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“1 S\EMENS avsea01 Plant: ANGRA 2/3 Department: KWU E 133 Prepared by: Ammann Title General Requirements for the Surface Treatment of Austenitic CrNi Steels, Chromium Steels and Nickel Alloys (for the Reactor Cooiant System and the Reactor Auxiliary and Service Systems of Pressurized Water Reactors) 1 T BRAgIo |DD| 0232 4900 | paaoD Date of issue: June 24, 1977 UA | Contents Code Sub-No Approvals of Original Issue and Revisions KWU E 133 KWUNQ 11 ce d Bab Jammann — 2KAl we Frank i Pie KWU E 733 KWU.NQ 13 Hi Wi Hy | M A 4 Or. Wille 2. Ai 1800 Kreckel 715(% KWU N 222 [Praject Nygnager) / hewixe ‘Schmidt, D. 4S. 90 Revisions after Initial Review Revision] Revision Status | Descripton of Change andior Page Reference 014 | June 26,77 | First issue 078 |Aug. 18,78 | Changes; Section 0, Pages 1-5, Section 1, Pages 1-23 01¢ | April 29, 85 | General Revision 01D | April27,90 | Revision; Section 3, Page 2, Section 5.1 1, Page 4; Section 4, Page 3; Section, Page 9 and formal changes l Siemens AG - Power Generation Group (KWU) H30-K2290.X X 76 Spez , Dec Blatt MQ-01 90 8 AVS E 8/01D Plana: ANGRA 2/3 Section 0 Page 2 Table of Contents Section/Page 0.1 Cover Sheet/Marks of Review and Approval 0.2 Table of Contents 1 Introduction " il General Standards, Specifications, WW Guidelines and Siemens Specifications General Standards, Specifications "W and Guidelines Siemens Specifications "W 2 General Conditions an 2.1 Cleanliness Symbols 2st 2.2 Approval of Cleaning Plans 2/1 2.3 Cleaning 2 2.4 Erection 2 2.5 Lubricants 21 3 Requirements in Respect of the Surface 3/2 Conditions 4 Cleanliness Tests 473 4.1 Visual Inspection 473 4.1.1 Diseolorations due to High Temperatures 473 4.1.2 Ferrite Contaminations 4/3 41.3 Cleaning Agent Residues and Pickling Damage 473 Aa2 Wipe Test 4/3 4.3 Testing for Ferrite in Reactor Auxiliary 473 and Service Systems 4.3.1 Ferrite Indicator Test 473 4.3.2 Ferrite Detection by Immersion in or 473 Wetting with Demineralized Water 4.4 Testing for Cleaning Agent Residues 473 45 Special Testing Methods ayy 5 Cleaning Specifications 5/4 5.1 Mechanical Treatment 5/4 5.1.1 Machining 5/4 5.1.2 Blasting 5/4 5.1.3 Grinding 5/4 5.1.4 Brushing 5/5 5.2 Electrodischarge Machining (EDM) 5/5 5.2.1 Electrolytic Treatment 5/5 5.2.2 Post-Treatment 5/5 5.3° Electrochemical Machining (ECM) 5/5 5.3.1 Electrolyte 5/5 5.3.2 Electropolishing (electrochemical pickling) 5/5 Siemens AG - Power Generation Group (KWU) An akcaent nade te renin His 99264 > Fe Sper slr fr Hes hee sbunge® NQ10 89 AVS E 8/01D Plant: ANGRA 2/3 Section 0 Page 3 Section/Page oa Chemical Surface Treatment 5/6 5.4.1 Degreasing 576 5.4.2 Pickling 5/6 5.4.3 Passivating 5/9 5.4.4 Rinsing 5/9 5.4.5 Drying 5/9 Appendix 1 Standard Reference Photograph lofi for Discolourations Note: This Specification consists of 12 text pages, including the cover sheet and the table of contents, and 1 appendix, This English Process Specification is based on the German issue: ays 8 (08.12.73) Oberflachenbehandlung austenitischer CrNi-Stahle, Chromstéhle und Nickellegierungen (ftir den HauptkUhlkreislauf und die nuk- learen Hilfs- und Nebenanlagen von wassergekithlten Kernreaktoren’ In this Specification the following abbreviations, possibly unknown outside Germany, are used: avs Process Specification DIN German Standards Institute (DIN-Norm = DIN-Standard) Siemens Siemens AG * Power Generation Group (KWU) NCN NUCLEN VDI = Association of German Gengineers Siemens AG - Power Generation Group (KWU) tenon pe ote, HO 2291 a Stee, Baty LewtrmtungenN@ 10 69 ANGRA2/2 avs & 8/010 Section 1, 2 Page 1 1 Introduction Tne reactor coolant syster and the re- aetor aurillary and. service systems 1 possess 2 specified surface Clean= Lines in order to ensure high resis- tance ageinst corrosion. ‘This general Process Specification pro- (des definitions and. data relating to. surface cleaning and testing pro= cedures. 1.1 General Standards, Specifications, Guidelines and Siesens Specifics” eons This Process Specification shall be read in conjunction with the following Beneral standards, "specifications, \ tldelines. and. Sitvens specifications, @ach in the edition stated in the com: Ponent ‘specification concerned. 