pression ln it. Arrow-slits allow light mt>nts ru1d an tics prevcnl Lhem from hear·
this trap door are clearly not. from the world outside to seep lnto ing ali l>ut the loudesl of al:mns.
the murky chamber. If thf' nl:mn ls raised. thcir booming
The trap door in the ceiling provides volces are si!c.ut and t.l:n:) lur]( quictly in the
arcess to area 9 the Black Shama n's l31J". 1he lt>ather curtàin along the east wall room, wa1ting to defend 11 from invaders.
1\ rope laddcr norrnaJly leads to this upper obscure~ a wiodow tlntl ovcrlooks area 1l1e snow goblins have tecenUy re·
<.ham ber, but lht> lll:tck Sh:umm typically 3: U11.' ilthabitants of ll11s room usually organized theit numbcrs inlo lwo groups.
kr('ps this laclder plLiied up Lo prcvcnt keep it closed. Drosse!, Mat-mat. and Mag are the East
anyone from ùislurbing him. When the Creatures: These oarracks <:an house Goblins. and control the nuved wall. lrda.
raiders need to talk to hin1, they usually up lo a half.dozen frost folk. Righi now, Suee. Clumpi, and Osvcs t"UII themselves
lorce a sno\V goblin to bellow up w the onl> lhr<>c> are likely encoumered het'C. If the West Goblins, :md they control the

