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Pearson BTEC Level 4 Higher National Certificate and Level 5

Higher National Diploma in Business Management

Unit 6 D/508/0491 Managing a Successful Business Project

(Pearson Set)

Assignment title: Research report on “Globalization”

Submitted by:

Submitted to:


Executive Summary:
The aim of this report is to analyze the internal and external factors of globalization. Cultural,
economic, ethical impact of globalization affected business and different business functions like
finance, marketing, human resource etc. for sustainable business practices in the global business
environment. In this report, a multinational company in UK will be selected for analyzing the
impact of globalization on business organizations in global environment. A small scale research
will also be evaluated based on the chosen company with quantitative research approach. Apart
from this, a recommendation will be demonstrated based on the findings and analysis of the
quantitative data for the future research purposes. The report will be divided into several learning
outcomes. Each and every learning outcomes will have their specific criteria and requirements.
Researcher will use a project log book for carrying out the research in a proper way.

Table of Contents
Project definition:.........................................................................................................................4
Company background:.................................................................................................................4
Research topic:.............................................................................................................................4
LO1 Establishing project aims, objectives and timeframes:...........................................................5
Project aim and objectives:..........................................................................................................5
Time and cost objectives:.............................................................................................................5
Project scope:...............................................................................................................................6
Communication plan of the project:.............................................................................................6
Work breakdown structure of the project:...................................................................................6
Gantt chart for the project:...........................................................................................................7
Monitoring and implementation plan of the project:...................................................................7
LO2 Conducting a small scale research with data collection:.........................................................7
Literature review:.........................................................................................................................8
Research methodology:................................................................................................................9
Data structure:..........................................................................................................................9
Research questionnaire:..........................................................................................................10
Data collection:.......................................................................................................................11
LO3 Presenting the project with appropriate recommendation and findings:...............................11
Findings and data analysis:........................................................................................................11
Overall findings, analysis and interpretation of the data:..........................................................16
Conclusion and future research:.................................................................................................17
LO4 Reflection on the value gained from conducting the research project for a sustainable
organizational performance:..........................................................................................................17

Global business environment is very much competitive due to various factors. Internal and
external factors included cultural, ethnic behavior, political and legislation impact on
globalization and global business opportunities for many organizations. Organizations now a
days very much proactive on functional departments to sustain in the global business
competition. Globalization creates trade across the border, migration among countries,
outsourcing and offshoring, expanding business portfolios with foreign direct investment (FDI).
In this project, globalization and its impact and outcome will be demonstrated with critical
evaluation based on an UK’s multinational company who are operational in many countries with
their different products and services. To assess the impact of global business environment of that
company, a small scale research will also be conducted to analyze findings for future research
and recommendations. Researcher selected VODAFONE, UK which is a multinational company
and providing information and telecommunication services in many countries.

Project definition:
A process of meeting some specific objectives and goals about a certain topic is basically known
as a project [ CITATION Ada12 \l 1033 ]. To meet some certain requirements and criteria in
managerial aspects are the main objectives of a project. A project is contained with a certain
topic which is selected the project coordinator. In this report, researcher also selected a topic
based on a multinational company to measure the positive economic, cultural and ethnic impact
of globalization.

Company background:
VODAFONE, UK is renewed and leading telecommunications and information technology
service provider in UK and they are operating their business in 26 countries [ CITATION Abo191 \l
1033 ]. The company’s main HQ is situated in Newbury and started its journey from January 1,
1986. The company went global with strategic business expansion policy. The main focus of
VODAFONE, UK is to give a better customer service to their customers.

Research topic:
The research topic is-

“Positive economic, cultural and ethical impacts of globalization on different business and
managerial functions of VODAFONE, UK”.

LO1 Establishing project aims, objectives and timeframes:

A good project needs to evaluate critically by the project coordinator. The main purpose of this
project is to analyze the impact of globalization of VODAFONE, UK in terms of economic,
ethical, cultural and also on business functions like finance, human resource marketing etc. In
this project, researcher will evaluate and demonstrate both primary and secondary data with a
quantitative approach.

Project aim and objectives:

The aims and objectives of the project are-

1. To evaluate the positive economic, cultural, ethical impact of globalization for

2. To assess the impact of globalization in different functions of VODAFONE, UK.
3. To conduct a quantitative data analysis with a small scale research.
4. Appropriate recommendations based on findings and interpretation of the data.

