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Collapsing Duality… into Oneness

By Team Collapsing Duality

1/17/2011 or 11 11

Several weeks ago, Paula and I decided it would be a great idea to write an article that would simply be
called “Collapsing Duality.” Over the days that followed the first discussion, we began to toss around the
idea that instead of trying to define what Collapsing Duality into Oneness, means, that it would be a
better idea to reach out to our sister sites – CollapsingDuality.Ning and Collapsing Duality Facebook. In
doing so, we sent out an email to all members asking them what Collapsing Duality means to them. So…
Instead of trying to define Collapsing Duality which is also the name of our site, we found much more
meaning in the perspectives that our friends and contributors had to offer – all of which are Golden!

Jagoda from Macedonia

For me, collapsing duality means a path to our true state… pure light, love and joy! Collapsing duality
means to open our hearts without any fear, and to find treasures that are divine… because we are safe
and protected and embraced all the time.

Kristin from New Zealand

In this dual world we get to experience polarities in all things. The beauty and pain that results are the
gift of this physical life. Yet even in this dual world we can locate a balance of mind and experience
within the ever present now.

We can also experience higher vibrational dimensions while here. An ecstatic reunion of energies that
never truly separated. Herein we get a glimpse of a collapsed duality, the eternal bonding of life beyond
this life, which is both our heritage and our future. Kristin N.Z.

Janine from The United Kingdom

To me it is the idea of two forces of nature blending as one. As a scientist - I have been used to the
different electron configurations coming together as covalent bonding - coming together as one and yet
keeping its own properties, that's what twin flames are now, but, in this new era of CD, the convalent
bond is now an ionic bond - as that is between a non-metal and a metal sharing electrons, through
electrostatic links. Similarity in this age - two people of opposing energies come together through their
"electrostatic links" or chords to join as one unit. I believe the whole universe is electronic energy in its
different forms so being an electrochemist has its advantages.
Rebecca from The United Kingdom

In my perception, Collapsing Duality is about merging the aspects of ourselves that appear to be
conflicting. The irony of paradoxes where two mutually opposed forces can actually join to create a
larger, better and ultimately more "Divine" version than the separate components. We see light and
dark, night and day, good and evil, man and woman, yin and yang, polar opposites, but merely as they
are perceived to be at first glance. Only when you truly experience the meanings behind them, the finer
points, the myriad of components that form this "image" do we find that they can be mutually
compatible, complimentary and harmonic. One surely cannot exist without the other, yet in fully
accepting all aspects of the one, you can then fully accept the other and truly see them for what they
are and what they behold. This is also the story of Twin Flames. This Divine "order" is recreated
throughout the universe, so in everyone one of us accepting the self in both shadow and light fully with
Love, we become the third Self - the True One - Our Soul - we collapse like as star into ourselves back to
the point of our creation becoming One. This to me is Collapsing Duality.

Maria-Helena Olsson from Germany

In the years following my energy merge with my Twin Flame I was having a hard time trying to make up
my mind, who this person is and how he is - is he foe or friend ? And even more urgently was it to find
out, who I was. Was I an angel or the devil ? Countless times we broke our promises not to see each
other again, my mind was full of paradox situations, not only because he is married...I just could not
figure it out and I just could not make sense of it all, when I thought about it. But my heart did not care
about my thoughts; it just loved him, no matter what....

So I found, that there are a lot, a lot, a lot of differing viewpoints in me, sometimes shifting from one to
the other second, each one insisting it is the "right" one, each one demanding obedience from me, each
one being valid in its context.
And that there is ONE LOVE, that is big enough to embrace them all.....

Susan L. Rice from The United States

Hey, little soul, where are you going this way?

How did you get lost? Why did you stray?
Annihilation is certain to come
When lost from the whole of the two that were one.
Send out a tear to heaven on high,
To sparkle as starlight in the dark of the sky,
Then fall back to Earth through beauty renewed
To shine on the face of a new morning's dew.
Where will you go, how far will you roam,
Before you hear someone say:
Hey, little soul, I am you...Welcome Home!

Jan from Canada

To me, collapsing duality is a state of being. It means experiencing absolute oneness with all. There is
no sense of separation from all that exits. In this state of being, one is complete and authentic as
originally co-created with God. It is divine unconditional love; it is absolute perfection. In this state,
there is no perception of good or bad, right or wrong; there is no judgment; there is no time or
is simply being. It is fully experiencing NOW; it is experiencing the moment with full consciousness. It is
a state of bliss. It is heaven on earth....there are hardly adequate words to describe it. One has to
experience it and then one will KNOW. It is a knowingness of just how magnificent all there is really IS.