-. -~< .· OCTOBER 2004 OUNGEON 31

--- ~ {,

westl'm leather curtains. lf tl1e PCs attack Fort +3, Ref +8. Will +10; Str 11. Dex 14, speil if he doestlt alrf'ady
one group, the other group han~ back Con 12, lnt 14, Wis 8, Cha 12. ù1e spells.
and jecrs lheir goblin kin; th l'y don"t join Ski!h: Climb +7. Knowledge {arcana) Developmen t: The Black Shaman's
tbe fightuntil at leasl one goblin is kiiJed + 1(), Listen +6. Spcllcraft ~ 12., Spot +6, death breaks Lhe resolve of the raiders.
and they realize the fight is for kccps. Sunrival +6. If tl1ey s~ conclusive proof of his dea th,
~ Snow Coblins (7): hp 5 t>ach; see Feccts:CombatCasting.lron WiU, Scribe they immediately flel' the c1tadel.
"Arriv:·ll in lonnsborg" for ailier stats. Scroll, Spell Focus (necromancy).
Treasure: The go blins have a SÎ11glc lin Langr,utge.ç: Common, Goblin. Ciant. 1O. O..tPl oJ tftc Aut omat on
eup they sharc {tlle East Goblins currently \Vizard Spells (4/4/3; save DC 12 +spcll 1tEc::(_j ot· 7!
have control of tt), four wooden goblets, levtl): 0-acid splush. }lare, ligl1t, ray of
a düp of gamet set on a bronze necklace frost.; lst-dtill touch*. ray ofenfc:cb!ement-tt. This room seems to have been carved
(10 gp). a silver lore (SO gp). a whetstone, shidd, sleep: 2nd- command Ltndcad, glit- directly into the frozen foundation of
far too many leather straps. and a rabbit tudust, mirror imccge. black ice bclow the citadel. (rates and
fur doak (30 gp). Spellbook: Contains ali prcpan.:d spells. barrels of food and supplies fine the
ali cantrips. plus cmttil~ualjlamt. At your walls, and a low mound of snow lies
disrretion, be may also know sorne of the heaped in the northeastern corner of the
new spells det3iltd in Froslburn. roorn. A particularly fine-looking tapes-
This drarty room is strewn wlth dried *Nccromantic spell; savt> DC 13 + lry is draped over something round that
herbs, powders, and rune-marked spelllevel. protrudes rrom the eastern wall
parchments. A large bed of snow lies Poss~ssions: M.:~st<'rwork quartcrstafi.
heaped lo the southeast, and a ca re· bracc:rsofarmor +l. wandofanimatedead (5 A successfuJ Knowledgf' (architecture
lessly bundled rope ladder sits on the charg('s. CL 7lb, cach d1arg~: can anima re and engineering) t.heck (DC 15) is enough
noor to the north near a trap door in a single skeleton or zombie of up to 8 Hit to note thal the construction of this room
the Aoor. Dice), cl oak of protection + 1, spc>llbook. prcdatt:s the rest of the dtadel by many
Thctirs: If Lestvar hears trouble down- d~des; pcrhaps b) centuries. The rea son
Creature: The coiled rope ladder is used st.airs. be cracks open the trap door ami wai~ for titis is simple: ages ago. liac frost !olk
by 1estvar to descend to the lower levels for a PC to come wilhin 5 feet of it hefore notcd an unusual shape burit-d iri the fro-
of the dtadel on the rare occasions he throwing the door open and his ice 7en iCI' here. Aftcr they dug down to tht>
necds to do so. Called the "Black Shaman" blast on the introders. lie follows this up shape. they found it to be a strange con
by his fellow frost folk. Lestvar is in fart with raysofenfoeblementor slt~pon dimhing struct from an aucient rea lm that predateù
a wizard who ha.c; menaced and bullied charncters, usmg mirror imnge oc gliUerdust the Black lee. They [reed the creature's
the othcrs for many months now since uattacked with r:mged weapons. head and wert> :rmazed to fi nd il stilllived.
bis disrovery of a ~vcmd of animntt dead. Treasure: ln audition to his sp<'ll· 'J'he creature .îs known as :r nirnblewright,
He has used the wand many lim<!S to book. Les tvar has a collection of scrolls, and il told tales of the wcalth of southern
anima tc lbe bodies oi frost folk he's siam induding one la bled "1 hstory of the l,mds. of magic31 construcL<;, and ofs<.'Ctets
to punish their clisobcdience. The other Northern Tribcs," one called "Treatise of its anticut empire. rt wa~ intrigumg
frost folkgreatly fear him now, and dread on Goblinoid Speech an cl Thought", enough that it drew ~1c frost folk back to
berng turned into zombies. Le.c;tvar and a very strange. large, and untitlcd this site for rnany years ma row, Ùul tlley
little trouble convincirJg them that if they volume writtcu cntirely in runes .. Th1s feared \\hat il couJd be capable ofand nevcr
kept him well su pplied with resour<.cs to book measures 3 feet taU by 2 reet wide, finished freemg 1t from ils frozen prison.
continue his necromantic research, he ami the runes in il are th(' size of gold They built the citadel ahove as a pcrmanclll
wouldn"t need to use othet frost folk in coins. Writtcn in Giant. it contains invo- settlemcnl. Eventually, the nimblewright
such a way. He's nearly our of charges cations to thl' gods of frost and win ter, stopped answermg questions or telling
with hts wand now. but the other frost èspccially to Thrym. tlle chao tic evil god tales, perhaps bPcause tt grcw borcd. or
folk have no way of knowing this and of frost giants. ll's utllikely any of thf> pethaps bccause il dled
continue to servP him out of fear. PCs can read it without a wmprehe.11d Today, tht> room serves as a cellar for
-, Lesh·ar, The Black Sb.aman, Male lcmt,rtwges spell or special skills. but it L.he kitchen and is the sleepmg quartcrs
Frost Folk Wizard 4: CR 4; Medium mon· does s!'em to have been written by one for the prirnaf") huntet. He finds tlH' nim·
slrotiS humanoid; 1-m 4d8+4 plus 4d4+4: "White Jarl ofJutunheirn" ancl scvt.:ral of blewright's protruding ltt.:ad distl.trbing.
hp 34; lnit +2: Spd 30ft.: AC 15, tou rh 12, its prayt.:rs are devoted to tht> <:pread of and threw the tapestry over it to put il
flat-fooll'd 13: Base Atk +6; Gtap +6. Atk +7 Eternal lee. Th1s book can be used to out of s1ght.
melee ( ld6. mastetwork quarterstaff); Full inlroduce divine spells from Froslbrmr Creaturc>s: 1he snow pile is used by
Atk +7 /+2 mdcc {ld6. maste1w01'k quar- into your campaign; a divif11' spellcaster loki, a l"rost folk who sl'rves the raiders
terstaff); SA tee blast, spcll:;; SQ daü"Vision
.. who studies the tome (which takes ::t as a hunter. He never takes part in the
60 ft .. frost folk h-aits, immunity to cold, week of 8-hour study periods) cau add raids, preferring tbe solitude of the hw1t.
snowsight, vulncrability to fire: AL NE; SV any of the spclls in Frostburn to bis He fcds little kinship with the other frost


