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(Bachelor Degree in Software Engineering)

Year 3
RSF3 (Group 6)

Written Assignment

BACS3033 Social and Professional Issues

2019/2020 (session 201905)

Name Registration Signature Marks

(Block Capital) No. (For Lecturer /
Tutor use)
1. Loo Chun Han 18WMR08489

2. Wong Yong 18WMU08523


3. So Zhen Nan 18WMR08505

4. Loh Her Xinz 18WMR08487

5. Looi Jen 18WMR08490


Lecturer/Tutor’s Name: Miss Penny Goh Kim Nee

Date of Submission: 15 August 2019
Assignment Final Report Assessment Criteria
The assessment of this final assignment report is based on the following criteria:

Group Assessment

Criteria Excellent Good Average Poor Score

Very clear Some part of Brief description about Very brief description
Part A
description about the description about the the background of the about the background
Background background of the background of the contemporary topic of the contemporary
(4%) contemporary topic contemporary topic selected, which are not topic selected, which
selected. selected with directly related to are not related to
ambiguity. question. question.
(4%) (3%) (2%) (0-1%)

Able to provide very Good to provide Average to provide Poor to provide

clear and reasonable reasonable reasonable assessment reasonable
Part B assessment & assessment & & justification with assessment &
justification with justification on the limited explanation on justification with
Justification of the very details chosen topic from the chosen topic from very little to no
chosen topic from explanations on the social, legal, social, legal, explanation at all on
social, legal, chosen topic from architecture and architecture and market the chosen topic from
architecture and social, legal, market perspectives. perspectives. Able to social, legal,
market perspectives. architecture and However, some look for information architecture and
market perspectives. explanations are not from many sources but market perspectives.
(40%) Able to look for clear. Able to look for some of them are Able to look for
relevant relevant information irrelevant. limited information
information from from many sources (11-20%) and subject to limited
many but some information few sources and
sources within the is not used wisely. some information are
duration of time (21-30%) irrelevant.
given and well utilize (1-10%)
Able to provide very Good to provide Average to provide Poor to provide
clear and reasonable reasonable evaluation reasonable evaluation reasonable evaluation
Part C evaluation with very on the proposal of the with limited with very little to no
details explanations solution(s) upon your explanation on the explanation at all on
Proposal of the on the proposal of the chosen topic. proposal of the the proposal of the
solution(s) upon your solution(s) upon your However, some solution(s) upon your solution(s) upon your
chosen topic. chosen topic. Able to explanations are not chosen topic. Able to chosen topic. Unable
apply the clear. Able to apply apply new ideas to receive & apply
new ideas and new ideas or thoughts in solutions new ideas or thoughts
thoughts in solutions or thoughts in under on solution.
and solutions certain (1-5%)
able to apply it for in most situations and can only
autonomous learning. situations and able to use
(16-20%) use them with some
them without assistance.
assistance. (6-10%)
Sub-Total (64%)
Criteria Excellent Good Average Poor Score
Able to provide very Able to provide clear Average to provide Poor to provide clear
clear and reasonable and reasonable clear and reasonable and reasonable
Part D assessment of ethical assessment of ethical assessment of ethical assessment of ethical
issues raised from issues raised from issues raised from issues raised from
Identification + chosen topic. chosen topic. Good chosen topic. Average chosen topic. Poor
justification of ethical Excellent justification on such justification on such justification on such
issues from chosen justification on such ethical issues with ethical issues with ethical issues with
topic with appropriate ethical issues with well appropriate limited point to support very limited or no
selection of the ethics well appropriate selection of the ethics it. Able to gather facts point to support it.
philosophy to support selection of the ethics philosophy to support related to ethics (1-7%)
it philosophy to support it. However, some problem but some of it
it. Able to give explanations are not being irrelevant.
(30%) excellent clear. Able to verify (8-15%)
interpretations and whether the facts are
consider numerous relevant or not based
views from related on facts, rules and
perspectives based on laws relevant to the
facts, rules and laws ethical problem.
that are relevant to (16-23%)
the ethical problem.