1.11 General Standards, Specifica- Hons and Guidelines If no reference is made in the conpo- nent specification toa particular edition, the edition valid at the time the docunents for review are stamped with ‘the sark of approval shall apply. vor 3100 Blectrodischarge-Machin= ing (2Dw), Terma, Prose dure, Application’ vor 3401 Electrochemical ¥achin= Part? ing, Anodic. Abrasion With extention "Power Source, Fore-flysion vor 3401 Electrochenical Machin= Part 2 ing, Ancate abrasion with exterior "Power Source, Bead-Flysion — DIN 8201 Abrasives; Classifica Part i tion, Designation DIN 8201 Synthetic Mineral abe Part 6 rasives; Electric Corun= Gun DIN 6201 Synthetic Mineral ab- Part 7 rasives;| Glass Beads DIN 25 410 Nuclear Facilities; Sur- face Cleaniiness of Com ponents 1.1.2 Sdapens Specifications None 2 General conditions 2.1 Cleanliness Symbols The Various cleanlingss requirements for various components are. syecified in the Standard DIN 25 410. The clean~ Liness eyatols 2aid don therein shall be used, 2.2 Approval of Cleaning Plans The shop and site Cleaning Plans of the Component Manufacturers and their Subcontractors shall. be subsitted to Siemens/NCN for. approval. These plans shell contain data on the cleaning Sequences, cleaning agents and their Concentrations, reaction times of the Cleaning agents aed treatment. tempere~ tures. Siemens/UCN reserves the right to Pequest pre-production and ‘monitoring specimens’ for the purpose of checking the adequacy of the cleaning — proces dures. 2.3 Cleaning Cleaning shali be the last working step. For this reason sil the testing Procedures such as surface crack exan~ [nation, Ultrasonic examination and all mechanical perforgance teats shall be completed earlier. Cleaning shall be completed by rinsing with demineralized 2.4 Erection AL necessary precautions shall be taken to. ensure that already cleaned equipment 19. not contaminated during erection. The ‘openings of equipment, hich has been cleaned on the snsiae in the factory, shall be. xept closed untél final eonnection at the site. Erected eguipaent shall be cleaned only after consultation with and approval of Stemens/1iGN 2.5 Lubricants 2.5.1 Lubricants for Surfaces tn Con- fact with Opersting Medium Te caly Lubricants allowed for the assembly of reactor cosponenta which Gone into contact with the reactor cool ant in service are dispersions of col- loidal. graphite in organic. solvents free of halogens. The lubricants must fullfill the fol- lowing requiresenta: Fluorine and Chlorine < 200 mevke sulfur Z 200 nevis No content of low melting metals as Pb, Zn, Sn, $b ‘The content of Fluorine, Chlorine and Sulfur of every charge ‘shal? Ge cer= tified. Reactor components which do not come in= fo contact with the operating sedium may be lubricated with other lubri~ eante. Siemens AG: Power Generation Group (KWU) Avs E 8/010 cet ANGRA 2/3 Section 2, 3 Page 2 2.9.2 Lubricants for surfaces not in Acceptable ferrite contaninations: contact with the operating me- dun pererine oa ee Random Test!) Over ail Test Reactor components which do not come Tats Conduct with: une sperseing ‘aeaies enti Teaiaatar Water treataent tay" de"ubrtcatea ‘wien “etter'S Wuord= ay Fergie Tadicat ¥ saee uh eo aeigodcre Seuide of ca Sian tiseize lubrication compounds. b) Wate a < acnisaibie are 6 |= wininun 50.5 of the oS, lubricants aro not persitted on acpissipie ore 6, |= sipimun 20,50 nickel based etloya. Hedteateen? Rgaition | cithout. any est areas (acetate” | Gnaveat ion per om? Te, dabeteants must ulitsit the fotn Shen"sera out gor | serum 80 200 Tae * tions in one test 1 indication per dm? = nolyedenum sulfide vases lubricants etiaiGptTaoninn |- saxiaun ioe SF ee Fluorine < 200 ne/ke oS Spelentions per Chlorine % 200 me/ke >) 3 am ani No content of low melting setala sven as Pb, Zn, Sn, Sb. u CO eed oes = For couponents of the reactor auxili- rene eecolere ary and. seruice systens (temperatures Chiorine = 200 e/g velew 200 "C). suitur ne eae! Digcolorations at weld seams are ac- Merete earn ent ce ceptable up toa nediun biue color Po, dean, Sp, oN menting wetan (apare Appendix T reference color . ny Sa, 8. scale). Lubricant based on nickel powder shou Deviations, fron this ule require the a Random Test) Over al Test 3. Hequirenents tn Respect of the Sur a) Ferrite Tedicator [later treatment face Conditions test