Time and cost objectives:

A project has some objectives in terms of project costs, project time based on project’s
performance. For this project, researcher has allocated £1,200 GBP. The costing are given

Costing on Survey costing Computers, Materials and

personnel (Travelling) printing and services
other resources

£250 £200 £400 £350


Project scope:
Multinational companies ar every much strategic in their functional business area. So,
multinational companies also have a larger scope for sustaining in the global business
environment. To enter and sustain effectively into a global market, VODAFONE, UK needs to
be efficient in global marketing and global business approaches. In this project, researcher will
analyze the factors of VODAFONE, UK which have a positive impact of the global business

Communication plan of the project:

Communication is a key and to maintain a good project, it is better to maintain a good two-way
communication approach between the researcher and the management of the VODAFONE, UK.
Researcher needs to be update with all information regarding VODAFONE, UK’s global
business expansion, operations plan and global business strategies. For quantitative data analysis
of the research, researcher must give a proposal to the management of VODAFONE, UK.
According to the proposal, VODAFONE, UK will let to know the researcher. Researcher will
organize a focus group discussion, conversation based on a work breakdown structure to collect
data for findings. Overall, effective communication will make this project more accurate and

Work breakdown structure of the project:

For a better implementation plan, the project will be divided in to some work breakdown
structure. This structure is given below-

Topic selection for the project 1 week

Submission of the research proposal 2 weeks
Literature Review 1 week
Collecting data 2 weeks
Analysis and findings of the data 3 weeks
Recommendation 2 weeks
Conclusion 1 week
Final submission of the project 2 weeks

Gantt chart for the project:

Monitoring and implementation plan of the project:

The research will be based on a survey and the survey will be conducted among employees and
customers of VODAFONE, UK. As researcher will analyze the global business impact of
different factors inducting all functional areas of VODAFONE, UK, it will be easier for
researcher to get the respondents form other local companies too. An error free survey will give a
better result and to do so, questionnaire and survey both will be critically evaluated from various
sources like books, journals and newspapers.

LO2 Conducting a small scale research with data collection:

VODAFONE, UK is a multinational company and their service is telecommunication and
information technology. The main of this project is to analyze the positive economic, cultural
and other impact on VODAFONE, UK for global business practice with and effective
organizational functions. To meet the aims and objectives of the above discussed project, a
research informed literature is given below for better understanding.

Literature review:
Globalization is a process which is tied to extreme competitiveness. Global business
environment and practices includes a lots of external and internal factors. Multinational
companies are proactively working for sustaining in global economy [ CITATION Ric15 \l 1033 ] .
Companies are basically investing more and more to sustain in the local market with positive
impact on cultural, economic, ethical preference. International and foreign companies enter into
the market to reduce the market competition and to maximize profit with global business
expansion [CITATION Glo13 \l 1033 ]. Foreign and multinational companies are larger than the local
companies. As business opportunities are rapidly developing with innovation and digitalization,
big and reputed companies are trying to focus on both local and global market with effective
global marketing to impact on organizational functions of the business. Organizational functions
includes the functional departments ex; finance, marketing, human resources, research and
development etc. [ CITATION Bri09 \l 1033 ]. Due to extreme global business competition,
organizations need a sustainable business opportunities for global expansion with functional
integration. Functional integration of organizational departments will positively impact on
economic, cultural and ethical preference. The integration can be positive with global marketing
to satisfy the need and demand of the local customers. Global marketing is the process when
multinational and international companies utilize their resources via investment, business
expansion with acquisition and merger to make/maximize profit [ CITATION DJB05 \l 1033 ]. The
positive impact of globalization can be assessed through an effective market segmentation by
companies. Companies are segmenting market based on geographic and demographic
segmentation with economic, cultural, social and ethical preference [CITATION Glo192 \l 1033 ]. To
have a positive impact, multinational and international companies are investing more on market
research and innovation for offering better products and services. To achieve customer’s
preference and perception, it is important for all companies who are operating their business
globally. Customer perception and positive preference means how target customers perceive,
think and value a product or a service from a company [ CITATION Zei07 \l 1033 ]. For gaining the
similar trust and preference, multinational companies tremendously working proactively to
match with local demand with positive impact of cultural, economic and ethical preference. To
sustain in the long term business goals, functional integration is mandatory in foreign market.
Developing brand with effective internal communication will reduce the global business risk in

global business environment. As multinational and international companies are larger in market
size, market share and market growth, it will be easier for assessing and capture the market with
the positive influence of globalization in foreign countries [ CITATION Voh12 \l 1033 ]. Functional
integration needs brand development and unique brand positioning. Brand positioning is a
distinctive brand image for a company which may increase the customer preference towards the
brand. With an effective communication approach, multinational companies can develop their
brand in global market. Communication approach, marketing campaign, branding, functional
integration all factors will be evaluated critically for a positive impact of globalization on
multinational and international companies.

