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Am J Cancer Res 2018;8(12):2377-2386 /ISSN:2156-6976/ajcr0086841

Review Article
Detection and application of circulating tumor cell and
circulating tumor DNA in the non-small cell lung cancer
Yuting Zhang, Hongmei Zheng, Yuting Zhan, Mengping Long, Sile Liu, Junmi Lu, Hongjing Zang, Songqing

Department of Pathology, The Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, China
Received October 16, 2018; Accepted November 2, 2018; Epub December 1, 2018; Published December 15,

Abstract: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is the leading cause of cancer-related death in both men and women.
The ability of cancer cells to break-off from the primary tumor and spread to distant organs is the main cause of
death of cancer patients. The detection of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) is a
considerable part of liquid biopsy, which contributes to the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis, and especially to
identify the targetable mutations of NSCLC. This review is to discuss the detection and application of CTC and ctDNA
in the diagnosis, prognostic evaluation and guiding targeted therapy of NSCLC.

Keywords: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), circulating tumor cells (CTCs), circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), liq-
uid biopsy, targeted therapy

Introduction [10]. CTCs and ctDNA as the cornerstones of

liquid biopsy diagnostics have their own advan-
Lung cancer, with 80-85% being non-small cell tages and can complement each other. CTCs
lung cancer (NSCLC), is the leading cause of analysis can provide the information of cancer
cancer-related death in both men and women DNA, RNA and protein, whereas ctDNA can only
[1-3]. More than one-third of all newly diag- provide genetic abnormality information. These
nosed lung cancers occurred in China, making information can help clinicians to identify drug
it a large social and economic burden. According resistance mutations, minimum residual dis-
to the annual report on the status of cancer in ease after treatment, treatment progress.
China, in total, 651,053 patients were newly Although the CTCs have more information avail-
diagnosed with lung cancer in 2011, including able, ctDNA is easier to save and can be used
441,364 men and 209,689 women [4-6]. for a longer time [7, 9]. In the development
of personalized medicine, CTCs and ctDNA
The ability of cancer cells to break-off from the play a crucial part in the diagnosis, treatment
primary tumor and spread to distant organs is and prognosis of non-small cell lung cancer
the main cause of death in cancer patients. The [11-13].
detection of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and
circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) serving as liquid Detection of CTCs and ctDNA in NSCLC
biopsies is novel developed technology [7].
Quantification of genetic mutations using CTCs Detection of CTCs for NSCLC
and ctDNA may provide a noninvasive means
for early cancer detection and disease monitor- CTCs are tumor cells shedding from either pri-
ing. Compared with tissue biopsy, liquid biop- mary tumors or its metastases that circulate in
sies are far less invasive and more repeatable the peripheral blood [14]. These cells can be
[7-9]. Furthermore, because of the high degree divided into single CTCs and CTC clusters, with
of heterogeneity among tumor cells in different the latter being defined as groups of tumor cells
regions, liquid biopsy can provide more com- (exceed two or three cells, varied among previ-
prehensive tumor mutation analysis results ous researches) that march in the bloodstream
Detection and application of CTCs and ctDNA in the NSCLC

Figure 1. Formation mechanism of CTCs and ctDNA. A: Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are shed from primary tumors
or its metastases; CTC clusters can also be generated by single CTCs aggregation or proliferation; B: Circulating
tumor DNA (ctDNA) is released by necrotic cells; C: Active cells (including CTC) actively secrete DNA; D: CtDNA is
released by apoptotic cells.

[15] (Figure 1A). In the early stage of tumor for- microcavity array (MCA) system has been devel-
mation, tumor cells can be extensively shed oped by Hosokawa M et al. and was demon-
into the circulatory system [14]. The CTCs can strated to have higher detection sensitivity for
be detected in the blood of patients with only NSCLC than the CellSearch system [20]. An
primary tumor and no metastasis, and the cor- approach named isolation by size of epithelial
relation between CTCs count and cancer prog- tumor cell (ISET) can capture all the circulating
nosis is observed [16]. Clinical trials and clini- non-haematological cells (CNHCs) and charac-
cal data have shown that CTCs can still be terize as the CTCs among them [21]. Also many
detected in cancer patients after their primary flow cytometry and chip based systems have
tumors have been removed for several months been developed, including FISHMAN-R, On-chip
or even years, indicating that tumor cells can Sort (On-Chip Biotechnologies) and microfluidic
be re-disseminated from the metastases into chips [22-24].
the blood [9, 17].
Detection of ctDNA for NSCLC
Currently, the CellSearch system (Janssen
Diagnostics Company, USA) is the only FDA- The cell-free DNA (cfDNA) level in the blood
approved assay for CTCs detection. Since the increases due to various pathological process-
CellSearch system detects CTCs based on their es. Both benign and malignant lesions may
expression of epithelial biomarkers which are release their DNA into the blood through apop-
likely to be lost in CTCs due to epithelial-mesen- tosis and necrosis, forming cfDNA (Figure 1B
chymal transition (EMT) during circulating, the and 1D). Although cfDNA may be elevated in a
detection rate for CTCs is limited [18]. Many variety of pathological processes, cancer
other strategies are proposed and developed. patients have a greater increase than those
Herringbone-chip or “HB-Chip” creates an patients with benign lesions [25]. Higher con-
enhanced platform for CTCs insulation, which centrations of cfDNA often were measured in
increases the capture rate of CTCs [19]. A the plasma of cancer patients, referring as cir-