Lecturer/Tutor’s Feedbacks/Comments:
Idea Curation + Presentation (6%)

1% 2%-3% 4%-5% 6%
Great difficulty Some difficulty Clearly Clearly &
communicating communicating communicatin confidently
ideas. Not able ideas. Limited g ideas. Good communicates
to curate for curation for curation for ideas with
Individual Group required required required excellent
Member Name information. information. information. justification.
Little Lack of Adequate Excellent
preparation, preparation, preparation curation for
incomplete work incomplete work and required
or no/little visual or incomplete presentation information.
aids. visual aids. of work. Good Excellent
visual aids. preparation and
presentation of
work. Excellent
visual aids.


Lecturer/Tutor’s Feedbacks/Comments:
Faculty of Computing and Information Technology

Plagiarism Statement

Read, complete, and sign this statement to be submitted with the written report.

We confirm that the submitted work are all our own work and are in our own words.

Name (Block Capitals) Registration No. Signature

1. …Loo Chun Han…… …18WMR08489…… ………………

2. …Wong Yong Xian… …18WMU08523…… ………………

3. …So Zhen Nan……… …18WMR08505…… ………………

4. …Loh Her Xin………. …18WMR08487…… ………………

5. …Looi Jen Hoong…… …18WMR08490…… ………………

Tutorial Group : Group 6

Date : 15 August 2019

BACS3033 Social and Professional Issues

Individual Tasks Allocation

Name 1: Loo Chun Han (18WMR08489)
Name 2: Wong Yong Xian (18WMU08523)
Name 3: So Zhen Nan (18WMR08505)
Name 4: Loh Her Xin (18WMR08487)
Name 5: Looi Jen Hoog (18WMR08490)

Indicate (√) in member name column if he/she have involved in that task.
Tasks Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 Name 4 Name 5
1. Background √ √ √ √ √
2. Topic Analysis √ √ √ √ √
and Solution
3. Ethical issues √ √ √ √ √
Table of Contents
1.0 Background............................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Stake Holders...................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 Analyze the topic and provide solution for each perspective......................................................3
2.1 Social.................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1.1 Possible Risk and Consequences:...................................................................................3
2.1.2 Highlight of positive and negative sides:.........................................................................4 Positive Side:........................................................................................................... 4 Negative Side:..........................................................................................................5
2.1.3 Solution of negative side:...............................................................................................5
2.1.4 Personal Opinion:..........................................................................................................6
2.2 Legal Law........................................................................................................................... 6
2.2.1 Possible Risk and Consequences:...................................................................................6
2.2.2 Highlight of positive and negative sides:.........................................................................7 Positive Side:........................................................................................................... 7
2.2.3 Recommendation for positive side:.................................................................................8 Negative Side:..........................................................................................................8
2.2.4 Solution for Negative Side:.............................................................................................9
2.2.5 Personal Opinion:..........................................................................................................9
2.3 Architecture........................................................................................................................ 9
2.3.1 Possible Risk and Consequences:...................................................................................9
2.3.2 Highlight of positive and negative sides:.......................................................................10 Positive Side:......................................................................................................... 10
2.3.3 Recommendation for Positive Side:..............................................................................10 Negative Side:........................................................................................................ 11
2.3.4 Solution for Negative Side:...........................................................................................11
2.3.5 Personal Opinion:........................................................................................................11 Side:.......................................................................................................... 11
2.4.2 Recommendation for Positive Side:..............................................................................12 Negative Side:........................................................................................................ 12
2.4.3 Solution for Negative Side:...........................................................................................12
2.4.4 Personal Opinion:........................................................................................................13
3.0 Ethical Issues........................................................................................................................ 13
3.1 Subjective Relativism.........................................................................................................13
3.2 Ethical Egoism................................................................................................................... 13
3.2.1 Successful Evidence:.....................................................................................................14
3.3 Rule Utilitarian.................................................................................................................. 14
References............................................................................................................................. 14
Censorship of Facebook in China

1.0 Background

Internet Censorship can be divided into two types which are active censorship and passive
censorship. Active censorship means prohibition and restriction on how netizen use Internet,
even criminalizing individual or group who spread unsuitable content while passive censorship is
means to block content by blocking its data contents or source [ CITATION ZAI15 \l 17417 ].

An example of censorship of internet in Asian happened at China.

Case 1: China has banned Facebook due to the incident of the July 2009 Urumqi riots in
Xinjiang, a western Chinese province [ CITATION KRI19 \l 2052 ]. China government believed
that Xinjiang independent activists arise used of Facebook and other social media and the
internet groups as the communication networks to communicate the issue related to the Arab and
Muslim issues [ CITATION Moh09 \l 2052 ].

