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The line graph shows estimated sales of gold in Dubai for 12 months in 2002 in

millions of Dirhams

The line graph gives information about gold trade=sales of gold in Dubai from January to
December of the year 2002.

It is clear in the graph that the gold sales=gold trade=sales of gold reached its highest level
of selling in March and it fell to its lowest level between July and September.

In the beginning of the year the gold price stood at 200 millions of dirhams and it increased
slightly in the following month before the figures showed a sharp rise in March, with the selling
was about 350 million of dirhams.

In contrast, after the trend reached a peak in March with its highest gold trading, the figures
decreased gradually for the next 4 months from April, May, June and July with 250, 200, 150,
and 120 million of dirhams, respectively. Surprisingly enough, there was a strong recovery for
the Dubai gold sales in August with the selling was about 200 million of dirhams and it
fluctuated before it was levelling off until the end of the year and the trading closed nearly 200
million of dirhams in December.

In detail:


+ Paraphrase topic: The line graph-> give information -> about -> Cái chính trong bài (…) -> In
-> Time


+ It is clear in the graph that-> the gold sales=gold trade=sales of gold -> reached (quá khứ đơn)
its highest level -> in March -> fell to -> lowest level -> July and September. (Cái cao nhất + cái
thấp nhất)

Năm đầu (In the first year, or in the beginning of the year, năm đầu) -> the gold price stood at
(reached, was) 200 millions of dirhams -> it increased slightly (rised, went up, đổi dạng noun)
in the following month -> before the figures showed (witnessed, saw) -> a sharp rise ( a
marginal rise, increase, a significant rise) in March -> with the selling was about 350 million of
dirhams (nêu con số ra)

 Năm đầu -> Xu hương sau đó -> Tăng nhẹ -> Sau đó tăng mạnh

In contrast, after the trend reached a peak in March with its highest gold trading, the figures
decreased gradually for the next 4 months from April, May, June and July with 250, 200, 150,
and 120 million of dirhams, respectively. Surprisingly enough, there was a strong recovery for
the Dubai gold sales in August with the selling was about 200 million of dirhams and it
fluctuated before it was levelling off until the end of the year and the trading closed nearly 200
million of dirhams in December.

 Từ nối: In sharp contrast, the reverse was true for….

 Đầu tiên là reach a peak ( reach the vertex) => Giảm dần qua 4 tháng kế (Liệt kê số ra)
=> a strong recovery (liệt kê số 200tr ) => dao động trước khi nó đứng im lại ở 200 tr vào
tháng December

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