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A Project Proposal for

Philadelphia Community Hospital

Vizianagaram district
Andhra Pradesh.
Phone: 08964-242470, 242320

Reaching to the unreached villagers of Salur Mandal


To follow the example of Christ by helping those in need and proclaiming the hope of the


To reduce Health problems faced by marginalized people in the communities around

Philadelphia Community Hospital , Salur
To alleviate suffering of poor and needy those who could not afford to pay their
hospital treatment cost
To provide a helping hand to destitute family members of hospital patients by
providing a limited number of hot meals, lodging and/or initial prescriptions upon the
patient's discharge from the hospital. This help is granted only as a "last resort" when
all other avenues of financial help have been exhausted.

Introduction to the community

Salur is a municipal town and Mandal headquarters in Vizianagaram district, of

the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.
It is located 57 Km towards North from District head quarters Vizianagaram and 602 Km
from State capital Hyderabad towards west.

Salur mandal consist of 190 Villages and 30 Panchayats. Lolingabhadra is the smallest
Village and Mokhasamamidi Palle is the biggest Village. It is located in 158 m elevation

Telugu is the Local Language spoken.

Total population of Salur Mandal is 101,386 living in 22,825 Houses, Spread across total 190
villages and 30 panchayats. Males are 49,731 and Females are 51,655
Total 48,354 peoples live in town and 53,032 live in Rural.

History of Involvement of The Leprosy Mission

Philadelphia Leprosy Hospital had its modest beginning with the efforts of Rev.P.Schulze, a
German missionary. This was handed over to the Leprosy Mission Trust India (then Mission
to Lepers) in the year 1906. In the year 1939 German missionaries left Salur and American
missionaries took charge. In the year 1956 mono-therapy was introduced. Reconstructive
surgery unit started functioning from 1965. The present hospital building was inaugurated in
1971. Training programmes which started functioning in the years 1968 has been
recognized by the central and state government of Andhra Pradesh in the year 1973.
Artificial Limb centre started functioning from the year 1970. Ophthalmic unit was established
in 1979. Leprosy control programme was discontinued and leprosy services were integrated
with general health services in 2003. This hospital has been renamed as Philadelphia
Community Hospital in the year 2005 aiming to serve the community with different
specialties along side leprosy. The hospital celebrated centenary in the year 2006. New Eye
ward and OPD renovation work completed and is in operation since 2009. There is an
increasing demand for Ophthalmic, Obstetrics and Gynaecological services.

Need and Importance of Community Outreach

All the health care providers were based at Salur town including a Government Hospital .The
surrounding village community totally depends on these health care providers. Most of the
private nursing homes are expensive and being run with the business motive with less caring
element. All the Doctors working in the Government hospital run their own clinic. Thus
Government hospital becomes a place for these doctors to get referral for their clinics.
The villagers with little knowledge most often duped by the medical practitioner and sell their

Hence most of the disease can be managed with little medication it is important to look at all
the variable factors that prevent people from accessing treatment. These factors all have
socio-economic implications and are listed below:

1. A basic lack of awareness and knowledge about common diseases, its

consequences and available treatment methods.
2. No enough caretakers to accompany aged person to the hospital (many of these
people come from families of daily wage earning)
3. Lack of money for transportation.
4. Fear of Hospitalization.

Because of their unawareness and poverty they continue to deprive from getting basic health
care facilities.

Project planning & Methodology

This project is proposed to set up a mobile clinic for providing the Health care needs of
surrounding villages and it will have the following elements of approach,

 Weekly clinics
 Home visits by health workers
 Primary health care, pre-natal and post-natal mother and child care
 Growth monitoring of children through parent retained cards
 Treatment to common childhood illness, preventive measures and immunization.
 Referral services

Further, strong emphasis will be laid on IEC of preventive care, Safe drinking water, proper
disposal of human waste, personal hygiene, oral rehydration and other communicable

Indicators of achievement

The following objectively verifiable indicators mark the achievement of the project.

 Comparison of pre-development and post-development scenario.

 Increased level of awareness amongst the beneficiaries about the programme
 Increased participation
 Increased community action
 Marked improvement in health and hygiene of the target group.

Organization and Man-power

The Superintendent of Philadelphia Community Hospital Salur will be over all in charge and
responsible to execute this project. He will be assisted by Dy.Superintendent Medical, well-
trained, sympathetic and committed health workers. The service of the Doctors and other
Medical Specialists will be taken from the Hospital. Voluntary services of the doctors and
medical professionals will be encouraged in the project.