b) Mater treatment ALL surfaces that_come into contact tity Thee otatcostant ‘or with the adnisaibie are 3, |- minimum 90 4 of the Soolant of the reactor auxiliary and Indications per entire surface Service systems ghall_ be metaliically test areas (Adaition | without any Signe and tree of greanes, “olio, chtoe of inaieations. in inaleation per ani Fides, cleaning ofent residues. and car- leach aera) but not |- narinum 10 5 oF ioe bonate residues originating from hard more than 2 Indlca- | entire ations per cans fares witn a maxioun | Gn2 The following deviations from these re~ areraied Quirenents are scceptabh olan ~ For components of the reactor coolant —— systen (tenperatures avove 200°C). Discolorations at weld seams are acy Geptable up to 2 ‘sedium biue color (eoepare Appendix T' reference color Seale) ‘TW For Windor test at least # test areas or multiples of thes, each 1 dn, shail be evatuated. Siemens AG Power Generation Group (KWU) meneame ANGRA2/3 The tests listed below are Intended to provide proof that the metallically Bright’ surfaces are tn fact in a cone dition complying with the requirenents laid dovn under Section 3 above. 4.1 Visual Inspection 4.1.) Déscolorations due to High Tenperatures. Regarding the acceptability of discolo~ rations, see Section 3 above. oations Regarding the acceptability of ferrite \ Sontaminations, see Section 3 4.1.3 Cleaning Agent Residues and Pickling Damage Surface @iecolorations after cleaning always indicate the presence of clean- ing agent. residues and are not accep table Pickling damage such as pitting, sur face roughness or signs of etching shall "be Teported to” Sienens/NCN for evaluation and decision regarding their Bcceptability. 4.2 Mipe Test Nonpermissible dust and dirt deposits can be detected by wiping the surface with white filter paper. If the wipe fest is also used for spot checks for chloride -and ‘oll residues, a sample ‘Shall be ‘taken with filter paper for quantitative detersination with a low \ ehloride content. Samples shail be ta- ken only with new PVA ar FE gloves. The dimensions of ‘the sampling area shall be recorded. The Limit values for chlorides and sul- fates for surfaces wetted with the ope rating mediua are: ci: ¢ 0.1 meson So, : £ 0:5 evan Lubricants applied accoraing to. the Specifications "are’ not valid’ ag impuc Bate avs © 8/010 Section 3, 4 Page 3 4.3 Testing for Ferrite in Reactor 4.3.1 Ferrite Ferrite contaminations and pickling agent residues on austenitic surfaces ean be detected with the ferrite indi eator in the following manner: The indicator consists of two ditfe~ rent solutions mixed together in equal portiona shortly before use. The color of the solution ts yellow. The parts to be tested are wetted with this solution. If ferrite 1s present on the surface of the parta @ ‘change tn color from yellow to. blue will occur Within about 30 to 60 seconds. This color change takes place only Iocaliy, at the points where ferrite particles are present. Solution 1: 10 g kyFe(cndg'? 50 al K,0 3 drops of detergent Solution 2: 18 al conc. HNO, 50 el HNO It is important to wash off the indica- tor solutions with demineralized water Immediately after the test, regardless of the outeone of the test. 4.3.2 Fereite Detection by Immersion in or Wetting with Deaineralized Seall parts shall be inmersed in vater. Large parts aay be tested for the pre- sence of foreign ferrite by uninterrupt= ed wetting (sprinkling). The parts shall be immersed or wetted for’ at least 6 hours. During the storage in de- nineralized water, ferritic contamina tions will be indicated by producing rust (Fe,03). 4.4 Testing for Cleaning agent. Residues Residues of cleaning solutions can be detected by measuring the electric con ductivity of the rinsing water. Cheni- cally cleaned parts aay be considurad free of residues if, in the course of Anmersion of the parts in still, demine= ralized water for two hours at Foon tes. perature, the conductivity of the water increases by less than 5 jus ce”). The ratio surface (n®) to volume (m3) should be > 5. Neasurenonts of the pit are pointless be- cause they detect shifts of acidity, But no neutral salt residues. TAIT Genicais should be used in ana- lytical agent quality Siemens AG: Power Generation Group (KWU) * lant: ANGRA2/3 4.5 Special Testing Methods Spectal testing methods esy be employed only afier discussion with Siemens/HCN and their explicit approval 5 Cleaning speoi fications In selecting a surface treatent me~ thod, preference ehall be given to me~ ehanical cleaning procedures where. pos- sible. Pickling treatments “shall” be lisited as such as possible in order to avoid the risk of pickling damage. 