folk. with th l· cxt<'ptiOn of,,., ri ose f ri end pwbably the best solunon This method ùy utorc than 'i points, the cntire cel-
Vovia. who hvc-~ upst:ths. he1 dedkatiou takes 1d4+2 hours of wo1 k (modific:d by Jar r ;tvto; ln. Cltlshing art ~om· "ithin.
ro tht raider~ is th~ onl) tlunv th;at s ktpt -1 hour for each addtltorutl workl'r' up Cl\e in:. ille dct;,tkd on pagt' 6(, of ùte
him arouud. loki d~,. not rto:pond to to l\\O addJtional worlctrc: can hdp .11 Dt.~ c. to,, M HTf 1t ' Guide
~unds ofblniP or :alanliS unk~~ Vo\Îa once). l·tn• can he used to mdl thL tCC ., Jolci, Male Fro:.t folk (3): hp 19;
retreatc; d0\\ 11 here. hut brings a chance of collapse If firl' Atk full Alk 6 melee ( 1dH+2, bat-
If the lapc:.try 1:. remo\rd, the PCs is the amount of nme requhed tlc-.xc) or +') r1n~td (ld8+2 'xl com-
lind the ntmhll'\\ right's head protrud- to frtf' the ni.mble\\ r igbt b~<.ornc" fl<l"'~ longbo") S\ Fort +2. Ref ...s.
Jng from a uncd·out ~c:c.:tton of thf' 3d6 minutes. A successfuJ Kno,,lt'dge Will +4: .,cc •The Jleadm:m'c; House·
wall. The uimblcwnght's long exposure (illchitcdure and rngineering) dtct.k for oth~r ~t:u~.
lo cold has ('3tt<:td it to ~ntcr a .,l.&tc (DC 20) allows the v.:orkcr~ to u~c firf' Sblh: Climb • l. Hcal "-2. Htdc ....1 (+9
of f'xceeding tor por. ha\ utg con uml'd to meh ùtc kc \\ithout any addtltonal in IICJ\\ or iu.:) Lrslcn +2. Movf' Silently
the last vc:.ltgcs of tts t'IH'rgy over the problc.:ms. If this cht>ek f:ails by Sor le:.~. + 1, Spot t-l, Sumval +7
past to convrrsc- with thl' ancicu t fros t the m('lting causes the icc around the /(lft{' S<'lf.Suihd<'llt. Skill Rx:us (Survwal).
folk who pnnially f&c.:cd 11. Unlil 11 1~ nimblewright to :suddcnJy cave in on '1 O:.k.tri Loclcstar, Nimblt>,vright: CR 7:
removcd rully from thl" 1('1" il remains ilsclf; ùtis deals 8d6 points ol damag~· Mcdtum ronstmct HO IOd i01lO, hp 75
rnot:Jonlt>ss. ChippinR away the.: LtL' ts lo the nimblewright. If tite t.hc.:t:k f:uls (currPntly J8). luit t7, Spù 40 ft.: AC 24,


