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WESTINGHOUSE HINTS ON ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE CHAPTER 20 INSULATION CLEANING AND DRYING Solvents should be used to clean silicone treated windings only as a Rane ea Feil We se So = actions ¢ te yeniton mut be valet avo Si exon ad \ wells rent tet aa CS puns pr ear inc SCI est apo Varo cited and ea tat > Tapeh place ney sss ma Sn SCRE a solvents are expectily tox When workin with solvents in conned space where vent sich a way that the ‘ch would be sigue gn agrovet om retin ch a Sat i Nae ae lt see st flames and sparks sway from Sarma chemical or carbon diorde re extn es, neoprene gloves, and ek ae i elvents eo prevent ita €° role distillates which are. clased as “Safeuy Type Solvents” 702 and have fash poineabove 100°F (8° O arc supblcd by peacteally a 203, & ‘Westinghouse solvents 1600-1 and 1600-2 (described in the oS ~alehols and lac Carbon tetrachloride and benzol are highly toxic solventa and : ot be used for cleaning purposes. Safe breathing con- € iventy are extremely low. Death may points Since the Bash point Vian that of certala other petroleum distil ‘nlety type solvents present a leser fie hazard. in should not be toed fs anaee meee & pecchloroethye thy chloroform are anor companies = ible cherinated aoivente which are being used Bammabe sa ibe followed. For ‘mounts to 029% AMPLE, PRECAUTIONS MUST BE TAKEN TO PREVENT FIRES AND EXPLOSIONS. (G CONSIDERABLE AMO b SOLVENTS WILL HAVE TO: ‘SOF THE C BFFECTS: chee salve - ind aprons an be used to provide BeOS Gir chet r mace mae fora sm which may be earied along when ce craic nara ie carter fen ees J Lo) ER ni agmroved broducts oe formsuch a0 Westinghouse B30806'2 mot Co \ 205, loves, Where Eanvas glove ov Mixtures of Chlorinated and Petro! ‘Contact of these solvents with the skin should be avoided. Neoprene ted gloves and aprons should be used to provide protection against tact. "> Water, Emulsion and Atkali Cleaning. Electrical apparatus which ) nant doeged with med andothertenege mater by pent opastoe, dust storms, floods, or other unusual conditions, wll require a thorough y 7 ' segeneayrouEraa ee cuey te pie seal econ on . SL 5 Tine, oF a spray of ‘avoid damage t0 ed apparatus with clear water to ‘by the detergent. Then dry £ eho dose not produce 1009-2, # 1608:, or Stoddard solvent a esac 2 soe Eon the winding fo the ven must be held fo Ceantng Vood-Damnied Motors with Water Presure {2 minimum. To clean the apparatus, pump or Bow the solvent over the = } ‘urtace and brush or wipe with a sol brush or cloth, Tk or rotate the 29 ro solvent is left trapped in pockets tolvents are flammable, the preci reviousy for them aust be observed. 5 of ne electrical apparatus should ‘Shipment and’ alo after the | \ should be taken to elim {ey chemical or carbon di paras, el apparatas which had been t Cc C for temporary, enclosure should be used. There sh always be ‘Ventilating openings at the top of the machines to provide for the escape of moisture are equipped with water cil air coolers irculated through: these coolers to kee Sear EE a anal th aon of age rl © acts may be dried sautactorly by using, under the end-windings, BOxBMIOE $9225 5 2.33 ax) In this formula can be indicated as follows: & Wea Dxrxbxtxk : where D = Diameter of punchings in feet = ia 12 = kw/sq ft/°C rise desired. ‘ywchen slay no ow seal waerbe DeRosa ae a. aan epee api in every cron acount ct ee eg eames be urged ove ee carrot ‘ig. Unie Heacers ae Very Bective Means of Drotod moat 2045 y t : | ~® iG ' i 4 c Synchronous Motors and Condensers fi 7 a ee ee Ceeatieacks a Be eet ; oc e See metas ice © is applicable tod ges cary converters, by this method, ~ it is advisable to operate them a5 ‘machines. ‘small and medium sae a.c or d-c motors may be disassembled and {> died sthtactonly in an oven. ‘Ege indiiduat motors are often dried in an improviaed oven or Boe" built around the motor and heated by electric grids or space at espe ths heater ntl potion pen end Jed colts jshera such as the dry chemical or carboa dioxide tspe, “Temperature indicate lads and temperature resistance lends for windings not connected. to. term The ‘should be faised slowly tm. approximately 85° the re 0 65° Cin the sevoud eight hours, and to 15°C in the Heating in For this method the transformer a ih are at higher ten han the ol, each in danglros tcnpratre: (For a combination of the (wo methods, ee Chapter 11 ‘TESTING The matter of testing or determining the condition of insilation, before and after—as well a daring the drying process is an smportant subject. Iti covered in Chaprer fu. 9 a

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