3.1, Yechanical Treatment, Any kind of pochanical surface trest~ nent i8 permissible provided the treat= ed parts are subsequently pickled (Seo- tion. 5.4.2) or passivated (Section 5) below. uf the mechanical treatment is not fol- Jowes by chemical post-treatment, the following restrictions apply: 5.1.1 Mochining Turning, milling, planing, ete., with carbide’ tipped. tools and high-speca steel tools (followed by degreasing and rinsing of the parts according to Section 5.4.1 below). 5.1.2 Blasting Blasting agent: Approved Blasting Agents The following blasting agents are ap- proved: \ Electroe grain size 0.125 - 0.25 ne (noble corundua) Gtase rain size 0.18 = 0.4 an beads ® 421 the above blasting agents shall be tested for” purity, the. iron content | of the blasting agent shall not excesd 6.1 F by weight: Special Blasting Agents Special blasting agents such as sili- con carbide, quartz sand and zirconium oxide may be ‘used only in exceptional Gases and only after consultation with Stonens/1cn. 5.1-2.1.3 Unapproved Fiasting Agents Blasting with steol grit is prohibited. avs € 8/010 Section, 5 Page 4 Blasting Method The blasting method consists of two working steps, namely, blasting with Fectrevlation of blasting agent, and final. blasting. If the ‘surface to be cleaned (e.g. a clad surface), is grouna (section 5.1.3) below) before Blasting to remove the coarsest scale Welding spatter and discolorations, then blasting with” recirculation of blasting agent (Section 5.1,2.2.1), may be omitted and blasting may se limit~ e4 to Pinal blasting (Section 5-1.2-2.2 Be1ow). Machined surfaces, ©. g., seat= ings and eliding faces,’ tapped holes and studa, shall be covered’ before Blasting. Blasting with Recirculation ef Blasting Agent. The blasting agent may be recirculated until the visible contaminations. such as scale, rust and discolorations are Pexoved and the surface being blasted shows a uniform appearance. This blas- ting step shall be followed, if neces- sary, by @ surface crack examination. Final Blasting Arter the surface crack test the entire surface ghall be biaeted once more Using fresh blasting agent. In whe Tinal blasting step, recirculation and re-use of the blasting agent are no Longer permissible. 5.1:2.2.3 Rinsing After final blasting and removal of the protective coverings, the residues of Blasting agent and dust shall be renov~ ed with water to which a surface ten- Sion reducing agent has been added Rinsing should prefersbiy se done by spraying or sprinklicg the rinse onto the surfaces to de cleaned, The clean~ ing action can be inprovea by brush ing. (Suitable for this work are brush es with perion, nylon or natural brist- Yee, and staintess steel wire brushe Then the cleaned surfaces shall be rinsed with no intermediate drying sc- Sording to Section S.led.2 below, 5.1.3 Grinding Grinding may be carried out with abra- sive paper, abragive belts or pressed or cast abrasive disks. The grain aize of the abrasive agent shall a8 possible. Siemens AG Power Generation Group (KWU) Plant ANGRA2/3 The grinding materials shall match the following requiresents to the cleani: chlorine 1000 nevus sulfur © 5000 mg/kg Tron metallic © 1000 mg/kg Copper % 1000 ngvke The following guidelines shall be ob- served in gringing: Abrasive Agents For austenitic steels a grain size range of 0.09 to 0.2 am. For Cr steels and" age-hardening steels = grain size range of < 0.07 om, Ie grinding is the final treatment, and Le roughness Limite are apecitied, grin- \ Ging shail be foliowed by 2 polishing treateent. The grain aize ranges for polishing treatments shell be under 0.1 me for austenitic steele, and under 0.07 em for cr steels, Approved abrasive agents are monocry- stalline coruidus and noble corundus fuby. Grinding with iron oxide abrasive paper is not permissible, Finding ents containing sulfur or halogen are Rot allowed. After completion of grinding, the parts shall be cleaned with degreasing solu: fson as aescribes “in section "5.4.1 bem 5.1.4 Brushing Stainless steel wire brushes shall be used” for Cleaning parts, Stainless Steel wire brushes used for this work Shall ‘not be used concurrently. for \ brushing ferritic steels. They shall te used exclusively for austenitic mate- risis. After rushing the parts shall be cleaned with degreasing solution as Gescrsved in Section 5.4.1 below. 