1.1 Stake Holders

 Government
o Chinese government censored the Facebook in their mainland.
o withdrawn the approval of Facebook new subsidiaries

 Facebook organization
o Provide platform let all user use the Facebook if the users can access

 Facebook user
o Before July 2009 which Facebook haven’t get banned yet, the china users still using

 Citizen
o The citizen in the Urumqi, especially the riots between Uighur rioters and the Han
2.0 Analyze the topic and provide solution for each perspective

2.1 Social

2.1.1 Possible Risk and Consequences:

 Sharing data to third party app

o The people have to accept the term and condition before using any application.
Beside Facebook, there are many social media platforms outside which forced you to
accept the T&C and they have the choice to manage your data. Those small
companies might have bad security which your data are in danger if the system was
o The more privacy data you leak to the public, the more dangerous you are.

 Targeted by hacker
o Hacker usually aim for those account who unrestricted access to the system. Those
small company’s social media platform securities are not firm as the Facebook
company, this may raise the hacker awareness to hack the account.

 Scams attack
o Scams attack will ask for your personal data like (banking details, password, personal
info) to scam your money especially when they got your leaked data from the third-
party companies.

 Restriction of privacy and innovation

o The people might afraid of data leaking issues as the security from the other
application is not that good, so that the people are unwilling to share their personal
data to avoid any scams attack.

 China’s entrepreneur not knowing the latest trends

o China’s lack of innovation derives partially from entrepreneurs not knowing the latest
trends, something to the closed nature of the country Internet. Slow traffic -- even
with tools to hop over the Great Firewall -- also hinders creativity(Michael Li, 2013).
While the China peoples unable to search for Facebook, then they are in trouble to
seek for the trending item in the world right now.

2.1.2 Highlight of positive and negative sides: Positive Side:

 People will study from different variety of page instead of only seeing Facebook.

 China as the strictest internet censorship programs in the world helps to obtain the
nickname of the “The Great Firewall of China” which cease the social media from
fraudulent corrupt or anti-government practices.
 Internet censorship generally reduces the amount of internet crime, making it tough for
people to spread the above, push drugs and so on.

 Internet censorship blocks racist and pornographic websites, which are offensive
material. It tracks down people who are illegally spreading such things over such a
boundless medium as the internet and prosecutes them.

 Internet censorship increases privacy, by blocking websites such as Facebook, Twitter

and Snapchat which ask for personal details. Hackers can find these details by breaking
into your account[ CITATION Ben12 \l 17417 ].

 People use Facebook to find information or collect information. Censorship of Facebook

can help alleviate the society by in fringes people’s rights in the most cases, especially
freedom[ CITATION Cry19 \l 17417 ].

 Censorship of Facebook shelter people from the reality, it will make people know
something wrong[ CITATION val12 \l 17417 ]. The young people had constantly exposed
to the Internet, the China government knows the young peoples might don’t know how to
filter the data they exposed to and simply spread the news, so they ban Facebook in
China. Negative Side:

o Internet censorship prevents people from sharing their opinion, especially on topics such
as religion and politics.

o Internet censorship causes allows corrupt (dishonest and wrong, especially for monetary
gain) information to be spread, and prevents the truth from coming out. This happens a
lot in China, when videos/articles about human rights violations are released, and are
blocked from the eyes of the world.

o Internet censorship makes it harder for people living in a censored country to contact the
outside world, and make themselves heard. They may have relatives that could have been
contacted on Twitter, for example, who they can now not keep in touch with.

o Internet censorship is a violation of privacy, as the Chinese government monitors all of

the sites that a person visit.

o Internet censorship is a obvious violation of human rights and freedom of speech.

o China peoples can collect and research information from Baidu instead of Facebook as
the government already provided a good platform which very similar with
Google[ CITATION Jos18 \l 17417 ].
2.1.3 Solution of negative side:

 Since Facebook is blocked in china, china citizen can use other social media to express
their opinion as well. This can increase the security also as the china application such as
Weibo and Tencent QQ, it can be controlled by china, the data might not be hacked or
leak so easily.

 Since Facebook and Google is banned by China, China citizen can use Baidu( 百度一下,
你就知道) as the search engine to find the information or do the research. Baidu is quite
a successful search engine also that created by China which contain of many useful
information also, in addition as a china citizen, Baidu is in Chinese word more so what
china citizen can understand it more.