Research methodology:
As researcher will conduct a quantitative data analysis, a casual study approaches will be
followed for doing the research. To analyze and interpret data, research methodology contains
data structure, sample size, research design, instruments, and structured questionnaire for survey.

Data structure:
In this research, researcher will survey among 20 respondents from VODAFONE, UK. A
structured questionnaire will be provided to the respondents. Both employees and customers of
VODAFONE, UK will be surveyed with this questionnaire.

Sampling is basically known as sample size for conducting a research [ CITATION All01 \l 1033 ] . In
our research, sample size is 20. Due to some limitations, researcher is going to do this research
with a low sample size. Large sample size will give a better result and outcome for findings and
analysis. A five point likert scale will be used for the evaluation of the questionnaire survey.

1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Research questionnaire:
VODAFONE, UK is a renewed multinational telecommunication and information technology
service provider operating in UK and in many countries. To conduct the survey, a structured

questionnaire will be given to the respondents who are both working as employee and also
customers of the company. The questionnaire will be divided into two category. One is
demographic part and another one is the research part. Demographic part contains respondent’s
age, gender etc. and the research part contains research materials questions.

Demographic Part:

1. Male Female

Research Part:


1. VODAFONE, UK’s customer service is 1 2 3 4 5

satisfactory than other telecommunication
company in global business environment.
2. VODAFONE, UK’s pricing is based on 1 2 3 4 5
economic preference of the customers
which has a positive impact on
3. VODAFONE, UK’s brand awareness in 1 2 3 4 5
global business environment creates a
positive functional integration among the
various departments of the company.
4. VODAFONE, UK’s global marketing 1 2 3 4 5
activities are integrated and strategic
enough based on cultural, ethical and
social preference of the customers.

Data collection:
In this research, primary and secondary data will be used. Researcher will collect data from
VODAFONE, UK’s head office by doing a survey and personal interview. Primary data are
basically known as unique data for a research and this data can be collected through a survey
questionnaire, focus group discussion and face to face conversation [ CITATION KLL02 \l 1033 ].

Secondary data are previously used data which can be accessed from many sources like internet,
books, journal articles, newspapers etc. Secondary data are inexpensive and easily accessible.
But primary data collection is expensive and time consuming. Sometimes there will be an error
to collect primary data like respondent’s biasness, respondent’s unwillingness towards the survey
and survey etc.

LO3 Presenting the project with appropriate recommendation and

To analyze and evaluate the data, researcher will use Microsoft Excel. After surveying the
questionnaire among the respondents, a finding will be critically evaluated to establish the main
objective of the research.

Findings and data analysis:

Figure: Demographic part of the research

By surveying 20 respondents in VODAFONE, UK’s Head office, researcher has found that 60%
of the respondents are male and 40% of the respondent are female.

Figure: Survey outcome from question 1

Interpretation of question 1:

Respondents were asked to give a feedback about VODAFONE, UK’s customer service in
global business context for analyzing the positive impact of globalization. Among 20
respondents, 40% respondents are agreed, 10% respondents are strongly agreed, 35%
respondents are neutral, 5% are disagreed and 10% are strongly disagreed. 40% of the
respondents agreed that the company is superior in terms of customer service to sustain in the
global business environment. As telecommunication and information technology mostly
dependent on the customer service and digitalization, VODAFONE, UK is rapidly adding new
innovations on their products and services. But 10% respondents are strongly disagreed and they
stated that there are a lot of other companies those who are superior that VODAFONE, UK and
offering great service and expanding their business globally with an extreme global competition.
Neutral respondents are basically the employees of VODAFONE, UK. They stated that global
business is diversified. VODAFONE, UK is affecting the globalization with positive impact on
different factors but functional integration of the company is centralized which caused problems
for the company to sustain with local telecommunication company in foreign countries. Overall,
respondent were agreed to the statement 1.

