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Unité 6: Activité 4

Les risques et les avantages d'emprunter de l’argent

Compléter le tableau ci-dessous pour comparer les risques et les avantages
associés aux différents méthodes d’emprunt.

Méthode Description Y a-t-il un coût Quel sont les Quel sont les
d’emprunt pour emprunter RISQUES? AVANTAGES?
de l'argent de
cette façon?

Exemple: -emprunter un -dépend de -Si le prêt n'est - pratique grâce à

Amies ou Famille montant d’un ami l'accord pas remboursé, des conditions de
ou membre de - certains amis ou cela pourrait avoir remboursement
famille et travailler membres de la un effet négatif peut être plus
ensemble pour famille peuvent sur une relation flexibles
décider quand et demander des personnelle
comment l'argent intérêts
sera remboursé

Prêt personnel -Someone -You only have to -if you don't pay -if you do
borrows money pay interest if you the money back in everything right
for à personal don't pay the time it could cost you have nothing
need and pay it amount needed you à lot of money to worry about
back by the time grace and you got to
period is up borrow the money
for free

Carte de Crédit -borrowing money -if you don't pay -depending on -if you pay the
and paying it all the amount you what company cost at the end of
back ( may used by the end of your with the the month you got
include interest) the month you interest could be to use à card
have to pay the higher or lower instead of carrying
total and interest and if you don't cash and got to
pay back the borrow the money
required amount
at the end of the
month you have to
pay the total plus
the interest
- the credit could
start to add up
and you could go
into debt
OSAP -à program to help -You only have to -you might not be -you can attend
pay for pay interest if you able to pay the school and borrow
college/university don't pay the total amount you the money and
through grants or amount needed got loaned and be worry about
student loans by the time grace in big trouble with paying it later
period is up interest

Prêt étudiant -Money from -You only have to -if you don't get -you can attend
fédéral taxes goes to pay interest if you them the money in school and borrow
students as à loan don't pay the time you'll have to the money and
and must be paid amount needed pay interest worry about
back after by the time grace paying it later
period is up

Ligne de credit -you borrow -you must pay -you have to pay -you can borrow
money in interest on the interest and that money in in
increments, repay borrowed balance could add up to à increments and
it, and borrow when the line is lot of money pay it back as
again if the line is open. many times as
to stay open. you want while the
line is open

En consultant l'information recueillie dans le tableau, classe les méthodes d'emprunt du

meilleur (#1) au pire (#6).

Amies ou Famille
Prêt personnel
Prêt étudiant fédéral
Carte de Crédit
Ligne de credit

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