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 To understand E-Commerce Framework.

 To learn the usage of Electronic Systems for payment.
 To learn how to use E-Commerce Advertising & Marketing
 To understand business documents and Digital Library.
 To understand use of multimedia systems for E-Commerce.
Unit -I 15
E-Commerce Framework: Introduction – Electronic commerce framework – The anatomy of Ecommerce
Applications. - The network infrastructure for E-Commerce- the Internet as a network infrastructure.
Unit - II 15
E-Commerce systems and applications: Electronic payment systems – Inter organizational
Commerce and EDI - EDI Implementation - MIME and Value – Added networks.
Unit - III 15
Use of Advertising and Marketing: Advertising and marketing on the Internet – Intra organizational
Electronic commerce.
Technologies: Technological components of education on-Demand, Digital copy rights and
Electronic commerce - Software agent – Internet protocol suite.
Unit - IV 15
Business documents and Digital library: The Corporate digital library – Dimensions of internal
electronics commerce systems - Making a business case for a document library - Types of digital
documents- - Active / Compound document architecture.
Unit - V 15
Multimedia systems: Multimedia and Digital Video - Broad band telecommunications – Mobile and
wireless computing fundamentals.
TOTAL : 45
On completion of the course the students will be able to
CO1: describe the Frame work for E-commerce
CO2: examine the usage of Electronic Systems for payment processing
CO3: apply the techniques for E-Commerce Advertising & Marketing in real world
CO4: identify the business documents and Digital Library
CO5: demonstrate the use of multimedia systems for E-Commerce

1. Kalakota, Ravi and Whinston, Andrew B., “Frontiers of Electronic Commerce”, Pearson
Education, 2009.
1. Loshin, Pete. And Murphy, Paul A., “Electronic Commerce”, Fourth Edition, Charles River
Media, 2004.
2. Bajaj, Kamalesh K., “E-Commerce: The Cutting Edge & Business”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003.
3. Kennan, Brenda., “Managing your E-Commerce Business”, Prentice Hall of India, 2001.
4. Awad, Elias M., “Electronic Commerce from Vision to Fulfillment”, Prentice Hall of India,

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