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4 __RIPF-FT-II (Paper-2)-POM (Sol,)JEE(Advanced)/20 ANSWERS, HINTS & SOLUTIONS | FULL TEST -Il hd | PAPER-2 | 2 8 20 D 38. 8 eg 3 c a 8 39. 8 | 4. D 22. A 40. c | Ou) | 5 c 23. D 4. c ay 6 B 24. D 42 D li 7. B 26. c 43. 8 |! bell | 9. B,D 27. A,B,D 45, A8,C,D 10. ABC 28. B,D 48. ACO 1g | 1" A,C,D 20, Ac 41 ABC o& | 12. ABCD | 30. c 48, Ac a 13, AB cS} D 49. BC = 14. cD 22 A 50. ABC | 45. D 33. B 51 c 16. B 34. . 52 D 7 A 36. B 53. A 18, c 36. c 54. c RIPF-FTAI (Paper-2}-PCM (Sol, JEE(Advanced)i20_2 Physics PART-1 1, B Sol. &, = 4sin60" and acceleration of the balll relative to lift is 12 m/s? in negative y-direction ah “72° 2 B Sol. Let, Ni = normal reaction at A and N2 = normal reaction at B v3, mg KS x, Bw mg 7 2 Sie aa ee = amg (ii) Sol. Sol. 5. Sol. 2 From Eqs. (i) and (i), we have \BN, = 2mg +a. J3i, = mg - ma Since cylinder does not loose conact ai B, So N22 sasg Sag c Draw the FBD of block in the accelerated frame. in this frame, block has maximum velocity when itis in equilibrium with respect to accelerated frame. or Avema, or x= Me o wee PE «aE or FE BAavetyg — 3R=Wv g g g g 3 Re 2 _ 20 20» 9 ut= Worst = 2or+e or = OR +03 = OR+ OR 143 or u= | 3 or ’ (Sa c Qu =nC,AT =n 3 ROMTy ~To) 3 Ope © Wag = AR 2Tyin2 THRE Leds TITURE Howse. 29 A: Ral Sari, Sarvapriga Vihar New DeiNt 110016, Ph 46106000, 26560480, Far 26519008 weEbenet ime ptgcecom RIPE per-2}-PCM (Sol) EE(Advancedy/20 Sol. Sol. Sol. Sol. Quo _S Weg aid B Three hall-lives of A is equivalent to six half-lives of B, Hence, »,(3) -».(3) or Mae 2 2 N, 8 When both stars are released, by the conservation of energy = Senn) _ SHIM) ye 4D mad r r/2 2) 2 E mu, = 4mv, it) From Eqs. (), (i) and (ji), we get B,D The cylinder and block will interchange their velocity immediately after collision. Using conservation of angular moment about bottommost point for cylinder ‘@ = angular velocity when cylinder again starts pure rotting 02 Met og S00, +at 3 ar ste Sug B,D ‘Angle between normal x-axis and incidence ray is yy = (W2i-3}-98) (()=6.1c080 ->co80- 7 or = 45° Applying snelis Law atP => sin® =sinr RIPF-FTAI (Paper-2)-PCM (Sol.) JEE(Advanced)/20_4 ——s 10. A,B,C Sol. F =qE is a constant force. By a constant force time period of SHM does not change. Inequilsum postion kx-=gB or x = Amplitude of oscillation = distance between unstretched position of spring to equilibrium position. , 41, A,C,D. Sol. In centre of mass frame (initially) . oy -— ty, = My, and vy Mem? "Ham Kinetic energy in centre of mass frame : 2 ke =bm|—! oy] tu(—2 4) =1(m \a 2 |M+m 2 m+M 2\M+m. At maximum compression, v,, = =" y, am m 1 | ~5 Kr Mem} ~2 At this moment velocity of m with respect to centre of mass = velocity of M with respect to centre of mass = 0. Therefore, kinetic energy in the centre of mass frame is zero. . 