Hether from The United States

Hi, thank you for this call to share my thoughts.

Since my earliest days of this life in 1970, I have been told what is wrong and right, dark and light. In
explaining to friends and relatives what I know to be the great deception spoke of in revelations, it is the
duality-separation from creator that was manufactured by the darkworkers to remove the power from
lightworkers. We have free will to choose which wheel we wish to push forward. I choose the light!
Finding my twin flame in my dreams, and finding the golden thread of commonality in all belief, I am
filling the cup of love to overflow. I am one with all, as all is one with I am.

Peace within and throughout

Ariel from The United States

Collapsing duality into oneness: it can’t be done. It would be like trying to undo something that never
was. We are now, have always been, and always will be, One. Duality is merely our perception that we
no longer have access to God, or more precisely to the Absolute Unconditional Love that comes only
from God/Source/All That Is.

It came about through a suggestion which was made to Humanity long ago … We actually came into 3D
fully well knowing this. Well, fully knowing that we had been given a “bait and switch” tactic. Come one
come all ~ experience the Great New Creation where you’ll have a thrill a minute until you get to the
end of the ride ~ and when you get off you get to go back and do it all over again (ergo -
“reincarnation”)... oh and the other condition ~ you have to do it all by yourselves without your
connection to your endless Source of Energy”.

Yes we knew from the get go that we were really coming here to keep the Creator God (not to be
confused with God/Source/All That Is) of this new creation from being lonely, but under the guise of an
irresistible opportunity to experience something that had never been experienced before, and in so
doing adopting the perception of relinquishing our own ability to access God’s Love in keeping with the
original agreement; that in this new creation we were required to perceive our own existence the way
the Creator God of the new creation perceived itself; as being separate from God.

So how do we undo our perception of duality, of separateness from/inability to access to God’s Love?

Enter the Twin Flame Phenomenon ~ it’s really nothing new. It’s been in existence since the very first
branching off from Source. It’s how we as Souls came into existence; each with our own Divine
Compliment. And this is why it is so very integral to what is going on today because each and every one
of us who came to Planet Earth originally, came here without our Divine Compliment… we left them
behind as a kind of “safety net”, if you will, knowing that one day we might need assistance in coming
back to a state of awareness through which we could once again perceive our worthiness and innate
ability to access God’s Love, aka Ascension. The Love that is experienced between Twin Flames is in fact,
as All Absolute Unconditional Love is; God’s Love. This is why it is SO VERY profound, and once felt here
in this incarnation cannot be mistaken for ANYthing else (though it does bear a striking resemblance to -
but is much stronger and more wonderful than - the ecstasy experienced as orgasm during sexual climax
- one of the remaining clues to our connection with our Divinity).

To make a long story short, once the Twin Flame couple comes back together and they understand the
magnanimity of God’s Love through the way they feel being together, we now have undone the
perception that we don’t have access to God’s Love because BAM! there it is right there, like lightning
from the blue! No more questions, no more doubts, no more “duality”. We ALL have the opportunity to
take this into our hearts. Each of us has our Divine Compliment out there somewhere, just waiting for
the day that they magically fall into our lives, or we into theirs. No Truer Love has there ever been,
because this is THE True Love, THE Absolute Love that holds everything together.

Brendan & Paula from The United States

To me, Collapsing Duality means becoming one with our higher selves, our twins, humanity, everything
living, and of course to the Source, The Godhead. It means to break down the barriers of hatred,
mistrust, fear, and all the things that make men go to war or let others starve in the streets. Collapsing
Duality is a state of mind where there is one consciousness to create the reality that the soul knows not
the body. We should try to be the best we can be and shine our light so everyone can see. It is
To be able to Collapse The Duality of our perception
That from each other and from God, exists a great divide
Is but our key back to the houses of the holy
Bridging the gap of deception, both far and wide-

Let us embrace the intent of Ariel; the spirit of Heather

And the vision of Jan - absorbing their wisdom into our souls
Then we'll mix the light of Susan; the I AM of Helena
and the consciousness of Rebecca and begin to shift our poles-

Alas, with the soul of Janine; the heart of Kristin

And the Oneness in Jagoda, we'll change this reality
From the source that fills my divine complement, Paula
Let us now send this energetic prayer across the universe
So that we may Collapsing This Duality -

into ONE!

If you wish to see the original article with all of its love and light, please visit:

Namaste: Brendan & Paula

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