Personnel requirement


Superintendent 1
Clerk/Typist 1
Stores keeper 1

Health care

Medical Doctor
Nurse/Midwife 2
Pharmacist 1
Health supervisor 1
Health workers 2
Driver 1

Infrastructure requirement for mobile Health Camp

Vehicle 1 with fitting space for below mentioned equipments.

Examination couch (Retractable)
Transfusion equipment
Oxygen equipment
Sterilization tools
Clinical tools
Medical Chest
Freezer box/ice box
Public addressing system
Auxiliary power supply


A. Capital

Sl.No. Item Name Specification Amount (INR)

Vehicle ( Four
1 Bolero – 8 seater 9,00,000
Examination table with
2 Retractable 3,500
3 Transfusion Equipment 20,000
4 Oxygen Equipment Oxygen Concentrator 12,000
5 Sterilization Container Stainless steel 5,000
6 Clinical tools 5,000
7 Medical Chest 3,000
8 Freezer Box / Ice Box 10,000
9 Public Address System Active speaker system 5,000
10 Auxiliary Power Supply 25,000
TOTAL 9,88,500

B. Staff Cost

Sl.No Staff Description Amount (Rs.)

5% for Supervising and
1 Superintendent 30,000
Monitoring this activities
2% for Supervising and
2 Dy.Superintendent 22,000
Monitoring this activities
Account and office 5% for arranging logistics
3 9,000
staff and record keeping
1 day cost = Rs.1300 X 52
4 Medical Officer 67,600
days in a year
1 day cost for 2 nurse =
5 Nurse – 2 no. 72,800
Rs.1400 x 52 day in a year
1 day cost = Rs.930 x 52
6 Health Supervisor - 1 48,360
days in a year
1 day cost = Rs.250 x 52
7 Health Worker - 1 13,000
days in a year
1 day cost = Rs.700 x 52
8 Driver -1 36,400
days in a year
TOTAL Per year 2,99,160

C. Operating Cost

Sl.No. A/C Heads Description Amount (Rs.)

1 Vehicle Fuel 30 Km x Rs.15 x 52 Days 23,400
1000 no @ Rs.0.50 x 52
2 Pamphlet 26,000
3 Banner 2 banner @ Rs.1000 2,000
Medicines and
4 Rs.5000 x 52 days 2,60,000
(attached Annexure-
5 Misc. 10,000
TOTAL per Year 3,21,400

D. Drug requirement Cost for Medical camp (Annexure- I)

Purchase Quantity
SI.No. Name of the Drug Amount (Rs.)
Rate in INR required
1 B. Complex Tab 0,09 300 27
2 FST Tab 0,16 300 48
3 Vit c Tab 0,15 200 30
4 A & D Cap. 0,15 200 30
5 Avil Tab 0,20 100 20
6 Buscopan Tab 3,10 50 155
7 Flagyl 400 mg tab 0,60 100 60
8 Rantac Tab 0,40 400 160
9 Pasramol Tab 0,40 200 80
10 Lopramide Tab 0,70 50 35
11 Citrizen Tab 1,14 50 57
12 Folic Acid Tab 0,15 100 15
13 Diclofenac + Pcm 6,00 200 1200
14 Albendazole Tab 1,50 50 75
15 Calcium Tab 0,30 200 60
16 Cefixime 200 mg 4,20 200 840
17 Aceclofenac 2,00 150 300
18 Domastal 1,42 50 71
19 Doxycyclin 100 mg cap 2,33 100 233
20 CPM Tab 0,05 200 10
21 Amoxycillin 500 mg cap 2,39 200 478
30 Paramol Inj 4,00 20 80
31 Dclofenac Inj 4,00 30 120

32 Methylcobalmin Inj 11,50 30 345
33 T .T Inj 8,00 5 40
43 T.Metformin 100mg 2,20 50 110
44 T.Metformin 500mg 1,22 50 61
45 T.glimipride 1 mg 1,52 50 76
46 T.glimipride 2 mg 1,90 50 95
47 T. Aten 25 mg 1,05 100 105
48 T.Pantop 40mg 4,35 50 217,5
49 T.Losar H 3,72 50 186
51 Syringes 10 ml 3,70 10 37
Total 5457

Philadelphia Community Hospital

Vizianagaram district
Andhra Pradesh.
Phone: 08964-242470, 242320

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