12. A,B,C,D Sol, = 1m Uy = AO= 40 13. Sol. £+2x4=12~4i, =446%, 2 OF E1=12-84= 446% nfl) ABD“ =LA sa) Solving these two equations, we get TANG Ltd, FUTVEE Hours, 29.4, Kalu Gara Garvapriga Whar, New DeIhl 110016, Ph 46106000, 26569499, Pax 26519902 octet anges 44, Sol 15. Sol. 16. Sol, 17. Sol, E=66V, 1A and i, =0.64 cD Current = {99} for each face from which axis is passing ay 2m (Aah FP _ tl) ay 2 a7 “3 Nana valle 3) D Pere) in | | 0 mg~2K(x + %)-iIBy= mali) where mg = 2Kx, BV = 2 (ii) aq i= ff z Bi St = Bila (ii) From (i), (ii) and (iil), -2Kx (Br? +m) =T >a B ‘Ai mean position, velocity is maximum, Hence motional emf Bovl is maximum. Therefore charge ‘on capacitor is also maximum, or, electrical energy stored in capacitor is also maximum. A Let itis displaced by x. Then extra force, AF = Kx + Axpg MP _ Kx+ Axpg 3M 3M IfT = 0, then this acceleration should be g. Kx + axg 3Mg aM “K+ Arg tie 1M (Sol,)-JEE(Advanced)/20_6 c ‘When displaced by x from the mean position, net restoring force, F = - [increase in spring force + increase in buoyant force] [Kx + pAgx| = -(K + pAg)x Pu-x 3M. +p Ag T 22k, Chemistry Part-1 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 34, Sol. 35, Sol 36. Sol. oom ° pOOPPPODODDDaOy 8 CuFeS, +0, + Cu,S +2FeS+SO, The sulphites of copper and iron are partially oxidized 2FeS +30, —>2Fe0 + 280, 2Cu,$ +30, —+ 2Cu,0 + 2809. D Fe is removed in the form of FeSiOs. FeO + SiO, > FeSiO, .303RT | 0.08 a = 70 mVi(given) HenceaG <0. =a positive value c 303RT 0.0025 Enon Fe 7 = =2:303RT togi0,05)? =2x70mV = 140 mV. THRve Led, FUTURE Hoven 294 Malu Sara, Sarocpriye Whar, New DeIN-110016, Ph 46105000, 26560403, Pox 26819948 ‘astjcccom Mathematics PART = Il 37. Sol. =e tht simiiarly N+1+2cos60° V3 [key, oe aax] -2[R 1 fF 3 l “Eo i ou oa} 38, Sol. =e > (n+t,)log =t-|—t en tog +2) a = b= tim(—! Bl Topi +x) 2B vo, pune! ote[s tenet t Ma BOE + 40. ¢ Sol. Clearly, locus of P's a circle passing through ©, A, 8 whose diameter is OP. avn = ab _ 6 ing tang = 24h =ab _ v6 2 ang = 20-2 psind= In AOAP, cos2=24 5 04= aR cos® 2° OP 2 3N3, in sOMA,sin = Ai on = — 4 sind, Re 2 d., FITUBE Hoven, 20-4 Kalu Sarat, Savepriva Vbar, Hew Delhi 110016, Px 46106000, 26860499, Fax 36519902 Voebate uneasfjeccom RIPF-FT-I_ (Paper-2)-PCM (Sol) JEE(Advancedy/20_ 8 a Sol. 42. Sol 43. Sol. 44, Sol. 45. Sol. c 2° ~$z* +1027 ~102 +5 =0 => 2°—524 +102" ~1027 +52 =0 (where z #0) = (e-1f=-1 = 2-1=-1a,07,03,a° where a= = 2=0,1+a,1+071+0%,1+0" Area of (ABCD) = (Area of pentagon OABCD) - (area of SOAD) I (e453) is factor of (22"-4px+p?) = p?+4p+2=0 then (2x=1) is factor of (x? - p’x+p")=> 2p?