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MIS Case : 2 Walmart answers from net R

Case Study 2 - Walmart 

1. Where does Walmart’s supply chain start? What triggers Walmart’s Retail Link
system to ship goods to local Walmart stores?
Walmart’s supply chain starts with its application of network technology that is used to
coordinate it. They have more than 60,000 suppliers worldwide, the largest in the world. Retail
Link connects Walmart’s largest suppliers to its own inventory management system and
requires them to track actual sales. When they do this, the suppliers then know when to
replenish supplies based on the demand recorded. 
2. Why is a detailed knowledge of consumer purchases at each store important to
Walmart’s success?
In order to know which products to order from suppliers and have in stock, Walmart must have
access to information about consumer purchases. If Walmart does not have enough of a
product in demand, consumers will seek other businesses to buy their goods from and Walmart
will lose customer loyalty and money. On the other hand, if Walmart orders too much of a good,
it will also lose money due to inventory that is not being purchased. 
3. Why can’t other large retailers easily duplicate Walmart’s Retail Link?
It would be difficult to duplicate Walmart’s Retail Link because other retailers do not have
access to the same resources and supplier relationships that Walmart has. Through its EDI-
based supply chain management, Walmart has a strong influence on all of its suppliers, by
requiring them to use the network to respond to orders and to track actual sales in order to
replenish supplies according to demand. This influence also allowed Walmart to ensure that it
does not pay for the goods until they reach the store. The capabilities of this system would be
difficult for any other retailer to copy, especially if they do not have the ability to directly link their
inventory management systems directly over the internet, as Walmart does.
4. Why does Walmart encourage its vendors to learn how to use Retail Link?
Walmart encourages its vendors to learn how to use Retail Link because it makes it easier on
the company itself. The replenishment of supplies is dictated by the demand recorded through
Retail Link’s inventory management. It also means that Walmart does not own the goods until
they arrive and have been shelved. This removes liability on Walmart because they are not
responsible for lost or damaged goods. In addition, using Retail Link means they do not have to
manually manage supplies; when supplies are needed, they will be delivered.

Extra questions :

What is Walmart's supply chain?

Companies within the supply chain of Walmart synchronise their projected sales
through a collaborative, planning, forecasting and replenishment system. Every chainin
the link is connected by a centralized database system, store-level point of sale system
and a satellite system.
Why can't other large retailers easily duplicate Walmart's Retail Link?
Why can't other large retailers easily duplicate the Walmart's Retail.
Answer:Walmart has one of the largest and secured IT system which is way more
powerful than any other private company in the world which is also unique.
Soduplicating them won't be that easy for any other company.

Where does the supply chain begin?

Supply chains consist of all the steps involved in getting a product from a raw material
into the hands of the customer. Typically, the supply chain begins with the vendors or
suppliers. These are the businesses that provide raw materials. Next in the supply
chain is manufacturing.

Where does Walmart get their inventory?

The vast majority of its suppliers are in the United States. However, the supply chain
for Walmart stores is global, with suppliers in the United Kingdom, Canada, China,
Mexico, Taiwan, Hong Kong, France, and other countries.

Is Walmart successful?
Walmart's (WMT) success is the stuff of legend. But there is no mystique at the core of
its mammoth success. ... As of March 2020, Walmart operates over 11,500 retail units
under scores of banners in an increasing number of countries and has e-commerce
websites in several more.

What are the 4 types of inventory?

What are the 4 types of inventory? The four types of inventory most commonly used are
Raw Materials, Work-In-Progress (WIP), Finished Goods, and Maintenance, Repair,
and Overhaul (MRO). When you know the type of inventory you have, you can make
better financial decisions for your supply chain.

Who owns Walmart now?

Sam Walton's
It is a publicly traded family-owned business, as the company is controlled by the
Walton family. Sam Walton's heirs own over 50 percent of Walmart through their
holding company Walton Enterprises and through their individual holdings

Who is Walmart's biggest competitor?

The top 10 competitors in Walmart's competitive set are Amazon, Costco, Kroger,
Walgreens, Home Depot, Tesco, Carrefour, ALDI, Target and Best Buy.
What are the 3 foundations of supply chain?
What are the 3 foundations of supply chain? Supply management consists
of:Supplier management, evaluation, certification, strategic partnerships, green
sourcing, and VMI. Logistics management, green logistics, distribution networks.

Will a supply chain always look like a chain?

The most basic version of a supply chain includes a company, its suppliers and the
customers of that company. The chain could look like this: raw material producer,
manufacturer, distributor, retailer and retail customer.

What are the stages of supply chain?

The 5 essential stages in developing a successful supply chain
 Stage 1: Plan. Planning involves a wide range of activities. ...
 Stage 2: Source. This aspect of supply chain management involves organizing
the procurement of raw materials and components. ...
 Stage 3: Make. ...
 Stage 4: Deliver. ...
 Stage 5: Return

What are Walmart's weaknesses?

Walmart's Weaknesses – Internal Strategic Factors
Large span of control – Its highly extended size and massive span of control could
leave Walmart weak in some areas. Thin profit margins – Walmart focuses on a cost
leadership strategy. It results in thin profit margins for the company.

Is Walmart doing well financially?

Walmart earnings beat as investments fuel sales growth, retailer in 'good position' to hit
2019 goals. Walmart earnings for the fiscal first quarter top analysts'
estimates. ...Walmart's e-commerce revenues during the quarter grew 37%, as the
retailer continues to make investments online to compete with Amazon.

Is Walmart bigger than Amazon?

Amazon Surpasses Walmart As The World's Largest Retailer. It was bound to happen
sooner than later: Amazon has surpassed Walmart as the biggest retailer on the
planet. ... Amazon has continued to chart a path to retail domination, with the number of
Americans who subscribe to Amazon Prime topping 100 million in 2019.

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