Figure: Survey outcome from question 2

Interpretation of question 2:

From the statement, 35% respondents are both agreed and strongly agreed. 30% respondents are
neutral. The statement is about the pricing of VODAFONE, UK which is based on the preference
of the customers to create a positive impact on globalization. Respondents are agreed and stated
that pricing in terms of customer service and global business strategy are strategic enough for the
company as the company is offering the fastest internet with digital technology across the globe.

Figure: Survey outcome from question 3


Interpretation of question 3:

Functional departments of a company includes finance, marketing, human resource, research and
development etc. departments. According to the statement on the questionnaire, 50% respondents
are agreed that VODAFONE’ UK’s brand awareness for global business environment is
effective which creates a positive functional integration. But 10% of the people are disagreed
about the statement. They stated that functional integration in foreign business environment
needs an assessment of the positive impact on cultural, social, and ethical for globalization. But
centralized decision making policy makes the company more complex in global business
environment for effective communication approaches which is a weakness for the company.

VODAFONE, UK’s global marketing activities are integrated and

strategic enough based on cultural, ethical and social preference of
the customers.

Strongly disagree
10% Disagree
30% 10% Neutral
Strongly agree


Figure: Survey outcome from question 4

Interpretation of question 4:

Global marketing activities and the preference of customer effected by some factors like
economic, cultural an ethical. According to the statement, 50% of the respondents are agreed and
30% of the respondents are strongly agreed. They said that VODAFONE, UK is developing their
marketing activities in such a way which already created a strong brand positioning for them as a
multinational telecommunication company across the globe. Although the company is an UK
based company, it is operational in Asian, African and some European countries with the
positive impact of globalization to sustain in the global business environment. Respondents

stated that VODAFONE, UK is superior in terms of customer service which needs an effective
and efficient marketing strategy based on cultural, social preference of the customers.

Overall findings, analysis and interpretation of the data:

From the survey based on the structured questionnaire, we have found that 25% respondents are
agreed with the survey questionnaire, 14% respondents are strongly agreed and neutral.
Respondents stated that VOIDAGFONE, UK is sustaining in the global business environment
with the positive impact of cultural, economic, social and ethical factors. These factors also
influenced functional departments of VODAFONE, UK in global business perspective. But as a
decentralized decision making policy, the company is facing some difficulties and barriers with
their operations in foreign countries to make a strong brand positioning as a multinational

From the findings and interpretation, some recommendation are given below for the sustainable
business practice in global business environment for VODAFONER, UK.

1. VODAFONE, UK should do more market research to adopt cultural, social, economic

and ethical preference of customers.
2. Functional integration should be decentralized to adopt innovative technology with
functional departments of the company.

3. VODAFONE, UK should adopt some policy towards global marketing to create a strong
brand positioning in global business environment.

Conclusion and future research:

In fine, VODAFONE, UK is a multinational company reputed for their products and services.
Inspite of having some managerial issues with global business practices, the company became a
global brand in telecommunication and information technology services. The company expanded
its business with various expansion policies in many countries to reduce the global business risk
and to create a positive impact on globalization. For future research, sample size and time should
be extended. In this research, sample size was low. High sample size will give a better result for
any research.

LO4 Reflection on the value gained from conducting the research

project for a sustainable organizational performance:
The project was supposed to accomplish about globalization and the positive economic, cultural,
ethical impacts of globalization which also effects different business of a multination or an
international company. These business functions includes marketing, finance and accounting,
human resource management. I have chosen VODAGONE, UK which is a reputed multinational
telecommunication and information technology service provider headquartered in Newbury, UK.
The project is basically research based. The main aim and objectives have been successfully
fulfilled by the researcher. In this research researcher have done a quantitative research approach
to analyze the positive impact of globalization on different functional areas of VODAFONE, UK
in global business context. Overall project went well. During the project, I had to make a Gantt
chart and work breakdown structure which actually helped me to compete the project on time.
The project is research based and thus the project has some scope and objectives. According to
the project scope, I have analyzed some costing and timeframe which went well. The project
outcome will be more accurate if survey respondents was more than 20. Because of time
limitations, I only surveyed among 20 respondents from both employees and customers of
VODAFONE, UK. The main problem I had faced is respondent’s biasness during the survey
time. Apart from this, I had faced some difficulties for collecting secondary data for the research.
Sometimes I was confused to match the project objectives and the research outcome from the