touch 17. Hat-footed 17; Base Atk +7: Grp beyond the Black lee or retum to tell A creature can increase its lcvd of cold
+Il; Atk +11 melee (2d6+4/ LS-20, rapier- their t:lles to Arrhbaron Bestmo and protection by using speoalized eqrupmenl
hand): Full Atk +I l ml"k<' (Zd6+4Jl5-20. hope for a reward. Il they succePd in
2 rapicr-hands), SA speU-like abilitil"s, a Diplomacy check (DC 20) they cau
Cold Protection
tripping thrust: SQ augmcntccl critical. collect a 500 gp rcward, a knighthood Fqulpment
construc1 traits. spell resistanœ 27, vulner- for the party leader. and the offer of
abihbes: Al CG; SV Fort +3, Ref +10. Will :tn officer's position Îll the army. rf Nospectal
+6; Str 19, Dex 24, Con-. lnt 10, \Vis 17, the check fails, thto arrhbaron banishes clothing ~o
Cha 19: Monster Mamtal If 1(>2. them for failing lo prevent the raid in
Spell·Like Abilitics: Al will- alter s~lf. the flrf>t place. Armor lnsulation,
(at's grace, entropie sl~ield,Jcat11crjill/. ha)le. You can use tht' nimblewrighfs cold weather
Cal; ter leve] 10 memories to set books forfi.ttureadven· outfit. fur
Sk-ûls: Balance +9, Jurnp +19. Twnble +22 toree; deeper mto the tcc. Altcrnalely, dothrng
Ftats: Combat Expertise•, Combat he may accompany the party south. for
Rc0exes 8 • Dodge. hnproved Disarm, reasons of his own. 1n this case, he Cold weather
outfit +fur
Mobihty, Spring Allack. discourages them from ever visiting
clothing, armor +2
Languages: Common (archêiic..). lh(: Land of Black lee again. tf your
rnsul3tron + fur
Elven. Dwarven. players arc likc most c~dvenlurers. tell- dothlng
Treasure: The tapeslr) }oki used ing them not to go somewhcre i~ an
to cover the nimblt-wright's head is alwo~t irresistible lure. Whf'ther they tmprovlsed
finely made. probably Erom tht> south· ft nd an army of snow goblins. packs shelter
ern nahon of Pcrrc111and. Il depicts of Zeai barbarians, or a hot spring thal
a sumroer c;cent:' m a forest with a pow~rs a self-stJStaiuing group of ]ost
mounted humer. a boar. and a pack mmblewngbts is up to you. tfxposure lo Cofd
of dogs. lt is large, roughly 8 feeL Cold and exposure d~l nonlethal dam-
tall and 15 feet wide. we1ghing 180 Apprnd\X: sUI~ÎVÏtlfJ ott tfle CJce age. This nonlclhal c.lamage cann<>t be
pounds and \~Orth 2,000 gp. Part of what maJ..cs this advemure recovered un hl the character escapes ù1c
Develo pment: Oskari the nimble· d1allenging is the bitter cold ofwintcr. c..old and wanns up again. Once a charac-
wright can becomt> :1 valued ally of the The st1n shines for a mere 6 hours rach ter is rendercd unconsdous through the
party if treated weil. He's fairly power· day. The winds anJ snows make travel accumulation of nonJetbal damage. the
fui; the DM shouldn't lcl him do a1l the difllcult, and the Jack of fircwoocl or c..old and exposme deals lethal damage
work for the PCs, but if they free hlm gr;uing on the Black lee itself presents at the samc rate.
bcforc dcaling ow;th Ùle rest of the Frost addJtional challenges. cspecially for a Cold (Bla ckmoor Region): An unpro-
CJtadcl. the nimblcwright ccrtainly has 3rd-level party with lim1ted resourccs. tcc..ted dtaracter in cold Wt:'3ther (bclow
no probleros assi!:ting in killing or driv· Thcse nùes for surviving in cold are 40 F) must makc a Fortitude save each
ing off raiders. more fully detailed in FrQstbt~m . hour (DC 15, + 1 per previous dteck)
After centuries fro:tcn in the ice. his or lake ld6 points of non lethal damage.
memory is poor and hr remembers only Cofd' ~t·orectlon Characters whosc protection agains1 cold
a f<:.'W details about his past In rhis capac- A's protection from the effectS is at !east lt:'vell are sa fe at this tempera-
ity, hf" can serve as a wcalû1 of ad, enture of cold cau !>(' broken down mro levcls turc range.
hooks for the DM. of prolec:.tion. as foUows: Severe Cold (La ud of Black lee): ln
cond itions of severe cold (beJow o· F).
(ondud\na tFte A.,dventure Lev el 0: Creature with no protedlon against an unprotected character must make
This adventure concludes as the PCs cold at ali a Fortitud c sêivc once every 10 mill-
ùcfcallhe Black Shaman and disrupt utes (OC 15, +1 per previous check).
the raiders. The surv1ving frost folk level l : Cceature witn Cold E11durance Laking ld6 poin1s of nonletbal dam·
flee into the Land of Black lee. fhe 'eat, creatu~ wrth fur, creature native to age on each failcd save. A partially
surviving prisone1s cau either be C'Oid terrains. protected character need on1r check
l"c;corted back home. or allowcd to once per hour. Characters whose pro-
rest and recover ln thP Prost Citadel leve! 2: Creature wltn fur and native tc tection againsl cohl ls al !east leve!
(at which pointthey'll be able to Hnd told terrarn, crea ture "alive to e)Cfremely 2 are safe in this temperature range;
tht-1r own way home aftcr cquipping cold terrain. tJ1osc witb leve! 1 protection arP par-
themselves with gtar found in the tlally protected.
Frost Citadel). leve! 3~ Cteawre wlth cnduœ e/tmmfS elfect. Ext re me Cold: 1n conditions of
Beyond the Frost Citadcl. ùte PCs cau creatur~with resrstance 10 cold 5 or more, cxlrcme cold (below -20° F), an
either seek out the northPrn wonders unprotec:ted cha racler takes ld6 points

