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IGCSE Sample Examination Paper

PHYSICS PAPER 1 Multiple Choice 45 minutes

Answer questions on the Multiple Choice Answer Sheet.

Answer all questions.

There are forty questions on this paper.

For each question there are four possible answers A, B, C, and D.
Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in pencil on the Multiple Choice
Answer Sheet.

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1 These are the measurements taken before and after a liquid is put into a measuring cylinder:
mass of measuring cylinder 5 50 g
mass of measuring cylinder with liquid in 5 120 g
volume of liquid 5 100 cm3
What is the density of the liquid?
a. 0.5 g/cm3
b. 0.7 g/cm3
c. 1.2 g/cm3
d. 1.4 g/cm3

8 m/s

0 10 s 20 s

The graph shows a speed-time graph for a car. What distance does the car travel in the first
20 seconds?
a. 40 m
b. 80 m
c. 120 m
d. 160 m

3 For objects falling near the Earth’s surface, which of these statements is correct, assuming that
there is no air resistance?
a. All objects have the same acceleration
b. Heavier objects fall faster than lighter ones
c. Heavier objects have more acceleration than lighter ones
d. All objects reach the same maximum speed

4 Which of these statements is correct?

a. Weight is a force
b. Weight is measured in kilograms
c. Weight is the same as mass
d. Weight can be measured using a micrometer

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5 6 N 9N
What is the resultant of the two forces shown?
a. A force of 15 N to the left
b. A force of 3 N to the left
c. A force of 3 N to the right
d. A force of 15 N to the right

6 Which of these terms means the turning effect of a force?

a. Pivot
b. Lever
c. Momentum
d. Moment

7 Which of the following is a renewable energy resource?

a. Natural gas
b. Wind
c. Nuclear fuel
d. Oil

8 Which of the following statements is correct?

a. Power is another word for force
b. Power tells you the rate at which work gets done
c. Power tells you the total energy used
d. Using a lever, you can get more power to lift something


1m 1m 1m 1m

The blocks above are all made of the same material. Which one is exerting the greatest pressure on
the ground?
a. Block A
b. Block B
c. Block C
d. Block D

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10 Which of these statements describes the molecules in a liquid?

a. Molecules spaced out and moving slowly
b. Molecules moving about freely at high speed
c. Molecules close together and vibrating about fixed positions
d. Molecules close together and vibrating, but able to change positions

11 After which of these changes would the molecules of a gas be moving faster?
a. There is an increase in temperature
b. The gas is compressed at a steady temperature
c. The gas expands to fill a larger volume
d. The pressure is reduced

12 Which of these statements about thermal expansion is correct?

a. Solids expand when heated
b. Solids expand when heated, but liquids do not
c. Liquids expand when heated but solids do not
d. Gases always expand when heated

13 Every temperature scale has at least two fixed points.

Which of the following statement applies to the Celsius temperature scale?
a. Water freezes at 0 °C and boils at 180 °C
b. Water freezes at 0 °C and boils at 100 °C
c. Water freezes at 32 °C and boils at 100 °C
d. Water freezes at 32 °C and boils at 180 °C

14 In which of these processes does a liquid change into a gas?

a. Condensation
b. Solidification
c. Melting
d. Evaporation

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When the candle is burning, air flows down one tube and up the other. Which of the following is the
correct description of what is happening?
a. Air flows down A and up B because of convection
b. Air flows down B and up A because of convection
c. Air flows down A and up B because of conduction
d. Air flows up both tubes because of convection

16 The Earth is kept warm by the energy it receives from the Sun. By what process does the energy
travel from the Sun to the Earth?
a. Conduction
b. Convection
c. Radiation
d. A combination of conduction and radiation

17 If the internal energy of a liquid has increased, which of these statements applies?
a. The liquid has turned into a solid
b. The liquid has started to flow
c. The liquid has been compressed
d. The temperature of the liquid has increased

18 Which of these is an example of longitudinal waves?

a. Water waves
b. Light waves
c. Sound waves
d. Radio waves

19 Waves spread out when they pass through a narrow gap. What is this effect called?
a. Reflection
b. Refraction
c. Dispersion
d. Diffraction

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20 b


Which distance is the amplitude of the waves?

a. Distance a
b. Distance b
c. Distance c
d. Distance d

21 A


A ray of light enters a glass prism.