5.2 Electrostecharge Machining (EDM) Agcording to VDI 3400, this concept also includes electrodischarge counter. Boring, cutting and grinding. 5.2.1 Electrolytic Treatment The electrolyte use¢ shall be free of sulfur and chloride. ‘The limit. values are: less than 100 ppa chloride, lesa than 500 ppm surur. 5.2.2 Post-Treatment After electrosischarge machining, the treated parts require postetreatnent in onder to obtain the specified surface Poughness limita and to Tesove super= Fiefal’alteratione of the ‘material. avs z 8/019 Section 5 Page 5 Taig post-treatment consists of the Following steps: Degreasing Section 5.4.1 below Electropolishing Section 5-312 below Rinaing Section 5.8.4 below Acter the last ringing the parts shall be immerses for 12 hours. tn demine~ Fabized water at a temperature of about 20°C"'as a test for corrosion. Any rust patches detected by this test. shall be ground off (Seetion 5.1.3 above) 5.3 Electrochentes! Machining (EoM) Bletrochemical counterboring, turning, Bringing, honing and. lapping, called formelysion according te VOT 3401, Part 4. 5.3.1 Elestrolyte The approved electrolyte is NaN. Weonndeal grade) i Other electrolytes may be used only in exceptions) cauea and, only after con sultation with Stenens/NCM. Post-Treatment After electrocheeical sachining, the treated parts recuire post-treatment in order to obtain the specified surface Poughness ‘lisits. ‘This post-treatment consists of the Following steps: Degreasing Sette 5.4.1 below Electropolishing Sertivs below Ringing Section §.8.0 below Arter the lest rinsing the parte shail be imersed for 12 hours in denineralig- e4 water at a temperature of about 20°C a5 & teat for corrosion. Any rust path= es detected by this test. shall be groung off (Section 5.1.3 above). 5.3.2 Electropolishing (electrochent- gal pickling) Pretreatment The parts to be electropolishes shalt first be degreases (Section 5.4.1) be~ low) and freed of soale residues and Giscotoration. This can be done mech Bieally by blasting, grinding or brus ing (Sections 5.1.2) 5.1.3.) and 5.14 above), or chemically by a chepical pickiike ‘trestzent (Section "5.4.2" be- Tow). Siemens AG - Power Generation Group (KWU) ANGRA2/3 avs B 8/01 ¢ Section 5 Page 6 Electrolyte Electrolytes on an acetic acid/perchlo- rie acid basis shall not be used Electrolytes on a phosphoric acié/sul- Furie. acid basis and electrolytes ona phosphoric acid/suifuric acié/shromic acid basis are pernissible. Other electrolytes may be used only after consultation with Sienens/NCN, PosteTreatment Arter electropolishing the _ polished farts shall be rinsed as deseribed ang Gries as described in Sections 5.4.4 and 5.4.5 below. 5.4 Chemical Surface Treatment Sout ing Degreasing of Assembled Parts and Large Components The degreasing of assembled parts shall always be carried out with an alkaline, Polyhosphate-containing cleaning agent Giseolved in water. Requirements to Cleaning Agents Dissolved in water Degreasing agents with an acid reaction are not alloyed. ‘The chlorine content in the solution ready for use, is not allowed te exceed 100 mg/kg. Other degreasing agents may be used only after consultation with Stenens/ wen. 5.8. 1.2 Rinsing After Degreasing After degreasing, the cleaning agent ghall be. resoved by flushing with Water. ‘Ir degreasing will be folloved by 'z’ pickling treatment, then it is sufficient to rinse the degreased parts for 10 minutes with tap water. If, how ever, no further pickling is scheduled, Ehen' the rineing shall be done witn de~ Bineralized water as Gocorived in Sec- tion below and shail be follow ea by drying as described in Section 5.4.5 below. Degreasing of Unassembled and sesil barte Unassembled parts shall also be degreas- ed, 1f possible, as described in Sec tions SeMte}et and 5.4-1-1.2 above. If this 4a not possible, the following methods are also pernissible: Steam Degreasing