finding. But I managed to overcome all difficulties with the help of my module lecturer and also
from various books and internet sources. I have learnt many things from the project. I learnt
about project definition, project scope and project aim of a certain topic. Apart from this, I learnt
to analyze quantitative data with interpretation which will help me a lot for my other academic
courses. If I need to rate my performance as a project manager, I would like to rate myself
moderate as a project manager. As this is my first research based project, I need to learn a lot of
things about project. My strengths are I am very much proactive, active learner and serious.
During the project, I was attentive and properly managed my time to finish the project. My
weakness is I am slow in typing and barnstorming. It was difficult for me when I was searching
different sources for literature review. So, I need to improve on this. For professional career
development, this project will guide and help me to conduct a structured format project template.
Apart from this, future research will also help me to evaluate different data which will give better

Abey Francis. (2019). Global Business Environment and Internationalization Concept. Retrieved
May 15, 2019, from MBA Knowledge:

About, VODAFONE, UK. (2019). Retrieved May 15, 2019, from VODAFONE, UK:

Adayer. (2012). Fundamentals of Project Management (11 ed., Vol. 5). Wales, UK: Pearson.
Retrieved May 2019, 2019

Allan Bryman & Emma Bell. (2001). Business Research Methods (2 ed.). Boston: Pearson.

Brighton & S.H. Kayel. (2009). Organizational Behvaior Managerial Ethics (14 ed., Vol. 3).
Boston, UK: Pearson.

D.J. Bringham. (2005). Global Marketing (15 ed., Vol. 8). Wales: Pearson.

Jose G. Vargas & Reza. (2013). Global Business and Management. Global Economy and Era of
Globalization, 234-235. Retrieved May 15, 2019, from

K.L. Larrison. (2002). Statistical Data Concepts (3 ed., Vol. 1). (J. &. Hershal, Trans.) London:
Prientice and Hill.

Richards. (2015). Global Business and Economic Condition Analysis (12 ed., Vol. 5). London:

Vohra & Saha. (2012). Global Business Opportunity and Mangerial Implications (12 ed., Vol.
5). Wales, UK: Pearson.

Zeithaml & Zaha. (2007). Marketing Management (15 ed., Vol. 4). Chicago: Pearson.

Project Logbook
Project title:
“Positive economic, cultural and ethical impacts of globalization on different business and
managerial functions of VODAFONE, UK”.
Update on weekly research achieved:
Week 1 to Week 10

Points to consider:
I have completed a research project on VODAFONE, UK. The research topic is- “Positive
economic, cultural and ethical impacts of globalization on different business and managerial
functions of VODAFONE, UK”. Yes, I fulfilled all the requirements. Yes, I am in on track
within deadline set. I didn’t need to change my project management plan.
Any risks or issues identified:
Yes, I found lack of skills for doing this research. The additional risk will be the time
limitations which has an impact on changing the project management plan. But I didn’t need to
revise or change the project management plan.
Problems encountered:
For doing research survey, I faced many respondents were feeling unhappy to survey the
questionnaire. But I talked with them and helped them to fill the form in the most effective

way for a better result.

New ideas and change of project direction:
To analyze data, it will be better to extend the sample size for better findings.

Performance Review
The project was supposed to accomplish about globalization and the positive economic,
cultural, ethical impacts of globalization which also effects different business of a multination
or an international company. Yes, the project succeed it aims. The main aim and objectives
have been successfully fulfilled by the researcher. In this research researcher have done a
quantitative research approach to analyze the positive impact of globalization on different
functional areas of VODAFONE, UK in global business context. Overall project went well.
The project outcome will be more accurate if survey respondents was more than 20. Because
of time limitations, I only surveyed among 20 respondents from both employees and
customers of VODAFONE, UK. This is the main difficulty of the project to get a better result.
I learnt about a project and a project management plan. I would like to rate myself moderate as
a project manager. My strengths are I am very much proactive, active learner and serious. My
weakness is I am slow in typing and barnstorming. It was difficult for me when I was
searching different sources for literature review. For professional career development, this
project will guide and help me to conduct a structured format project template.

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