Which dotted line correctly shows the ray coming out of the prism?
a. Ray A
b. Ray B
c. Ray C
d. Ray D



F´ 0 F

In the diagram, F´ and F are the principal foci of the convex lens.
If an object is placed in the position shown, where is its image formed?
a. To the left of F´
b. Between F´ and O
c. Between O and F
d. To the right of F

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23 Here is a description of one type of electromagnetic radiation:

Shorter wavelength than light, invisible to the human eye, sent out in pulses by TV remote
controllers, detected by intruder alarms.
What type of radiation is it?
a. Infrared
b. Ultraviolet
c. Radio waves
d. Gamma rays

24 If the frequency of some sound waves is increased, how does this affect the sound heard?
a. It has a lower pitch
b. It has a higher pitch
c. It is louder
d. It is quieter



80 m

Someone stands 80 m from a large wall. They fire a starting pistol, and hear the echo 0.5 seconds
later. From the distance and time measurements, what would they calculate the speed of sound
to be?
a. 80 m/s
b. 160 m/s
c. 320 m/s
d. 330 m/s

26 Here is a description of a material:

A ferrous material that is easy to magnetize, but loses its magnetism quickly when the magnetizing
field is removed.
Which of the following does the statement describe?
a. Aluminium
b. Iron
c. Steel
d. Carbon

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27 What unit is used for measuring electromotive force?

a. Newton
b. Ampere
c. Volt
d. Joule

28 Which of the following is a measure of the rate of flow of charge in a circuit?

a. Potential difference
b. Voltage
c. Electromotive force
d. Current

29 A

The wires in the diagram are all made of the same material, nichrome.
Which wire has the highest resistance?
a. Wire A
b. Wire B
c. Wire C
d. Wire D


The circuit contains a battery, two meters (M and N), and two bulbs.
Which of the following statements is correct?
a. M and N are both voltmeters. The reading on M is higher than on N.
b. M and N are both ammeters. The reading on M is higher than on N.
c. M and N are both ammeters. The reading on M is lower than on N.
d. M and N are both ammeters. The readings on M and N are the same.

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31 10 V

0.5 A

When the PD across the resistor is 10 V, the current through it is 0.5 A.

What is the resistance of the resistor?
a. 0.05 Ω
b. 2 Ω
c. 5 Ω
d. 20 Ω

32 Which of the following electrical components has a resistance that decreases when its temperature
a. Potential divider
b. Capacitor
c. Thermistor
d. Resistor



The wire is carrying a current between the poles of a strong magnet.

Which of the following statements is correct?
a. The wire is pushed upwards if the current flows one way, but downwards if the current direction
is reversed
b. The wire is pushed upwards whichever way the current flows
c. The wire is attracted to the N-pole is the current flows one way, but it is attracted to the S-pole if
the current direction is reversed
d. The wire is attracted to the N-pole whichever way the current flows

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34 S N

A magnet is pushed into a coil. The coil is connected to a meter that can detect a current.
Which of the following correctly describes what happens?
a. A current is detected, but not until the magnet enters the coil
b. A current is detected provided the magnet is moving
c. A current is detected if the magnet is placed in the coil and held still
d. No current is ever detected because the circuit doesn’t have a battery in it

35 2000 turns 500 turns

240 V ~ input output

This transformer has 2000 turns on its primary coil and 500 turns on its secondary. If the input
voltage is 24 V, what is the output voltage?
a. 6 V
b. 12 V
c. 48 V
d. 96 V

36 Cathode rays are a beam of tiny particles. What are these particles?
a. Protons
b. Electrons
c. Neutrons
d. Alpha particles

37 Which of the following statements about alpha and beta particles is correct?
a. Alpha particles are more ionizing than beta particles, but less penetrating
b. Alpha particles are less ionizing than beta particles, but more penetrating
c. Alpha particles are more ionizing than beta particles, and more penetrating
d. Alpha particles are less ionizing than beta particles, and less penetrating

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38 When radium-226 decays, radon-222 is formed and a radioactive emission occurs. The process can
be represented in symbol form like this:

​R ® 226  n1A
​  86​R
​Z ​x

Which of these statements is correct?

a. Only gamma radiation is emitted
b. A 5 4, Z 5 2: an alpha particle is emitted
c. A 5 4, Z 5 2: a beta particle is emitted
d. 4 protons and 2 neutrons are emitted from the nucleus

39 A sample of iodine-128 has a half-life of 25 minutes. When its activity is measured, it is 240 Bq.
What is its activity most likely to be 75 minutes later?
a. 80 Bq
b. 60 Bq
c. 30 Bq
d. Zero

40 A nuclide of sodium-23 can be represented in symbol form like this:


​ ​N

Which of these statements about the nucleus is correct?

a. It has 23 protons and 11 neutrons
b. It has 11 protons and 23 neutrons
c. It has 12 protons and 11 neutrons
d. It has 11 protons and 12 neutrons

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