with Organic Solvents Crgante solvents for steam degreasing shall weet. the following requirements: ‘Trichlorotrifiuoroethane: evaporation residues < 2 me/ke facie number % 0,002 mg KoH/e Water soluble chloride 2 0:5 ae/ke Trichloroethylene, Perchloroethylene: evaporation residies < 50 ae/ke bi hs Bekd absorbtion capacity 2 0.06 $ waoH only stabilized organic solvents are permitted. Ingereion or Washing Degreas- ing with Teichlorotrifiuore= ethane re The trichlorotrifiuoroethane shall meet the following requirenents: evaporation residues < 2 mg/kg. acid number 0.002 te Kon/e Water soluble chloride Z 0.5 ne/ke Post-Treatment Arter steam or iemersion degreasing, the degreased parts shall be dried ac- cording to Seotion 5.i1.5 below. 5.8.2 Phokding Wren reactor conponents are to be pickl~ ed after a mechanical surface treateent or in order to remove scale layers, Giscoloration or foreign metal conta- ination, the following rules shall be dbeerved! Requirements for Pickling Prior to any pickling treatment, the surface shall be cleaned and degre: ed (Section 5.4.1 above) The chloride, sulfate and sulfide con- tent hall not exeed the following Limits: Chloride < 50 mg/kg Sulfste < 300 me/ke Sulfide % ” 5 me/ke The pickling time shall be limited to the ‘necessary mininur. This " applies In particular to surfaces with speci: fied dimensional tolerances. For such surfaces, moreover, the composition Of the pickling solution shall be so Chosen that the attack on the base fetal renains minimal and that selec- tive corrosion of the material surface is excluded. Siemens AG Power Generation Group (KWU) Plant ANGRA2/3 Recommendations on the pickling of Crit, Ni and Cr steele used in reactor construction, with accurate plekling Solution compositions and pickling tines, are given in Sections to'5.4,2.8 below. If a acale layer is very thick, plek- Ling shall be preceded by coarse pre- Clesning. This Gan be done by srindingy brushing ané blasting (see Sections 5r1.3, 5.1u4 and 5-1,2,2 above), oF by selective prepickling of such’ areas with “pickling paste (see Section below) If a component contains narrow slots or capillaries, it stall be checked whe- ther it can be dismantled into indivi- dual parte for pickling. If this 1s in possible, and if the slots cannot be Covered, they shall be wetted with de \O Bingrailzed Water betore pickling. Pickling of Material com binations Before pickling erectes components and systens, 1¢ shall be checked that they consist of a uniform material. Pickling solutions Snerease to a dangerous exe Eent the contact corrosion between dif- ferent materials in metallic contact with each other. Components consisting Of 2 combination of different sate Pials, eng. of stabilised and non-st Bilised austenitic. steels, say there= fore be pickled only under’ certain pre- conditions. No universal pickling solu- tion can be recommended for such cases. fn individual decision shall be sade in each such case as to whether piok= Ling should be used and, “if so, whien pickling solutions shoulg be applied Therefore, whenever considering the Pickling ‘of “components consisting of Combinations of Eaterials whien cannot be separated by disassembly, the advice \ of Stemens/NcW shall be obeaines Plekiing of Welded Claddings Pickling of welded claddings is not per- Bissible, because of the risk of selec- tive corrosion. Welded claddings may de Cleaned only by rechanical metnods such ae blasting, grinding and Srushing (Sec~ tons 5.12, 5.1.3 end 5.1.4 above). pickling of Austenitic Crili~ Steels and Ni Alloys, except Precipitatson-Hardened Alloys (see Section below) The following pickling specification is valid. far the wateriais 1.4550)" 1.4541, Y2us71, "1.435, 1.4306. and “1.0307, and for the Ni altoys’ Inconel 600, Incoloy 825 and Incoloy 600 avs € 6/010 Section 5 Page 7 Composition of the Pickling Solution The composition of the pickling solu tion te as follows: 691 #50 (demineralized water) 25 1 HNO, (65% by vt. nitric acid) technical grade 61 Hy, (HO $ by ut. hydrofiuerié acta) Thie corresponds te a composition of about 20-5 $ by wt. HNO, and 2.5 % by wee HPD. 5.4.2.U,2 Piekling Procedure The parte to be pickled may be sprayed or sprinkled with the pickling solu- tion or immersed in it. The temper: turg, of the pjckling solution shall be 20" ¥c