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Name: pajuelo Sanchez kinverly solari

Group: N° 56 Date:
26 / 7 / 20
Teacher: Milagros Jara Level: Básic English II


A. Cross out the odd word.

1. orange purple short green

2. hair passport ticket map
3. brother girl father husband
4. cheap jacket trendy horrible
5. shirt shoes trainers boots
6. slim handsome overweight chubby

B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

expensive wife dictionary beautiful backpack

1. This is my wife , Linda.

2. A: Where’s my camera?
B: It’s in your backpack .
3. Alice is a(n) beautiful young woman.
4. This jacket is nice but it’s very expensive .
5. This word isn’t in the dictionary .
score 4

1. Who’s got my mobile phone? a. No, I’ve got a sister.

2. Whose trainers are these? e b. I’m your cousin’s flatmate.
3. Are you an only child? a c. Ben.
4. How old is your father? f d. I’m so sorry.
5. That’s my jacket, it isn’t your d jacket.e. They’re Kelly’s.
6. You look familiar. b f. He’s in his fifties.

score 3


A. Circle the correct words.

Alex and Victor are university students. (1) In / On the morning, they (2) take / takes
the bus to university together. After their classes, Alex (3) walk / walks to work and
Victor (4) go / goes home to study. They sometimes meet (5) at / in about nine and
(6) go / goes out with their friends.

B. Complete with the Present Simple of the words in brackets.

1. Olivia I don’t like (not like) football. She

(like) basketball.
2. Martha and Ian Idon’t read (not read) the newspaper in
the morning.
3. A: What time this sitcom
B: I think it (finish) at seven o’clock.
4. A: the girls (go) to bed late on
B: Yes, they do.
C. Put the words in the correct order to form sentences.

1. tennis / Ian / plays / never / .

I am never plays tennis

2. at / sometimes / gets / James / 8:00 / home / .

james gets sometimes home at 8:00

3. a / doesn’t / take / taxi / Jessica / usually / .

Jessica doesn’t a take taxi

4. often / get / late / up / I / .

I get up often

5. breakfast / doesn’t / Nancy / always / have / .

Nancy doesn’t have always breakfast

A. Write the sentences in the plural.

1. This umbrella is black and blue. These umbrellas are black and blue
2. That torch is new. Those torches are new
3. That woman has got long hair. Those women have got long hair
4. Has Tina got a black dress? Have tina got black dress
5. This passport is Canadian.
these passports are canadian

B. Complete with the correct form of the verb have got.

1. A: have your dad got a map of the USA?
B: Yes, he has got . He has got a map of
Canada, too.
2. I have two daughters and one son. My daughters

fair hair and blue eyes but my son dark hair and brown eyes.
3. A: have you got a camera?
B: No, I have . But my brother got two

C. Choose a or b.

1. Is this your camera?

a. This b. these
2. My flatmate has got a lot of T-shirts.
a. flatmate b. flatmate’s
3. My eyes aren’t grey, they’re blue.
a. it’s b. they’re
4. Dave has got a blue suit .
a. blue suit b. suit blue
5. This umbrella is my father’s .
a. my father b. my father’s
6. A: I’m sorry but that’s my jumper.
B: You’re right. I’m sorry.
a. That b. that’s
7. That is a very beautiful dress .

a. dress beautiful b. beautiful dress

score 6

Listen to two friends talking and write T for True or F for False.

1. Natalie hoovers the house every weekend.

2. Jeff does the washing every weekend.
3. Jeff doesn’t iron the clothes.
4. Jeff does the washing-up.

score 4
Read and tick the correct pictures.

Dylan, Henry and Luke are brothers, but they look very different. Dylan is tall and
slim, but Henry and Luke are medium-height and chubby. Dylan and Henry have got
dark hair, but Luke has got fair hair.

Dylan Henry Luke


Total score

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