 China Citizen can look out the international news instead of using the social media such
as Facebook. I the Facebook, actually it contains of any uncertain news and post that
created by people worldwide and sometime to spread the fake news. Therefore, China
government is care about the truth to avoid their citizen to get the wrong information. For
example, CNN news and BBC news, from here, people can get a lot of legit news daily
that happened all around the world. According to research from democrats, 74% of news
from CNN news can be trusted[ CITATION Gra19 \l 17417 ].

2.1.4 Personal Opinion:

In my personal opinion, I feel that the people in China have to appreciate what the government
had done to them. The China government banned Facebook with a strong reason which bring
more advantages more than disadvantages to the country. Other than that, the government throws
no one behind, they provided China own social media platform like Baidu (Google), WeChat
(WhatsApp), Qzone + QQ (Facebook + Messenger), Sina Weibo (Twitter) for the China citizens
so that they have their can enjoy those social media facilities too. There is no reason why
banning Facebook is bad for the China since they wanted to protect their data and they wanted to
beat the US company in social media market capitalization. Facebook should be banned so that
the citizen in China can use their country own social media platform and they don’t have to
worry the outsiders are steal and sell their data. Facebook banning allows the China citizens to
share their information and thoughts in the social media more freely as there is no outsiders are
able to steal the data.
2.2 Legal Law
Section Five of the Computer Information Network and Internet Security, Protection, and
Management Regulations.

2.2.1 Possible Risk and Consequences:

 Facebook is an application that use by many ppl around the world and inside it might
violates some of the China legislative basis which, in using Facebook include spreading
fake news of China, fabricating or distorting the truth, destroying the order of society
which violate one of the Section Five of the Computer Information Network and Internet
Security, Protection, and Management Regulations. The law is approved by the State
Council on 11 December 1997, and take effect on 30 December 1997. Whereby is
violating the laws, unlawful income is confiscated, 5,000 yuan or less may be imposed on
individuals and 50,000 or less imposed on work units, where there is also a punishment
of ceasing interconnection for six months or less and shutdown may be imposed if
necessary.[ CITATION Cre97 \l 17417 ]

 Facebook may be use by activists that utilize them to organize themselves which is
people will utilize the applications and use it to protest on the authorities which have
influence a political issue which include brazenly humiliating other persons or concocting
facts to slander other persons that violates the regulations of China.

 Facebook are also use to defaming state organizations which China activist may use
Facebook to share on government order directing media organization in China to other
countries which are illegally to provide state secrets to foreign entities, which will harm
the prestige of State organization.

 Facebook are mainly use for people around the world to communicate to each other and
share story among them, Facebook may include promoting feudal pornography,
gambling, violence, murder, terrorism or encouraging criminal activity which have also
violate the Section Five of the Computer Information Network and Internet Security,
Protection, and Management Regulations.[ CITATION Wik19 \l 17417 ]

Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (Cybercrime)

 The government of China set the censorship law which if the netizen of china browses
anything related to censorship of Facebook will display black page and say “relevant
laws, regulations, and policies” to prevent the display of results related to the searches.
[ CITATION Wik191 \l 17417 ]

 There are several sensitive areas in China, that have been report of locals organization
using VPNs(Virtual Private Network) to access to Facebook to do business with foreigner
entities which are illegally wrong and may be prison for using VPNs, only registered
application which are approved by China Government is able to use in the local country.
Which if caught, the organization is pursuant to Article 286(1) of the Criminal Law, the
organization shall be fine, and the person in charge and the other person who are directly
liable to the offences may be sentenced to an imprisonment of no more than three years.
[ CITATION Sus19 \l 17417 ]

 The Cyberspace Administration of China announce that the internet information provider
and users in China who seriously violate related laws and regulations will be subject to
Social Credit System blacklist which is using VPN illegally to access on other websites
like Facebook which is blocked by “Great Firewall of China”.[ CITATION Wik19 \l
17417 ]

2.2.2 Highlight of positive and negative sides: Positive Side:

 Prevent Spreading Fake News

o Facebook has been criticized that they are doing enough to limit the spreading of fake
news story in their site, despite banning Facebook in China is one of a good choice
make by China as all the activist may spread fake news on China to fraud others
politician to win on certain voting, because people only care about winning and will
use whatever ideas may effect. Thus, provide imprisonment for people who do such
thing that violate the regulations is a good choice.