to 25 Sc. The piakling time re Guired depends on the freshness of the bath, The following. pickling tines Shall be taken as guidel ioe (1) vor! steele, eve+y seu571 bilised austenitic crit terials 1.4550, 1.4561, = Bath fresh to 1 week old: Plokling tise: 20 minutes = Bath 1 to ¥ weeks old: Pickling time: 40 t0 60 minutes = Older bathe: Piokling tise up to 2 hours. (2) For non-stabiiised austenitic Ceili steels e.g. materials 1.301, 1.4306, 4.4435 ‘and’ ‘for the M1 alloys Inconel 600, Incoley 825 and Incoloy 80 = Bath fresh to 1 week ola: Ploking time: 10 einutes, = Bath 1 to b weeks old: Pickling time: 20 to 30 minutes = Beth up to months old: Pickling time up to 1 hour = order baths: Pickling time up to 2 hours The cleaning action may be aided by brushing. the surface, particularly a= long scaly weld seams. Only stainless steel wire ‘brushes oF brushes with natural bistles cay be used for this work. Perlon and nylon brushes shall ot be Used because they react chemi- cally with the pickling solution. After completion of the pickling treatment, the pickled parts shail be rinsed and dried a3 described in Sections 5.4.4 and 5.4.5 below. Siemens AG - Power Generation Group (KWU) » pans: ANGRA/3 Pickling of Austenstic Crus Shel Castings This pickling specification applies to natergals 1.4552, 1.4561 and 1.4308, The pickling of an austenttic crm steel casting comprises two plekling Operations, ‘namely spall pickling and final cleanse. 5.8.2,5.1 Spall Pickling Spall pickling shall be used only in the presence of a thick casting scale before mechanical treatment The mechanically precieaned casting is iomepsed for 1d to 15 minutes in a 45 °C" spall pickling solution of the Follcwing composition: 6318,0 (destneralized water) 251 HNO; (65 f by wt, nitric acta) technical sree 121 HF, (uO $ by we. hydreriuorts acia) This corresponds to 2 couposition of about 20.5 F by wt. UNO and 4.9% by wte KaFa. Arter this treatsent the casting shell be ringed and dried a8 described in Sec~ thons'5.4.4"and 5.8.5 below. fina) cleaning Final oleaning is the last production step on a casting. The casting is in nersed for 3 hours at room tenperature (20 %c to 25 %c) in a solution of the Following composition: 121 Wy0 (demineralized water) Stan ene a MELON, Yecnaton . bee nie ote (OIE: sara | This corresponds to 2 coxposition of shout 20.6 # by wt. WHO, and t.2 % by 3 wt Rep. Arter this treatment the casting shall be ringed and dried as described in Sec tions 5.4.4 and 5.4.5 below. Plekling of Ferritic cent Steels and Precipitation: Jardenes 2 Pickling of ferritic CrNi Steels (types 46/6 and 13/4) and of precipitation hardened materials such as 17/4 PE 35/5 PH, 17/1 PH, Inconel X 750, & 286, Inconel 718, Tt shall not be pereissib” Je to use plokling for ceaoving oxide and Seale layers from these saterials. avs 8 8/010 Section 5 Page 8 only mechanical methods such 88 machin- ine, ‘blasting, grinding and brushing (Sections 5.10), B.1-2, 5ste3 and 5.1.8 above) are pereissibie, Then the trea ea parts shall be passivated using the Following solution: 10 1 #,0 (demineralized water) 30 1 HNO, (65.4 by wt. nitric acis) This corresponds to a 24.3 % by wt. HNO, ‘Solution. The treatment shall "be applied for 30 minutes at 20 °C and shall’ be followed by rinsing and drying as. desorived in Sections 5.8.4 and 504.5 below. Pickling of Co Steets The following pickling specification is recogaended for the materials 1.4003, 4.4008, 1.4112, 1.4059 and 1.4122 ih the absence of scale (if scale 19 pre- sent then the cleaning procedure accord ing to Section" shall be used). The solution recomzended for the pick- Ling treatment of chromiue steels with over 12 For 49 99 Fellowes 10 14,0 (demineralized water) 30.1 WO; (65 $ by wt pltric acid) technical srade 0.22 HyF, (4 F by wt. 22 hydeorivaris sete) This corresponds to a composition of about 24.3 4 by wt. HNO, and 0.1 % by wee Fy. ‘The picklige bath temperature shall be about 20 *¢. The pickling time shall not exceed 15 ginutes. On cr steel? a dark gray pickling cost (insoluble, con sisting Of chsorium oxides) 19 formed Guring this treatent, This coat ia easily renoves by brushing. This treatment shall be followed by rin sing and drying 2s_ described in Sec- tions 5-4, and 5.0.5 below. Treatment with Pickling rastes Pickling pastes