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1.What is hacking and What is hacker ?

o Hacking is broadly defined as the act of breaking into a computer system. Hacking isn't

always a crime as "ethical hacking" occurs when a hacker is legally permitted to exploit

security networks.

o A hacker is an individual who uses computer, networking or other skills to overcome a

technical problem.

o “Hacker” is sometimes used as a term of admiration for an individual who exhibits a high

degree of skill, as well as creativity in his or her approach to technical problems.

o However, the term is more commonly applied to an individual who uses this skill for illegal or

unethical purposes.

2.Types of hackers:

a.The black hat hacker:

 The black hat hacker is the bad guy.

 This type of hacker uses his or her skills to steal money or data, knock a computer system
offline, or even destroy them.
 Some of these hackers love to see their work and name in the news, so they would try to
target big name organizations and companies. For instance, they might change the front
page of a company website.
 Black hats also try to break into computer systems to steal credit card information and
possibly steal valuable information to sell on the black market. They may even lock out the
computer and network system from the owners and then hold them for ransom.
 The black hat works outside of the law. This is the hacker that we as a society are most
familiar with. Some black hats have cost companies hundreds of millions of dollars in
damages for credit card and social security information theft. They can work alone or work
with a team.

b.The White-hat hackers

 White-hat hackers are the opposite of the black-hat hackers.
 They’re the “ethical hackers,” experts in compromising computer security systems who use
their abilities for good, ethical, and legal purposes rather than bad, unethical, and criminal
 A White Hat hacker has deep knowledge in Computer Networking and System
Administration (at least three or four Operating Systems and very good skills in Scripting and
Programming). White Hat hacker has also good knowledge in hacking tools and know how to
program hacking tools.
 A White Hat hacker has the skills to break into networks but he uses his skills to protect
 A White Hat hacker can conduct vulnerability assessments and penetration tests are also
known as an Ethical Hacker. Often White Hat hackers are employed by companies and
organizations to check the vulnerabilities of their network and make sure that no hole is
available in their network for an intruder.

c. The grey-hats hacker

 The grey hats are neither ‘good guys’ nor ‘bad guys’.
 Unlike Certified Ethical Hacking, grey hat hacking is illegal, as the hacker has not received
permission from the organisation to attempt to infiltrate their systems, but the intentions of
grey hat hackers aren’t as troublesome as their black hat counterparts.
 A Grey Hat hacker is someone who is between White Hat hacker and Black Hat hacker. Grey
Hat normally do the hacking without the permissions from the administrators of the
network he is hacking.
 But he will expose the network vulnerabilities to the network admins and offer a fix for the
vulnerability for money.

4. How to become a white hacker ?

 Read About Hacking

 Learn To Program In C, More Than One Programming Language
 Experiment A Lot
 Read Some Good Books From The Experts
 Participate In Hacking Challenges
 Go Next Level: Write Vulnerability
 Contribute To Open Source Security Projects, Learning And Keep Listening To Security Talks

5.How to protect your computer from dangerous hackers:

 Install, update and use anti-virus software

 Keep Windows up to date
 Turn on the Windows firewall
 Don’t fall for phishing emails
 Use complex passwords.
 Know which public Wi-Fi to trust

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