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Assessment 1 - Lifestyle and Mental Health

After two weeks of lessons focused on Positive Psychiatry and Mental Helth I
discovered some lifestyle changes that will help me. The main changes I want to make are
related to exercise, yoga and sleeping well , I also want to put more value on the people
around me and on the positive things that happen every day.
Exercise. I know that physical activity releases endorphins, powerful chemicals that
lift our mood and provide added energy. Regular activity can relieve stress, improve memory,
and help us to sleep better. Because I use the car to get to work, I will change this habit by
cycling or even walking on sunny days. In this way, in addition to the benefits of physical
exercise, I can enjoy the wonderful buildings and parks that I pass by every day, far too fast
to be able to appreciate them.
Yoga. Yoga describes moving meditation involving exercise, relaxation and
meditation practices. Since there are many types of yoga I can run classes that best suit my
helth condition and the free time that I have. I want to add this activity to my lifestyle to help
me manage and minimize stress and to be more calm.
Sleeping well. A good sleep helps us to be healthy and more productive the next day.
For proper sleep hygiene I will avoid stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine close to
bedtime and I will turn my bedroom into a sleep-inducing environment.
Mental health has a massive impact on our life, affecting how we think and act, the
relationships we have, as well as how we deal with the stresses in life.We can all make some
changes in our daily lives to improve both our mental and physical health.

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