+1=0 = peR So this case is not true. 7 Now, 2X =4P*+2" wit be some constant, for bijective of f(x) oP KTP 2 ARF spar a spy- 2, cee 1p oP xal Dom. of f(x) is R-{-1,2} Range of f(x) is R- (2,4), k=2, a+B=6 B Given equation simplifies to (tan x + cot x) (tanx + 2)(cot x +2)=0 = tanx-teotx=0 > no solution > 4 solution =cotx+2=0 > 4 solution = Tolal 8 solutions. Stanx+2 A,B,C mEhet Ef —o ron Replace r by n & n by r Psy — sow” ap-S8E apa Banas = apes" ‘Now we can check option. A,B,C, D Let A, B, C be 3 offices. {@) for each person, there are four choices, -. no. of ways = 4° (b) for each office there are 31 choices (°C, + °C, +....+°C, = 31), +. no. of ways = (31)? (©) No. of ways = 3° ~°C,(2)* + 7C,(1)° = 150 (@) () Wen only 3 persons work, no. of ways ="C,(31)= 60 TINE Led, PUIVEE Howse 39 Ral Sarat, Seroqpriga Vir, New Dent 110016, 46106000, 26569499, Fax 26810942 ebaree uatufngeccom 48. Sol, 47. Sol. RIPF-FT-II (Paper-2)-PCM (Sol.) JEE(Advanced)/20 oa (yaa (ii) When all 5 persons work, no. of ways = 150 (from option c) = total no. of ways = 60 + 180 + 150 = 390 (i) When only 4 persons work, no. of ways = ‘c( Jan =180 A,C,D Rod sweeps the figure as a cone 1-0-2~4 A = re oH voir Non (@) Vol ot cone is Earn =x (0) Area of circle is nr? (c) The length of projection of rod on plane = radius of cone = /3 (©) Centre of region is foot of 2. from A on plane which is @ 7 3) ce A,B,C Let 0).0,.0, be angle between d & 6, B86, 6 & a and nity, ft, be vector normal to plane containing d &b, b &¢, ¢ & a respectively 48. Sol 49. Sol. Now cos =< = [ashe v intel laxbl tel jal btlelsing, v v nd, Similarly sind, = sind, = ——————— fallbiielcose = 0, =0, =D, (but not necessarily 90) tall bI lel siath cosa. S aflaxbl+|bxcl+lexal] 2sinty (lal {bl +lbllel+icllal) alone 2) 2 jal |b} tel. la||blle|cosu * A.C (2) slope of OA < slope of tangent at A. LO) pix) vx6(0,1) f(x, fix)) Fie £2 bet nie= £2) si(x)=———E>0 (ropa = hx) is increasing function and glx)>x = hlglx))>hlx) L910) $0), * 10) yee, atx) x ax) x” : BC logp = 2, flog 1+ (log 1+ 10.2) +... (log 1 + log. 2+... + log n)] ~atlogn 1 [rntog1 + (n =1)|10g2+...+ (n= (= Iplogn] -elogn Tee Lid, FUTURE Howe, 254, Rel Sarl, Saroapriya Vihar New DelN-110016, Ph 45106000, 26869499, ax 26810902, oebate njeccom RIPE-FT-IL (Paper POM (Sol. EE(Advanced)/20_10 AY Mog ologn net n 7 12-2 )tog(Z 1) -otogn non = hE [1+0-F}iog + togn( 3 a) where praso {or finite limit ni) 8 y ne \ =[0-xlograx+0=-34 = logs = Bre" 50. ABC cos (aye x) 1-2 20 sosxsh Sol, sin’ (1- 2Vx)= ; 4 ~cos"(2VVe=x) f1-2/x<0 shes] [asin (a -av)+ tan "3 -1)-tan' Ve, osxst = sir)=! | 0 +tan (y2-1)-1an” Vx, devel [Jr Pein" -2vh)—tan osxst [8 4 = fixd= 7 1 [J otn Ve, fexsl oxxst a dexst 4 aE FR) slope of axis = tan 45° = Equation of axis is: y~3=1(x +9) = x-y+12=0 Equation of tangent at vertexis y-3=-1(x +9) = xt+y+6=0 THMINC Led, PITUBE Hover, 204 Kalu Sarat, Sarva Var, Rew Delhi 110016, Px 46106000, 26569499, Fax 24510940, Ceebater une. JEE(Advanced)/20

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