~- ...
Recent Snowfall
WATCH THIS, 1"\\ISI-IR.OO.,_~ \ ~
None Up to 12" 13·24" 25-60" 61"+ FII~"T I 9RE~ 114tS RECEMTL"f
On Foot, 20ft. 15 moles 7 miles 7 miles 3 miles Omiles FRI,NO\.'C A C.IO IC S LII'\E .

On Foot, 30ft. 20 moles 15 miles 10 miles 5 miles Omiles

Mounted, 60ft 25 mlles 25 miles 12 miles 12 miles 6miles

Skis Omoles 35 mlles 18 miles 9 miles 4 miles

Snowshoes Omiles 10 miles 10 miles 10 miles 10 miles

Dogsled Omiles 50 miles 50 mlles 25 moles 0 mlles

of cold damage pcr 10 rninulcs (no whose cold protection is at !east leve!
save), and must make a f'ortitude save 3 are safe in this temperature range:
(DC 15, +1 per previous check) each those with leve! 2 protection are par·
10 mlnules or Lakt: ld4 poiuls of non· tially protected, and those with !eveil
lethal damage. 'lbose wearing metal
armor or coming into contact with
are unprotected.
Any character who takes nonle·
exposed mela! arc affcclcd as if by a thal damage from cold or exposure
chili metal speU. A partially protected is beset by frostbite or hypothermia;
character takes damage and makes sav- if you don't have Frostburn, treat the
ing throws once per hour. Characters character as fatigued. These pen:-~lties
end when the character recovers the
norùethal damage she took from the
cold and exposure.
"Raiders of the Black lee" ·~ desogned for a
group offour Jrd-level characters, but with tEJJects of qce and snow
a little work it can be adapted for use by 1st- Characters moving across ice or snow
2nd-level characters or 4th Sth·lcvel chardC· must spend 2 squares of movement to
ters. Ali NPCs in the adventure snould nave enter a square covercd by ice, and the
their class levels adjusted by an amount DC for Balance and 1\rmble checks
equal to lhe oncoe~S<~ or dc.>crea~c on average increases by +5.
party leve! from 3rd. Note tnat lower-level Ovcrland rnovement over ice and snow
cnaracters will find tne perils of the freez- is summarized on the following t:-~ble. âl
ong temperature to be mucn more danger·
ous; you should conslder maklng potions of Wolfgcmg Baur lives in Seattle and
endure elements avallable in Tonnsborg, or dreams about monkeys. He is a former edi-
perhaps you should sel the adventurc on the torofDuNGf.ON magazine. ''Raidersofthe
summer when the cold is less extreme. Black lee" marks his seventh adventure in
1st-2nd Level: Replace the worgs with these pages.
wolves, and the frost folk woth 2nd-level
snow goblin warriors. Remove the Medium
snowspider from encounter J. The dore wolf
Ribchaw should become a worg
4th-5th Level: Replace the worgs with
dire wolves. Ali frost folk should ga on 1-2
levels of rogue. Advancc Maryoshka the
rusalka by 4 H it Oice, or give her 2 levels of
sorcerer. Add 1-2 Medium snow spiders to
encounter 3. The dore wolf Robchaw should
become a wi nter wolf.

'"'TONY MootttY


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