 Protect Country Privacy

o Facebook are being use to gather data information from user without their consent, as
for China, they might enclose country privacy information to other country using
Facebook as all the data information are being enter into Facebook. Thus, China
government would like to protect the country privacy so that they imprison and fine
those who break the law and regulations of which is stealing people personal

 Decrease Sharing of Violent Content on The Internet

o China would always restricted to such violent content to be show on social media as
being stated in the rules and regulations as the government of China are concern
about the content that are being show to users which are still not reach the
requirement age where there are content that are related to pornography, gambling,
murdering and etc.[ CITATION Wik17 \l 17417 ] Thus, Government of China had
concluded to ban Facebook and provide the law and regulations which will fine and
imprison who have seen doing such actions, despite parents of China are also worry
on their children being influence by such content on the internet.
2.2.3 Recommendation for positive side:

 As technology is getting improved and more advanced today, more and more applications
are to be use as a tool to do bad things. The government of China should just improve
their website blocking technology to block the website that the China deemed to be not
good, as the current censor technology of China is not advanced enough to block the
VPN which are widely use nowadays.

 As for the children that always on the internet, their parents should monitor them when
using the application, and also to be restricted to the content that are deemed violent as it
may influence children with bad imagination. The parents should just set password on
certain application and channel to restrict the children from using it as bad way. Negative Side:

 Good Education Tools

o Facebook are being use worldwide as an communication tools, which people from
around the world may share information or culture from other country, Facebook is a
great application where people can increase communication skills by communicate
with people around the world as a starting point also to increase knowledge and
Facebook is also a good tools for education purpose which lecturer and student may
share information through this apps. Whereby, the law and regulations of approve by
the government indeed limit a person to learn from around the world.

 Business Organization
o Facebook is a good tool to be use by Business Organization to communicate with
other foreign countries to make business, so by banning Facebook, and also the rules
and regulations make many of the business Organization have lost the potential of
promoting their products around the world.

2.2.4 Solution for Negative Side:

 The citizen in China can use application that are similar to Facebook that are not block in
China which is WeChat and Weibo. These applications are developed by China and are
legally use in China, so the citizen can use these to communicate with each other and
share information.

 As for business organization they can use VPN to access application that are blocked by
China, although is illegal in doing that but in order to promote their products widely
around other country, this would be the best choice of doing it.

2.2.5 Personal Opinion:

From my personal Opinion, I think that Facebook is a great tool which to be use by student and
business organization. For students and teenager, it should be use and being monitor by parents
carefully where if their kids are to be use it carefully. As for business organization, I think the
Government of China should grant permission to access Facebook on certain condition which are
to be use legally like promoting products and also international communications purpose.
Whereby, there is also at certain point Facebook should be banned, as Facebook is a powerful
tool use for cyber bullying which there are cases where cause people to get depressed and some
may lead to death of being bully.

2.3 Architecture

2.3.1 Possible Risk and Consequences:

 For the people in China they are evolving everything, The China has developed its own
application which are Weibo, it is similar like Facebook and is the most popular blogging
platform for Chinese users, Weibo is capable of doing microblogging and Companies
with a Weibo account can also increase their level of communication with its customer,
posting messages that contain much more content than what can accomplish with
Facebook.[ CITATION Ang16 \l 17417 ]

 The people of China also had developed own communications tools which are WeChat
that are popular among them to use to communicate to each other. It is a mobile app and
also available on personal desktop, swept up the pool of potential users of Facebook,
developing into what is possibly the biggest hub for communication in China. WeChat
are useful for Venmo and PayPal which use can top up funds in the applications and pay
use the applications, WeChat can also use to post its own Moments on their walls,
companies and famous people can host its own public account that can generate content
for promotion purpose online.[ CITATION Ang16 \l 17417 ]

 The government of China had also utilised a more advanced censor technology which are
“Great Firewall of China” as its own technology to block website which the government
of China deemed illegal. “Great Firewall of China” include blocking foreign internet
tools (e.g. Facebook, Google, Twitter), limiting access to foreign information sources and
requiring foreign companies to adapt to domestic regulations of China.[ CITATION
Wik192 \l 17417 ]

 Some of the organization business companies of china tend to use proxy server outside
the firewall, which is using a VPN services to access to blocked website of applications
to gain communications around the world to increase companies ‘revenue.[ CITATION
Wik192 \l 17417 ]

2.3.2 Highlight of positive and negative sides: Positive Side:

 New Application to Replace Facebook

o Despite banning Facebook, the citizen of China has certain loss of a good
communication platform to use. The development of the China’s applications which
is WeChat and Weibo have done a great job on replacing Facebook as their
functionality are much more advanced than Facebook to be use in China, there is also
functionality that are similar to Facebook which is communicate with other people
and share information with each other.