should preferably be used only Tor precleaning (e-g., for Cleaning heavily scaled weld seams) and for post-treatment (e.8., for cleaning repair welds). Plokling Pastes For Cons Steels ana Wi Alloys. (ex- cept Precipitation-Hardening Atfoys) Pickling pastes can be fade from the above recommended pickling solutions, by using high caictmed A220, a8 pasting agent. Siemens AG. Power Generation Group (KWU) © Plant ANGRA2/3 AVS & 8/010 Section 5 Page 9 Pickling pastes shall meet the follow ing reauiresents: Boks & 45H by weight No 15 to 20 & by weignt Chloride << 50 mg/kg Sulfate = 300 mg/ke Sulfide = 5 ag/ke Reconmenced Pickling Pastes for Cr Steels For paste pickling of Cr steels it is possible to use the pickling solution Specifies for. these” materials in Section above. For this purpose the sclution is made into a paste with £40, or highly caleined A103 5.¥.2.8.3 Use of Pickling Pastes SS The pickling paste shall de applied to the Area to be cleaned with a painting or a. serubbing brush. ‘Penetration of the paste into creviees shall be avoid~ ed. The brush bristles shali not con sist of nylon or perion, whereas na~ tural bristies are quite suitable. The paste shall be allowed to act for 1S minutes’ and shall then be rinsed off with tap water, with the help of brushing. This ‘procedure may be repeat~ ed (not more than 5 times) until the Sealy area is free of oxides. Then = final rinsing with demineralized water shall be carried out ae desorsbed in Section below. 5.8.3 Passivating If components of the reactor coolant syster nave been cleaned sechanically a5 described in Sections 5.1.1 to 5.1. above, or treated chemically as desorib- ed in’ Sections to above or “siectropelisned (Section 5.3.2 3° Dove), subsequent paseivation will be onitted. By contrast, components of the reactor Uxiiiary and service systens, unless they undergo a final chemical treat- went, shall be passivated after mecha nical cleaning (Sections 5.1.1 to 5.1.8 above). Passivating solution: Binimum 10°% by wt. HNO. Passivation tine: 30 sinutes at 25 °C. 5.4.4 Rinsing Rinsing is subdivided into @ prerinsing phase and final rinsing. Prerinsing Subject to approval of Siemens/NCN, prerinsing may be carried out with well water or tap water. Prerinsing shall be continued until no traces of acid ean be detected with pH indicator paper either on the surface of the component or in the rinse, Final Rinsing If prerinsing was not carried out with demineralized water, final rinsing Shall. be carried out inmediately after prerinsing in order to avoid drying of The tap vater on the components (car~ Donate depossta). Contrary to prerins- ing, final rinsing shall always be car- ried out with demineralized water. guarity: Conductivity < 10 jusvem Chloride << 0.5 me/ke Sulfate 0.5 mg/ke Final rinsing shall be continued until the conductivity of the outflowing Finse watenes that of the — original Genineralized water with a devistion not exceeding 5 yus/en. The chloride content of the cutflowing rinse shall be less than 0.5 ppe. Final rinsing with “low-salt well Water or tap water Shall be peraiseible only in excepti- onal cases under specific conditions. Siemens/NCN reserves the right to. Gecide, on the basis of a full analysis of the’ water, whether or not these Con= @itions are fulfilled. 5.4.5 Drying Drying of pickled and rinsed —compo- nents, may be carried out by one of the following procedure: = storage in air = wiping with 2 clean, lint-free Linen eth = employment of cold, dry or ware air Free of ofl and dust = employzent of organic solvents (for example, acetone, methanol) a dry~ ing agent after rinsing with denine- ralized water. Siemens AG Power Generation Group (KWU) Appendix 1 to avs E 8/01D Plant ANGRA 2/3 Section ~ Page 1 Acceptability of discolourations of austenitic CrNi steels, Cr steels and Ni base alloys for cleanliness categories 1 + 2 1 2 3 4 (= 3,521) 1 + 2 = acceptable (yellow to brown) 3 = just acceptable (medium blue) 4 = unacceptable (light grey) Note: Discolouration ranges with increasing layer thickness through the following scale: yellow, brown, violett, dark blue, medium blue, light grey, grey. Siemens AG - Power Generation Group (KWU) Traine et the eres 2 RB IOLTE Spos wlsec His HesetneibunngenNQ. 1084 8

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