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Detection and application of CTCs and ctDNA in the NSCLC

culating tumor DNA (ctDNA). Another view exploring and researching biomarkers for early
about the origin of cfDNA is that cells actively diagnosis of lung cancer is an inevitable trend
secrete DNA, which has nothing to do with [36, 37].
apoptosis or necrosis (Figure 1C). Since all cells
release cfDNA, the cfDNA in the blood of can- CTCs as the diagnostic biomarkers of NSCLC
cer patients may originate from the cancer cells
or other non-cancerous cells [26]. Some schol- Tanaka F et al. found that the quantity of CTCs
ars believe the two mechanisms mentioned in patients with lung cancer was much higher
above are both the main sources of cfDNA, and than those without malignant disease, and
they are characterized as passive and active increased CTCs significantly associated with
respectively [27]. the progression or metastasis of lung cancer.
Therefore, CTCs counts may be useful for the
CtDNA detection technology has went through diagnosis and metastasis of primary lung can-
many development periods, from the conven- cer [38].
tional karyotype analysis to the various molecu-
lar cytogenetic methods such as spectral Ilie M et al. examined the presence of CTCs in
karyotyping, chromosome-based comparative 245 patients without cancer including 168
genomic hybridization (CGH) and fluorescence chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
in situ hybridization (FISH), and to the modern patients and 77 subjects without COPD by
technologies including microarray-based CGH using ISET technology, CTCs were detected in 5
and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) COPD patients. These patients are all diag-
analysis and next-generation sequencing (NGS) nosed with pulmonary nodules in the one to
[28]. Currently, detecting ctDNA is clinically four years after the detection of CTCs, and the
practical. By sending ctDNA and tumor tissue of pathological diagnosis after surgery was con-
the same patients to NGS at the same time, firmed as early stage lung cancer. Neither recur-
researchers found that the concordance rate rence nor CTCs were found at 16 months after
for clinically actionable DNA alteration detec- operation because of early diagnosis and inter-
tion in the two samples can reach 54.9% with a vention. This result preliminarily confirmed the
sensitivity of 53.2% and a specificity of 75.0% potential of CTCs testing for the early diagnosis
[29]. NGS has been widely used in clinics as of lung cancer in high-risk patients [39]. Many
routine for personalized therapy, and it can studies have demonstrated that Folate
detect multiple mutations at the same time Receptor-positive CTCs can be used as a bio-
[30, 31]. Many PCR-based assays are also marker for the early diagnosis and progress
potential methods for detecting genotype monitoring in NSCLC patients [40, 41].
mutations in plasma, such as microfluidics digi-
tal PCR and droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) which ctDNA as the diagnostic biomarkers of NSCLC
have all been applied to the detection of EGFR
mutations in NSCLC [32, 33]. Some studies have found that circulating DNA
in plasma of NSCLC patients is higher than nor-
CTCs and ctDNA can be used as the diagnos- mal subjects. By sequencing specific gene
tic biomarkers of NSCLC regions with PCR, the proportion of tumor
derived DNA in all ctDNA can be determined.
CTCs and ctDNA are emerging as noninvasive Also, some studies found that NSCLC patients
multifunctional biomarkers in liquid biopsy. with lymph node metastasis or distance metas-
Lung cancer is the most common cause of can- tasis had higher circulating DNA levels, and
cer-related death worldwide [34], and the five- those patients with higher circulating DNA lev-
year survival rate of lung cancer varies from 4% els had less overall survival time. These find-
to 17% depending on geographic and stage dif- ings indicated that circulating DNA can act as a
ferences [35]. The lack of clinical symptoms in potential diagnostic marker for NSCLC [42-44].
early stage is the crucial reason for this
extremely low survival rate of lung cancer. In At the present stage, the diagnosis and treat-
addition, physicians never practice a biopsy in ment of cancer is greatly depending on molecu-
the patients without any clinical symptom. Early lar detection of tumor-drived genes, but limited
lung cancer patients have far better prognosis tumor tissue has made it difficult to obtain
versus advanced patients. For these reasons, molecular detection data. The proposal to