 More Functionality
o The Implementation of WeChat are far more better than Facebook as the WeChat
provide payment system allowing people to transfer to friends, pay their bills, even
scans QR code for payment application, as the people just need to attached their
credit card details to the application, so the people no longer have to bring wallet.

 Violent Content to Be Blocked

o The “Great Firewall of China” have done a good job on blocking the website that are
deemed as illegally website to be browse, as this can decrease the violent content that
are being view by children, because children underage are much easily to be influence
by negative things on what they see.

2.3.3 Recommendation for Positive Side:

 The application like WeChat and Weibo can be expand to be use worldwide not just
restricted to be use inside China, which other countries can share information
internationally to each other and also be able to do business with each other using the
same application.

 The “Great Firewall of China” could be improve more to be more restricted to violent
content as people can still access blocked website using VPN which are deemed illegal
also. So, to overcome such problem, the government should improve the sensor
technology to be more advanced. Negative Side:

 Lack of International Communication

o Although the application has more functionality compare to Facebook, but the
applications are mostly to be use in China which the business organization have no
potential in using the application to promote worldwide which will definitely
decrease their income.

2.3.4 Solution for Negative Side:

 As told before, the business organization can register permission from the government to
the approval of using VPN to access to Facebook to promote their products or use it to
communicate with other business partner internationally, which this would be legal to use
Facebook in China.
 The usage of application like WeChat and Weibo should be expand to worldwide, so that
the business organization can communicate easily through the application and also
promote their products easier because it has been using internationally.

2.3.5 Personal Opinion:

Despite that Facebook is used by many people around the world, Facebook is truly an application
which are to be used by many individuals to communicate, doing business, and also play games
through it. Although Facebook is banned in China, but China have developed its own application
like WeChat and Weibo which have similar functionality like functions and have extra features,
this provide the opportunity for the China cooperation to be competitive with other country
which are good for their country. Besides, Facebook are also being use by hackers to steal data
nowadays, so to prevent this, the China have made right choice to ban Facebook as the
application like WeChat and Weibo are under the control of the government of China which is
much more safer than others application from other country

2.4 Market
2.4.1 Possible Risk and Consequences: Side:

 This indirectly provides the China market an opening to promote a system that has
similar services like Facebook [ CITATION Bab17 \l 17417 ].. For example, WeChat,
Tencent QQ, Baidu Tieba and etc. gain the opportunity to start off their services in China
and even expand throughout the world.

 According to [ CITATION Jan171 \l 17417 ], the China market will develop promptly to
establish similar services like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and they are competing for
international market share. This competitive environment leads to many innovative and
creative services to be formed. For instance, WeChat, Sina Weibo and Youku Tudou.

2.4.2 Recommendation for Positive Side:

 Apply horizontal integration. For example, Weibo company merges with Tik Tok
company because they need each other for the uniqueness and services of each company
so that they are able to come out with a better service. Also, it will be lesser opponents
among the market. Negative Side:

o This undoubtedly causes the economy to decrease gradually as they have lost a prominent
world-wide social platform such as Facebook which can be utilized to advertise a product
to customers globally. This narrows the market in China as customers outside of China
will have limited option to learn about China products.

o China market will not be able to retrieve reliable data from different countries. Customer
data that contains their preferences or browsing properties which is significant will be
difficult to obtain. Prominent social media which is used globally can easily do the trick.
Therefore, China market may be not able to track various countries for customer
preferences to provide the best services or products that meet the requirements of

2.4.3 Solution for Negative Side:

 Companies can use virtual private network (VPN) to access Facebook to promote and
advertise their products with more effort [ CITATION KRI19 \l 17417 ].

 Develop similar services which can possibly compete against Facebook so that it can gain
attention from customers around the world and eventually surpass Facebook [ CITATION
Bab17 \l 17417 ].