2379 Am J Cancer Res 2018;8(12):2377-2386

Detection and application of CTCs and ctDNA in the NSCLC

replace tumor DNA with ctDNA for molecular and ctDNA were highly consistent, ctDNA not
phenotype determing has gradually been taken only can be used as an important biomarker for
seriously. EGFR mutation status is an impor- cancer prognosis, but also it could be used for
tant biomarker for NSCLC targeted therapy. It early diagnosis and treatment response
is, therefore, helpful to have an early diagnosis assessment [58]. The concentration of ctDNA
about mutation type for receiving optimal tar- has a strong positive relation with cancer prog-
geted therapy. Studies have shown that ctDNA nosis, with ctDNA level increasing when cancer
is capable of detecting epidermal growth factor progresses and declining after effective treat-
receptor (EGFR) mutations in ctDNA of patients ment [13]. Molecular tests are commonly used
with NSCLC [45-47]. as companion diagnostics to help adjust treat-
ment regimens and improve prognosis. The
CTCs and ctDNA can act as prognostic bio- ctDNA can also be used to dynamically monitor
markers of NSCLC EGFR mutations to improve patient care [59].
Although the prognosis of NSCLC patients has Another research conducted a prospective trial
been greatly improved with the development of to measure ctDNA and tumor volume with PET-
targeted therapies, the overall prognosis of CT in advanced NSCLC patients and tracked
NSCLC remains poor. Blood circulation markers their prognosis. Results revealed that ctDNA
can be an effective indicator about the progno- level has high correlation with OS but has no
sis and treatment response of lung cancer correlation with tumor burden [60]. Sirera et al.
patients [48, 49]. tracked the EGFR mutation status in plasma
ctDNA in 45 NSCLC patients who are receiving
CTCs as prognostic biomarkers of NSCLC
EGFR targeted therapy. They found that EGFR
mutation status in ctDNA changed in 26 cases,
As a minimally invasive test, CTCs can be con-
and the T790M negative to positive alteration
veniently acquired for many times, thus can
help patients to customize individual treatment group has a shorter PFS [61]. Another large-
plans, monitor treatment efficacy and observe scale research also proved that high ctDNA
patients’ prognosis [51]. Krebs et al. conducted level is an independent poor prognostic bio-
a single-center prospective study, detecting marker for advanced NSCLC, and it may be use-
CTCs in untreated patients with late stage ful for improving the prognosis [62].
NSCLC. CTCs number detected in stage IV Detection of CTC and ctDNA can be used to
patients is significantly higher than in stage III
guide the targeted therapy of NSCLC
patients. Moreover, the CTCs counts are posi-
tively related to overall survival (OS), suggesting In recent years, more and more attention has
CTCs can act as a novel prognostic factor of been paid to precision medicine, and cancer
NSCLC [52]. Spiliotaki et al. have also demon- treatment is also more inclined to molecular
strated that monitoring the proliferation and targeted therapy which can improve the prog-
apoptosis in CTCs can be a useful tool for long- nosis of cancer patients and enhance PFS and
term follow-up of cancer patients [53]. overall survival (OS) [63, 64]. The key to target-
Multivariate analyses showed that the number ed therapy is to find targetable activating muta-
of CTCs is significantly related to shorter dis- tions. Tissue biopsy is gradually replaced by
ease-free survival (DFS) and progression-free liquid biopsy for mutation detection. Detectable
survival (PFS), indicating CTCs can be an inde- genetic alterations of NSCLC patients include
pendent prognostic factor and an efficacy pre- not only common mutations such as EGFR,
dictor for lung cancer [54, 55]. CTC clusters are ALK, and ROS-1 but rare driver mutations like
more invasive than single CTCs, and patients MET amplification, RET rearrangement, and
who can be detected with clustered CTCs have HER-2 insertion. These mutations are the wide-
a worse prognosis than patients with single ly used therapeutic target to treat patients with
CTCs only [56, 57]. NSCLC [65]. Some assessments based on the
results of targeted therapy for patients with
ctDNA as prognostic biomarkers of NSCLC NSCLC suggest that CTC and ctDNA analysis
are effective means for identifying genotyping
A study in India demonstrated that the EGFR of tumors, especially if tissue biopsy is not fea-
mutation status detected in tissue biopsies sible [66-68]. They are also important non-in-

2380 Am J Cancer Res 2018;8(12):2377-2386

Detection and application of CTCs and ctDNA in the NSCLC

Table 1. Compare the differences between circulating tumor cell (CTCs) and circulating tumor DNA
Comparison CTCs ctDNA
Definition Tumor cells are released into the blood from High concentration of cell-free DNA in tumor
primary tumors and/or metastatic sites [9] patients [24]
Common detection technology CellSearch method (Janssen Diagnostics Conventional approach (karyotype analysis)
Company, USA) [17]/FISHMAN-R/On-chip Sort Molecular cytogenetic methods (spectral karyo-
[20, 21] typing, CGH and FISH)
Modern technologies (microarray-based CGH,
SNP, NGS) [26]
PCR-based methods (microfluidics digital PCR,
ddPCR [30, 31]
Information type providing by analysis DNA, RNA and protein [7, 9] DNA [7, 9]
As diagnostic biomarkers CTC counts contributes to the judgment of Prone to the diagnosis of molecular subtypes of
benign and malignant lung diseases [36, 37] lung cancer [40-45]
As prognostic biomarkers Assess the change of patient’s condition by CtDNA A can be used as an independent prog-
monitoring the proliferation and apoptosis nostic marker [13, 56, 58]
changes of CTCs [51] Different mutation status of the same subtype
The number of CTCs is significantly related to has a different prognosis [57]
DFS and PFS [52, 53]
Roles of CTC and ctDNA in targeted therapy Baseline CTC counts can be used to predict and Monitor mutation status to guide the selection of
monitor the efficacy of targeted therapies [69] targeted drugs [65-67]

vasive tools for assessing early treatment py. The decreasing in CTCs counts are also pos-
response and monitoring mutation status in itively relative to the treatment efficacy [75,
real time [69-71]. And ctDNA is more sensitive 76]. Other investigators have developed a
than CTC in predicting and monitoring the treat- microfluidic device to enrich CTCs, which not
ment effectiveness for mutation harboring lung only facilitates the detection of genetic muta-
cancer [72]. tions in individual cells, but also dynamically
monitors the genetic aberrations of patients
CTC in the targeted therapy of NSCLC during treatment and explores possible drug-
resistant mutations in patients [77].
The use of CTC counts in targeted therapy of
NSCLC is very common. 43 cases of NSCLC ctDNA in the targeted therapy of NSCLC
patients with EGFR mutation or ALK rearrange-
ment were classified by CTC counts. Then the The detection of ctDNA can be qualitative or
prognostic analysis showed that baseline CTC quantitative. Qualitative testing is mainly used
counts can be used as predictive prognosis bio- to detect genetic subtypes (EGFR, ALK, KRAS,
markers for EGFR mutations and ALK rear- ROS1, et al.) of NSCLC patients. Therefore, liq-
rangement of NSCLC, and can better guide uid biopsies utilizing ctDNA testing represent a
patients in drug therapy and monitor patient’s powerful approach to detect cancer genotype
prognosis in targeted therapy [73]. Chang et al. and monitor the development of resistance
developed a parallel flow micro-aperture chip [78, 79]. Thompson’s team used NGS to com-
system for detection of CTCs and found that pare ctDNA with tissue genome sequence,
CTC counts in untreated patients in statically demonstrating that ctDNA NGS was feasible for
higher than treated patients with NSCLC the detection of targeted driver and resistance
(detailed comparison) [74]. mutations in NSCLC patients [80]. Particularly,
for patients with unusable or inadequate tumor
In addition, some researchers compared the tissue, ctDNA detection may be the first choice
number of CTCs in patients with NSCLC and for detecting drive mutations and resistance
those without lung cancer finding that CTCs can mutations (especially forthe EGFR mutation)
only be found in NSCLC group and CTCs posi- [81, 82].
tive detection rate obviously rises as the patho-
logical stage increases from I to IV. Comparing Quantitative testing, on the other hand, is used
pre-treatment and post chemotherapy CTCs to predict the cancer response and progression
counts, they found that CTCs counts decreased and to assess efficacy and prognosis [83]. The
significantly after two courses of chemothera- concentration of ctDNA is related to the

2381 Am J Cancer Res 2018;8(12):2377-2386

Detection and application of CTCs and ctDNA in the NSCLC

response and disease progression, reflecting Address correspondence to: Dr. Songqing Fan,
its ability to act as a biomarker [84]. Quantitative Department of Pathology, The Second Xiangya
ctDNA detection commonly used digital PCR to Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, Hu-
quantify ctDNA mutations in plasma. The nan, China. E-mail:
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None. Clark G, Pickering L, Stamp G, Gore M, Szallasi

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