 Offer a tempting price to buy customer data from other companies across the world to
improve the China market globally.

 Adopt the VPN service to access Facebook to sell products there [ CITATION KRI19 \l
17417 ]. Therefore, whenever a customer is interested about a product, Facebook will
recommend and show the customer related products and services even they are from

2.4.4 Personal Opinion:

We think the Chinese government censor the Facebook is the brilliant choice for the China
market side. This is because such action given China an opportunity to build their own market
which produce service similar like Facebook. In which there is a already successful case
whereby WeChat has become the substitute of Facebook in China and even provide more offers
than the Facebook [CITATION Soc19 \l 17417 ]. Furthermore, we support China government
ban the Facebook and other social media from the western side because the government is trying
to protect the economy in China. As China government want to control their market by avoiding
big company like YouTube to monopolize their market, enabling local company to startup their
3.0 Ethical Issues

3.1 Subjective Relativism

Based on the case in top, Chinese government think it is right to remove content that is
not interested by their state. Chinese believed that the Xinjiang incident misuse the
Facebook causes the protests by Uighurs in Urumqi[ CITATION Moh09 \l 2052 ].
However, Chinese government such internet control has caused the restlessness and anger
for Chinese citizen [ CITATION ZAI15 \l 2052 ]. As such censorship hinder the freedom
netizen’s freedom [ CITATION ZAI15 \l 2052 ]. Hence, the act subjective relativism is
mean in this example as subjective relativism allowing each person to decide what is
right and wrong (Walker, n.d.). In this case, Chinese government think they are right,
however the Chinese netizen think government is wrong.

3.2 Ethical Egoism

Based on the case above, the Chinese government act ethical egoism as they want to
develop its own industry of internet. In current world, we can see that the world’s leading
market capitalization is Google company (636B USD) which is from the US. Amazon
and Facebook are the 2nd and 3rd leading companies. The top 3 were leaded by the US
and then number 4 is Alibaba (356B USD) which is from China. China really feel shame
because they are not even top 3 and they have to do something. This ethical is a moral
fight action that provides self with maximum long-term benefit. So, China banned those
western apps or websites so that they can improve their industry internet and compete
with the US’s in the future[ CITATION Che17 \l 17417 ]. People are also drawn to
ethical egoism because it is consistent with many moral beliefs. For example, it is
consistent with helping China people. According to ethical egoism, it is right to help
others because it is usually in your self-interest which is the government wants to help
out the citizen in china to increase the economy in china by supporting the china apps.

Successful Evidence:

Through some research, we found out that China currently is not the Top 3 in term of
social media market cap, so they want to pay initiative to improve their market
capitalization. In this case, they banned those outsiders’ applications and Social Media
platform so that the China peoples data won’t leaked to the outsiders[ CITATION
Che17 \l 17417 ]. As we know data is the new fuel, so China are doing their part to
protect the data from leaking out from the countries. China developed own social media
and application like WeChat, Qzone + QQ, Sina Weibo, Tik Tok which is the US’s
WhatsApp, Facebook + Messenger, Twitter, Snapchat for the China people so that they
can utilize the same facilities without leaking data to the outsiders.

3.3 Rule Utilitarian

According to the social media giant Tencent surveyed more than 10,000 users who were
born in 2000 or after, nearly eight over 10 said they thought China was either in its best
time in history or was becoming a better country each day. Nearly the same percentage
said they were very optimistic or quite optimistic about their future. From here we can
show that by supporting our nation apps, the citizen can feel happy because they didn’t
get affected to much negative news or incident. China citizen feel Chinese apps got
everything. Through some research, we founded that Mark Zuckerberg wanted to focus to
upgrading Facebook to the WeChat. The ultimate goal is to merge the payment with the
social media[ CITATION Nic19 \l 17417 ]. This means that China technology is
successful more than the US and become threating as a competitor. Many major shows
that WeChat had win the Facebook such as from mobile payments to gaming to direct
lines of contact to businesses. From here, we can conclude that China technology have
become very advance compare to the other country. For example, Mark Zuckerberg
admire WeChat until they feel want to take “WeChat” as the references for advance apps
technology. This prove that the decision early made which satisfy by mostly citizen, and
the result is the thing that made in china have make proud of becoming the china citizen?

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